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2� 15�7739 <br /> $. DEFAULT. Trustor wi11�e in default�f any of the fo��aw�ng occur: <br /> Fraud. Any Consumer Borrower engages in fraud ar materxal misrepresentation in conn�ction wi�h the <br /> Secured Debt that Ys an open end hame equity plan. <br /> Payments. Any �onsumer Borrawer on any Secured Debt that �s an open �nd home e�u�ty plan fails tfl xnake <br /> a payment vvhen due. <br /> Property. Any a��ion or ina�tion by the Borrawer or Trustor ac�urs that adversely affects Che Proper�y or <br /> Benefxciary's ri��.ts in the Property. This includes, but is nat �imited �o, �he fo���wing: �a} Trustor fai�s ta <br /> maintain required xnsurance on the Property; �b} Trustor transfer� the Prop�rty; (c} Trustor cammits waste or <br /> oth�rwis� de�truct��exy uses ar faiXs to maa.ntain the Property such tha�the act�on or xnaction adversely affec�� <br /> Ben�fi�iary's security; �d� Trustor fai�s to pay taxes on the Property ar otherw�se fa�ls �a ac� and there�y <br /> causes a lien to be filed against the Pr�pert� �hat is senior to the lien of th�s Secur�ty Instrument; �e� a sa�e <br /> Trustor dies; �f} if more than one Trus�or, any Trus�or dzes and Beneficiary's security is adversely affected; <br /> �g} the Property is taken thraugh emrnent damain; �h� a judgment is f�led against Trustar and su��ects Trustor <br /> and the Property ta action that adv�rsely affects Bene�ciary's �nterest; �r ��} a prior Iienholder forecloses fln <br /> the Property and as a result, Benefic�ary's �nterest i� ad�er�e�y affected. <br /> Executxve Offxcers, Any Borrov�er is an executi�e officer of Benef�cYary or an affiliate and such Barrower <br /> becames indebted ta Benefi�iary flr anoth�r I�nder in an ag�regat� amaunt greater than the amoun� permitted <br /> under federal laws and regu�ations. <br /> 9. REMEDIES ()N DEFAULT, In add�t�on to any o�her remedy a�aiiable under the terms of this Security <br /> �nstrument, B�nefi�iary may acce�erate the Secured Debt and foreclose this Security Instruxnent in a manner <br /> pro�id�d �y law if Trustor �s �n d�fau�t. �n some zn�tanGes, federal and state Iaw �vi�I requ�re Benefi�iary to <br /> provid� Trustor with notice of th� r�gh� to cure, ar other notic�s and may esta��ish t�me �chedules far <br /> f�rec�osure actions. Each Trustar requests a copy of any noti�e of default and any natxce of�ale �hereunder be <br /> mai�ed�o each Trustor at the address pr�vided in Section 1 above. <br /> A� the option of Ben�ficiary, alI or any part of the agreed fees and char�es, accrued interes� and principa.� <br /> shall become �m�mediately due and payable, after gi��ng nat�ce if required by law, upon the a�currence of a <br /> default ar any�ime ther�after. <br /> If there is a default, Trustee shalX, a� �he request of Ben�ficiary, advertise and sel� the Property as a wh�le or <br /> in separate parce�� at public auct�on to the highe�t bidder for �ash and canvey a�solute t�tle free and c�ear of <br /> a�l righ�, tx��e and interest of Trustor at such��me and p�ace as Truste�d�signates. Trustee sha].� give notice af <br /> sale �nc�uding the time, tern�s and place of sale and a description of the properry to be sold as requ�red by th� <br /> app�icable law in effec� at�he time of the proposed sale. <br /> Upon sale of the Proper�y and to the exten� nat prohx�ited by law, Trustee shall make and de�iver a deed to <br /> the Proper�y sald which �on�eys absa�ute title to the purchaser, and after fxrst paying a11 fees, charges and <br /> cost�, �hall pay ta Bene�ciary a�I maneys advanced for repa�rs, taxes, insurance, liens, assessmen�s and priar <br /> encunr�bran�es and interest thereon, and �he principal and in�erest on the Secured D�bt, paying the surplus, if <br /> any, to Trustor. Ben�ficiary may purchase th� Property. The recitals in any deed of con�eyance shall be <br /> prima facie e�idence of the facts set forth tl�erein. <br /> The a�ceptanc� by Benef���ary of any sum in paym�nt flr partial paymen� on the Secured Debt after the <br /> balanc� is due or is accelerated or after foreclasure pra��edings are filed sha.�� not constitute a wai�er of <br /> Benefic�ary's right to require complete cure af any existing default, By not exerc�sing any remedy fln <br /> Trus�or's default, Beneficiary does not waive Senef�c�ary's rxgh� ta �ater cons�der th� ��ent a defau�t if �t <br /> happens agaYn. <br /> 1�. E�PENSES; ADVANCES �N C�'V�ENANTS; ATT�RNEYS' FEES; C�LLECT�aN ��S'I'S. If <br /> Trustor breaches any co�enant in this Security Instrument, Trustor agrees to pay all expenses Ben�fic�ary <br /> incurs in performing suGh ca�enants or pro�ec�ing iCs se�urity interest in the Property, Such expenses include, <br /> but are nat Iimited to, f�es incurred for inspecting, preserving, or otherwise pr�t��tzng the Property and <br /> Beneficiary's security interest. These expenses are paya�ie on demand and will bear interest fram the date of <br /> paym�nt until paid in full at the highest rat� af in�eres� in effe�t as pra�ided in the terms of the Secured �]ebt. <br /> Trus�ar agrees to pay all costs and e�cpenses zncurred by Beneficiary in collecting, enfarcing ❑r prnte�ting <br /> Ben��cia.ry's rig�ts and remedies under this SecurYty �nstrument. Th�s amount may in�iude, but is not�imi�ed <br /> ta, Trustee's fees, court cos�s, and other legal exp�nses. To the ex�ent permitted by the United States <br /> Bankrup�cy �ade, Trustor agrees to pay the reasanable attorneys' f��s Beneficiary incurs �o callect the <br /> Secured Debt as awarded by any caurt exerc�sing �urxsdictian under �he Bankrupt�y Code. Th�s S�cur�ty <br /> �ns�rument shall rerx�ain �n effect untii re�eased. Trustar agrees to pay for any recordation costs of such <br /> release. <br /> Se�urity Instrum�nt-Qpen-�r�d-Cansumer-NE �CP-REDT-N� 71�I�D11 <br /> VMPn Bankers SystemsT�'" VMP-C4fi5{N�� {1 107).0� <br /> Walters Kiuwer Firrarrciai Ser�ices[�1994,2D�1 Pag�4 of� <br />
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