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2� 15�77� 1 <br /> ���v �� ��u�-� <br /> . <br /> {��rltlnu��� �'age � <br /> perfarman�e���ny indeb�edness or abiiga�ions secured by this De�d of Trust and��ex�r�ise al� �ights and powe�s <br /> unde�this Deed o�Trust, under the Nv�e, under any o�the Re[ated dacumen-�s, or under any �the� agreement ❑r <br /> any laws now or h��eaft�r in �orce; notv►rithsfianding, som� or alf Qf such indeb�edn�ss and ob�igatians secured by <br /> this De�d a�Trust may now or hereaf��r be othe�wise �ecured, �h��her by mar�tgage, deed +o�trust, pf�dge, fien, <br /> assignmen� ar o�h�rwise. Nei�her the acc�ptan�e of -this I]eed Qf Trus� nar i�s �n�orc�men�t, wheth�r �y court <br /> action or pursuant to the power af sale or other pa�vers �on�ained in �his Deed v�r Trust, sha[[ p�-ejudic� or in any <br /> manner af�Ec�Trus��e's ❑r Lender's right�a r�ali�e up�n ❑r en�arce any o�h�;r� securi�y now �r her�after held by <br /> Trustee vr Lenderr it heing agreed that T�-ustee and Lender,and each of�hem,shal� be entr�ied tv enfQrce this Deed <br /> o�F Trus� and any ather se�urity now or hereaft�� he�d by Lender or Trus��e in suGh arder and rnanner as they Qr <br /> ei�her vf them may in �heir absvlute dis�retivn de��rmine. Na remedy cvn��rr�d upvn vr r�s�rved �o Trus�ee or <br /> L�nder, is in�ended �� be ex��usi�e a�any ather remedy in this De�d o�T�rust vr by law �ro�ided ar permit�ed, bu� <br /> each shall be cumul��i�� and sha[I be in addition �❑ every othe� remedy gi�en ir� th'r� ne�d of Trust Qr now or <br /> he�eafter existing at 1aw or in e�uity vr by s�a�ute. E�ery power�r remedy giWen by the Note or any Q�F the Fieiated <br /> Documents �o Trus��� vr Lender or �a which either Q� them ma�r be otherwise en�i�led, may be �xercised, <br /> con�urrently or ind�p�ndent[y, -�r�m �ime to time and as often as may be daemed e�pedien� by Trustee o� Lender. <br /> and eEther a� ��em may pursue in�onsis�ent remedi�s. NothEng in this De�d p� Trus� shall be construed as <br /> pro�ibitEng Lender from seeking a defi�iency judgment against the Trus�vr fo th�ex�en�such ac�ion is permitk�d by <br /> law. Elec�ion by Lend�r t� pursue any rem�dy sh��l nat ex�[ud� pursui� a�F any a�her remedy, and an eEe�tion ta <br /> make expendi�ures or�v �ake action ta per�orm an ob[i�ation of Trustor under this Deed vf Trust, after Trustor's <br /> ��ilure�o �er�arm,shall not affect Lende�'s right to deG[are a de�F�ul��r�d Exer�ise its rem�di�s. <br /> R�quest�rvr Notice. Tru�tar, an behal�a�Trustar and Lender, hereby requests that a copy of any No�ice of Defaul� <br /> and a copy o�any No�ice o�5a�e under this �eed af Trust be mai�ed �o�he�m ���h� �ddreS�es set for�h in the firs� <br /> paragraph of this Q�ed a�T�ust. <br /> Attarneys' Fees; Fxpenses. l� Lender insti�utes any sui� vr action to en�orce any �f �he terms of this Deed af <br /> T�us�, L�nder sha�l be entitied to re�o�er such surn as the �our�may ad�udge r�a�onabfe as at�Corneys` �fe�s at trial <br /> and upan any appe��. Whether ar nat any eourt action is invoived, and �v �he ex�en� n�� prvhilaited by law, a�l <br /> reasana�ie e�penses �ender incurs tha� in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time €or �he protecti�n o�F its <br /> interes�c�r�he enfarcement ot��s righ�s shall becom�a part a��he frrdeb��dn�ss payable on deman�J and shal�bear <br /> interest at the Nate rate�rom the date of the e�pendi�ure unti[ repaid. Expenses ca�ered by�his paragraph incfude, <br /> �vi�hou�limr���i�n, hcawever su��ect tQ an� limits under applicable lav►r, L�;nder's at�arneys' fees and Lender's l�ga[ <br /> e�penses, whe�her or no� ther� is a �awsuit, in�luding attvrneys' fees and expenses fo� bank�uptcy pra�eedings <br /> �inGluding efForts ta madify ar�a�ate any au�vmatic s�ay vr in�unctian}, appeals, and any anti�ipated post-judgment <br /> coilection serviCes, �he �os�o�sear�hing records, o�taining �itle reports �including �arec�osure reports), surveyars' <br /> repa�r�s, and a�prais�f �ee�, titie insuran�e, and f�es �or the Trus�ee, to the e�tent permitted by ap�fr�abfe iaw. <br /> Trustor also will p�y any court�o�ts, in addition to al� v�h�r sums pro�ided by law. <br /> Righ�s vf Trust�e. Trustee shali ha�e afl o�the r'rgh�s and du�ies o�Lender as set fo�.h in�his�e�tivn. <br /> Pa1NER�AND �gLiGATlaNS ❑F TRUSTEE. The following pra�is�Qns r�fating ta�he powers and o��igations��Trustee <br /> ar�p�r�v��his C�e�d o�Tru�#: <br /> Pawers�f Trustee. �n additivn to�11 powers of Ti rustee arising as a matter�f Eaw,Trus�ee shal� ha�e�h� pawer�a <br /> take the�allawing ���i�ns wi�h respec�t❑the Property upon the wri�ten reques�o�r Lender and Trustor. (a� jain in. <br /> preparing and fifing a map or plafi v�F the Rea� PrQper�ty, incfuding the dedication o� st�eets vr ather rEghts to the <br /> public, �b} jain in gran�inc� any easement or cre�ting any restric�ion vn �hE Rea� P�-operty; and {c� join in any <br /> subvrdina'�ion ar o�her agreemen�a��e�ting this Deed of Trus�or the interest o�Lender under this Deed��Trus�. <br /> Trustee. Trus�ee sh�ll m�;et alE qua[i�Fications required for Tru�te� und�r applic�b[e [�w. 1n additivn �v �he rights <br /> and remed�es s�t ��rth abaWe, with respect�o all ar any part Q€the Proper�ty, the Trus�ee shall ha�e xhe right �o <br /> forec[ose by no�Ci�e and sa[�, and Lender shall ha�e the right�o fore�lase �y judiGial �are�losure, in either case in <br /> accordanc�with and to the fuff ex�en�prv�ided by app�i�abCe faw. <br /> Suc�essar T�ustee. Lender, at Lender's option, may from time t❑time app�in�a �uccessor T�uste�to any Trus�ee <br /> appoin�ed under �his ❑eed o�Trust by an instrument executed and acknov►rledged hy Lender and r�eorded in the <br /> afifi�e of�he r�cord�r a�F HAL.L. County. State af Nebras�€a. T�e instrum�n� sha�l can�a�n. in additian to a[f vther <br /> matters required by sta�e law, the names a� the original Lender, Trus��e, and Trust�r, the bvak and page �or <br /> computer sys��m �e�er�nc�} where �his Deed ❑f Trus� is recQrded, and �he name and addre�� ❑� the successor <br /> trustee, and the instrument sha[� �e executed and ackr�vwledged b�a�l the bene€�ciaries und�r�his Deed of Trus'�vr <br /> x�eir succ�$�ars in intere�t. The successor trus�ee, wi�hout cvn�ey�anc� o��he Pr�perty, shafl su�ceed to all the <br /> title, p�wer, and duti�s conferre�l up�n fhe Trustee in this Deed of Trust