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2� 15�77� 1 <br /> aEED �F TF�LJST <br /> . <br /> t �nt�nu� � ���e � <br /> represented in �he p�aceeding hy �ounsef of i�s vwn choice� and Trustor wilf deliuer ar cause to be deli�ered to <br /> Lend�r such instrum�n�s and dacumenta�ion as may be requested by Lender from tim� �o �ime to permit such <br /> part�cipat�vn. <br /> App�ica�ivn�f Ne�Prviceeds. lt all or any part of the Praperty is �ondemned by eminent domain proceedings or by <br /> any pr�ceeding or purchase in fieu of cond�mnation, Lender may a�i�s elect�on requi�e tha�al�or any por�ion vf�he <br /> ne� proceeds �f the award be applied �o the I ndebtedness vr tFte repair ar res�oration of the Pr�perty. The ne� <br /> praceeds af the award shall mean-the award after payrnen�of all reasonab�e casts, e�penses, and a�torneys� �EES <br /> incurred by Trustee or�ender in connecfiion with the�ondemnation. <br /> I1111IIP�SIT��N DF �A�iES, FEES AND GHARGES BY GOVERN�IIEIVTAL AUTH�RI�IES. The �ollowing pro�isions relat�ng <br /> �o go�ernmental ta�es,�ees and charges are a part o�f this Deed v�T�-ust: <br /> �u�ren�Ta�ces, Fees an� Charges. Upon request by L�nder, Trus�or shall �xecute such dvcuments in additian to <br /> this Deed of Trust and take�nrha�e�er athe�ac�i�n is requested by Lender to per�ect and c�ntinue Lender's fien on <br /> �he Reaf Property. Trus�or shall reimburse Lender.for alf taxes, as d�scr�bed below� �v�ether with all �xpens�s <br /> incurred in reGvrd�ng, perfe�t�n� or cont�r�uing this ❑eed �f Trust, inc�uding without limita�ion all taxe.s, fees, <br /> dvcumen�ary stampsr and other charges for recording or registering this Deed of Trust. <br /> Taxe�. The �a��awing shaf[ constifiute ta�ces �o which this secti�n appfies: �1} a speci�ic tax upon this �yp� �f <br /> Deed o�Trust or upan a�[ or any part o�f the lndehtedness secured �y this Deed of Trust; ��} a specific �ax on <br /> Trustor which Trustor is authorized or required to dedu�t from payments on the Indebtedness secured by this�ype <br /> af Deed vf Trust; {3� a tax❑n-this type o�Deed of Trust chargeable against�he Lend�r or the holder of fihe 1Vote; <br /> and �4� a specif"rc tax vn a�l or any partion of�he lndebtedness or an paym�nts vf principal and interest made by <br /> Trust�r. <br /> Subsequen� Taxes, �� any ta� to which this section app[ies is enacted subsequent to the dat� v� this a�ed of <br /> Trust, this even-t sha[f ha�e the same ��#ect as an Ewent of ❑efaul�, and Lender may exer�ise any or afI of i�s <br /> availabfe remedies f�r an E�ent o� De�ault as pro�ided below unless T�rustor either 4�} pays the tax before it <br /> becomes delinquent, or ��} �ont�sts the fax as pro�ided abo�e in �he Tax�s and Liens sec�ion and deposits wi�h <br /> Lender cash vr a suf�ieient corporat�surety bond or ather security satisfactory tv Lender. <br /> SEGUi�ITY �4GREEMEII�T; FINAN�ING ST�OTEIV[�111T5. The �o[[awing provisions relating ta this �e�d a� Trust as a <br /> secur6ty agreement are a par��f this Deed o�Trust; <br /> Security Agre�men#. This �nst�ument shaf f cons�i�u�e a 5e�ur�ty Agreement to the extent any of the Property <br /> constitutes-�ixtures, and Lender shalf ha�e a11 0-�the rights o€a secured party under�he Uniform Cvmmercia{ Code <br /> as amended�rom time to trme. <br /> Securrty Inte�r�s�. L1pon request by Lender, Trust�r shafl �ake whatever a�tifln is requested by Lender �o perfect <br /> and continue Lender`s security interest in the l�en-�s a�nd Persona� P�-operty, In addition t❑ reGarding this Deed af <br /> Trust in the r�al prvperty recards, Lender may, at any time and v►ri�hout further au�hori�a�ion fronr� Trus�or, �iie <br /> e�eec�.rt�d �ounterparts, copi�s or reproduc�ions a� �his Deed of Trust as a -�inancing statement, Trustor shall <br /> reimburse Lend�r�For af[ expenses incurr�d in pe��ecting vr continuing �his security interest. Upon de�au[t, Trustor <br /> shaff not remn�e, se�er vr detach�he Pe�-sona[ Proper�y �rom the Prop�rty. Llpon de�au[�, Trust�r shalf assemble <br /> any Personal Property nvt a��ixed ta the Property in a manner and at a p�ace reasonabfy�on�enien��o Trus�or and <br /> Lender and mak� it a�aiiah�e to Lender within three �33 days after receipt of written demand fram Lender �o �he <br /> extent permitted by app[icabfe lav►r.. <br /> �1dd�esses. The maifing addr�sses o� Trus�or �deb�ar� and Lender {secured party} frocn which informa�ion <br /> cvncerning the se�uri�y interest granted by �his Deed of Trus� may be obtained �ea�h as required by the Unifvrm <br /> Commercial Cod�} are as stated on�the first page of�his Deed of Trust.. <br /> FURTHE�i ASSURANCESi A�'T�IRIVEY-IN-F�C�'. The �oilow�ng provisions reia�ing �o further assurances and <br /> attorney=�n-�act ar�a part❑�this �eed of Trus�: <br /> Fu�her�ssuran�es. A� any tim�, and from tirne to�irne, upon requ�st o�F Lende�, Trustvr wi[[ make, execu-�e and <br /> deli�er, or w61f�ause�o he mader�xecuted or defi�ered,�o Lender or tv Lender's designee, and when reques�ed by <br /> Lender, cause to be filed, record�d, refiled, or rerecorded, as �he case may he, a� such �im�s and in such v��ices <br /> and plaees as Lend�r may deem apprapr�a�er any and all such mor-tgages, deeds of trust, seGurity deeds, security <br /> ag�eec�r�ents, €inancing statementsr continuat�on statemen�s, 'rns�rumen�s of further assuran�e, �ertificates, and <br /> other docum�nts as may, in�he svle op�nion o-�L�nder, be necessary�r desirable in order to e��ectuate, c�mpfete, <br /> perfect; continue, or preser�e �1} Trustor's vbliga�ions under th� Nvte, this Deed of Trust, and the Rela�ed <br /> Documents, and ��} �he l�ens and security interes�s created by this Deed o�F Trus�as firs�and prior liens vn �he <br /> Praperty, whether naw owned ❑r h�reafter�cquired by Trustor. Un[ess proh�bited by !aw or Lender agr�es to �he <br /> cont�-ary in wr-it�ng, Trustor shaf f reimburse Lender fo� a�l costs and expenses inGurred �n cvnnec�ion with �he <br /> matt�rs re�e�red to in this paragraph. <br /> A�ttorney-in-FaGt. 1f�rus�or fails tv d❑ any v��he things �eferred to in the p:receding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> �or and �n the name �f Trustor and at T�ustor's expense. For such purpases, Trust�r hereby irre�vcably appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trus�vr's a��orney-in-�ac�for th� purpose of ma�ing, execu�ing, delivering, �i[ingr recording, and dving all <br /> ��her�hings as may b� ne��ssary or desirab�e, in Lenderrs sole opinion, to accnmp[ish �he ma��ers re�erred tv in <br /> the pr�ceding paragraph,. <br /> FULL PE�FD��ANGE. 1���ustor�ays aff the Indeb�edness, �nciud�ng without['rmitation ali fu�ure ad�an�es, when due, <br /> and otherwEse per€�rms a[[ �he oblrga�ions imposed upon Trustar under this Deed of Trust, Lende� sha�� execute and <br /> de[i�er to Trustee a reques� �or full recon�eyanc� and shaff execu�e and c�eli�er tv Trustvr sui�a��e statemen-�s vf <br /> termination of any financing statement an -�i[e evidencrng Lender's security interest in the Ren�s and �he Persvnal <br /> Property. Any recvn�eyance��e requEred by[aw shall be paid by T�ustor, i€permitted by appii�able law. <br /> El1ENTS a� ❑EFAULT, Ea�h vf-the folfowing, a� L�nder's opt�on, shaf[ cons�itute an E�ent o�F �efault under this Deed <br /> of Trus�: <br /> IPayment Default. Trus�or-fai;�s to make any payrr�ent when due under�he Indeh�edness. <br /> ��her Defaults. Trustor fai[s to comply wi�h vr to perform any ather �errn, vbliga�ion, ca��nan� or �vndition <br /> c�ntaEned fn tf�is Deed ❑f Trus� or in any of �he Re�ated Documen�s c�r to cvmply w��h or tv pe�€vrm any term, <br /> oblig�-�ivn,�ovenant or condition�ontained En any other agreemen�betvsreen Lender and Trus�or. <br /> Compii�nce Defa�alt. Failure ta compfy wPth any o�her ��rm, vbiiga#ivn, �vvenant or condi�ion cantained in �h�s <br /> Deed o�Trust��he Note ar in any vf�he F�ela�ed Docum�nts. <br /> Defauit on�ther Pay�menirs. Failure o�F T�ustor within the time require� by this D�ed of Trus�ta make any payment <br /> �or taxes vr insurance, or any other payment necessary to pre�ent filing a�or�v e�€�ct dis�harge ofi any lien.. <br /> Default in Fa�r�or nf Third F'ar�ies. 5hvuld Gran�or de�ault under any [oan, extensidn vf credit, security agreement, <br /> pu�chas� ar saEes agr��m�nt, or any other agreement, i� fa��r af any o�her cr�ditvr a� pe�son -�hat may ma�erialfy <br /> affect any of Grantor`s praper�y vr Grantor's ab�fity t� repay �he �ndebt�dnsss or Gran�or's ability to perfarm <br /> Grantor's abligations und�r�his Deed af Trust or any of the Re�a�ed ❑o�uments. <br /> �a1se 5tatements. Any warranty, r�pr�sentatian or s�a�ement made or �urnished to Lend�r by Trustor or on <br />