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2� 15�7482 <br /> C�EEC� �F TF�lJST <br /> ��on�inu�d} Page 3 <br /> clause in fa��r of Lender. Trustar shall a[sa prvcure and main#ain comprehens���general liability insurance in such <br /> coverage amvunts as Lender may request with Trus�ee and Lender being narned as additional insureds in Such <br /> IFability insurance palicies. Additi�nally, Trustar shalf maintain such o�h�r insurance, including bu� not limited fin <br /> hazard, business interruption, and hviler insurance, as Lend�r may reasonab�y require. Po�icies shafI he uvrit#en in <br /> form t amaunts, coverages and basis reasonahly accepta�le ta Lender and issued by a company vr companies <br /> �easonabiy aGcep�ahle to Lender. Trustor, upon �equest ❑f Lender, will deliver to Lender from time to �ime the <br /> pa�icies or certificates of insurance in form satisfac�ory�o Lende�, inc�uding sfipulati�ns that co�erages�ril! nat be <br /> cancelled ar diminished wi�h�ut at least fihir�y �3Q} days pr�ar wri�fen notice ta Lender. Each insurance p�licy also <br /> shall inc�ude an endorsement providing that co�erage in f��or of Lender wil� nat be�mpaired in any way by any act, <br /> omission or d�fault ❑f Trustnr or any other persan. Shoufd the Reaf Property he lacated in an area designa�ed by <br /> �he Administrator❑f th� Federal Emerg�ncy Managemen�Agen�y as a special f�ood hazard area, Trus�or ag�ees�v <br /> obtain and maintain Federa[ Flao� fnsurance, if available, fo�-the �ull unpaid pr€ncipal balance of the loan and any <br /> prior liens on th� proper�y s�cur�ng th� laan, up to the max�mum policy �imits se� unde� the National Flaod <br /> Insurance Program,or as�therwise requ�red by Lender,and ta maintain such insurance for the�errn of�he�oan. <br /> Applicatian nf Proceeds.�vr shaif pr�mp�ly nvtify Lende�of any loss ar damage ta�he Pr�perty. Lender may <br /> make proof nf loss if Trusfior fails to do so v+r��hin fifteen �'15} days af �h� casuali}r. Whether vr no� Lender's <br /> security is impaired, L�nder may, at Lender's ele�tivn, receive and refain the praceeds nf any insuran�e and apply <br /> �he praceedS�o the reduction a�the Indebtedness, payment af any lien afiFecting �he Property, vr�he restara�i�n <br /> and repair o�the Property. ��Lende�elects to apply the proce�ds to restoration and repair, Tn.�star sha!! repair or <br /> replace the damaged or destroyed lmpro�ements in a mann�r satisfac�ary tv Lender. Lender sha11, upvn <br /> sa��sfactory proo� of such expenditure, pay or reimburse Trust�r from �he proceeds far �he reasanable cvst ❑� <br /> repair nr restoration if Trustor is n�fi in defaul� under this ❑eed �� Trust. Any p�oceeds whiGh have nat been <br /> disbursed within 'I S� days a�ter their receipt and which Lender has na� committe� to the r�pair or restorat��n of <br /> the Property shall be used first�v pay any amount owing to Lender under this Deed�f Trust,then to pay accrued <br /> interes�, and�he remainder, if any, shall �e applied �o th� �rincipal ha�ance vf the lndeb�edness. If Lender hvlds <br /> any praceeds ai�er payment in �ull of fhe lndeb�edness, such pr�ceeds shal� be paid ta Trustvr as Trustar's <br /> interests may appear. <br /> Complian�e w�th Existing Cndeh�edness. During the periad in which any Existing indebtedness described belvv►� is <br /> in e�fect, campliance wi�h the insurance prv�isi�n� con�ained in the instrumen# evidencing su�h Existing <br /> lndebtedness shal[ c�ns#�tute complian�e w�th the insurance pra�isions under this Deed of Trus�, t❑ the extent <br /> compiiance with the terms af this Deed ❑f Trust would constitute a �uplicatian of insurance requirement. If any <br /> p�oceeds fram �he �nsurance become payai�le❑n loss, the pra�isivns �n�his Deed of Trus�fvr di�ision of p�-vc�eds <br /> shall apply�nly to�hat portian of�he prace�ds nvfi payab�e t❑th�hv�der nf the Existing lndebtedness. <br /> Trustor`s Report on Insurance. Upvn request of L�nder, haweve�not mare�han vnce a year,Trus�or shall furnish <br /> to Lender a report on each existing pol�cy of insurance shawing: �1} the name of the insur�r; ��} th� risks <br /> insured; �3} the amaunt ofi the palicy; ��47 the property insured, the then Gurren� replacement value ❑f such <br /> prape�ty, and the manner a�de�ermining that�a�ue;and �5} the expira�iQn date o�the policy. Trustor sha�l, upan <br /> request vf Lender, ha�e an independ�nfi appraiser satisfac�ory to L�nder determine the cash va�ue replacement cnst <br /> of the Praperky. <br /> LENDER'S E�PEND�TURES. ff any ac�i�n or prQceeding is cammenced�ha�wvuld ma�eria�ly a�Fecfi Lender's interest in <br /> �he Property or�f Trustor fails ta ��mpiy w�th any pr�visivn af�his Deed of Trus'�vr any F�elat�d aocuments, including <br /> but