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2� 15�7�58 <br /> Borr��rer}under a��insuranc�p��icies covering t�e Property, �nsofar as such rights are appticable ta the <br /> co�erage of the Froperty.Lender may use the insurance proceed�either�o repair or res�ore the Prap�rty <br /> or to pay amounts unpaid und�r the Note or this Security Ins�trument,whether or not th�n due. <br /> fi. �c�upancy.Borrower�ha11 occupy, establish, and use the Property as Barrower's pr�nc�paX residence <br /> �vith�a GD days after the exe�ution of this Se�u.rity Instrumen�and sha11 cantinue to occupy the Property <br /> as Barrower's pr�ncipat residence for at least one�ear ai�er the date of occupancy,unless Lender <br /> d�termines t�iat this requirement sha�l cause undue hardship for the B�rro�ver or un�ess�xtenuating <br /> ci�rcumstances�xist which are beyond Borro�v�r's contro�. <br /> 7. Preser�at�vn,Maintenance and Pratection of the Property;�nspection�.Borrawer sha11 not <br /> des�roy, damage or impair the Property,a��ow the Praperty to deteriorate or comm�t waste on the <br /> �'raperty. Borrower shal�mainta�n the Proper�y in order to pre�ren�the Property from deterioratin�or <br /> decreasing in value due ta its condi�ion.'CJnless i�is c�e�ermined pursuan�to �ectYon 5 that repair or <br /> restoration is not economi�ally feasib�e,Borrotiver sha�l promptly repair the Property if c�amaged to <br /> avoid fur�her deterioration or damage.If insurance or condemnation proceeds are p��d�n connect��n <br /> w��h damage to the Propert�,F3orrower sha���e respans�b�e for re�airing or restorin,g the�ropert3r only <br /> if Lender has re�eased proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburs�proceed�far the repaiss and <br /> restoration in a s�ngie payment or in a series of progress payme�ts as the�vorl�is completed. If the <br /> �nsurance or c�ndernna�i�n.proceeds are nat suff�i�nt to re�aair or restore�he Praperty,Borrawer is not <br /> relieved of Borrower's ob�igation.for�he comp�etion of suGh repair or restoration. <br /> If condemnation proceeds ar�paid in Gonnection�vith the taking of the pr�perty,Lender shall ap��y such <br /> proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument, first ta an� <br /> de�inquent amounts,and then to payment of principal.An�app�ica�ion of the proceeds to the pr�ncipal <br /> sha��not extend or�ostpone the due date of the manthly payments or change the amount of such <br /> payments. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reas�nab�e entri�s upon and inspections of the Praper�y. �f it has <br /> reasanab�e caus�,Lender may inspect the interior of the impro�ements on the Pr�aperty. Lender shail gi�e <br /> Borrower not�ce at the time of or prior t�such an xnterior inspection specifying such reasonab�e caus+e. <br /> 8. 8arrower's Loan Application.Borro�ver sha11 be in default if, during�he Loan appli.catian pro�ess, <br /> Borro�uer ar any persans or entities a�ting at the d�.rectian of Barrower or�ith Borrower's know�edge or <br /> co�sent gave materially fa�se,misleadingA ar inaccurate information or st�temen�s to Lender�or failed to <br /> provide Lender with ma�erial information)in connect��n with the Loan. Materia�representatians include, <br /> but are not��mited t�,representa.tions�oncerning Borro�rer's occupancy af the Proper�y as Borrower's <br /> prrncipa�residence. <br /> 9. Protectionof L�nder's Interest in the Propertyand Rights Under this Security Instrument.If <br /> �a�F3orrower fai�s to perform the covenants and a�reements contained in this Securit�Instrument,�b} <br /> there�s a 1ega1 proceeding that might signif�ca.n��y affect Lender's interest in the Property andlor r�ghts <br /> u�der this Security Instrument�such as a proceeding in ban�ruptcy,probate, for�andemnation or <br /> forf�iture,far enfor�ement of a Iien�rhieh may attain priorit�aver this S�curity Instrument or to enfarce <br /> laws or regulations},or(c}Borrower has abandvned the Pr�perty,then Lender ma}�da and pay for <br /> �vhatever is reasonable or appro�ria�e to pro�ect Lender's interest�n the Property and rights under this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument, including protecting andlor assessing the va�ue of the Property,and securing andlar <br /> repairing the Prnperty. Lender's a�ti�ns can�n��ude,but are not�imited to: (a)pa�ring any sums secured <br /> FHA Deed of Trus#With MERS-NE 913n12Q94 <br /> Banker5 SystemsTM+ VMP� VMP4N�NE}(1546�.�4 <br /> Wolters Kluwer F�nanc�al Services Page 8 of 17 <br /> q0334636684q ��33 4�Q �817 <br />