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<br /> �EE�] �F TF�LJST
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<br /> �G��nt�nt��d� Page �
<br /> Trusto�'s beha�� under�h�s De�d o-�Trus�or the Rela�ed Do�umen�ts is �alse or misleading in any ma�erial respect,
<br /> either novtir o�-af the t�me made or furnished or hecomes false or misleading at any time thereafi�er.
<br /> Defec�ive Colla�eral��ativn. Th�s Deed of Trus� or any of the Rela�ed Documen�s ceas�s to be in �ull �orc� and
<br /> e�-Fec� {inGluding failure ofi any collaterai document to crea�e a �alid and p�rfec�ed security interes# or iien} a� any
<br /> time and far an�reasvn.
<br /> Death or�nsa�ven�y. The dea�h of Trus�or, �h� insa[vency af Trustor, fihe appointment a�a r�ceiver#�r any part a�
<br /> Trustor's proper�y, any assignmen� €ar �he benefit ❑f credi�ars, any �ype �f c�'editar workautr o� �he
<br /> commeneemen�a#any praeeeding under any bankrup�c�r or insol�ency laws by❑r againsfi Trustor.
<br /> Creditor or F�rfeiture Pracsed�ngs. Cammencement of -�oreclosure or -Forfe��ure proceedings, �he�her by judicial
<br /> proceeding, se[f-he�p, repossessivn v�any other method: by any ��editvr of Trustor or by any governmen�a� agency
<br /> aga�nst any property securing the �ndeb�edness. This includes a garnishme-nt of any of Trusfor's accaun�s,
<br /> inc�uding deposit acc�unts� ►rvith Lender. Howe�er, this E�ent a# Defau�t sha:�[ nat apply if there E5 a govd faifh
<br /> dispu�e by Trustor as ta the uafidi�ty or reasonableness ofi the ��aim which is the basis o�the credit�r �r farfei�u�e
<br /> proceeding and it Trus�or gi�es Lender writ�en notice of the creditor ar ��rfei�ure prviceeding and depfls�ts wi�th
<br /> Lender manies�r a sure�y band for the �redi�ar or�orfeiture praceeding, in an amaunt det�rmined by Lend��-, in �ts
<br /> sole discretion, as being an adequate reserve or bvnd far�he dispute.
<br /> Breach ❑f�ther Agreement. Any brea�h by Trus�vr under�he�erms a�F any o�her agreement bet�rve�n Trustor and
<br /> Lender �hat is not rem�di�d within any grace period pro�ided therein, including without �imi�ati�n any agreement
<br /> �oncem�ng any �ndebte,dnsss or vther obliga�ion of Trus�or ta �.ender, vvhether existing navv or later.
<br /> Even�s Affe��ing Guaran�vr. Any of�he preced�ng events accurs with r�spec�to an�guarantor, end�rser, sure�y,
<br /> or a�commada�ion par�y of any of�he lndeb�edn�ss or any guarantor, �ndorser, surety, or accommoda�ivn party
<br /> dies or becomes incompetent, or �-e�okes or disputes �he validi�y �t, or liabili�y under, any �uaran�y a� �he
<br /> lnd�b-�edness.
<br /> AdWe�se C�ange. A ma�eriat ad�erse Ghange accurs in Trus�Cor's financial conditian, o� Lender belie�es the
<br /> prospect af payment or performan�e of�he lndebtedn�ss is impaired.
<br /> lnse�urity. Lendsr in good fai�h belie�es itsef�insecure.
<br /> Right#a Cure. If any defaul�, ❑�her than a defauf�in payment, is curable and if Trustor has na�t been gi�en a notice
<br /> of a breaeh of�he same pra�isivn of�his ❑eed of Trus�vvfthin the preceding twel�e �1 Zy months, it may be cured i-F
<br /> Trus�or, af�er Lender sends w�rit�en na�ice to Trus�or demanding cure of such defau�t: ��} cures the de�au�t within
<br /> twenty �2D} days; or (2} if the cure requires more �han twen�y ��D� days, �mmediately initiafies steps which
<br /> Lender deems in Lender's sole discre�ion �to be sufficien� �❑ cure �he detau�t and thereaf�er cnn��nues and
<br /> completes all reasonable and necessary s�eps sufficien��o pradu�e camplian�e as soan as reasonably practicaf.
