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2� 15�7482 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��o�tinueCl� Page 4 <br /> Trus�vr shall promptly take such s�eps as may be necessary to defend the action and vbtain �he award. Trustor <br /> may be#he nominal par�y in such proceeding, bu�Lender shall he entit�ed tQ participate in the prac�eeding an�to be <br /> r�presented in the proceeding by caunsel ofi �ts vwn �hoi�e, and Trustor will de�i�er or cause t� be delivered to <br /> Lender suGh instr�uments and da�umentatiqn as may be requ�sted by Lender frvm time to tim� �a permit such <br /> participatian. <br /> Applicat�on af Net Proceeds, lf all or any part of the Praperfiy is candemned by eminent dvmain pro�eedings or by <br /> any proceeding ar purGhase in lieu of candemnation, L�nder may�t its elect�on requi�e that all or any portion of the <br /> net proceeds nf the awa�-d be applied to the lndebtedness o��he repair or �estorat�vn of the Prape�ty. The net <br /> pro�eeds of the award sha�i mean the award a�ter payment af a�l reasonabfe costs, expenses, and attarneys'fees <br /> ineurred hy T�-usYk�e ar Lende�'�n connection wi�h�he cond�mnat�on. <br /> IMP�SITI�N �F TAXES, FEES AND �HARGES BY GOVERNIIIfENTAL AUTHaR1T�E5. The �allowing provisions r��a�ing <br /> to gove�-nmenta[taxss,fee�and�harges are a part of this Deed o�i Trust: <br /> Cu�-rent Taxes, Fees and Gharges. Upon request by Lender, Tru�tvr sha�f exe�ut� such documents in additivn tv <br /> �his Deed vf Trust and take whatever ofher action is requested by Lender�v perfe�t and continue Lender's lien vn <br /> the Real Praperty. Trustar sh�ll reimburse Lender for al� tax�s, as described belaw, together wi�h a�l expenses <br /> incurred in recvrding, perfecting or cvntinuing this Deed of Trust, inc�uding w�thout limitation all taxes, fees, <br /> documentary s�amps,and Qther charges for recarding❑r registering th�s Deed vf T�-ust. <br /> Taxes, The fall�wing shafl ��nstitute taxes to which this sectian app�ies: �1} a spec��ic tax upon this type vf <br /> Deed of Trust or upon all or any part of the lndebt�dness �ecured by �his De�d ❑f Trust; ��} a speci#ic �ax on <br /> Bo�rvwer whi�h Bvrrawer is authorized or requfred to deduct from payments vn the lndeb�edness secured by�his <br /> #ype of Deed ofi Trus�; �3} a tax on �his type vf Qeed of Trust chargea�le against th� Lender or th� holder of the <br /> Note; and (4} a speci�ic tax �n all or any pv�tian af the lndebtedness or on payments of prin�ipal and €n�er-est <br /> made by Barrower. <br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. If any tax �o wh�ch this se�tian app�ies �s enacted subs�quent t❑ the date of this Deed o� <br /> Trust, th is e�ent shall ha�e the same efFe�t as an E�ent vf Defau�t, and Lender may exercise any or al I af its <br /> a�ailable remedies f�r an Event of Default as prov�ded laelow unles� Trustor ei�her �1} pays the tax befvre it <br /> beoomes delinquent, o�- ��} �vn�ests the�ax as pr��ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens section and depas��s with <br /> Lender cash or a sufftcient corpvrate surety bond ar o�her security satis�actory to Lende�. <br /> 5EClJRlTY ACREEMENT; FlNANC�N� 5TA7E1MENTS. The follawing pravisivns relating to this Deed vf Trust as a <br /> security agreemen�are a par�a�th�s Deed a�Trus�: . <br /> 5e�ur�ty Agreement. This �ns#rum�nt shall constitute a Se�ur�ty Agreement tv th� ex�en� any o� the Praperty <br /> �onsfiitu�es fxtures, and Lender snall have ali of the righ�s vf a secur�d party under the Lln�form Commercial �ade <br /> as amend�d from time to��me. <br /> Security Inte�est. Upon request by Lender, Trustor sha�( take whate�er ac�ion is r�ques�ed by Lender t❑ perfect <br /> and continue Lender's secu�ity interes� in the Rents and Persona� Prvperty. In addit€�n t❑ recarding this Deed o� <br /> Trust in fih� rea� proper�y records, Lender may, at any time and wi�hau� fiurther authorization from Trustor, file <br /> executed counterparts, �vpies ❑r reproductions of this Deed of Trust as a financing stafement. Trustar sha�l <br /> reimburse Lender for al� expenses incurred in perte�ting or continuing �his security in�eres�. Upnn default, Trustor <br /> shall n�t remo�e, sever vr det�ch �he Pe�sonaf Property�ram �he Proper�y. upan de�ault, T�ustvr shai! assemble <br /> any Pers�nal Praperky nv�af�ixed to the Prvperty in a manner and a�a place reasonably�onvenient t❑ Trustor and <br /> Lender ar�d make �t a�ailable to Lender within thre� �3} days after receipt �f wri��en demand �rvm Lender�o the <br /> ex�ent permit�ed by applicable[aw. