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2� 15�7739 <br /> 11. ENVIRQNNTENTAL LAWS AND HAZARD�US SUSSTANCES. As used xn this sect�on, <br /> �1} En�rronmental Lavv means, wi�hout I�mztat�on, the �amprehens��e Enviranmenta� Response, <br /> Campensation and Liability A�t ��ERCLA, 4Z U.S.C. 9��1 et s�q.}, and all other federal, state and l�cal <br /> Iaws, regulat�ons, ordinan�es, cour� orders, attarney general opinions or in�erpreti�e letters canc�rning �he <br /> publ�c health, safety, we�fare, environment or a hazardous substance; and �Z} Hazaxdaus Substan�e means any <br /> toxic, radiaactive ar hazardaus nzater�a�, waste, po��u�an� or contaminant which has charac�eris�ics whi�h <br /> render the substance dangeraus or pot�ntiaily dan�erous �a the public hea.�th, safe�y, welfare or environment. <br /> The �erm xnclud�s, w�thout limitatian, any substances d�f�n�d as "hazardous mater�al," "toxic substances," <br /> "hazardous waste" or "hazardaus substan��" under any Environmental Law. <br /> Trustor represents, warran�s and agrees�hat: <br /> A.Except as prev�ausly disc�osed and acknawledged �n wri�ing to Benef�c�ary, no Hazardous Subs�an�e is <br /> or wxl� be Iacated, stored or released on or in the Proper�y. This restric�ion does not apply t� small <br /> quantitie� of Hazardous Substances that are general�y recognized ta �e appr�priat� for the norma� use <br /> and maintenance of the Proper�y. <br /> B, E�c�pt as previ�usly disci�sed and acknowledged in vvr�ting ta Beneficiary, Trustor and ��ery tenant <br /> ha�e been, are, and shal� remain in full compl�an�e with any appl�cable Envzro�z-ra.ental Law. <br /> �.Trustor shall immediate�y notify Beneficiary if a rel�ase or threatened r�lease of a Hazardous Su�stance <br /> occurs an, under or about the Property �r t��re is a vifllatian of any Environmental Law�oncerning the <br /> Property. �n such an e�ent, Trustor sha.11 take aI.I necessary rem�dia.i action in accordanc� with any <br /> En�iranmental Law. <br /> �.Trustor shall immed�ately notify Beneficiary in writing as soon as Trustar has reasan �o bexie�e there is <br /> any pending ar threatened investigation, cla�m, ar praceeding r�lating to th� re�eas� ar threatened <br /> re�ease of any Hazardou� Subs�ance or the�ioXation of any Environmental Law. <br /> 12. ES�R�W F�R TAXES ANI3 INSURANCE. Unless otherw�se provided in a separate agreemen�, Trustor <br /> wxll not be requ�red to pay ta Benef�c�ary funds for ta�es and insurance in escraw. <br /> 13. J�INT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; �Q-SIGNERS; SUCCESSURS AND ASSIGNS B�[]�ND. All <br /> duties under �his Security Xz�strument are �oint and individua�.. �f Trustor signs �his Security Instrument but <br /> does nat sign an ev�dence �f de�t, Trustor does so nnly t❑ martgage Trustor's interes� in the Property �o <br /> secure payment of the Secured De�t and Trustor does no� agree to be persana.�ly 1iable an the Secured Debt. If <br /> this Security Instrument s�cures a guaran�y between Benefic�ary and Trustor, Trustor agrees to waive any <br /> rights that may pre�ent Beneficiary from bringing any action or claim ag;ainst Trustor or any par�y indebted <br /> under the o�ligation. These rights may in�lud�, but are nat�imited to, any anti-deficiency or one-action laws. <br /> The�uties and benefits of this Security Ynstrument sha��bind and benef�t the successors and assigns of Tru�tor <br /> and Beneficiary. <br /> 14. SEVERASILITY; INTERPRETATIQN. This Security Ins�rumen� is comp�ete and fu�ly in�egrated. This . <br /> S�curity �nstrument nlay not b� am�nded ar rn�dified by aral agreement, Any sectian in Chis Se�uri�y <br /> �nstrument, attachrr�ents, �r any agreement relat�d to the Secured Deb� �hat conflicts with applicable law �uill <br /> nat �e effect�ve, unless tha� 1a�v �xpress�y or implie�ily permits the �ariations by written agreem�nt. Yf any <br /> section of th�s Security Instrument cannot be enfnrced ac�ard�ng �o z�s tex�zrzs, that sect�an wi11 be se�ered and <br /> wil� not affect the enfarceabiiity of the remainder af this Secur�ty Instrunzent. '�henever used, ��e sin�ular � <br /> shall include the plura� and the plural the singu�ar. The captions and headings of the sections of this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument are for canvenience only and are not to be used to interpret or �ef�ne the terms af th�s Security <br /> rnstrumen�. Txme is af the essence in�his Security�nstrument. � <br /> 15. SU�CESS�R TRUSTE�. Beneficiary, at Benef�c�ary's option, may from time to tim� remove Trustee and <br /> appain� a su�cessor�rustee uri�hou� any�ther formality than the designation in writ�ng. The su�cessor trus�ee, <br /> without conveyan�e of the Praperty, shall succeed ta aXl the title, pawer and duties conferred upon Trustee by <br /> this Secur�ty Instrument and app�icab�e�av�r. <br /> 16. N�TICE. Unl�ss a��erwise required by law, any noti�e shall be given by deli��ring it or by marling it by <br /> first class mail ta the appropr�ate party's address an page I nf �h�s Secur��y �ns�rument, or �o any other <br /> address designated xn writing. Notice to ane trustor wi11 be d�emed to be notice to aII trustors. Trustor and <br /> Beneficiary hereby request a copy of any notice of default, and a �opy af any notx�� of saie thereunder, be <br /> mai�ed to each party at the address f�r such party set forth❑n page 1 of this Security Instrum�nt. <br /> 17. V4�'AIVERS. Except to th� �xt�nt prohibited by Iaw, Trustor wa��es al� apprazsement and hoxnestead <br /> exemption r�ghts relating�o th� Property. <br /> 1g. LINE C]F CREDIT. The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of cr�dit. Although the Secured Debt may <br /> be reduc�d to a zero balan�e, thzs 5ecur�ty Zns�rument will remain in effe�t unti� released, <br /> Se�urity Instrument-Qpen-End-Cansumer-N� DCP-R��T-NE 71212D11 <br /> VMPO�ar�kers 5ystemsT�"4 VMP-C465�NE) f���7f,40 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices C�'i 994,�01 1 Page 5 af 6 <br />