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2� 15�7738 <br /> � SS � I�I�ATE L ATI N. It is the e�pr�ssed �t�nt �f C�rant�r to cr°oss collateralx�� all of it� <br /> I�ndebt�dr,ess �d �bli�ati�ns t� L�nder, h��rso�v�r ariszza� �d �h�ns�ev�r inc�r�d, ����pt �}� �blx�ati�n <br /> e�is����r aris����air�t th�prirac�pal d��ll�a��f any C�rar�t�ro <br /> A IVTIE�. C�rant�r� f�r its�lf, i�s he�rs, p�rs�nal repres�r�ta�i��s, suc��ss�rs, �d assi��, r�preser�ts, <br /> �rarrants,�ov�r��ts axid a.�re�s vvx�h L,�nd�r,1�5 5L1���SS��S�I7d�551�115,as fo����sa <br /> P�rf�rrnan�� of bli��tionse C�r�tor pr�rr�ises t� p�rf�� all te�s, condit��ns, a.rid c�v�n�ts �f�his <br /> Se�w-2ty�ns er�t and Relat�d�]�c�n�r�ts in���ordan�e wi�h�h�te�a.s��ntair��d�her�ino <br /> �f�r�s�and T"it��t�Pr�p�rty.At the�irr�e of e�ecutior�and d�Iivery�f this ins �r�t, C�rant�r is lawful�y <br /> seis�d of�he �state her�by ��r�v�}�ed ar�d h�s the e�c�lusiv� ri�ht to rr���t��.��, �rant, conv�y and �ssi� th� <br /> Pr�pertyo C�rar�t�r�ov�r���s tha�th�Prop�r�r 1s��n��nbered and fr���f aII Ziens,excep�f�r encurr�brances <br /> of r�cord a��eptabl� to L,endere F° �r, �r�tor ���enants that C�r�tor�ill �arr�t �d def�nd generall� <br /> the tzt1� to th� Prop�rty a�ainst any ar�d alI �lairris �d derriar�ds �ha�so�ver, sub���t t� the easerr��n�s, <br /> r�s�-i��Yor�s, or o�ier enc br�c�s �f r��ord a���ptabl� �� L,�nd�r, as may be lrst�d � th� schedule �f <br /> �xcepti�z�s t� ��vera�e � any abs�ract �f t�tl� or �1tle ins�ar��� p�li�y �s�iri� L.end�r�s lnterest in th� <br /> Pr�p�rtya <br /> ��ndi�i�n �f Pr°�p�rty. �ran��r pr�rr�ises a� all tirr�es �o prese�e ar�d t� rn�intain �he Pr�perty and e�e�y <br /> p�r�t there�f zr� �o�d repair, vv�rk�� �rd�r, and ��ndi�l�n and�ri11 firorr� t�rr�e to t�rr�e, rr�a�e all n�edful �d <br /> prop�r r�pa�s so that the value�f the Pr�p�rty shall n�t in�ny w�y b�xrr�p�irede <br /> �rr���al of any Part af tbe Pr�perty. �ra.nt�r pr�rr�is�s n�t t� rerr�ov� any pa�t of�ie Pr�per� fr�rr� 1�s <br /> pr�ser�t loc�tz�r�,�xc�pt for r�pZa�ernen�,rriarr�tenanc��d r�l��ati�n��h�ordir��y�ours��f bus�.esse <br /> Aiteratior�s t� th� Pr�p�rty. C�rantor pr�rrzis�s to abs�� frorn th� �o issior� �f any was�� or� or � <br /> ��r�aectro��ith�he�r�p�rt}�e F° �r, �ran��r shali rnalce n�rri�terlal alterati�r�s,additi�r�s�r�rr�pr�verr��n�s <br /> of�y � �rha�soe��r to the Pr�pe�ty, r���dl�ss �f�rheth�r such alt�r�t��ns, addi�ior�s �r �pr��erri�nts <br /> would increas� the �alue �f the Property, ��r pe�it �yor�e �� d� s� �x��p� for ter��t Zrr�pro��rr��nts �d <br /> c�mpletzon �f i�err�s ��suant to appro�ed pl�s ar�d spe��f c�tr�r�s, �rith�u� L.ender�s pr��r �rri�t�n �onsent, <br /> vvhich ��r�s��t rr�ay b� �i eId by Ler�d�r � its s�l� d�scretione �r�tor will ��rr,ply �rith alI la�rs and <br /> r��ula�ions vf ali publl�authoritxes ha����ur�sdict��n�v�r the Pr�perty�nclud��, �ithout l�itatl�n, th��e <br /> rel�tin� t� �ie us�, oc�upan�y and rr���nt�n��e thereof and shall up�n request prorr�ptly subrr�it t� L�nder <br /> ��1d�n�e�f su�h��rnpli�c�e <br /> ue�n Sal�-Lender�s��nsent. C�r�at�r shall not s�Il, h�r enc�xr�ber or o�h��ise dispose of,���ept as <br /> here� provided, �y �r all of its �terest in �y p� �f or ��� �f th� Prope�y vv�t.