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2� 15�77�2 <br /> BflRR�V�TER��VENANTS that Barrower is lawfuil� seised of the estate hereby conv�yed and has th�righ��o <br /> grant and con�ey the Proper�y ar�.d that the Praper�y �s unencumber�d, e�.cep�for encumbrances of r�cord. <br /> B�rr�wer warran�s and w��� defend generaiiy �he tit�e t� �he Property aga�nst a�� claims and demands, sub�eG��o <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> TH�S S�CUR�TY �NSTRUMENT combines unifarm covenants far nationa�use and non-un�form�av�nan�s with <br /> limi��d�ar�ations by jur�sdict�on�o constitute a unifarm security instrumen�cavering rea�proper�y. <br /> Unif�rm C�►�enants. Borrav�er and Lender covenan�and agree a�f�ll�ws: <br /> 'i. Payment vf Princ�pal. Inte�est, Esc�rvv►r Items, Prepayment C�arges, and Late Charges. Barrower <br /> shal� pay when due�h�pr�ncipai �f, and inter�st an, the��bt e��denced by�he N�te and any prepayment <br /> charges and late charg�s due under�he Note. Borraw�r shall also pay funds far Escrow ���ms pursuant�o <br /> Sec�ion 3. Paymen�s due under th�No�e and th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrumen�sha��b�made �n U.5. currency. <br /> �3owever, if any check ar o�her ins�run�.ent rec���ed by Lender as�ayment und�r the No�e or�h�s S�curity <br /> �nstrument is re�urned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any or a�� �ubsequent payments due under <br /> the Note and th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen��e made in on�or more of the follow�ng f�rms, as s�i�cte�by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b} money arder; �c} cer�ified check, bank check, tr�asurer's check ar�ash��r's�heck, pr�v�ded ar�y <br /> such ch�ck is drawn upon an�nst�tu�ion whose deposzts are insur�d by a federal agen�y, �nstrumenta�ity, or <br /> �ntity; �r�d} Electr�nic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rec�i�ed by L�nder vvhen recei�ed at the loca�ion des�gnat��. �n the Not��r at such <br /> ather�ocat��n as may be designated by Lend�r in a�cordance w�th the na�i�e pr�w�szans in Section 15. <br /> Lender may r�turn any paymen�or par�ial pa�ment if the paym�nt ar par�ia� payz�nen�s are znsuf�cien�to <br /> bring the Loan curr�nt. L�nd�r n�ay aCcep� an�payment or partial pa�ment insuff�cient�a br�ng the Lflan <br /> current, without�vai�er of any rights hereunder or pr�jud�ce t� its righ�s�o r�fuse such payment or par�ia� <br /> paym�nts �n�he future, but Lender is no�obl�ga�ed to app�y such pa�ments at th�tim�such payments are <br /> ac�epted. �f�ach Per�od�� Payment is applied as of its �chedu�ed due date, �hen Len�er n�ed not pay interes� <br /> an unapp��ed funds. Lend�r may hald such unapplied funds unt�l Barra�ver ma.�es payments�o bring th� <br /> Loan current. �f Borrawer do��no�dn so�vithin a reasanabl�periad of�ime, Lender sha�i either app�y such <br /> funds or return them to Borro�er. �f nn�app��ed ear��er, su�h funds wili be appl��d to�he Qu�s�and�ng <br /> principal balance und�r�he Nate immed�ate�y pri�r tfl forec�osure. No affset or�laim which Borrower might <br /> have now or in the future against Lender shall relie�e Borrower from mak�ng paymen�s du�und�r�he Not� <br /> and th�s Securi�y �nstrumen�or perform�ng the covenants and agreemen�s se�ured���his Security <br /> Ins�rumen�. <br /> �. Appficat�an of Paym�nts or Prviceeds. Except as oth�rwis�describ�d in this Sect�on 2, al�payments <br /> ac�epted and applied by Lender sha�l be applied�n the fol��w�ng�rder of pr�ority: �a} interest du�under the <br /> Not�; �b�principal du�under the Note; �c} axnaun�s due under Sec��on 3. Such paymen�s shaii be appl��d�� <br /> each P�r�od�c Payment in the�rder in which it became due. Any r�main�ng amnunts shail be applied first�o <br /> �ate charges, second�� any o�her amoun�s du�und�r this S�curity Instrument, and�h�n t� reduce the <br /> principa�ba�ance of the Note. <br /> �f L�nder receives a payment fram Barrower f�r a del�nquent Per�ad��Paymen�which inciudes a suffici�n� <br /> amount�o pay an� late charge due, �he payment may be applied t� the d���nquent pa�men�and the late <br /> charge. �f more than�ne Periodic Paymen� is outstanding, Lender may app�y any pa�m�nt received from <br /> Borrower to the r�paym�ent of the Periodic Payments �f, and���he e�tent tha�, each pa��n�n�can be paid in <br /> full. T� �he ex�ent that any excess ex�s�s af�er the paymen� �s appli�d to �he ful�payment of one or more <br /> Periad�� Payments, su�h excess may be app�ied ta any la���har�es due. Volun�ary prepa�ments shall be <br /> appl�ed first�o any prepaymen�c�aarg�s and�h�n as des�rib�d �n the Note. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl�Family-�annie Ma�l�rEddi�Mac UNlFORM iNSTR�lMENT Farrr�3028 1I0� <br /> VMP� VMP6�NEy[13a2} <br /> Woiters KIuw�r Fin�n�iat S�r�i�es Page.4 of�7 <br />