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2� 15�77�2 <br /> Any appiication of paym�n�s, insurance proce�ds, or M�sce�lan�ous Pr�ceeds to pr�nci�al due under the No�e <br /> sha�l n�t e��end or postpone the due dat�, or change�he am�un�, of�he Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Fund� for Escrow Items. Borrower sha��pay to Lend�r on the day Period�c Pa�m�nts are due under the <br /> Nate, un��� the Note�s pa�d�n fu��, a sum�the "Funds"}�o prov�de f�r paymen�of amounts due for: �a} ta�es <br /> and a�s�s�men�s and other��ems wh�ch can at�ain priori�y over�h�s Secur�ty Instrun��n�as a l�en ar <br /> encumbrance�n the Property; �b} ��asehaid payments or ground rents an the Pr�pert�, if any; ��}premiums <br /> far an� and all �nsuranc�requir�d b}� I.ender under Sec�ion S; and �d} Mort�ag� Insurance premiums, �f any, <br /> ar an� sums payable by Borrov�er to Lender in lieu of th�payment of Mortgag� �nsuran�e prem�ums �n <br /> accordance►�ri�h the pravis�ons of Sect��n ��. These i�erns are called "Escrow��ems." A�arzginatian or a� <br /> any time durzng�he�erm of�he Laan, I.ender n�.a}� requ�re�hat�omamuni�� Assoc�a�ion Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessments, if any, be escrow�d by B�rravver, and such dues, fe�s and assessmen�s shall be an Escrow <br /> �tenz. Borrav�er shai�promptly furnish�o Lender aI�notices of amounts�o be pa�d under this Section. <br /> Borrower�ha��pa� Lender�he Funds for Escrow ��ems unless I,�nder waives Borr�w�r's abi�ga�ian�o pay <br /> the Funds far any or all Escro`u It�ms. Lender m.ay wa�ve Borrower's ob�igation to pay to�...�nder Funds for <br /> any ar a1i Es�rovv �tems at any��me. Any such waiver may on�y be in writing. In the e�ent af such waiver, <br /> Borr�w�r shall pay directl�, when and v�rhere paya�Ie, the amounts due f�r any �scrov� It�ms for which <br /> paym�ent af Funds has�een waived by Lender and, if L�nder r�quires, sha�1 furnish to Lender receipts <br /> e�videncing such paymen�wi�hin su�h time per�od as I,ender ma�requ�re. Borr�wer's obliga�ion�o make <br /> such paym�n�s and�o pro�ide rec�ipts shal� for a��purposes b�deemed to be a covenant and agreemen� <br /> contained in�his Security Xns�rumen�, as�he phrase "co�enan�and agr�em�n�" is used in 5ec�i�n 9. If <br /> Borrower is flb�xgated to pa�Escrovcr ��ems direc�ly, pursuan��o a wa��rer, and Borr�wer fai�s tn pa�the <br /> amoun�due for an Escrov�a I�em, Lender may�xerc�se its rights under Sectinn 9 and pay such amoun�and <br /> gorrovver shai��hen be obligated under Section 9 to re�ay �o Lend�r any such amoun�. Lender ma� re�oke <br /> �h��vai�er as�� any ar al� �scraw �tems at any �ime b� a notice gi�en in accardance�vith Sect�on �5 and, <br /> up�n su�h revocati�n, Borrower shall pay to L�nd�r aiI Funds, and in such amounts, t�.at are�hen required <br /> under�h�s S�cti�n 3. <br /> Lend�r may, a�any�ime, col�ect and h��d Funds in an amoun��a} suf�cien�ta permit Lender�o apply�he <br /> Funds at�he�ime specified under R.�SPA, and �b�no� to exceed the maximum amoun�a Iender can r�quire <br /> under R.ESPA, L.ender shall est�mate�he amount flf Funds due on�h�basis of current da�a and reasona�l� <br /> estima��s of expend�tures of future Escrow �t�ms or otherwise in accordance with App�i�able Law. <br /> The Fun�s shall�e held in an�nst�tut��n whose deposi�s are insured�y a federa� agency, instrument�ii�y, ar <br /> e����y ��nc�uding L.�nder, if Lender is an inst�tutian vvhose depos�ts are so �nsured}or�n any Federal �ome <br /> Laan Bank. Lender sha�� appl��he Funds�a pay �he Escrow Items no �a�er�han the�ime spec�fied under <br /> RESPA, L.�:nde�r shall no�charge Borrower for hold�ng and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the <br /> �scrow acGount, �r��rify�ng the Escro�v �tems, un��ss L�nder pays B�rrower�nter�s��n th�Funds and <br /> App�icabie LavSr permi�s Lender to make su�h a charge. I�nless an agreement�s�nad� �n wr�ting or <br /> Appl�cab�e Lav� requires interest��be paid on the Funds, Lender sha�l no�be required tfl pay Borrower any <br /> in�erest ar earn�ngs fln the Funds. Borrower and L.ender can agree �n writ�ng, however, �hat interest shali be <br /> paid on�he Funds. Lender sha�� ��ve to Borrower, v�ithou�charge, an annual accounting of�he Funds as <br /> required by RESPA. <br /> �f�here is a surp�us of Funds held in escr�w, as d��ned und�r RESPA, I,�nder shall account to Borrower for <br /> �he excess funds in accordance v�r�th R�SPA. If there is a shar�age of Funds heid�n escrow, as de�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lend�r sha11 no�ify Barrawer as requ�re�i by RESPA, and Borrawer shall pay to L,ender the am�un� <br /> ne�essary to make up�he shor�age in accordance with RESPA, bu�in no mor�than I2�n�nth�y pa�ments. �f <br /> there is a d�ficiency of Funds held in escr�w, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shall no�ify Borrower as <br /> NEBRASKA-Singt��amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Ma�UNiFDRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3a28 1!�i <br /> VMP� VMPfi{N��[130�) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finan�ial 5�r�ices �'�g���'��7 <br />