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2� 15�77� 1 <br /> i]EED �F 1"�UST <br /> � <br /> {��nt�nued� �a�� 7 <br /> Chvi�e o� Venue. lf fhere is a fawsuit, Trus�or agrees upvn Lender`s �-eques��o submit �o fihe �ur��dict�on af the <br /> caur�s o�Hal[ County, 5tate a�Nebraska. <br /> Join# and 5evera[ Liabiiity. A�� o���ga�ions o� Trus�or under this Deed �f Trust shall be join� and s��era�, and a[f <br /> re�e�ences to Trus�o� sha�i mean each and every �rustor. This means �hat each Trus#or signing �eiow is <br /> responsib�e�or a�#oh�igat��ns in this Deed of Trusfi. <br /> Nn Vllai�er by Lender. Lender sha[[ not be deemed�o have vvaived any rights under this ❑eed a�T�us� un[ess such <br /> vtiraiver�s given �n wri�ing and signed by Lender. No de�ay or omission on the par�of Lender in exercising any righ� <br /> shall opera�e as a vUai�er of su�h right or any ather right. A v�raiUer by Lender of a proWision o#this �eed of Trust <br /> shall na� pre�udice or cons�itute a wai�er ofi Lender`s righ� a�herwise to demand strict comp[iance with tha� <br /> pra�ision or an}� other pro�ision ofi this �eed of Trust. No prior vrraiver by Lender, nar any caurse a� �ea��ng <br /> batween Lende� and T�-ustar, shal� cvnsti�u-�e a wai�er of any of Len�er`s righ-ts or❑f any af Trustvr's obEiga�ivns <br /> as �o any �utur� tran�actions. Utlhenever the consent a� Lender is requ��ed under�his �eed o#Trust, the gran�ing <br /> of such consent by Lender in any ins�tan�e shaf[ n�� constitute can-�inuing eansen�-to subsequ�nt ins�ances �nrher� <br /> such�ansent is required and in all �ases such Gonsenfi may be gran�ted or wi�chheld in�he sa�e discr��ion of Lender. <br /> Severabi�ity. �f a c�urt ❑# �ompe�ent�urisdi��ion finds any prv�ision of�his Deed o�f Trust t❑ b� illegal, �nWa��d� or <br /> unen�o�ceab�e as t� any pe��an or circumstance, �ha�fiinding shall no�make�he a���nding praWisian i�lega�, in�alid, <br /> or unenforceable as to any other p�rson or c�rcumstance. �f feas�b�e, the o��ending provision sha�� be considered <br /> modifiied sa tha� 3�becames lega[, Wa[id and en�orceab�e. lf�he o���nding provisi�n cannot be so madi�ied, i-�sha�2 <br /> he cansidered dele�ed �From this Deed o� Trust. Un[ess otherwis� r�quired by �aw. �the i��ega[ity, �nvalidi�y, o� <br /> unenfarGeabili�y of�n� prv�ision of this Deed of Trust sha[I not affect the �egali-�y, val�dity or enforc�ability a�any <br /> o�h��pro�ision a#this ❑eed o�Trust. <br /> Su�cessors and Assigns. Subject ta any ��m�tations stated in this Deed o�Trust on transfer of Trustor's €nterest, <br /> �his Deed of Trust shall be b'rnding upon and Enure to the bene��t o�th�e parties, their suc�essors and assigns. ff <br /> o�nrnership af the Proper�y becomes vested in a person ather than Trustor; Lender, withvut natice ta Trustar, may <br /> deal �i�h Trustar's suecessors with reference�o�his De�d of Trust and�he indebtedness by way af farbearance❑r <br /> extensian v�ithout re�eas�ng T�ustor�rram�the obliga�ions af this Deed af Trus�vr�iab���ty under the Indefo�edness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is o�the essence in�he perfarman�e o#this Deed o�Trust. <br /> 1tVai�e Jury. All parties tv this Deed of Trus#hereby�ra�ve the righ#to any jury tria�in any a�#ivn, proceeding, or <br /> coun�er�lair�brvugh�by any party agaiRst any other party. <br /> Vljaiver of Homestead Exemp�ian. Trust�r hereby releases and waiues a[I rights and bene�E�ks a� the hamestead <br /> exemp�ion laws of-�he S�ate of Nebraska as�to a[l lndebtedness secured by�his Deed o�Trus�k. <br /> I�EF�NIT��NS. The fall�wing capitali�ed words and �erms shall have the follavtiring meanEngs when used in this Qeed of <br /> Trust. Un[�ss specifiGa[#y stated �o �he cont�a�y, a�! re#erences�o dolla�am�unts sha[[ mean amounts in lawful money <br /> af-�he United S�at�� of Am�rica. Wards and terms used �n the s�ngufar sha�I inc[ude �he plurair and �he plural sha1� <br /> �nclude the singular, a� the Gon�ext may r�quire. 