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2� 15�7�58 <br /> sma�l quantit�es of Hazardous Substanees that are general�y reGagnized to be appropriate to n�rmal <br /> residential uses and ta ma�ntenance of the Property(including,but not limited to,hazardous substa.nces <br /> in consumer products}. <br /> Borro�ver shat�promptly�ive Lend�r wrrtten notice of(a}an��n�estigation,claim,d�mand, lawsuit or <br /> Qther action by any go�eramenta�or regulatory agen�y or private pa.rty in�olving the Property and any <br /> Hazardous Substance or�nviranmenta.l La�af which Bvrrovver has actua�know�edge, (b}any <br /> Envu'anmental Candi�ion, including but not limit�d to,any spillin�, 1�ak�ng,discharge,release or threat <br /> of release of any Ha�ardous Substance,and�c�any conditian caused by the presence,use or release of a <br /> Hazardaus S�bsta.nce which adversely affects the value of ti�e Property. If�orro�ver learnsA or is notified <br /> by�an�go�err�nen��or r�gulatory authorit�,or a�ny�rivate party,that any remova�t�r other remed�at�an <br /> of any Hazardous�ub�tance affecting th.�Property is necessary,B�rro�er sh�.11 promptl�take all <br /> necessar�remedial actions in ac�ordance w�th Environmen�a�Law.Noth�ng here�n shal��r�ate any <br /> obligation on Lender for an Environmental Cleanup. <br /> N�N-UN�F�RM�QV�NANTS.Borrov�rer and Le�d.�r#`�her�o�enant and agree as fol�o�rs: <br /> �2. Ac�e�er�tion;Remedies.Lender shall give notic�to Barro�ver pri�r ta accelera�i�n f���aw�ng <br /> Borr�wer's breac�.�f any c�venant or agreemen��n this Se�urity Ins�trument�but n�t privr�v <br /> accel�erati�n under S�Gtion 1'�unl�ss Ap�li�able I���v pravi�les oth�rwise}.Tbe nvtice shall spec�fy: <br /> �a�the defau�t;4�}the action req�uir�€�#o cure the default;tc�a date,nat less than 3Q days frvm the <br /> date the nQ�i�e is�iven to Barrvwer,by which the defauit must be cured;and��}that fai�ure t� <br /> cure the defau�t on or before the date specif ed in the noti�e may r�sult�n a�ceieratian of the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sa�e�f the Property. The nati�e sha��fur�her�nfvrm <br /> Borrower of the rfgh�Eo reins�ate after acce�erat�an and the right�o bring a c�urt action to assert <br /> the non-existen.ce of a default ar any�ther defense af Borrower to acceleration and sale.If the <br /> default is nvt cured�n�r before tbe date specified in the notice,Len�er at its optian ma�require <br /> �mmedi�te payment in full�►f all sums secured by this Security Instrument without furtber demand <br /> an�ma�inval�e the povver of sale and an��tber r�meclies permitt�d by App�icable Law,Lender <br /> shall be entitled tQ co�lect all expenses incurre��n�ursuin�g the remed�es pravided in th�s Secti�n <br /> 22,including,�ut nat��mited t�,reasvna�le attarneys'fees and G�sts�f title evidence. <br /> If the pnwer of saie is invoked,Trusi�ee shal�rec�rd a natice vf def�ult in each county�n wh�Gh any <br /> part�f the Frope��is Iticated a�d shal�mail cap�es�f such notice in the rnanner prescril�ed by <br /> Applicable La�tv Barrower a�d t�the ather pers�ns prescrib�d b�Applicabl�Lav�.After the t�m� <br /> required by App�i�ab�e Law,Trustee�hall give public notice of sale to the pers�ns and in the <br /> manner prescribed by App�xcable Law. Trustee,with�ut demand vn�orrower,shall sell the <br /> Property at public au�tion ta the highest bidder�t the�ime and place and under the terms <br /> designated in the notice of sa�e in one or m�re par�els and�n any arder Trustee determines.Trust�e <br /> may p�stpone sale of all vr any parcel of the Praperty by publ�c ann�uncement at�he time and <br /> p�ace�f any prevYously schedu�ed sale.Lender or�ts designee may purChase th�Praperty at any <br /> sale. <br /> FHA Deed of T�v�t With MERS-NE 913012Q14 <br /> Banfcers SystemsTM+ VMP� VMP4N�NE}(154fi}A� <br /> Wolters Kluwer F�n�nci�l Serv�ces P�ge T4 ofi 17 <br /> q�334636684� �Z33 42D 1417 <br />