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2� 15�7739 <br /> � <br /> T�Ze ra ert xs locat�d in ...............�;���..........,.............,............. at ........,...,........................ <br /> P P Y <br /> �County} <br /> ..13 5,�E a s t,,Ai rpo rt,Rd..................., ..Gran�,I s 1 and............,....., Nebraska ..�.8 8 D 3,-.0 0 fl 0.. <br /> (Address} ��ity} �ZIP Code} <br /> Tnget�er with all rrghts, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, aIl water and <br /> riparian rights, ditches, and water stack and all exist�ng and future improvements, stru�tures, fixtures, and <br /> replacements that xnay now, or at any��me in t�.e future, be part af the reaZ. estate descrzbed above�a.l.i referred <br /> . to as "Fraperty"�. <br /> 3. MA�IMUM �BI�I�ATI[]N LIMIT. The total prin�ipal amnunt se�ured by this Se�urity Znstrument at any <br /> one time s�a�� not exceed $ 4��.���.,�,�................................... . This limitatian af amount does not <br /> in�Iude interest axzd other fees and charges �ral�dly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this <br /> limitatzon does not apply to advances made under the tenms of th�s Security Instrum�nt to protect <br /> Benef�ciary's securi�y and�o perfarm any of��ie covenants contained in this Security Instru�nent. <br /> 4. SECURED I3EBT AND F�UTURE ADVAN�ES. The term "Secured De��" is defined as follows: <br /> A.Debt incurred under the terms of alX pronzissory note���, contract�s}, guaran�y�ies} or other e�rdence of <br /> debt descrilaed belaw and a11 �heir extens�ons, renewals, modx�cation� or substi�utians. �Yau mus� <br /> s�e�i�x�aZr�iden�ify the de�t�s� secured ar�d you shou�d include�he fina�maturity da���f such deb��s}.� <br /> Not� Dated 4ctober �3, ��15 In The Amount �f $4�� ���.�D <br /> Accruing At A Variable Rate With A Maturity Date nf �ctober 15, ���D <br /> Said Laan =rz. The Name��} �f Michael G Klein <br /> And Lais L �lein <br /> B. All future advan�e� from Bene�ciary to Trust�r or o�her future ob�igations of Trustor to Beneficiary <br /> under any prorr�issflry nflte, cantract, guaranty, or other e�xdence of debt executed by Trustar in fa�or <br /> of Benef�czary aft�r this Security �nstrum�nt whether or not this SecurYty Instrument is <br /> referenced, Zf mare than �ne p�rson signs th�s Security Znstrument, each Trustar agrees �hat this <br /> Secur�ty Zns�rument wi�� secure a.I� fu�ure ad�ances and future obligations that ar� given �o ar �ncurred <br /> by any flne or mare Trustar, ar any on� �r more Trustor and others. A11 future advances and ather <br /> future obliga�ions are s�cured by �his Security Ins�rument even though a11 or part may not yet be <br /> advanced. AII future advances and ather futur� o�Iigatians are secured as �f made an the dat� of thrs <br /> �ecurity �nstrument. Nothing in th�s Secur�ty �nstrum�nt shall constitute a commitment �a make <br /> additianal or future loans or ad�ances in any amoun�. Any such cflmmitment mu�� �� agreed to in a <br /> separate wrxting. <br /> C,All other obl�gations Trustar ov�es to Beneficiary, which may �a�er arise, to t.�.e extent not proh�bited by <br /> law, �nclud�ng, bu� not Iimit�d t�, liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement <br /> between Trustar and Beneficiary. <br /> D.All additional sum� advanced and �xpenses incurred by B�nefi�iary for insuring, pres�rvix�g or <br /> oth�rwis� pro�e�tin� the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by <br /> Benefi�iary under the�ern�s �f this Security Ins�rument. <br /> �n��e e�ent that Benefic�ary fails to pravide any re�u�red notic��f the right of rescissian, Beneficiary waiv�s <br /> any subsequent security interest in the Trustar's px�i.ncipal dwel�ing�hat is created by t�ixs Security Instrument. <br /> 5. DEED �F TRUST C�VENANTS. Trus�or agrees that the covenants in this �ection are material abligations <br /> under the Secured I]�b� and ��xs Security Instrument. Zf Trustor breaches any cavenan� in �hzs sectian, <br /> Benef�c�ary may r�fuse ta make ad�itional e�ctensions af cred�t and r�duce the cred�t limit. By not exercising <br /> ei�h�r rerr�edy nn Trustar's hreach, Beneficiary do�s not waive Beneficiary'� right to Iater consider the event a <br /> breach �f it happens again. <br /> Payments. Trus�ar agrees that all pay�nents under the Secured Deb� wzll be paid when due and in accordance <br /> with the term� of th� Se�ured I7ebt an�th�s Security Instrumen�. <br /> Prior Securxty Interests. With r�gard �o any other mortgage, deed �f trust, se�urity agreement ar ather Iien <br /> dacument that creat�d a prior s�curity interest ar encumbrance on th� Properry, Trus�or agrees ta make all <br /> paymen�s when due and ta perfonn or camply with al� �avenan�s. Trus�or also agree� nnt �o aJ.low any <br /> modrficatron ❑r extensi�n of, nor to request any future advances under any nate or agreement secured by the <br /> lien document without Beneficiary's pr�or written appro�al. <br /> C�aims Against Title. Trus�or wi1X pay a�� taxes �in�luding any tax assessed to this Deed of Trus�}, <br /> assessments, Iiens, encumbrances, leas� paymen�s, ground rents, utilities, and ather charges relating to the <br /> Propez-�y when due. Beneficiary nzay requ�re Trustar ta pr�vid� to Seneficia.ry cnpies of all notices �hat such <br /> amaunts are due and the rec�ipts evidenc�ng Trustor's paym�nt, Trustar will defend titl� ta th� Praperty <br /> against any cla�ms that v�ould impair the lien ❑f thzs Security �ns�rum�n�. Trust�r agrees ta assign �� <br /> Benefic�ary, as requested�y Beneficiary, any rights, clarms ar defen�es'Tru��or may�Zave against parties who <br /> suppXy labor or materia�.s�o ma�ntai.n or impro�e the Property. <br /> S�curity Instrum�nt-�pen-End-Cvnsumer-N� DCP-REDT-NE 71212p 7'1 <br /> VMPD 6ankers 5yst�msT�" VMP-C465{NE) (1 107�.00 <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inan�ia!Servi�es�1 994,2�1 1 Page 2 vf fi <br />