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor �deb�or� and Lender �secured party} �ram which infarmation <br /> cvncerning the securi�y interest granted by this Deed of Trust may be obtained �each as requi��d by the Unifarm <br /> Commercial C�de}ars as stated �n the first page vf this Deed of Trust. <br /> FlJRTHER ASSURANGES; ATT�RNEY-�N-FACT. The fvflvwing prn�isions relating tv fu�ther assurances and <br /> attarn�y�in-fact a�e a part of this Qeed of Tru��: <br /> Further As�uran�es. A�any time, and fram time ta time, upan reques�o�Lender,Trus�or wifl make, exect.�e and <br /> � d�liver, �r will cause to be made,e�e�u�ed or deii�ered,ta Lender ar to Lender's desi�nee, and when reques��d by <br /> Lender, cause ta he fiied, reGorded, ref led, or rereovrded, as the case may be, a# such tirr�s and in such Q�fces <br /> and places as Lender may d�em appropria�e, any and all such martgages, deeds af trust, secunfiy deeds, �ecuri�y <br /> agreements, financing statements, oontinua�ion statements, ins�rumen#s o� �urther assuranoe, certificates, and <br /> other dacurr�nts as may, in the sale apinion o�Lender, be neoessary vr desirabie in order tv e�fe�uate, campl��e, <br /> per�ec�, continue, v�preserve �1} 6arrower's and Trusfor's obliga�iQns under the Na�e, this De�d of Trust, and <br /> the Related Do�uments, and �2) the liens and Sec�rity interests�reated iay this Deed o�r Trust on�he Property, <br /> whethe�nvw owned or hereafter aoquire�f by Trustar. Unless prahibited b���w or L�nder agree.s tv the�on�rary in <br /> writing, T�ustar shall �eimbur��Lender fo�a�l cos�s and expenses incusred sn conr��ion with the m�tters r��eR�d <br /> t�i n th is paragraph. <br /> Attvrney-in-Fac�. 1�Tr�st�r fails�o da any vf#h�th�ngs referred to in�he preceding paragraph, Lender may do sa <br /> for and in the name Qf Trustor and at Trus�ar's expen$e. Far such purpvs�s, Trustvr hereby i�r��vcably appoints <br /> Lende�as Trustor's attorney-in-fact far the pur�aose o�r making,executing,d�livering,filir�g, reaardir�g,and doing a!I <br /> o�her things as may be necessary�r desi�able, in Lender's so�e vpin�pn, ta a�comp�ish �he matters re�erred to in <br /> the pr�cedi ng paragraph. <br /> F�LL P E RF D RM A N C E. If Barrvwer and Trus�ar pay al1 the i ndebtedness when due, and Trustor a�hennrise perfo�-ms af I <br /> the obligations imp�sed upon Trustvr under this Q�ed of Trust,Lender sha��execute and deliver�a Trustee a requesfi far <br /> full recon�eyanoe and shail execute and deli�er�❑Trustor suitable statements of termina�ian af any financing statement <br /> on file e�idencing L�nder's se�urity interest in the Rents and fihe Persanal Proper�y. Any reconveyance fee requi��d by <br /> law shall he paid by Trus�ar, if permi�ted by applica�le�aw. <br /> EVENTS aF ❑EFAULT, Each af the �allawing, a# Lender'���tion, sha!! canstitute an Event of �efault under this Deed <br /> ❑f Trust: <br /> Payment Default, Barrawer fa��s to make any paymen�when due under the Indebtedness. <br /> �ther Defaul�s. B�rrvwer ar Trustor fails �o comply w�th ar�a perfarm any nther term, abliga�ion, covenant or <br /> c�nd��fon contained in th�s aeed��Tru�t or in any of the Re�ated Dvcuments vr t� camply with or tv p��form any <br /> �erm, obligati�n, cv�enan�or conditinn conta�ned in any other agr�emen�between L�nder and Borrvwer or Trustor. <br /> Compliance Default, Fai[ur� �❑ �amp�y w�th any ofher term, o�ligation, co�enant or conditian contained �n this <br /> ❑eed of Trust,the Note Qr in any o�the Related D�cuments. <br /> Default on�the�r Payments. Fai[ure of Trustar with�n the time �equired by this Deed of Trust fo make any paymenf <br /> for taxes or insurance,or any other payment ne�essary t❑ p�event fi�ing v�f or�v effect discharg�v�any�ien. <br /> Default in FaWor of Thi�-d Parties, Should Barrawer or any Gran��r de��ult under any Ioan, eactensian vf credit, <br /> security agreement, purchase��sales agr�ement, ar any ather�greement, in favar af any other credi�or or person <br /> that may materially affe�t any of Borrawer's or any Grantor's praperty �r B�rrower's ability f❑ �epay the <br />