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2� 15�7738 <br /> Lender's i�ht to�d�r�r Ler�der's a�ents shall ha�e th�r1�ht�d a�c�ss to�spe�t�he�r�perty at <br /> a11 r��s�nable t��s � order �� a�ter�d t� L,enderps inter���.s �ra.d �ns�e c�rr�plian�e �rith the te�� of this <br /> Security Ins �nte If th� Prop�rty, or any p�t �her�of� shall requ�re �spe�tx��, r�pa� �r rr�a�r�tenan�� <br /> whi�h CTrantor has fa�led to pr�vlde, L,�nder, after reas�nable r�ot���, rr�ay en�er up�r��he Pr�perty to eff��t <br /> such obli�at��n; and th� �ost thereof shall be added t� the Indebtedriess and paid �n L,end�r�s derr��d by <br /> C�r�t�re <br /> ASSIG� El�T9 F I�EA�ES AN l�T9S. A�add�tior�a�se��ity for the payrr�er�t of th�Ind�btedri�ss�d the <br /> p�rforrr��ce �f the c���nan� c�r�tazned h�r��, C�rantor h�reby assx�s �d ��sfers �ver t� L�nder aIl rents, <br /> �c�rr�� �d pr�fts �"�tentsp�} �d�r° �y pr�sent or fu�e l�as�s, subleas�s or lic�r�s�s �f th� Prop�rty, in�lud�� <br /> a.r,y���t1�s, ��ter�si�ns, ��n �nts �r r�ne�rals there�f� fr�rr��Yie us� of the Pr�pertya S� ���a� as C�rant�r �s <br /> r�ot�default, C�rantor rr�ay rec�1��, colie�t and enjoy�ll l�e��s ac�ruln�frorr��e Property, but r��t more than one <br /> rri�nth � advan�e of the du� datee L,�nder rr��y �1so require C�r°�t�r, t�n�t and �y oth�r us�r�f the Pr�perty�� <br /> rnake pay�r��z�ts�f l�ents d�ec�ly t�Ler�d�re I�ovvever,by rec��v���y such payYri�nts,L.�IId��15 I7��,and shall not <br /> be ��nsld�red, an a�ent for�Y p�Y or�nti�a �y�o��s��11��ted rnay, at L�r�der4s s�l�d�s�r�tl�n,1��app�led <br /> t� prote�t L,�r�der�s interest �xa th� Property, 1nclud�� but not 1ir�ited to the payrr�er�t of��ces arid 1r�st�anc� <br /> prerr,l�s �d to the rnde�tedr�essa At Ler�d�r's s�1e d�screti�r�, all l�, 511�]���5�5 �I1d �1��I15�� II1L15� ��St �� <br /> appr��ed by Lendere <br /> � � E NATI 1�. C�ra���r shall�ive L,end�r r���1ce of�y actx�z����n or thr�atened to be t�en by prl�ate or <br /> publlc�r�tlties to appropriate the Pr�p�rty or a.riy pa�t th�r��f,throu�h c�nderr�a�l�n,err��er�t d�rrxain or az��other <br /> acti�ne F°�her, Lend�r shali be pe�x�t�d t�p�ti�ipat�or�te�en� �any�f the above descrlbed proceedi�x�s ir� <br /> ari}� rr�ar,r,er xt shall at its s��� dis�reti�n deterrr�inee L.�nder 1s hereby �iven fu11 p�wer, ri�h� ar�d au�h�rity t� <br /> r�ceive�d receipt for°ara.y�d all dar�a.a�es�warded as a result�f th�ful�or p�t-tial�l.c���r appropriati�n�d� <br /> �ts so1� dis�reti�n, t� apply said aw�ds t� �e Ind�btedr�ess, wh�ther or�.�t�ier�due or oth�z�vise � accordan�e <br /> �ith appli�able lavve LJnl�ss L.ender �th��ise a�re�s � �xt��, ar�y �ppl�catzon of pro�eeds t� th� Indeb��driess <br /> shall n�t e�ctend �r pos�por�� �h� due date of th� payrrier�ts du� �d�r the Indebted.ness or chan�e the arr���t of <br /> such p�yr���atse <br /> � l�PT '� ASSiJ I��ES. At ar�y t�e, upor� a r�quest �f Lender, C�rantor will e��cute and deli�er to <br /> Ler�der, �d 1f appr�priate, �ause to be r�c�rd�d, such her rr�o�t�a�es�� ents, assi �r�ts �f leases and <br /> rents, se��it� a�re�rr�en�s, pled�es, f nancln� staternents, or such other docurrier�t as L.�nde� rr�ay requ��, � <br /> Lender"s sole d�scr�tx�r�,to ef�ec�ate, corr�pl�te�ad to perf�ct as��1� as to cor�t�u��o pr�serv��he Ir�debt�dr�ess, <br /> or the lien or se��ity�t�res��r�ated by�his S���ity Ins enta <br /> ATT EY-II�-F"A�T. C�r�tor app��ats L.