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2� 15�7738 <br /> �o ��e�ute a�d d�liver t�the purchaser�r p��has�rs a� su�h sal�ar�y deeds �f�onveyance���d and suff�i�r�t at <br /> lavv,pt�su��to�.ie sta�zte �such�ase rr�ade�d pr��idede Th�T°�st�e shall�pply th�proce�ds of the T�ste��s <br /> sa�e, f rst,t��he costs �d e�p�r�ses �f��erc�s�g th�po��r �f sal� �d of th� s�le, in�ludir���he pa}��r�t�f th� <br /> T'�st�e's f�es a��ally �c���, s���nd, t� payrz��r�t �f the obli��tion �ecured by th� �st d�ed, th�d, t� th� <br /> payrrient �f j�1or t�st d��ds, rr��rt�a��s, �r other lier�i�ld�rs and th� bal���, if any, to the persor� �r pers�ns <br /> l��a�ly entl�tled ��r�too The r�cltals �a the T'�st�e@s de�d sh�ll be prirr�a fa�i� e�ider�c� �f th� �.ith of th� <br /> 5t����i1�I7�5�Il�d�lI]l�e If L�nder�h��ses t��v�lc�th�p�wer�f sale,Ler�der�r T�st�e vvzll pro�ide n�ti���f sal� <br /> p�suant t� appli�abl� law, 14ny su�h sa�e or a sale rr�ad� pursu��t� a jud �nt �r �de�r�e f�r the for�c�o��°� <br /> her��f rra�y, at the �ptior� �f Lender, be rr�ade �n rr�ass�a Th� �� er�cerr�ent of pro���d��s to f�r��lose �his <br /> Se����Ir�s er�t in any m��r�uthorY��d by la�sh�1l b�de�rr�ed as e�er�ls�of th�abo�e�pti�ne <br /> LJpon th� o�c�rer�ee of� E�er�t of I]�f�u��, Lend�r shaX1 ° �diately 1�e er�ti�l�d t� rx�alce app�l�atior� f�r �d <br /> obta�za th�appo��rrient�f a re�ei��r f�r th� Pr�per�y�d�f th� ����s, in��rr��, �ssue �d pr�f ts �f r�, �rith�he <br /> p��ers as the �ou.r�t rnal���the appo��rrie�a�s ��nfer�o C�r�ntor h�r�by irr���c�b�y cons�nts to su�h �.ppo��ent <br /> �d vvai��s n��1�e af�y app7i��n th�refor. <br /> N A E . N� d�iay or f�il�� �f L,end�r to ��cer�is� �ty ri�ht� r�rnedy, povv�r or prlvile�� h�r��der sh�ll <br /> affect tha.�r1�ht,rerriedy,p��r�r�r pri�x����r��r sh�l��y sin�i��r p�t1�1�x�r�is���re�f pre�lude the e�er�is��f <br /> any ri�h�, r�rr�edy, power�r pri�ile�eo No L,�r�der d��ay �r faiiur�t� d�rn�d s�ri�t �dheren�e to the t�rrris �f this <br /> S��ur�ty�ns �n�sha�l be de�rr�ed to c�r�sti�te a��urse�f cor�duct rn��r�s�stent�r1�i L,end�r's rx�ht at�y t�rri�, <br /> before �r af��r an ��ent of defau�t, t� derr��ad s�rict adh�ren�e t� the t�z�s �f this 5ecuri�y �ns �r�t and th� <br /> R�lated I]ocurr��r��se <br /> Si]�ST'ITi]°TE T LTST°EE. L,ender, at its �pt�or�,rr�ay frorr�t�rn�to tlrne rerr�o��T°ruste��nd�ppo�t a su�cess�r <br /> txuste� t� ��y T�st�� app��ted h�re�d�r by � �s �nt re�orded � �h� �o��y in �h��h th�s Securi� <br /> Ins en� is rec�rdede VVithout ��r�veyance of the �rope�y, �ie suc��ss�r �.istee shall su�ceed to alI the ti�l�, <br /> povv�r°and duties conf�rred upon T�st�e her��n�nd by appl�c�ble l��ro <br /> J INT Al� SEVE L LIA ILIT'Y. Zf this 5��urity�ns �r�t should b�sx�r�ed by rr��r�than on�person, a1I <br /> pers�ns e�ecut��th�s S�c����r�s ���a�ree�Yiat th�}�sh�ll b�j�in�ly�d s�v�rally bo�d,�h�r�pe�it��d by <br /> �awe <br /> SiJ `L�IVAL. L.