1lVords and �erms nat otherwise defined in this Deed af Trust sha�� <br /> ha�e�he meanings a�-�ribu-�ed�o such terms in�he Unifiorm Cammercfa� Cade: . <br /> Bene�iciary. The word "Ben�fii�i.ary" means Exchange Bank, and i�s successors and assigns. <br /> Borrov�re�. Th� vsrord "Bor�ower" means STANLEY E a�N4LD and PATSY R ARN�LD and in�ludes all co-sign�rs <br /> and co-makers sign�ng�h� Note and a��their successvrs and assigns. <br /> De�d af Trust. The words "Deed o-� Trust" mean this Deed o� T�-ust among Trustar, Lender, and Trus�tee, and <br /> includes vtirithout limita�ion all assignment and security inter�st provisions �-e[ating to the Persona[ Proper�� and <br /> Ren�s. , <br /> Defau�t. The word "Default" means�he�.DefauCt se�for�h in#his Deed of Trust in�he se�tton titled "Default". <br /> FnW�ronmen�a� Laws. � ��The wards "En�ironmen�al La�rvs" mean any and ali state, federal and Coca� statutes, <br /> regufat�ons and vrdinances relatin� to th� prote�tion of human health o�r the �n�iranment, inc�uding wi�hout <br /> ..a..:1.•.��R,..•+ra.4-:.� i.:t��rt.Aa+':4FJ41R'ry�iN.ti�..�.n..�.G r�i�... . .� <br /> limitation the Comprehensive Environmenta� Response, Comp�nsa�ion, and;,L�abil�ty Ac�.of�-�98D;�as�amended, 4� <br /> _:;��r�: <br /> U.S.�. Sec�ion 9�D�, et seq.•{''`CER�LA"y, the Supe��und Amen�ments and Re.authori�a�ian Act`o� '1986, Pub. L. <br /> �.N�� 99-499 �"�.ARA"�, the Hazardous Mate�ia[s Transportatian Act,�4-9 IJ.S.C: Sec�ian'�8�1.,�t seq., #he Resource <br /> Conser�ation and Reco�er�A�t, 42 U.S:C. 5ection fi94�, et seq:�;��or�o�her�applicahle st�te�or..federal �aws, ru��s, <br /> or regula-�ions adap��d pursuan�ther�to. <br /> E�ent❑f Qefault. The w�rds "E�en�of Defautt" mean any of the events of defaul�set�orth in this Deed af Trust ir� <br /> �he e�ents o�default sec�ion of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Gua�an�y. The�vard "�uaranty" means the guaranty from gua�an�or, endarser, surety, ar accommodatfon party to <br /> Lender, �nciud�ng w�thout lirn3�ation a guaranty o�F all or part o�r�he No�e. <br /> Hazarci�us �ubst�n�es. The �nro�ds "�-la�ardaus 5ubstance�'g �nean mater��[s #�hat, because o� �their quantit�, <br /> �oncentrati�� ar phys�ca�, �h�miGaE or in�ectious cha�-a�cteristics, ��y caus� �r pose a prese�t ❑� �a�en�i�l ha�ar� <br /> �o hu,�nan hea[-�f� or�f�� �r�uironmen-�when grr�p�-ope�-�y us�d,�reated; stared, disposed o-�, �enerated, manufactu�ed, <br /> �ransported or atherwise �and[ed. The�+rords TEHazardaus Substances" are used in their��ry broades�sens� and <br /> inc[ude without limi�atian any and ai[ hazardvus or taxic substan�es, materia[s or wast� as defined by or fisted <br /> unde�the En�ironmenta! Laws. The t�rm "Hazardvus Su�s�ances" also inc[udesE v�ithout limitation, petrofeum and <br /> p�tro�eum by-products or any fraction therea�and asbestvs. <br /> lmprvr►emen�s: The vvard "lmpravements" means a�( ex�st�ng and �uture Empro�ements, bu��dings; s�ructures, <br /> mobile homes affixed on the Real Property� facilities, addi�tions, repiac�ments and other �onstruc�ion on the Reaf <br /> Property. <br /> [n€�eb�edn�ss. The r�vord "lndebtedness" means al� p�incipal, �r�terest, and Qther amoun�s� cos�s and expenses <br /> pa�able u�der ��e [Vo�e or Ffelated Do�umen�s, �ageth�r vtri�h ��I r�newa�� �f, extens�ons ❑�, o�nadi-�ica�ions a�� <br /> Con�o[ida�ions e��F and subs�itutions rtor tf�e NQ�te ar��[ated ❑acvrr��nts and any a�nounts expended or ad�an�ed by <br /> Lender �� discharg� `��ustor`s vbligatior�s c�r �xper�ses ancurr�d �by Trustee or Lender to enfor�e Trustor's <br /> obliga�ions under this Dee� �� T�ustt ��ge�her vvi�h interest �� su�h amoun�s as provided in �his D��d of Tr-�st. <br /> Spe��#icail�r, w�thout �im�tationr lndebtedne�s �ncludes �Ine ��ure ad►rances se� �orth ir� Fhe �utu�-e Advances <br /> pro�isivn, �oge�her �rvEth a[[ interest �he�eon and a�� amounts �hat may he �ndire�tly .secured by th� <br /> Cross-Colla�r�rafizatfon prv�ision of this 1Jeed o�Trust. <br /> Lender. Tha word "Lender" means Exchange Bank, its suc�essors and assigns. <br /> Nvte: The word "Nate" m�ans the promissary note da�ed Novem�a�r �, �015, [n the original prinei�a� <br /> a�naunt �f $7��.��a.�Q from Trustor to L�nder, tog��her with al� renewafs of, zx-tensions of, modE�i�a�ions <br /> o�, re�inancings �fr �onsoridations o�, and 5�.1�35�ifiL1�lDC�S far �he pt'�['71E5S�C�I nate or agreement. N�TlCE T� <br /> T�USTDR: `�'HE l'VpTE C�NTAiNS A V�4RiABLE�NTEREST RATE. <br /> Persona! Pr��erty� Th� �nr�rels "Persona� PraQer�y'r rnean all �quipment, #ixtures, and other ar�i�le� o� pers��a� <br /> praperty raou� �r herea�er owned b� Tr-ustoro and �ov� �r h��-�a#te� atfached �r �ffix.ed �o �h� Reaf F'roper�yr <br /> �o�ethe�- rr►ri�� all accessi�ns, parts, �rad �ddi#i�ns tag al� rep[a�err�ents vfr an� alI substi�ut�on� for� an� ❑f such <br />