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2� 15�77�2 <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay to Lender�he am�un�necessary ta make up �he deficienc� in <br /> a�cordance with RESPA, but in no more thar� 12 manthiy paymen�s. <br /> Upan pa�ment in full of aII sums secured by this S�curity �nstrurnent, Lend�r shall pramptly refund ta <br /> B�rr��ver an� Fun�s held b� Lender. <br /> 4. �harges; Liens. Borrower shal�pay a�I �a��s, assessmen�s, charges, fines, and impositions at�r�butable t� <br /> the Prnperty v�h�ch can a�ta�n pr�or���r o��r th�s S�cur��y �nstrument, l�aseh��d payments ar ground rents an <br /> th� Praperty, �f anyy and�om�.mun���r Associa�ian Dues, Fees, and Assessmen�s, zf any. To�he extent tha� <br /> these items are�scrow �tems, B�rra�ver shati pay�h�m in�h�manner prflv�ded in Sect�on 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pri�rity o�er this Securi�y Instrument unless <br /> B�rrower: �a} agrees �n wr�t�ng t� the pa�ment of the obiiga�ion s�cur��b�the Iien in a manner acceptable <br /> to Lender, bu�only so ��ng as Borrower�s perforrn�ng such agreement; �b} contests�he lien in good faith b�, <br /> ar defends aga�nst enforcemen�af the Iien in, lega�proc�ed�ngs which �n Lender's ap�n�on operate tfl pre�ent <br /> �he enfarc�ment�f the li�n while those proceed�ngs are pending, but on�y unt�l such proceedings are <br /> c�nciuded; nr�c} s�cur�s fram the h��der of th�l�en an agreemen� sa�isfactory to Lender subardinating the <br /> iien to �h�� Securzty �nstru�n.en�. �f Lender d���rm�.i.n�s that any part�f th�Proper�y is sub�ect�o a lien whiGh <br /> can a��a�n pri�r��y a�er th�s Securi�� �nstru�ment, Lender�nay g��e B�rr�v�er a not�ce�den��f�zng the��en. <br /> Wi�hin �Q day�of the date on�vhich that not�ce i� given, Borro�ver shai�sat�sfy the Iien ar tak�one ar mflre <br /> of the act�ans set for�h above in�his Section 4. <br /> L�nder may require Borrow�r t�pay a one�t�m��harge for a rea� es�ate�ax��rifi�ation andlor rep�r��n� <br /> serv���us�d by Lender�n c�nnec��an w�th th�s L�an. <br /> 5. Prvperty Insurance. B�rrawer sha�l keep th��mpro��m�nts n�w existing or hereafter erected fln the <br /> Proper�y insured against loss by f�re, hazards zncluded wi�hin the term "ex�ended�overag�," and any other <br /> hazards inetuding, �ut n�t lim�ted to, ear�hquak�s an� fla�dss for wh�ch L�nder re�uires insurance. This <br /> insurar��e shai��e maintained �n�he amoun�� �in�luding deductibl� Ie���s} and for�he periods that Lender <br /> requ�r�s. '�ha�Lend�r requ�r�s pursuant�o�he preced�ng sent�nc�s can change during th�term of th�Loan. <br /> The�nsuranc�carr��r pro�id�ng the�nsurance sha�l be chosen by Borrow�r subjec��o Lender's right to <br /> dzsapprove Borro�ver's chaice, whi�h right�hal� nat be ex�rc�sed unreasonab�y. L�nder rnay require <br /> Barrawer ta pay, in cannection u�i�h this Laan, ei�her: �a} a ane-t�me charge fflr f�aod zone det�rmina�ian, <br /> cer�ification and tracking services; ar�b} a ane�time charge far flood zane determination and cer�ificatian <br /> services and subsequent charge� each time remappings or similar changes occur which reasonably might <br /> affect su�h de��rminatian or c�r���Gatian. Barr�wer shall a�sa be r�sponsible far the paymen�af any fees <br /> imposed�y the Fed�ra� Emergency Management Agency �n connecti�n with the revi�w�f an�flood zone <br /> de�erm�nat�on resu��zng fram an flbjection by�arrower. <br /> If Borrower fails to maintain an�of the coverages described above, Lender may abtain insurance coverage, <br /> at L�nder's option and Borraw�r's expen�e. Lender is under no ob�iga�ion to purchase any particular type or <br /> amoun�of cav�rage. Therefare, su�h c��erage shall cover Lend�r, but migh�ar might not pr�tect Borrower, <br /> Borrower`s equit� �n the Property, or the cQntents �f�he Property, against any risk, hazard or liabili�y and <br /> m�gh�provide gr�ater or l�sser coverage than v�as pre�iaus�y �n effec�. Borrower acknaw�edges tha��he cQst <br /> of th�insurance caverage so abtained might significantl�ex��ed the c�st�f�nsurance that Barr�w�r could <br /> haWe obtain��. Any amount�disburs�d by Lender under this Sect�an 5 shal� become additi�nai deb�of <br /> Barro�ver�e�ured by this Securi�y �ns�rument. These am�unts shall bear interest at the Note ra�e from�h� <br /> date af d�sbursemen�and shall be paya��e, w�th such inter�st, up�n notice from Lender�o Barrower <br /> r�questing pa�rment. <br /> NEBRASKA-5i�gle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3�Z8 11�1 <br /> VMP O VMP54N��(�3�Zy <br /> Walters K[uwer Finan�ial Ser�ices Par�e fi of 17 <br />
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