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2� 15�7751 <br /> DEED �F TRLJST <br /> �C�ntinued� Page 4 <br /> the R�al Property. Trustvr shall reimf�u�se Lender for a!i taxes, as des�ribed below, together v►ri�th all expenses <br /> in�urred in recording, per�ecting or cantinuing this Deed a� Trust, �ncluding without �imitation all taxes, �ees, <br /> documentary stamps, and ather charges for recording or register�ng this �eed of Trust. <br /> Taxe�. The �vllowing shalf constitute tax�s to which this s�cti�n applies: �1� a sp�cific tax upan �his typ� of <br /> �3eed of Trust or upon all vr any part of the Indebtedness secu�ed by this Deed of Trust; ��� a spe�ific �ax on <br /> Trustor which Trustar is authorized ar required to deduct�rvm payments vn the lndebtedness se�ured �y this type <br /> ofi ❑e�d of Trust; �3y a tax an this type of De�d of Trust chargeable against the Lender ar the ho[der of�he Credit <br /> Agreement; and t4} a specific �ax vn all or any portion v� the Indeb�edness ar vn payments of prin��pal and <br /> inter�st made by Trustar. <br /> Suhsequ�nt Taxes. If any tax to which this s�c�ion applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this ❑�ed of <br /> Trust, this event shall ha�e the same efifect as an Er�ent of Default, and Lender may exercise any or a�[ of its <br /> a�ailahle remedies for an E�ent vf De�auf� as pro�ided belauv unfess Trus�or either ��} pays the �ax before i� <br /> becar�es d�finquen�r or ��y contes�s the tax as prn�ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with <br /> Lender cash or a sufficient corpo�ate surety hvnd ar vther se�urity satisfactary�o Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT� FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following pro�isions relating �o th�s Deed of Trust as a <br /> s�curi�y agreement are a part of this ❑eed �f Trust: <br /> Security Agreement. This instrument shall constitut� a 5�curity A�reement ta the extent any o�f the Property <br /> cans��tutes fixtures, and Lender shall ha�e aii of the rights of a secur�d party und�r the Uniform Commercial Code <br /> as arr€ended from time to time. <br /> 5�curity fnter�st. Upon request by Lender, Trus#or shall take wha�e�er activn is reques�t�d by Lender �o p�rfect <br /> and c�n�inue L�nder's security in�erest in the Persvnal Property. In additian to re�o�ding this Deed of Trust in the <br /> reaf prope�ty CLC�I'C�Sr Lender may, at any time and without �urther autharizativn frvm Trust�r, file ex�cuted <br /> coun�erparts, copi�s ar r�productions o� this Deed vfi T�ust as a financing sta�ement. Trus�o� shall reimburse <br /> Lender for a(f expenses incurred in p�r��cting or c�ntinuing th�s security interest. Upon default, Trus�or shalf no� <br /> r�mo�e, se�er �r de�ach the Personaf Property from the Praperty, Upon de#ault, Trustor shall assem�le any <br /> Persarral Property no� a��ixed to the Property in a manner and a� a place reasvnably con�enient �o Trustor and <br /> Lend�r and make ifi available �o L�nd�r wi�hin three �3� days after receipt of vvrEtten demand from Lender ta the <br /> ext�n�p�rmitted by applicable law, <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses vf Trustar {debtary and Lender �secured party� '�rom which informativn <br /> cancerning the se�urity interest granted by th�s I7eed vf Trus� may b� ohtafned {each as required by the lJniform <br /> Cammer�ial Code� ar� as sta�ed an#he first page of this Deed vf Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The following pra�isions r�lating t� further assurances and <br /> attarney-irt-fac�are a part❑f�his D�ed vf Trusfi: <br /> Further Assuran�es. At any tim�, and from time to time, upon request of Lender, T�ustar will make, execute and <br /> d�li�er, or wil� cause�o b� made, executed or d�li�ered, ta Lender�r to Lender's designee, and when requested by <br /> Lender, cause ta be filed, r�cvrded, re�ifed, or rereGorded, as �he case may be, at such times and �n such offi�es <br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriat�, any and all such mvrtgages, deeds of trus�, security deeds, security <br /> agreernents, financing S���E'IT1B17t5� con�inuation sta�ements, instruments o� �urther assurance, C�I'�l'FlCa��S, and <br /> oth�r docum�n�ts as may, in the so�e opinion ❑f Lende�, �e ne�essary or des�rable in order ta eff�c�uate, complet�, <br /> per#ect, continue, or preser�e {1� Trus�or's ❑b�igat�ons under�he Credit Agreement, this Deed �f Trust, and the <br /> Re�at�d []acuments, and ��} the iiens and security in�teres�s created by �his Deed a� Trus� �n the Prape�ty, <br /> whe�her nvw awned or herea#��r acquired by