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2� 15�7751 <br /> DEED t]F T�iUST <br /> ��a�ntMnued� Pa�e � <br /> trust�e, and the instrument shail be executed and acknawledg�d by all�he ben��iciaries urtder thi� Qeed o�Trust ar <br /> thei� successors in interes'�. The suGces�ar t�ust�e, withau# can�eyance �#�th� Praperty, shat! suGGeed to all th� <br /> title, power, and du�ies conferred upvn the Truste� in this De�d af Trust and by aRpliGable law. This p�ocedure for <br /> subs�i�ution af Trustee shall g�vern�to the�xclusivn a�all oth�r pro�isi�ns��r substitu�ki��r. <br /> NC]TiGES. Any na�ice requir�d to be gi�en under �h�s aeed af Trus�, inc�uding without limitat�on any notice af defau�t <br /> and any notice ❑'�sale shalf be gi�en in writing, and shall be ef�ective when actually deliv�red, when a�tually rece��ed <br /> by telefacsimi�e tunless otherwise required hy law�, when deposited wi�h a nati�nally recogn��ed o�ern�ght c�urie�,or, ifi <br /> mailed, when deposi��d in the Uni�ed States mail, as �irst class, �er�tified vr registerec� mail pastage prepaid, directed to <br /> the addresses shawn n�ar the heginning af this Deed v#Trust. Aff copies of nQtiGes of fvrecl�sure from the holder af <br /> any li�n which has priori�y aver this G�eed af Trust �hafl be sent fo Lender's address, as shawn near the beginning a� <br /> -�his Qeed of Trust. Any person may changs his or her address �or notices under this ❑eed vf Trust hy gi�ing farmaf <br /> �rritten no�ic� to the other person or persans, specifying �hat the purpase of the notFCe is fio �hange the p�rson's <br /> address. For nntice purposes, Tru�tor agre�s to l�eep Lend�r inf�rmed at all tim�s t��Trustor'� �ur�ent addr�ss. Unless <br /> oth�rwis� pra�ided or r�quired by law, i�F�here is more th�n ❑ne Tr�astor, any notice gi�en by L.�nder to �ny Tru��Car is <br /> deemed�o be natice gi�en to all TrustQr�. It wilf �e Trustor's respan�ibility to��II �he a�hers of�he notice�rom Lend�r, <br /> M1��ELLAN��US P�i�3V��I�NS. The�Qlivwin� misce!laneous pro�isians are a part c��fihis Deed vf Trust: <br /> Amendmen#s. V11hat �s vuritten in �his D�ed of Trus� and in the Related Do�uments is Trustar's �nt�re agreement <br /> w�ith �.ender cancerning xhe matters co�ered �y this C]eed ofi Trust. T� be effec�i�e, any �hang� �r amendment to <br /> �his D�ed of Trust mus� ae in writing and must be Sign�d by whoe��r will be bt�und ar abliga�ked by�he change ar <br /> amendment. <br /> �ap�ion Headings. Captian headings in this Deed ofi Trus� are far con��nience purpases only and are nvt to be <br /> used to i�terpret or de��ne the provisians af this Deed af Tru�t. <br /> Mer�er. There shall be na� merger of�he interest or estate created by this De�d�f Trust with any other interest or <br /> estat� in�h� Praperty �t any time h�ld #�y or for the benefit o� Lender in any capacity, without the writ�en consent <br /> af Lender. <br /> GvW�rning Law. This D�ed af Trust will he gv�erned by federal law appEica[ale tv Lend�r and, tQ �he e�tent nat <br /> preempt�d by fede�al law,the laws vf the Sx��e a�Nebraska with��.rt regard tv i�s con�liGts vf law prpvisivns. This <br /> Deed vf Trust has heen a�G�pted by Lend��in the Sta��af Nebraska. <br /> �hoi�e vf Venu�. I� there is a la�suit, Trustvr agreEs upon Lender's r�qu�st tt� submit �o the �urisdi�tian af th� <br /> c�urts of Hai� �o�nty, 5ta�e of Nebraska. <br /> No�Vai�er by L,�nder. Yrustor understands Lende�-wi�l nat giv� up any of Lend�r's righ�s under this Deed of Trust <br /> un�ess Lend�r dae� so in w��ting. The fa�t thafi Lender delays ar ❑mits to e�ercise any r�ght will not m�an that <br /> Len�er has giWen up that right. If Lender does a�ree in wri�ing �❑ giwe up fln� of Lender's righ�s, that daes nat <br /> mean Trustor will na� ha�e �o comp�y with the vther pr��isions ofi this Deed o� Trust. Trustar als� understands <br /> fhat i'� Lender daes consenfi ta a request, that does not mean that Trustvr viri�I not ha�e ta get Lender's �vnsent <br /> again if the situatian happens again. Trustor further understands that just be�ause Lend�r cansents to vne�r mor� <br /> of Trustor's requests, that daes nQt mean Lender will be required to ca�nsent ta any ❑f Trustor's fu�ure seques�s. <br /> Trustar wai�es presentment, demand for payment, protest, and na�ice Q�dishanor. <br /> Sev�rability. f� a