�out f�st �bta�n�n� �he <br /> �r��ten ��nsent of L,end�ro �f any enc�brance, �i�n, transfer or s��e or a���rr�ent for th�s� is cr�at�d, <br /> Ler�der rr�ay d��l�� ` �d1��ely du�and p�yable,the�nt�r�b�lance of��Ind�btedr�esso <br /> In�uran�e. C�rant�r pr�rriis�s to lc��p the Pr�pet-ty ins�ed a�ainst such risks and in su�h f��as rr�ay�rithir� <br /> th� s�I� drs�r�ti�n �f�d�r b� a���ptable, caus�� Lend�r t� be narned as l�ss paye� �r if r�quested by <br /> L,ende�, as rr�o�t�����e Th� ins�ar��� c�rr�p�y shall b� �h�sen by C�r�t�r subj�ct to L�zaderps �ppro�al, <br /> �rhi�h shal� n�t b� ur,reasonably wi elde �411 �sur�n�e �7�11�1�5 rnust pr�vid� that Lend�r �i11 �et a <br /> rr��zairri��f 10 days n��ice pri�r t�����lla�iona A�L,�r�der�s discretlor�, Cira.�t�r rr�ay be required ta pr�du�� <br /> r��eip�s of paid pr�rr�i�s�d r�ne�r�l p��i�ies, If C�rant�r fa�ls t��b�ain the requ�r�d c�v�r���,L,�nder rri�y <br /> do s�a�C�r�t�r�s exp�nseo�r�tor h�r�b}r directs���h�d����1r�surer of the�r�perty t�r��ke payrr��nt�f <br /> I�ss t�Lender with the proc�eds��b� applied, on1� at L�nd�r�s�p�i�n,to th�r�p��arx.d r�pl���rr�ent�f�a� <br /> d�a�e or Ioss or to b�appli�d to th�Indebtedriess�ith the s lus,lf�y,�o b�paid b�L.�r�d�r��C�r���re <br /> ��yrrrient vf Taxes and �ther Appli�able �har�es. C�rar�tor pr�rr��s�s t� pay and t� disch��e �iens, <br /> enc��r�ces,t��s,a.ssessrr��r�ts,l�ase payr�a.�r�ts and�y�th�r�h���s r�iatin����h�Prope��hen 1e�i�d <br /> or�ss�d a���st Csrant�r�r th�Prop��yo <br /> En�ir�r�rr��ntal L�ws and ��ardo�s �r 'Toxi� �t�ri�ls. C�rant�r �d ��ery ter��t ha�e b�en, �� <br /> pr�sen�ly and sh�ll ��r�tinu� to be � s�rict �orr�pli��e with any �ppli�abl� ���a�, stat� �d f�der°al <br /> �n�ir�r��r��I la�s�d r��la�l�ns o F° �r,r�either�r�tor nor�y t�nar�t sha11 rr�anufa��e, s��re,hand7e, <br /> dis�har�e or dxsp�s� �f ha.�°d�us or to�ic rr��terl�ls �s rnay be def n�d by ar�.y s��te �r f�d�ral �aw on th� <br /> Pr�per�tty, ��ccept t� th� ��ent the existenc� of su�h rr��ter��ls ha.s be�r� pres�ntly dis�l�sed in �it�� t� <br /> L.end�r. �r�tor�rill i edYateiy r�otlfy L�nder in�rrit��of�y a.sse�Yor�or�1��rr��d�by any p��ty as t� <br /> the possibl� �lolatYon of applicable sta�� and f�deral �n���rirra�ntal Ia�rs x��Xud�� th� l�ca�ivn �f any <br /> h��dous or�0�1�rr�at�ri�ls�r��r ab�ut�ie�r�p�rtyo C�r�a��r iride ifi�s�d h�lds Lender harrr�less fr�rr�, <br /> �7th�ut �irr�itation, �y liabxli�r or ��p�r�s� �f�rhatsoev�r n��re ����d d��ctly or �d��ctly out of or � <br /> ��x�r��cti�n�rithe (a}�r.}��nv�orirr��ntal l��rs aff��tin�a.11�r�y p�t�f th�Frope�y or C�rant�r��b}the p�.st, <br /> pres�nt �r fut�e ��rst�nce of�ay h���°d�us �.aterials �, or�, �der, ab�u�, or erri�at�� frorri or passin� <br /> ����h th� Prop�rty or a.riy p�t ther�of�r �y prop��y ad���ent theret�9 �c� �ay p ast, pr�s en� �r fu�a.r� <br /> h��rdous activity at �r in �����ti�n �rith the Prop�rty or any p�t there�f, and �d� th�n�n�or�pli��� by <br /> Grant�r�r C�rant�r's f�il��to��rr�.ply fu�ly and tirr��ly vvxth en�ir�rirr��ntal lavvs, <br /> F�nancial Inf�rrr�at2�n.Ciran��r����s to�upply L.�nder�u�h f r�ancial�nd�ther infvrrrzation cor�cem��its <br /> �ffa�s �d th� st�tus of any �f its assets as Lend�r, frorr� txzla� �� t��p rr�ay r°��s�nably r�qu�st, �r�tor <br /> fi�.�ther a���s to perrr�it L,�nder to ��rify �����ats �s w�11 as to insp���, �opy �d to ���rxi�� �he b��lcs� <br /> r��ords and files of C�rantora <br /> �20�4-241�C�mpli�nc�Sy�tert�s,Irac.3�56-�2D3-2�1��.0:99] <br /> C�mmer�i�l R�l Estate Se�r�t}+Instr�am�nt-DL4007 Pag�2 vf 5 �..c�mpliancesysterrt�,com <br />