�nd�r�s ri�hts ��h1s S���ity Ins ent vv111 ��ntir�ue in its su�c�ss�rs ar�d assl�nse T'RI]1S S�CL�°l� <br /> Ins�zrr��nt xs b�d��on a11 h�irs,�x�cut�rs,a inls��t�rs�assi�s and su�c�ssors�f C�rantoro <br /> ��TI�ES A� AIVE F N TI�E. �Jr�less oth��ise r�qu�ed by applicabl� I��r, �y n�t��e �r derr�and <br /> �i��n by Lender t� �}�p�tY is c�ns�d�r�d eff��ti�eo �i� �hen it is dep�sx�ed � the LJr�ited States Nlail�ith the <br /> appr�priat� p�sta�e, �i�) when it is ser�t vi� ele��r�ni� rr��i�, ��ii� �rh�n it 1s ser�� �ia f�csirrlil�, �iv} �rhen zt is <br /> deposited with a nati�r�ally r�c��ni��d o�err�i�ht �o��r s�rvice9 �v} �n the day �f p�rs�r�a1 d�li�ery� �r�vi} �y <br /> �ther�o �r�i�lly r��s�nable rr�e�so 14 copy�f any r�otice sha11 b� ser�t to each pa.rty a.t the address of�he p <br /> �rv�r� at th� b��ir��� of this 5��uri�y Ir�s �nt ���ss an alte���iv� address has been pr�vided to L�nder � <br /> �rr�tin�o To the ���ent perrr�r�ted by l�w, C�r�tor waives r��tic� of L,ender's acc�ptanc��f this Sec�i�Ins �nt, <br /> d�fenses�as�d�n s��tyship,�y d�fens��is��fr�rr��y ele�ti�n hy Lend�r�der th�LTnited Stat�s� p��y <br /> ��de, L]nif�� ��rr��r�i�l ��de, as enac�ed � th� s��t� where L�nder 1s la��ted or oth�r appti�able la�r �r � <br /> �quxty, d�rr�and, n��xc� of a��el�r��ior�, r�otic� of n�npa}��nt, pres�n�rrien�, pr°�tes�, no���e of dishor��r and �y <br /> oth�r noti��o <br /> E iJEST F� N�TI��S: �r�zator requ�sts�hat copi�s of the r�oti�e�f default and r��tice�f sal�be s�r�t to th� <br /> address of�ach p�Y�1v�n at the b��iririin�of�h�S�cur�ty Ins ento <br /> T' T�IE E�T'ENT" P� ITTE `Y LA , � NT' AIVES A1�Y I� 'T T� 1��T'I�E, �T� E <br /> TI3AN T'I3E N TI�E P V'I E A VE, AN AIVES Al��' I�I3'T T� ANY EA �, <br /> J-CTDI�IAL T" �1� ISE, P I T' LEND� E�E �IS � IT9S I� T"S irl�I)E 'TI3IS <br /> �E�iT ITY �Z" LT ENT'. <br /> AIVE �° APP ISE ENT I� °TS. C�r�a.�or�ai��s al� appr�is�rr��nt r1�h�s r�lat�r��to th� Prope�ty t� <br /> th�e�tent p�rrr�itted by���va <br /> AIVE F" EST�A E�E P°TI 1� I�I3'T5. Cir�n�or and a1I �ther si��t�ri�s t� �hxs 5e�uri�y <br /> �r�s er�t,t�the exter�t�a�h p�ssess�s horr��st�ad��err�pti�n r��hts �th� Pr�pe�y, h�reby�ra1�e all h�rr�estead <br /> �x�rr�ptl�n r1�h�s r�lat����the Property to�e�actent p�rmi�t�d by la�o <br /> LEN E '�E�PEI��E�. C�r���r agr�es to p�y all�xpens�s ix,c�red by L�r�d�r in�or�e��Yon wi�h enforc�rr�ent <br /> �f its ri�hts�d�r the �ndel�tedr�ess,thzs S��u.rity Ins �nt�r�#h� �vent L,er�der is mad�p�ty t�any�iti��.tlon <br /> b��aus� �f th� e�ist�nc��f th� Ind�bt�drt�ss or thYs Sec�°ity Ins �nt, a.�vv�17 as co�t c�sts, c��le�tion ch���s <br /> �d reas�n�bl��tt�rneys�f��s�d disburserr��nts. <br /> A55I�NA II�IT�'. Lend�r rr��y assi� or oth��is� tr�sf�r �his 5��urity Yr�s er�t or any of L�nd�rqs r��h�s <br /> �d�r�his S�curxty Iz�s er�t vvi�hout noti��t� �r�t�re C�rantor rr�ay n�t assi�this 5��t���y Ins ent �r any <br /> p�rt of the Securi�Ins �nt�ith�ut the e�pr�ss�rrx�t�r�cor�s�r�t of Lendero <br /> ��VE I1�G LA . °This S�curity Ins �nt vv111 b� �ov�rn�d by the l��s �f�he St��e �f I���raska�..r��lud�� <br /> a11 pr�c�edin�s arisxn�frarr�thls Security Ins �r�te <br /> SEVE ILI"TY. �f � �o�t �f ��rrip�t�n� j�isdicti�n d���rrr���s �y terr� or pro�isi�n �f this S��urity <br /> Ins �nt �s ��alid or pr�hiblt�d by �ppl���ble �a�, that t�rrr� �r pr�vls��n �111 b� �effe�t��� �t� th� ��ten� <br /> requir�da�y����r°pr��risi�n tha�has be�n d�te�ir��d to b� ir��alid�r prohYbi�ed�rxl�b� s���r�d frorr�the rest <br /> �2OD4-2a 15 Cora�pli�n�5ystems,Inc.3�56-��I)3-201��0 99] <br /> C�mm�rci�l�teaJ Estat�Security In�tra�rn�nt-�]I.4007 Pag���f� v��orr�plian�.systems��m <br />