caurt finds that any pro�is�i�n of this Dsed vf Trust is nc�� �a��d ar should not be enforced, �hat <br /> faG� by itself will nat rn�an�hat the rest of�his Deed v'�Trus�will nat be �alid ❑r enforced. Theref�re, a cc�urt will <br /> enfor�e�he rest❑�the prv�isians of�his Deed of Trust�ven if a pro�is��n of thEs D�ed a#Trust may be found ta be <br /> in�alid vr unen��rceable. <br /> Successors and Assigns. Subject tt� any limi�ations st�ted �n �his Deed of Trust on trans�er vf Trustor's interest, <br /> this Deed vf Trus� shall b� binding upan an� inure t� #h� bene�i� of the parties, �heir suG��ssars and assigns. If <br /> awner�hip o�the Property becomes �ested in a persan other�han Trustar, Lend�r, withput noti�� �Q Trust�r, may <br /> dea�v�rith Trustor's su��essors w�th reference�a this deed�f Trust and�he fndebtedness by way a�fa�rbearance or <br /> ex�snsion without reieasing Trusta�frvm the obli�atians of this D�ed of Trust or fiability under the�ndeht�dness. <br /> Time is vf�he�ssenca. �"ime is o�the ess�nce in the performance af�his ❑eed t�f Trust. <br /> 1�aivsr o� Hamestead E�c�mptian. Trustvr hereby releases and waiues all rights ar�d bene#its af the homestead <br /> ex�mption laws of�he 5tate af Ne�raska as to ail Indeb�kedness s�cured ay this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The�€�ffvwing words sha�! hav��khe�ollowing mean�ngs when used in this D�ed of Trust: <br /> Beneficiary, The word "�enefici�ry" means ExGhange Bank, and its su�cessars and asSigns. <br /> Borrower. The ward "Barrower" means MARIA J RAYA and includes a�E co-signer� and cv-makers signing the <br /> Cr�dit Agre�ment�nd af�their successo�s and assigns. <br /> Cred�t Agreem�nt. rhe words "Gredi� A�reement" mean the credit agreement dated Na�Ember 5, ��15, with <br /> cr�dit limit af �5,5��.�3� from Trus�ar xQ Lender, togeth�r w3th all renewa[s af, extensions af, modi�ica�ians <br /> Q�, r��in�n�ings af� consolida�ians af, and substitu�ivns for #he promissory note or agr�emen�, N�TIC� T�] <br /> TRtJ�TC�R: TH�CRED�T AGRE�MENT CQNTAINS A VAR�A�LE INTERE�T RATE. <br /> Deed ❑'� Trust. The words "De�d af Tru�t" mean this Deed �f Trust among Trustor, Lend�r, and Trust��, and <br /> incfud�s witha�'� limita�ion all as�ignment and security in�er�st pro�isions rela��ing ta ��r� Persanai Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Enviranmen�tal Laws. Th� words "En�irvnm�nfal Laws" mean any and all sta�e, �ederai and �v�a� statutes, <br /> regula'�ions and �rdinances re�ating to the prote�tion of human h�alth or th� en�irvnment, including wi�hout <br /> IEmitatian the C�mprehensi�e Envi�ar�m�ntal Response, Cvmpensation, and Liability Act �f �980, as amended, 4� <br /> L].S.C. 5ectivn 9�n1, et seq. {"CERCLA"'�, the Superfund Am�ndm�nts and R�authorizatian Act ❑� 198�� Pub. L. <br /> Na. �9-49� �"SARA`��,th� Hazard�us Ma�erials Transpo�tativn Act, 49 U.S.C. Se�tivn "I 8a�, et seq., the Resvurce <br /> Conserva�ion and Reco��ry Act, �� LJ.S.C. 5ectian G9�1, et seq., or other app�icable state or federal laws, rules, <br /> or regula�ions adopted pu�suan't thereto, <br /> E�en�of Default. Th� words "Euent t�f Defaul'�" mean any of the e��n��of default set fvrth in thas D��d ❑f Tru�t in <br /> th�eW�nts of d�'�ault se�tivn ofi this Deed afi Trust. <br /> Existing �ndebtedness. Yhe words "Exist�ng Ind��tedr�ess" m��n the indebtedness describ�d in �he Existing Liens <br /> proWisivn vf this{�eed��Trust. <br /> Haaardvus Substances. The words "Hazardous S�bstances'" mean mat�rials that, b�cause of their quantity, <br /> con�entrat'ron �r physical, �hemical or infectious ch�r�cteris�i�s, may cause or p�se a �resent ar potentiai hazard <br /> to human heaith �r the enuironment when improper�y used, treated, sta�red, disposed v#, generated, manufa�tured, <br /> transpflrted ar vtherwise handled. The wards "Ha�a�dQus 5ubstances" are used in th����ery broades� sense and <br /> include ►rvithau� iimitation any an� ail hazardous or tvxic subsfiances, materials or waste as de�ined by or I�sted <br /> under�he En�irvnmental La►nrs. The�[erm "Ha�ardous Substances" also in�fudes, withau��imitat�an, pe�rv�eum and <br /> p�tro��um by-praducts ar any€raGtion th��-e�#�and asbestos. <br /> Imp��►remgnts. The word "�mpro�ements" m�ans all existing and future impro�em�n�s, buildings, s�ructures, <br />