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2� 15�7�58 <br /> reasonably m�ght affect such determination or certifica�ion. Borrower sha11 also be respons�b�e for the <br /> payment of any fees imposed by the Federa�Emergency Management Agenc�in connectian w�t�.�h� <br /> review of any�.a�d zone determination result�n�from an objection by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower fa��s to ma�ntain any of the co�erages d�scribed a�ove,Lender may insurance <br /> co�erage,at Lender's option and Borro�ver's expense. Lender�s un.der no obligation to purchase any <br /> particu�ar�pe or amount of�avera�e. Therefor�, such co�erage sha���over Lender,but might or might <br /> not pr�tect Bono�ver,Borrower's equity in the Pr�pearty,or the contents af the Property,against any <br /> risk,ha�ard or liability and might pravide greater or lesser co�erage than was previou��y�n effect. <br /> B�nawer acknowl�dges t�hat the cost af the xnsurance covera�e so ob�a.ined m�ght significantly�xceed the <br /> cost af insuranc�tha�Borrti�er could ha�e obtained.An�y amounts disbursed by L�nder under th�s <br /> Section 5 shall becom�add�tional debt qf Bveyrow�r secured by t��s�ecurity Instrumen.�. These amounts <br /> shall bear in�terest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement and sha�t�be p�,ya�1�,wit�such interest, <br /> upon not�ce from Lender to Borrower reques�ing pa}�ment. <br /> A�I�ns��.nce�o�icies required b�Lender a��.d re��wa��s of such policies shal�be s�bj ect to Lender`s right <br /> ta d�sapprove such p���cies,sha11 in�lu�le a sta�.dard�mortgage�lause, and sha11 n�am�Lender a� <br /> mortgagee andlor as an additional loss payee. Lender shall ha��the ri�ht to hold th�pvlici�s and rene�va� <br /> certi�cates. If Lender requires,Borrower sha11 promptly give to Lender a11 receipts of paid premiums and <br /> renewal not�ces. If Borrower obtains any form of insurance�overage,not otherwise required by Lender, <br /> for damage to,or destruction of,the Property, such policy shall inc�ude a standard mortgage c�ause and <br /> sha11 r�ame Lender as mor�gagee andlor as an add��iona�loss pa�ee. <br /> In the event of loss,Bortower shatt give prompt notice to the Ynsurance carrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> mal�e proaf of loss if not made prampt�y by Borrawer. LJn�ess L�nder and Borrower other�vise agree in <br /> writing,an.y insurance proceeds,�hether or not the und�r�ying insurance was re� b�Lender, sha11 <br /> be app��ed ta restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration�r repair is economically feasible and <br /> L�nd�er's secur�ty is not I�ssened.During such repair an.d restoration period,Lend�r shall ha�e the right <br /> t��io�d such insu.ranc�pfoceeds until Lend�r has had an apportuni�t�znspect su�h Property to ensure <br /> the�v�rk has been comgleted to L�nder's satisfaction,pro�ided that�uch inspectian shall be undertaken <br /> promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs�.nd restoration in a single payment or in a series <br /> of progress payments as the�vork is compl�ted, Un�ess an agreement is made in�vrit�ng or Applicable <br /> Law requu'es�nterest t�be pa�d on such Ynsurance proceeds, Lender shali no�be r�quued to pay <br /> Borrower any interest or earn�ngs on such proceeds. Fees for publ�c adjusters,ar other third par�ies, <br /> retained by Borrower sha�1 not b�paid aut of the insurance pro�eeds and shali be the so�e ab�igation of <br /> Bonower.If the restoration or repair�s not ecanornicai�y fe�.sible or Lender's security wou�d be <br /> �ess�ned,the insuranc�procee�s shall be app�ied�o the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�, <br /> whether ar not th�e�dt�e,�ith the excess,if any,paid to Bonow�r. Such insur�nce proceeds sha�l be <br /> applied in the orde�r prov�ded for in Section 2, <br /> If 13�rrower abandons�he Property,Lender may file, negotiate�nd settle any a�ailab�e xnsurance claim <br /> and re�atec�n��t�ers. If Borrower do�s nat respond�vit�iira 3 a days ta a no�ice from Lender that the <br /> ��surance c��rier has offered ta settl�e a claim,then�.ender rr�ay negotiate and settle the cta�m. The 3 D-day <br /> period wi�1 begin when the notice is g�v�n.In eith�r event,or if Len.der acquu'es the Praperty�nder <br /> Secti�n 22 or otherwise,Borrower hereby assigns to Lender(a�)Barro�rer's rights to any�nsu.�ance <br /> proceeds in an amount no�to�xceed the amat�nts unpaid under the No�e or this Security Instrumen.t,and <br /> �b}any other of Borro�er's r�ghts�other than the right to any refund of unearned premiums paid by <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 9/34/2414 <br /> Bankers Systems'� VMP C� 11MP4N(NE}�15�fi}.q� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 7 of 1? <br /> qa334636�$4Q QZ33 42� 4�17 <br />