Trustar, Unless prah�bited by law or Lender agrses�o the cantrary�n <br /> �rvriting, Trustor shall reimburse L�nder for aii Gvsts and expenses incurred in cannectivn with the matt�rs referred <br /> t❑ in this paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fa�t. If Trustnr fails tv dv any of the things referred to in �he preceding paragraph, Lender may da so <br /> fior and in the name of Trustar and at Trustar's expense. Fa� such purpases, Trustor hereby irre�acably appvfnts <br /> �ender as Trus�or's a��arney-in-fiact far fihe purpose a�f making, executing, deli�ering, filing, �eca�ding, and dving all <br /> oth�r things as may be necessary ar dssirable, in Lender's sole �pinion, to accomp�ish the matters refer�ed ta in <br /> �he preced�ng paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFDRMANGE. I�Trustar pays all the lndebtedness wh�n due, terminates the credit line accaunt, and otherwise <br /> performs all the abligations impased upon Trustor under this De�d �f Trust, Lender shaf[ execute and deli�er to Trustee <br /> a requ�s� far fu�f r�cQn�eyance and sha�� execute and deli�er to Trus'�or suitable statemen�s o� termination of any <br /> financing statemen� ❑n �i�e e�idencing Lender'� security interest in �he Rents and the Personal Praperty. Any <br /> recan�eyance fe� required hy law shall be paid by Trustvr, if permi���d by applicable iaw� <br /> EVENTS �F aEFAULT. Trus�vr wi11 be in default under#his Deed o�Trust if any v��he fvllawing happen: {Ay Trustor <br /> commits �rau� or makes a material misrepresen�a�ian at any time in connec�ion with �he Credit Agreement. This can <br /> include, for e�cample, a �a€se sta�ement about Trustor's income, asse�s, liabil�ties, or any vther aspects vf Trustor's <br /> financial cond�tion. �B} Trustor daes nat mee�the repaym�nt t�rrr�s of the Credit Agreement. �Cy Trustor°s activn or <br /> ina�tion ad�ersely af�ects �he collaterai or Lender's rights in the �allateral. This can include, fior exampl�, failure ta <br /> maintain r�quired insuranc�, waste or destructive use o�the d►rv�lling, failure to pay�axes, death o�all persans liable on <br /> the account, transfer v� titf� or sale of �he dwel�in�, creati�n ❑f a senivr �ien on the dwe�(in� without Lender's <br /> p�rmission, forecfosure t�y the halder of anvther lien, ar�he use vf funds or the dwell�ng for proh�bited purposes� <br /> RI�HTS AND REME�IES �N I]EFAULT. lf an E�ent of Defau[t occurs under this Deed vf Trust, at any time �hereafter, <br /> Trustee or Lend�r may exercise any one or more af the�a�lowing rights and rem�dies: <br /> �c�e�eration Upon Defaul#;Addit�ona! Remedies. I�F any E�en��f L7efau��t oc�urs as per the t�rms o��he Credit <br /> �Agreement secured herehy, Lender may deciar� afl Indebtedness se�ured by this Deed ofi Trus�t❑ �e due and <br /> payable and the same shaf� thereupvn bec�me due and payable without any presentment, demand, pro�test or <br /> notic�vf any kind. Therea�ter, Lender may: <br /> tay Ei�her �n person or �y agent, with or withou� bringing any actian or prac��ding, ar by a recei�er <br /> appointed by a Gourt ar�d without rega�d to the adequacy af its security, en�er upon and tak� possession <br /> afi the �'r�perty, ar any part�herea#, in i�s own name ar in the name o�Trustee, and do any a�ts which it <br /> d�ems necessary o�d�sirable to p�eser�e the �alue, m�rke�abi�ity or rentabili�y of the Praperty, or par�of <br /> the Property or int�rest �n the Praperty; increase the inGome f�om �he Property vr prvtec�the security of <br /> the Praperty; and, with vr without tak�ng passession a�f th� Property, sue fvr ar otherwise collect the <br /> rents, issues and pr�fits of�he Pr�perty, in�luding �hvse {�as� due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> casts and expenses of aperation and cofk�ction a�torn�ys' fees, �o any ind�btedness se�ured by this D�ed <br /> of Trust, all in such order as Lender may d�termine. The entering upon and taking possessian of the <br /> Praper�ty, the c�llec�ivn af such rents, is�ues and profi�s, and 'the applica�ian therevf shal� not cure or <br /> wai�e any default ar notice of de�auit under this Deed of Trust or in�alidate any act dvne in response to <br /> such defauft or pursuant ta such natice❑�default; and, notw�thstand�ng the cvnt�nuance in poss�ssivn of <br /> fihe Prope�ty or the collection, re�eipt and appliGatian o# rents, issues or prafits, Trustee a� Lender shail <br /> be ent�tled t� �xercise e�ery right pro�ided '�or 'rn the Credit Agreement vr�he Re�ated Docum�nts ar by <br /> law upon the a�currence af any e�ent a�d��au�t. including the right to exer�ise the power of saie; <br />