<br /> R�GHT'S AND RE11�lEDIES DN DEFAULT. [f an E�ent o�F L]efaul�o��urs under this �]eed o�Trust, at any time �hereaf�er,
<br /> Trus�ee��r Lende�r may e�ercise any❑ne or more of the�rollvvuing rights and remedies:
<br /> Acce[era#Eon Upun Defau[t;Additivnal Remedie�. If any E�ent v� �e�au�fi�ccurs as psr th���r�ms ot the Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lende�may declare all [ndebtedness secured hy this D�ed of Trus��v be due and payable and
<br /> the same shal�thereup�n he�om�du�and payable wi�hQut any presentmen�, demand, pro�est ar nati�e af any
<br /> k�nd. Thereaft��, L�nder may:
<br /> �a} Erther in persan or by agent, with or w�thou� bringing any ac�i�n or proceeding, �r by a rece=ver
<br /> appointed by a �ourt and wi�rhout regard�o the adequacy o���s security; en�er upan and fiake pvssession
<br /> of the Propertyr or any part fiher�af, in i�s own name or in the name o�f Trustee. and do any acts vvhich �t
<br /> deems n�cessary❑r desirabie to preserve the�alue, marke�ability ar ren�abiiity of�h� Property, or part a�
<br /> the Property or Enteres� in the Prvperty; increase the income from the Pr�perty ❑r pratect the se�urity a�
<br /> the Property; and, wi�h or withou� taking possessian of �the Property, sue for ar a-�her�vise ca��e�t the
<br /> rents, issues and p�ofits o�the Praper�y, including thvse pa:st due and unpaid, and apply the same, Iess
<br /> ���ts and expens�s��aperat�on and c�llection attorneys' fees���any ind�btedness secured by this Deed
<br /> o� Trust, a�� �n such order as Lender may de�ermine. The entering upon and �aking passessi�n of the
<br /> Property, the co[�ection o� such rents; issues and profits, and �he applica�ivn the�ev� shal[ no� cu�-e or
<br /> wai�e any default or no�i�e of de�au[t unde�-�h�s ❑�ed of Trus�ar�n�alidate an� ac�done in r�sponse to
<br /> such defaul�ar pursuant�o such no�i��of de�Fau[�; and, notwithstan.ding�he c�n�inuance in possess�on of
<br /> the P�op�r�� or�the eailec�io�, r�ceip� and applica�i�� of rents. issues or prfl��ts, Trust�e or Lender si�all
<br /> be enti��ed to exercfse e�ery r�igh� provided �Far in the CVote vr the Relate� Dacumen�ts vr by �aw upan the
<br /> ❑�currence of any e�ent o�F defaul�,in�luding the righ��o exer�ise�he power o�sale;
<br /> {b} C�mmence an a�tion to foreclose�this Deed of Trus�as a mortgagef appvint a recei�er or specifically
<br /> enfor�e any o�the co�enants hereof; and
<br /> �c� De�iv�r tv Trustee a written de�lara�ion of de#aul�and demand�or sa�e and a r�vri�ten not�ce of defaul�
<br /> and eiection to cause TrustvrTs interest in the Properfy to be so�d, which notice Trustee shaf� cause to be
<br /> duly filed far reGord in the appropriate ofFices a�F fihe Coun�y in v�rhich th� Prope�ty is located; and
<br /> {�} 1�1lith respec�to all ar any par�o�F�he Persanal Proper�y, Lende�-shal� have �l[the righ�s and remedies
<br /> �f a s�cured party under the Nebraska Unifarrn �ommer�ial Code.
<br /> Farec[v�ure by Po�►rer a�5a�e. lf Lender e[ec�s�o foreclose �y exer�ise�f the Paw�r r�5ale herein �ontained,
<br /> Lender shal[ notif� �rustee and shall depo�i� wi�h Trus�ee �his Deed o�F Trust and th� 11ot� and suc� receipts
<br /> and e�idenee of e�pendi�ures made and secured by�thi� Ueed af Tru���s Trustee may require.
<br /> �a� Upon receip�of such notiGe�rom Lender, Trus�ee shall cause to be recarded, publishe�an�deliver�d
<br /> �o T�ustvr such No�ic�o�Defau�t and Natic� o# Sa�e as then required b� �aw and by th�s ❑�ed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee sha[�, virith�ut demand on T�-ustor, a�ter such time as may then be requ�red by �aw and afte�-
<br /> recorda�tian o�such Notice af Defiault and after Natice o� Sa�e having been gi�en as required by �avv, seli
<br /> the Praperty a� the time and place of sa[e f�xed by it in such Notice of Sal�, eithe� as a whole, ar in
<br /> separa�e �Qts or parcels ar items as Trus�ee sha[��eem�xp�dient, and in su�h ❑rder as �t may determine�
<br /> at public auc�ian�o the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United 5tates payable a�the time
<br /> o� sale. T�ustee sha1� deliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereo� its good and su�ficient deed �r
<br /> deeds cor��eying the prvperty so sold, k�ut withvut any cv�enant a� warranty, express vr impiied. The
<br /> rec��ca�s in such d��d o� any matters o� �acts shai� b� can��us€ve proof of the -truth-�ulness thereaf. Any
<br /> p�rson� inc[udin�wi�hout�imitation�rustor,Trustee, or L�nder, may pur�hasE��su�h sa[e.
<br /> {b} ,o,s may be permit�ed by law, af�er deducting ai� �os-�s, -�ees ar�d expense� of -T"rus�ee and o� �hi�
<br /> Tr�s�, including �os�s of e��dence o��itle in conne��ion with saie,Trus��e sha�� appfy�he proce�ds o�F saje
<br /> �o paymen�o� {�� a!�sums expend�d under the�errras��this Deed a�Trust�or under�he�erms o��he fVote
<br /> not then repaid, incfuding but no�r Iimited ta accrued interest and late charges, �iiy al! other sums then
<br /> s�cured hereby, and �iii� th�remainder, i�any�to the person or persons legally ent��led ther�to.
<br /> {c} Trustee may in�he manner pro�ided by [�w postpvne sate of all or any par�ion o�the Property.
<br /> Remed�es Nat Exc[usiv�. T�uste� and Lender. and each of them, shall be en�itled to en�orce payment and
<br />