no� lim��ed t�Trustor's�a€lure tn comply wi�h any vbligativn�o main�ain Exis��ng indebtedness in good standing as <br /> required beiow,or to discha�ge or pay when du��ny am�unts Trus�vr is required tv discharge or pay under fhis Deed of <br /> Trust ar any Related �ocuments, Lender❑n Trustor's behalf may (buir shall nat be obligated �o} take any action that <br /> Lender deems apprapri a�e, i ncl udi ng but not I i mited #o d�schargi ng or payi ng al I taxes, �i ens, secu rity i nterests, <br /> encumbrances and o�her cfaims, a� any time le�ied vr p�aced an the Praperty and paying all rosts for insur�ng, <br /> main�aining and preserving the Praperty. A[� su�h expendi�ur�s incurred ar paid by Lender for such purposes wil� �hen <br /> bear in�erest a�the rate charged under the Note�ram�he date incu�red a�paid �ay Lender to�he da�e of r�paymen�by <br /> Trustvr. AI I such expenses wi I� b�come a part of the lndebt�dness and, a� Lende�'s opt�on, wi�I �A� be payab�e vn <br /> demand; (B} be added to the balance af��e Note and be apportioned amang and be payable with any ins�allment <br /> paymen'�s to become due duri ng�ither �1} the term of any app�icable i nsurance poi i cy; ar (2} #h� remai n i n��erm af <br /> the Note; ar �C} be treated as a balloon paymen�which will be due and payable a�the l�ate's maturity. The�of <br /> Trust also wi�l secure payment of these amounts. Such right shall be in add'rtion ta all ofiher righ�s and remedies to <br /> which Lender may be entitled upon Def�ulfr. <br /> WARRANTY; QEFENSE�F TITLE. The following provisians relating t❑ vwnership af the Property ar�a par�of this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Ti��e. Trustor warran�s�hat: �a}Trus�c�r hvlds gvad and marketable�i�[e v�record ta the �'rvper�y in fee s�mple, <br /> firee and clear of al� li�ns and encumbrances vther than thase se�for�h �n the Rea� Property description ar in �he <br /> Existing indebtedness sec�ian below ar in any t�tl� insurance policy, title r�part, or�inal t�tle❑pin�on issued in�avvr <br /> vf, and accepted by, Lender in connecti�n wi�h this Deed of Trust, and tb}Trustor has the fuli right, power, and <br /> authority t❑execute and deli�er this aeed af Trust�o L�nder. <br /> De�ense of Tifle. Sub�ect�v the exceptian in �he paragraph abv�e, Trus�ar warrants and wi�l forever defend the <br /> ti�le to the Prvpe�ty a�ainst the lawful claims of a�l persons, In the even�any actfvn or prac�eding is cvmmenced <br /> tha�questians Trustvr's title vr the interest of Trustee or Lender under fihis Deed af Trust,Trustvr shall de�end the <br /> a��ian at Trusfior's �xpense. Trustvr may be the nominal part� �n such prviceeding, but Lender shafl be entitled �a <br /> participate in fihe proceeding and �� be represen�ed �n �he proceeding by caunsel o� Lender's vwn choice, and <br /> Trustor will deli�er, Qr cause to be deii�ered,#o Lender such instr-uments as Lender may request frvm time to time <br /> to perm��such par�icipa�ion. <br /> Compliance With Laws, Trustor warrants that the Prape�-�y and Trus�ar's use of the Rraperty comp�ies with a�l <br /> exisfiing app�iGable laws, vrdinances,and regulativn�vf gavernmenta�au�horifiies. <br /> 5unri�al of Representations and V�arranties. Alf represen�ativns, warranties, and ag�eements made by Trustor in <br /> this Deed of Trus�sha[[sun�i�e the execut�on and delivery o�this Deed af Trust, shall be continuing in na�ure, and <br /> shal[remain in full forGe and e�fect un#��such time as Bvrrvwer's Indebtedness shaf[be paid in full. <br /> E�1STING�N�EBTEDNESS. The following provisivns concerning Existing lndeb�edness are a part�f�his ❑��d of T�ust: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien 4f this Deed af Trust securing the [ndehtedness may be secondary and �nferior tQ an <br /> �xisting �ien. Trustor expressly cv�enants and agrees�o pay, o�-se�ta the payment of, the Existing ind�btedness <br /> and�v pr��ent any default on su�h indebtedness, any defiaul�under the instruments evidencing such indebfedness, <br /> �r any default under any security documen�s�or such inde�tedness. <br /> No Niadification. Trustar shalf nof enter into any a�reemen�with #he hvlder❑f any mortgage, deed fl�trust, or <br /> o�her se�urity agreement which has privri�ty o�er this Deed v� Trust by which �ha� agreemen# is modifiied, <br /> amended, ex�ended, or renewed withou� �he priar written consent of Lender. Trustar shaI� n�ifher request nor <br /> accept any future ad�ances unde�any su�h security agreement withvut the prior written consen�o�Lender. <br /> CDNDEII�iNAT�aN, Th�following provisions�elating ta cvndemnation proceedings are a part of this Deed af Trust: <br /> Praceedings, 1f any prviceeding in condemnativn is f�ed, Trustor shall pr�mptly notify Lender �n writing, and <br />