and by app[i�ab[e �aw. This procedure for <br /> �ubstitutican v�Trustee shall gQvern to the exc[usion o�all v�her prouis6vns'�vr�ub�titution. <br /> NOT�CES. Any notice �-equi�ed tQ he given under�his D�ed ❑�T�ust, including without lirnit��ian any no�ice of default <br /> and �ny r�a�ic� of sal� shall h� gi��n in writin�r and shall be e�ec�i�e wh�n a��u�l[y de[iWered, �rvhen a�tually rec�i�ed <br /> by te�e�acsimile �un�ess oth�rwise required by law}, vvhen depos�ted with a natiana[fy reGognized o�ernight cour�er,o�, i� <br /> m�i�edr v�h�n d��aosi�ed in�h� �nited Sta��s maif,��s�irst class, certi�ied v� re�is�tered mai� pos�age prepaid, d�r�Gted�o <br /> �he addresses shvvun ne�r �he beginnin� af�his �3eed a�Trust, Af� c�pies of notices a�fc�r�clr�sur� from the hoid�r�� <br /> any I�en which has priori�ty �ver this Deed of Trust sha�� be sent�o L�nder'� address, as shawn near the beg�nning v� <br /> �h�s Deed o�Trus�. Any p�rty may Ghange i�s address fo�- natices under this ❑eed a� Trus� by gi�ing fvrmal w�itken <br /> natice �v th� other parti�s, sR�cifying �hat the purpvse o� �he not�ce is �o �hange �the par�y's �ddress. For nat�c� <br /> purposes, �"rus�Qr agrees�o k�ep L�nder informed a�all times o€Trustor's curr�n�address. Unless otherwise pro�ided <br /> or required by lav►r, i�there �s mvre than ane Trus�or, any notice�i�en by Lender-tv any Trus�ar is deem�d to be not�ce <br /> gi�en�Ca��I Trus�or�. <br /> 1VIISCIELLAN��US PRDVfSI�NS. The�fallawing miscellaneaus pra�isivns are a part of�his Deed of Trus�: <br /> Am�ndments. T�his De�d a�T�usfi, together with any Refated aocuments, c�nstitu�es�he e��ire understanding and <br /> a��reement o�the parti�� as �o the ma�tters se�farth in �his Deed of Trust. No aiterativn Q��r amendmen-�tv�his <br /> Deed o�Trust sh�il b� ef�ecti�e unfess gi�en in �vrit�ng and signed by�he par� or p�rtiEs �ough��v �e �harged or <br /> bvund �y the alteration or amendmen�. <br /> Amnu�I Re�orts. l� �he Proper�y is used -�o� purposes other than Trustar's residence, Trus�ar shall �urnish ta <br /> Lend�r, upon reque��, a certified s'tatem�nt o# net operating in�ame recei�ed from the Prop�rty during T�ustor's <br /> previous �riscai year in suGh �orm and detail as Lender sha[1 require. '�Ne� aperating incorne" shall mean a[[ cash <br /> receip�s from the Property less ail eash e�penditures made in connec�ian witln the aperativn o��he Property, <br /> Gaption Headings. �ap�ion he�dings in �his Deed ❑f Trus� ar� fvr con�enien�� purp�ses on�y and are nat tv �e <br /> us�d to interpret or de�ine the pro�isivns o��his aeed ❑�Trust. <br /> Mery�r. There sha�� be no merger vf t�e interest or esta��created by this Deed ot Trust vvith any other inf�rest vr <br /> es�rate in�he F�rop�rzy at any time held by or fvr the bene�Et o�Lender in any Gapaci�y, wi�hou�the w�it-ten cansent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Gavern�ng L�w. Thas Deed af Trust wiif be gvverned by �edera� lar� ap�pli��ble tQ Lend�r �nd, tv the ext�nt not <br /> preempted by�ederal law,the�aws vf the 5�a�e of�Ve�rasl�a w►rthout�egard�v rts c�nfli�ts af iaw pra�isiQns. Th�s <br /> ❑e�d vf Trust has b�en acc�pt�d by Lender�n t�e 5tate�f IVebr�ska. <br />