�nder as ��t�rney-ira-f�ct �n behalf�f C�r���ra If C�r�t�r fa11s t� <br /> fulf lI ar�y of C�r�nt�rPs �bli�atior�s �der this 5e�urity Ins ent �r �y l�elat�d I]o���r��s, inc�ud�� th�se <br /> �bli�atYons rr��ntion�d � th� pr�c�d�n� par��raph, Le�.d�r �s ��t�rraey-xr�-fa�t rr�ay fi�1f 11 the obl��atl�ns vvlthout <br /> notice t��r�t�re T�iis p�wer�f att�rn�y shall no�be affected by th�disability of the C�r�nt�re <br /> EVE�TS �' EF°Ai7I�T. T'he f�l��vv1�.� �v�nts sha�l �onstitute d�fault und�r thls S�c�ity In� ent ��ach an <br /> ��E�ent�f I]efau�tp'}e <br /> (a� Fa11��t�rr��te requ�red payrr�ents when du��d�r Indebt�dness9 <br /> �b� Fa11�e to p�rfo�n �r ke�p ar�y �f the cov�r�an�s of thxs 5�c�1ty Ir�s ent �r a d�fauit�der any �f <br /> the l�e lated I]�c�ents 9 <br /> ��� The rn�l.c�� �f�y oral �r vvritten staterri�nt �r asse�ti�n to L,er�d�r that is fals� �r rr��sl�adln� � �y <br /> rriaterial resp�c�by C�rant�r�r�y p�rs�n�b�x�ated�r�the Ind�bt�dr�ess9 <br /> (d} The death, �155�1L1�1�I1, �s�lv�r��y, b ptcy �r rece���rshxp proc�ed��of C�rantor�r�f�y pers�n <br /> or entity�1��1�at�d�n the Indebt�d.n�ss� <br /> (e} Any assi ent by C�r�tor f�r the ben�f t of C�rantor�s cr�dit�rs, <br /> (�} 14 r.�aterlal ad�erse �h��e �cc�s ��i� f�an�1a1 c�ndl�Y�r�, o�ersh�p or-rr�ana�err�ent�f C�r�t�r or <br /> any p�rs�n obll�at�d on the Ind�btedr�es���r <br /> ����d�r d�erras xtself�s�c�e f�r any r�ason whatsoe�ere <br /> E IES N EFALTLT. LJpon the �c��rence of ar� Event �f I]efault, L�nder rna}�, with�ut dexr��d or <br /> r�otic�,pay any or a11���s, assessrr�ents,prerr�i�s, and�re�as requ�°�d t�be pald by C�rant�r, effec�any�s��ce <br /> pr��xded f�r h�re�,r�a�Ce such repa�s� caus�th� abs�racts �f txtle �r tltle �s���e p�l1�y and��c hxst�ri�s of the <br /> Prope�ty�o be certYf ed t� date, �r proc�rx-e r��w abstra�ts of title �r title ���-�ce and t�hist�ries �r� ca�e r��ne <br /> w�r� rshed t� 1�, �d pr�c�-e tit�e repor�ts ��v�r�a��ie �operty, includ��s��yse T'he ���ts pald f�r any <br /> such p oses will be add�d to th�Indebtedrie�s ar�d�ill b��inter�st�t th�r°ate of�terest�the��se ac��x�r���n <br /> the Ind�bt�dr��ss �t1� palda In the e��r�t of f�r�cl�s��, the abstl-acts of title or txtle �s���� sha�1 becor�a.� th� <br /> pr�perty of Lendere A�1 abs�a�ts �f titl�, tltle �s����, t�historx�s, s��eys, and other d���er�ts pertain��to <br /> the Ir�d�b��dr,ess�r111 r�rr�alr��L,�ncl�r's p�ss�ssl�n��i�the Ind�bt�dx�ess 1s pald 1n fulle <br /> IN T°HE EVE1�T�F`THE SALE�F T'�IIS PFZ�PERTY LTIVI]El�T'�IE PR��EI]LTI�F`�1�F`�1t��L�StJ��F° <br /> A SE�LJRIT°Y I1�S'TRLJNIEI�T'�Y AI3VERT�SEI�I�T°,AS PR�VII]EI]�Y APPL,I��LE L.AW,�I�IN T'HE <br /> EVENT'I�EIVI]El�E�E1�CI5ES IT'S 1�ICi�I�''S LTIvI]ER T°�IE ASSIC�I�T I�T' �F L.E�4SES Al�I] �1�TT'S, T''HE <br /> LE�TI]El� S LL P1Z�VII]E �4LL ST'AT°LJT'�1�IL,Y �C7I I] Iv�T��ES �F` SALE ANI] 1��TI�ES �F <br /> JLJI]I�IAL �IE�4 C�S �EF°� L,EI�I]ER E�E1��I5E5 AN� �F° ITS RIC�I�TS [J1�I]ER T'�IIS <br /> INST'RLTMEI�T'e <br /> LJpor�the����en�e�f�E�er�t�f I]efault,L,�nd�r r�ay, without noti�e���ss required by la�v� �d at 1ts option, <br /> decZare the ent�°e Ind�bt�clri�ss du��d payabl�, �s it rn�.y e�e��,re�ardl�ss�f�h�date�r dat�s�f rr�a�.ir-i�th�r��f <br /> �nd, 1f pe�i�t�d by s�ate 1aw� is authorl�ed and�rr�po�rered to cause the Prap�rty t�b� s�ld at publ�c auctl�n� and <br /> �2004-z01�Compliance Sysf�tn§,Inc.3�56-�2I]3-2015�0 99] <br /> C�rnmersi�J Re�!E�t�tc��urit}+I�strument-I}I,4007 Pa�e 3 of 5 �.��rr�pliancesystem��om <br />