2� 15�7739
<br /> Property Condit�on, A�terations and Insp�ctian. Trustar will keep the Property in goad condxtion and
<br /> make all repa�rs that are reasanab�y necessary. Trustor shall not commrt or allaw any °wa�te, impaznm�n�, �r
<br /> deterioration af the Proper�y. Trustor agrees tha� the nature of the occupancy and use will not substantially
<br /> �hange withou� Beneficxary's prior wrxtten Gansent. Trustar wi1� not pernzi� any change in any �ic�nse,
<br /> restrictive co�enant ar easement w�thout Bene�ciary's prior written consent, Trustor will nat�fy Beneficiary
<br /> af aJ.l demands, proceeding�, claims, and actions aga�nst Trust�r, and of any�oss or damage ta the Property.
<br /> Beneficiary or Benefi�iary's agents may, at B�neficiary's apt�on, enter�the Property at any reasonable�Yme for
<br /> the purpose of insp�cting the Property. Benefxciary shaXX give Trustor not�ce at the t�me of ar before an
<br /> inspe��ion specifying a reasonabXe purpose for the inspecti�n. Any inspection of the Property shall be entire�y
<br /> for BeneficYary's benef�t and Trus�or will in na way r�ly on B�neficiary's inspection.
<br /> Author�ty to Perfarm. If Trus�or fai�s ta perfflrm any duty or any of the co�enan�s Gan�ained in this Secur�ty
<br /> Xnstrument, Benefi�iary may, wxthout nati�e, p�rform flr �ause them to U� performed. Trustor appaint�
<br /> Ben�ficiary as attarney in fact to s�gn Tru�tor's name or pay any amount necessary far p�rfarmance.
<br /> B�neficiary'� right to perfornz for Trustor shall not creat� an �bligation tfl perfflnm, and Benefzciary's failure
<br /> �❑ perform will not preclude Bene�ciary fraxn exercising any af Bene�ciary's �th�r rights under the law or
<br /> �his Security Znstrunlen�.
<br /> Leas�ho�ds; Condomin�ums; Planned Unit I]eve�opments. Trustor agrees to comp�y with the provisions of
<br /> any iease if�his Security Instrument is on a I�as�hold. If the Property includes a unit in a cnndominium ar a
<br /> planned uni� de�elopment, Trustor w�ll perform aII af Trustar'� duties under the covenants, by--laws, ar
<br /> regulatians af the condom�n�um ar planned unit develapm�nt.
<br /> �ondemnation. Trustor will give Beneficiary prnm.pt nat��e of any pending or threat�ned ac�ion, by private
<br /> or public �ntities to purchas� ar �ake any or a1� af the Properry through candemnation, �minent domain, or
<br /> any o�her means. Trus�or authorizes Beneficiary to int�rvene in Trustor's name in any of the aba�e describ�d
<br /> ac�ians or c�aims. Trustor assigns to Beneficiary the pro�eeds of any award or cla�m for damages �onnected
<br /> with a candemna�ian ar a�her tak�ng of a11 ar any part af the Property. Such prQceeds shal� �e cons�der�d
<br /> payments and wi11 be app�ied as provided �n th�s Security Instrument. This assignment of proceeds is su�ject
<br /> �a�he terms of any prior mortgage, deed af trust, security agreemen�or other ii�n document.
<br /> Insurance, Trus�ar sha�� keep Praperty insured against loss by fire, f���d, th�ft and a�her hazards and risks
<br /> reasonabl� assocxated wxth the Praperty due to its tyge and Xacatian. This insuran�e sha.�� be maintained in the
<br /> amounts and for the perxads that Ben�ficxary requ�re�. What Beneficiary requires pursuan� t� the preceding
<br /> twa sentences can change dur�ng the term of�he S�cur�d Debt. The insurance �arrier providing the insuran�e
<br /> sha�I be c�osen by Trustor subject t� Beneficiary's approval, whi�h shall not be unreasonabiy w�thheld. �f
<br /> Trustar fai�s �q maxnta�n �he coverag� descr�bed ab�ve, Ben�fxciary may, at Beneficiary's op�ian, obtain
<br /> co�erage to protect Benefic�ary's r�ght� in the Proper�y according to the terms of thzs Security Instrurnent.
<br /> All insurance palicies and renev�als sha11 be acceptable ta Bene�ciary and shall include a standard "m�rtgage
<br /> clause" and, where app�ica�le, "loss payee clause." Trustor sha�i immediat�iy notify Benefi�iary of
<br /> cance�lation ar t�rmination of �he insurance. Benefi�iary shall have the right tfl haid the palicies and
<br /> r�newal.s. �f Beneficiary requires, Trust�r shall immediately �i�e to Bene�cxary a�� receip�s af paid premiu�ns
<br /> and r�netival notices. v"pan loss, Trustar sha�i �i�e immediate n�t�ce to the xn�urance carr�er and Beneficiary.
<br /> Benefi�iary may make proof of loss �f not made immediately by Trustor.
<br /> Unless atherwis� agr�ed in writ�ng, a1X insurance proc��ds shail be applaed to the restoratran ar repair ❑f t�e
<br /> Property or to the Secured Debt, wheth�r or nat then due, at Beneficiary's apt�an. Any appiicat�an of
<br /> proceeds to princzpal shall not extend or postpone the due date of �he sch�duled pay�nent nor change the
<br /> amoun� af any paym�nt. Any exc�ss will be paid to the Trustor. �f the Prflper�y is a�quired by Ben�fi��ary,
<br /> Trustor's right to any insurance poi�ci�s and proceeds resul�ing from damage to the Praperty bef�re the
<br /> acquisition shall pass ta Beneficiary ta the extent�f the Secured Debt immedia���y before the acquisition.
<br /> Financia� R�ports and Add�t�ona� Documents, Trustar will pro��de ta Benefzciary upon request, any
<br /> financia.� sta�ement ar infnnna�ian Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary. Trus�ar agrees to si�n,
<br /> d�liver, and f�le any addit�onax documents or cert��cations that Beneficiary may cansider necessary ta perfec�,
<br /> continue, and preserve Trustor's abl�gations under �his Se�urity Zns�rument and Beneficiary's �i�n status an
<br /> the Prop er�y.
<br /> 6. W Y �F TITLE. Trustor warrants that Trustor is or wii� be �awful�y seized of the estate �anveyed
<br /> �y�hxs 5ecurity �ns�rument and has t�.e right to irre�ocably grant, con�ey, and �e�� t�e Proper�y t❑ Trustee, in
<br /> trust, wi�h power of saXe. Trustor also warrants tha� the Property is unencumbered, excep� fnr encumbran�es
<br /> of recard.
<br /> 7. DiJE C]N SALE, Benefz�iary may, at its ap�ian, d��lar� the entire balance of th� 5ecured Debt to b�
<br /> immediately due and payable upan the creat�an of, or con�ract for the crea��on af, a transfer or sale of all or
<br /> any part of the Property. This right is subjec� �o the restrictions imposed by federal law ��Z �.F,R. 591}, as
<br /> appl�cable,
<br /> 5ecurity Instrumer�t-�pen-End-Consumer-NE �CP-REI]T-NE 71�12�1 1
<br /> VMP�Bankers 5ystems17" VMP-C465�N�� ��1�7y.D�
<br /> Walters Kluw�r Financial 5�r�ic�s C�1994,2Q11 Fage 3❑f fi
<br />