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2� 15�7�58 <br /> As used in�his Securit�Instrument: (a}�ords of the ma�culine gender sha11 mean and include <br /> corresponding neuter�vords or�vords of the femin�ne gender;[b)wards in�he s�ngular sh���mean and <br /> include the plural and v�ce versa;and(c}the word"may"gives sole d��cretion without any obligation to <br /> take any a�t�on. <br /> '�6. Borrc�wer's Copy.Borrower shall b�gi�en one capy of th.�Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> ��. Tr�n�fer of the Prnperty�r a Beneficia��nterest��E�orrower.As used in tbis Section�7, "Interest <br /> in the Propert�"m�ans any�ega�or ben�ficial interest in the Property,inc�ud�ng,but nnt���ited to, <br /> those beneficia�interests transferred in a bond for deed,cantract for d�ed, installment sales contract ar <br /> escro�v agreement,the�ntent of which is the transfer�f title by Borro�ver at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> If all or any part of the PrQ�erty or a�.y I�nterest in the prop�rt�is sold or transferred�or if Borrawer is <br /> nat a natura�person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sald vr transf�rred}wit�out Lender's prior <br /> tivriiten consent,Lender ma�require immedia�e payment in fu�t of a1�sums secured by this Securi� <br /> Instrument. Howe�er, this optian shai�not be exerc�sed by I�ender if such exercise is prahibited by <br /> Applicable Law�. . <br /> If Lender ex�rcises�his op�ion�Lender sha�l gi�e Borrawer not�ce of acee�erat�c��. �'he n�otice sha�� <br /> pr�vide a period of not�ess than 3 4 days fram the date the nati�e�s giv�n in a�cordance�vith S�Gt�o� �4 <br /> within which Borrower must pay a�l sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pa� <br /> these sums prior to the expiration af this period,Lender may in�oke any remedies pernaitted by this <br /> Securxt�Instrument without further�otice or demand on Borr��rer. <br /> �f 8. 8orrow�r`s Righ#tv ReinstateAfter Acceleration.If$orrower meets certain conditions, Barra�ver <br /> shall have th�right to reins��ement of a mortgage. Those conditions are that B�rro�vver: �a�pays Lender <br /> alI sums which then wou�d be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no accelerati�n had <br /> accurred; �b)cures any defauit of any other covenants or agreernents; (c}pays all expens�s in�urred in <br /> enfarcing this�ecurity Instrument, including,but not limited�o,reasanab�e attorneys'fees,property <br /> i�spectio�and valuatian fees,and other fees i�curred for the purpose af protecting Lender`s interest in <br /> the Prvpert�and rights under this Secur�ty Ins�men�.;and�d.}takes such action as Lender ma� <br /> reasonably require to assure that Lender's interest in t�.e Property a�d rights t�nder this Sectt�i� <br /> Instrument,�.nd Borro�ver's obligati�n to pay the sums secured by thi�Secur��y Instrurr�ent, shall <br /> continue unchanged. Hotivever,Lender�s not required to reinstate if: �i}Lender has accepted <br /> reinsta.tement ai�er the comrnencement af fore�losure proceedings within two years�mmediately <br /> preceding the commencement of a curren.t foreclosure proceeding; (ii}reinstatement wi�l preclude <br /> forec�osure on different grounds in the future;or(iii}reinstatement wiZ�adversely affect the prior�t�of <br /> the��en created by this Securi�y Instrument. �.ender may require that Borr�wer pay such reinstatement <br /> surr�s a.�.d e�p�nses in one or�x�.ore of the fo�towin�forms,as sele�ted by Lender: (a�cash; (b�money <br /> order;(c�certified check,ban�check,treast�.rer's checl�or cashier's check,provided any such ch�ck is <br /> drawn upon an institution whase deposits are insured by a federa�agency,instrumentalit�Qr entit�;or <br /> �d)Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borr�wer,this Security Instrum�nt at�d o�iigations <br /> secured hereby shall remain fu��y effective as if n.�acceleration had occurred. Howeve�r,this right to <br /> re�nstate sha11 not appiy in the case of accelerat�on under Sectian. �7. <br /> FHA Deed of Tn.�st With MERS-NE 9/34/2414 <br /> Banfcer�Systemsr"^ VMP C� t�l11lP4NtN�}tZSps}.� <br /> Wolters Kltrwer Fl�an�ial5eivices Page 12 af 17 <br /> q4334636G84p 4233 42� 1�17 <br />