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2� 15�7�58 <br /> Subject to the provisian�o�'Section ��',any�u�cessor�n Inter�st�f Bonower Wha as�ume�Borrower�s <br /> obiigations�.n.der this Security Instrument�n writing,and is approved by i�en�.er, sh�.11 ob�ain a�I of <br /> Borr�r�v�r's rig�ts and�en�fits under this Security Instrument. Borrower sha�l not be rel�ased fram <br /> Borrotiver's ob�ligations and iiabi�i�y unc�er this Secu.rity Instrument unl�ss L�nder agrees to such release <br /> in wr�tin�. �'he covenants and agreements of this�ect�rilty Instrume�t shall bind(exce�t as prov�ded in <br /> S�ct�on �9)and benefit the successors and assigns af Lender. <br /> 13. Loan�harges.Lender may charge�prrower fees far services perfo�ed i�con�ection�ith Ba�ov�er's <br /> default,fvr the pu�4se af protecting Lender's interest in the Fr�pert�and rights under this Securit� <br /> Instrument, including,but nflt�,attarney�'fees,pra�aer�y inspectron and va�uation fees.Lender <br /> may col��ct fees an�charges authori�ed b}�th�e Secre�ta�ry.Lender n�ay nat charge fees that are expre�sly <br /> pro�ibi�ed by this Securit�Instrurnent ar by Appli�ab�e La�v. <br /> If the Laan is subj ect�o a Iaw which sets rnax�mum�oan charges,and that law is finally inter�reted sa <br /> that the�nterest or�ther�oa�charges callected or to be collected in connectian�vith the Loan�xceed th� <br /> permitted limits,then: (a�any su�h loan charge sha11 be reduced by the amount nec��sary tv r�duce the <br /> charge to the permitted lim�t;and�b�any sums already co��ected frQm Bc�rrower whi�h�xce�ded <br /> permitted 1�mits wi11 be refunded t�Borrower. I��nder may chovs�tQ make this refund b���du�ing the <br /> principa�owed under the Note or by mak�ng a due�t�ayment to Bona�er. If a refund red�uces principal, <br /> the re�.u�tian wi�l be treated as a partial prepayment�vith no changes in�he due date or in the monthly <br /> paym.ent amount un�ess the Lender agrees in�riting�o those changes. Borrower`s accepta�ce of any such <br /> refun.d made by direct pa�rrrient to Borrov�er v�ill eonstitute a�aiver af any right of action Borrower <br /> �night have arisin.g o�t af su�h flUerGha�ge. <br /> '14. Not�ces.Al�t�o�ices given by Borrower or Lender�n connection�vith this Security Instrument mu��be�n <br /> wri��ng. Any notice�o Borrower�n connect�on with this Se�urity Instrumen�sha�I be deemed ta have <br /> been gi�en t�Borrower vvhen mail�d by first class ma�l or when actuat�y det��rered to Barro�er's notice <br /> address if sent by o�her means,Natice to any one Borrower shall const�tute not�ce to all��rro�vers un�ess <br /> Appl��able Lativ express�y requires other�vise.The notice address shal�be the�'roperty Address un��ss <br /> $orrower has designated a sub�titu�e n�t�ce address by n�tice to Lender. Borro�e�sha�l promptl� <br /> no�ify Lender of Borrawer'�change of address. If I�ender spec��"�es a procedure for reporting Bo�ra�ver's <br /> change�f address,the�Barrower sha11 Qn1y re�ort a change of addr�ss through that specif�ed pr�cedure. <br /> There may be on�y one desi�n�ted notice ad.d�ess thi�Security Instrument at any�n�time.Any <br /> �otice to Lender shal�be���en by deliver�ng it or b�mailing it by fust class mail to Lender's add�.ress <br /> s�a�ed he�ein un�ess Lender has designat�d another addre�s by notice to Borraw�r. Any not�ce in <br /> co�.ection wit�i this Secu�.rit�In�trument shal�not be deemed to h�.ve been gi�en to Lender un�i�actually <br /> received by Lender. �f any notice required by this Security Instrument is a�so required under App�icable <br /> La�v,the Applicable Lavv reyuirement will satisfy the corresponding requi.rement under th�s Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> 'I 5. Go�ernin�Law; Se�erability;Rules of C�nstru�t�on,This Security Instrument sha�I be gowerned b� <br /> �edera���w and the law of�he jurisdi�ti�n��n�vh�ch.�the Property is�fl�ated.All rights and obiigations <br /> contain�d in this Secur�ty�nstrument ar�sub��c�t to an���quuer�zents and limitations of Appli�ab�e Law. <br /> App��ca��e Law might�xp�icitly or implicitl�r a��lv��the parties ta�gree by contract or�t might be siler�t, <br /> �ut such silenc�sha��not b�construed as a prohibitian against agreement b�contract.In th�event that <br /> any pro�ision ar c�ause of this Securit�Ins�rument or the I�ot�canfli�t5 with Applic�.b�e La�v, such <br /> �anflict sha11 not affect other provisions of this Se�urity Instrument ar tihe�ate w�iich can be g��en effect <br /> v�rithout the conflic�ti�g p�a��sio�. <br /> FHA Qeed of Tn.�st With NIERS-NE 91��I24i4 <br /> Bankers SystemsT� VAllP� VMP4N(NE}(150fi}A� <br /> Wolters K4uwes Fi�ancial 5enrices Page�1 ofi 17 <br /> q�33463G6844 �233 4�� 1117 <br />