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2� 15�7�58 <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institutian�vhose d�posits are insured h�a federa�agency, instrumentality, <br /> or entit���n.c�uding Lender, �f Lender is an�nstitution whase deposits are so insured�or in any Federal <br /> Home I,oan Bank. �,end��r sha��apply�.he Funds t�p�.y the Escrow�tems no later than the time specified <br /> under RESPA.Lender shall not charge Borrow�r for holding and applying�he Funds,annually analyzing <br /> the�scr�w account,or verifying the Es�row Items,unless�.ender pays Borrower�nter�st on�he Funds <br /> and Applica��e Law permits Lender ta ma�e such a chaxge.Unless an agre�ment is znade in wr�ting or <br /> App��cable La�u requires interest to be paid on�he Funds,Lender shall not be required to�ay Borrower <br /> an,y�nterest or earn� on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing,however,that interest <br /> sha11 be paid on the Fund�.Lender sha��give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the <br /> Funds as required by RE SPA. <br /> If there is a surp�u��f F�.nds he�d in escrow,as defined under RE�pA,Len�.er shall account to Borrower <br /> far the excess funds in acc�rdance�i�h��PA. If there is a shoar�age of Fu�ds he�d in.escrow,as defined <br /> under RESPA,Lender shali notify Borrawer as required by RESPA,and Borr��ver shall pay to Lender <br /> the amount n��essary to make up the shortage in accardance with RE�PA,but in na more than �2 <br /> monthiy payments. If there�s a deficiency of Funds held in escrow,as defined under RES�'A, Lender <br /> shal�notify Borrower as requ�.red by R�S�'A,and I3o�rower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to <br /> make up the deficien�y in accordance with RESPA,bu�in no more than 12 monthly payments. <br /> Upon payme�t in fu11 of all sum�secured by this Securi�y Instrumen�,Lender sha��promptly refund to <br /> Banow�r any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �har�es;Liens.Barrower sha���ay a�I taxes� assessments,�harges, fines, and imp�s�tions attributable <br /> to the Property�rh��h��n�ttain�riorit�r over this Securi�r�nstrument,leasehold payments or gr�und <br /> rents on the PropertyA �f an�,and�ommunity Associatian I]ues,Fees,and Assessments, if any. Ta th� <br /> e�tent that th�se items are Esc�r�ov�,�Items,Borrower sha1l pay the�n in the manner provided�n Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien�rhich has priority over this Se�urity Instrumeat unless <br /> Borrower: (a}agrees in writing to the payment of the ob�igat�on secured by the Iien in a manner <br /> acceptable ta Lender,bu�oniy so long as Sorrower is�performing such agr�emlent;�b}contests the lien in <br /> good fai�h by,or defends against enforcemer�t of the lien in, leg�.l proceedings�vhich in L�nder's�pinion <br /> aperate to prevent the�nforcement of the 1�en while thase proceedings are p�nd�ng,but onty until such <br /> pr�ceedings are concluded;�r(c�secur�s from the holder of the�ien an agfeement satisfa�tory to Lender <br /> subordinatin.g th�lien to this Securit�Instrument. If Lender d�termines that any part of th�Property is <br /> �ubject to a�ien�h�ch can attain prior�t�ov�r this Security In�trument,Lender may give Borrower a <br /> notice identif�in�the lien.�ithin 1�days of the date on which that notice is given,Borrower shall <br /> satisfy the�ien or take on�or more of�he actions set for�h above�n this Section 4. <br /> 5. P rop+erty I ns u ran ce.Barro�er shall keep the improvements naw��isting or herea�ter erected on the <br /> Praperty�nsured against�oss�by fire,ha�ards�nc�ud�d w�thxn the�erm"extended�overage," and any <br /> otber ha�ards�ncluding,hut n�t ti�nited to,earthqu�kes and floods,far v�r�.�ch Lender requires insuranc�, <br /> This insura�ce shall be maint�.i�ed in the arnounts(including deductibte��vels}and for the periods that <br /> Lender requ�res. What Lender requires pursuant t�the preceding s�ntences�an change during�he term of <br /> the Loan. Th�insurance carrier praviding the insurance shall be chosen by F3orrower subj ect to Lender`s <br /> r�ght t�disa�prov�Borror�er`s chaice,�vhi�h right shall not be exerc��eci unreasonably. Le�d�r may <br /> require�3onower ta pay,in canne�ti�n�vith this Loan, either: (a}a pne-time charge for flood zone <br /> determinatian,certification and tracking services;or(b)a or�e-time�harge for flaod zone determination <br /> and certificatian services and subsequ�n.t char es each��me rema p�ngs or simi�ar chan es occur which <br /> FHA Deed af Tnrst�►Iit�MERS-NE 913�1�414 <br /> Bankers SystemsT"�+ VMP� VMP4N(NE}�15D6}.QO <br /> 1R�a(Le��uwer Finar�cia!Se�vices Page 6 of 1? <br /> q�334636684fl ��33 42� 0617 <br />