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2� 15�7�58 <br /> �9. Sa�e of Note; �hange af Loan Servicer;Noti�e of Grie�ance.The Note ar a partial interest in the <br /> Note(together with this Secur�ty Instrument}can be sald one�r more times without prior notice to <br /> Borr�wer. A sale might result in a change in the en�i�(l�nativn as the "L�an Servicer")that col�ects <br /> �eriodic Payme�ts due under the�ate and this Security Instrument and perfarms ather mortgag�loan <br /> servicing ob�igations under the Note,this Security Instrum�nt, and Applicable La�v.There a�so mi�ht be <br /> one ar r�o�e changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrelated t�a sale of the l�a�e. If there��a change of��ae�oan <br /> Servic�r,Borrower wi11 be g��en written notrce of the change whi�h wi11 sta.te the na�e and address of <br /> the n�w Loan�er�icer,�he address to which payments shou�d be made and any other infarmation R�SPA <br /> requires in connect�on w�th a notice of transfer of'serv�c�ng. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan�s <br /> se�viced by a Loan Servicer Qther than the purchaser of�he Note,th�martgage loan ser�icing obligations <br /> to Borrower�vi11 remain�vith the Laan Servicer or be�ransferred to a suc�essor�.oan Servicer and�re <br /> not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided�y the�Tote purchaser. <br /> Ne�ther Borrower nor Lender may commence,join,or be jained ta an�judic�al ac�ion(as either an <br /> indi�iduallitigant or the member of a c�ass)that arises from the other par�y's actions pursuant to this <br /> Security�ns�rument or that alleges that the other par�y has breached any provision af,or any duty owed <br /> by reason of4�his 5ecurit5r Instrument,unti�such Borrower or Lender has notif ed the ather party(�vith <br /> such notice given�n compl�ance with the requirements of�ection 14�of su�h a��eged breach and afforded <br /> the other part�h�reta a reasonab�e period after the giving of such notice t��arrecicive actian., If <br /> Applicable Law prvvides a tir�e ger�od�vhi�h must elap�e be�flr�cer�ain action can b�taken.,that time <br /> period wi��be deemed to be reasona�le for purp�ses of th�s Sect�o�. The notice of acce�eration and <br /> opportun��ty to cure gi�en�o Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice of acce�eration given ta <br /> Borro�er pursuant�o Sect�on 17 sha11 be deemed to satisfy the not�ce and oppartunity�o take correcti�e <br /> a�tion pro�isions o f this S�ctio�n i 9. <br /> ZD. E3orrow�r Not Third-PartyBenefieiarytv Contra�t of lnsurance,Mortgage Insuran�e reimburses <br /> Lender�or any entity that gurchases the Note}for certain losses it rna�incur�f Borrow�r does not repay <br /> the Laan as agreed. Borrower ackn�wledges and agrees�hat the Borrower is not a third party bene�ciary <br /> to the contra�t of insurance be�veen the Secreta.ry and Lender, nor is Borrower entitled to enforce any <br /> agreement be�reen Le�.der and the Secretaty,unless explic�tl�authori�ed to da s�by App�i�able Law. <br /> 2'�. HazardausSubstances.As used in this S�ction 21: �a� "Hazardous �ubstances"ar�those srubsta.nces <br /> defined as�oxic or hazardous substa.nces,potlutan�s,ar wastes by�n�ironment�l La�v and the fallowing <br /> substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammab�e or taxiG petroleum products,toxic pest�c�des and <br /> h�rb�cides,volatiie soivents,materials c�nta�ning asb�stas or forma�dehyde,and radioactive materials; <br /> �b)"Enviranmenta.l La�"means federal Iaws and laws of the jurisdictian where the Property�s�ocated <br /> that r�late to hea�th, safety or envi.ronmental prvt�cti�n;(c}�'Enviranmental��eanup" includes any <br /> response acti�n,r�medial ac�i�n,ar��rr�ova�action,as d�fined in Environmenta.l Law;and��1}an <br /> "Environ.rnenta.l C�nditian" means a cond�tion�hat can cause,�antribute to,or oth�rv�r�se trigger an <br /> En�ironmental�leanup. <br /> Borrower shall not cau�e or permit the presence,use,disposai, storage,or release flf any Hazardous <br /> Substa.n.ces,Qr threaten to release a�y Ha�ardous Substances,on or in the Property. Borrower sha11 nat <br /> da,nor a1�ow anyone else to d�,anyth�n�g affecting the Property[a)that is in violation af any <br /> Enviror�mentat Law, �b)which creates an En�ironmenta.l Condition,or�c)which,du�to the presen�e, <br /> use,or re�ease of a Ha�ardous�ubsta.nce,creates a condition th�t adversely affects the�a1ue of�h� <br /> Prdperty. The preceding t�o sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or storage on the Property of <br /> FHA Deed ai Trust W ith M E R5-N E 9I3412414 <br /> Bankers 5ystemsTM� Vf�l)P C� VMP4N�NE](154fi).�4 <br /> Walters I�IwverFinancial Services Page f3 of 17 <br /> q4334636�84p 0233 424 1317 <br />
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