2� 15�74�8
<br /> �
<br /> e. Any us� �f I��n pr�c�eds f�r a purp�se �ha�wil� contr�bu�e �o excessive erosion �f hi�hly erodrb��
<br /> �and or�a the con�ersion af�rsretCands�o pr�duce ar tv make �assi�le�h� produc�i�n af an agricul�ural
<br /> commod��y, as furth�r exp�a�ned in 7 CFR F'ar� �94�, Sub�art�, Exhibi�I�.
<br /> f.The d�a��, dissolufion or�ns�[vency�f any Trus��r; the app�intm�n��f a r�c�iver for any Trus#or❑r
<br /> �heir Proper�; an}r ass[gnm�n�for tne ben�fi���f cr�d���rs by�he Trustor= �r apptication of any d����r
<br /> r�lief �a�ru �o Trus�or, 1ncluding any t}rpe of �vark�ut or commencemenf af prac�eding under any
<br /> bankruptcy or insalv�n��r Iaws by or against any Trus�or or Borra�nrer on any �.oan Dncument or v�her
<br /> �b�igafi�n secur�d by�n�s frust deed.
<br /> � g. Any �f �he preceding events accurs �ri�h respect fa any guaranfar, endvrser, surety, or
<br /> aG�ammoda�ivn party af any�f fi�e �b�igations ar aRy guaran�ar, endorser, surefy, or accommoda�ion
<br /> party dles ar becom�s incomp�tent, or revokes �r disputes fhe valtdi�y of, or [iabi�it� under, any
<br /> guaranty of th��bligations.
<br /> '�. �n �he �venfi af a default and a�an�time�hereafter, Lender, af i�s �p�ion, �ubjec�to an� re�uiremen�s
<br /> und�r �he Farm Cr�di� A�t or other a�pl�i�able federal or s�a�� �a�r, may exer�ise �n� ar mare of the
<br /> f���o��ng righ�s and rem�d�es, �n add�fi�an ta an�o�her r�ghts ar r�medies pe�mi�te� by�aw:
<br /> a. deciare arr ��iiga�i�ns �ecured hereb}r to be 'rmmed�a��ly due and payable and �I��v�rMoie wil� bear
<br /> in��resfi at tF�e de�au�fi ra��as pro�rided in fhe Loan Documen�s.
<br /> b. Lender may immed�afely authorize Trt�s�e� t� �xercise �he p�v�er of saie gran�ed herein in th�
<br /> manner pro�i�ed.in fh� N�br�ska Trus�Deeds Ac�, �r, a���e option of�he Lender= nnay fareG�ose the
<br /> trus�d�ed �n the mann�r pr���ded by ia�r for the forec�asure �f mortgages an real prap�rty, including
<br /> the appa�n�men� af a recei�rer upon �� par�e applica��on, na�i�� being hereby expressly vtiraived,
<br /> v�rithout regard fio fhe �alue of the pr�perty or th� sufficiency thereaf to discharge the ind�b�edness
<br /> secured her��y ar in fhe Lo�n Documents.
<br /> Shou�d L�nd�r e�ecf�a exerci�e �he p��nr�r of sa�e gran�ed here�n, Lender vUiII n���fy Trus�ee wh� w���
<br /> r�cord, PUb��sh, and deIiv�r�o Trus�or�s� sucl� No�i�e of �efauIt and No�ic� af Sale as then r�quired
<br /> by la�v and w��[ in �he manner pro�ided by [aw, sell �he property at th�fime and plac� of saIe fixed in
<br /> �he n��ice ��sale, ei�her as a v�rhaIe or in separa�e [a�s, parce�s, or i�ems and in such ard�r as Trus���
<br /> w�ll deem expedient. Any per�an may�id a�the sal� [n�iud�ng Trustor, Trusfiee, ar Lender.
<br /> c, L�nder, ei�her�n pers�n or by agen�, w��h or wi�hout br�nging any ac��an or praceeding and �i�h o�
<br /> withouf reg�rd fia the va�ue af �he Praper�y or �he suffic�ency fihereof �o d�scnarg� �he �b[Egat�ons
<br /> se�ured hereby, i� au�h�ri,�ed an� entitl�d to �nt�r upan and �ake p�ssession of fhe Prop�rty �n [�s
<br /> v�vn name ar in fihe name �f�he Trus��e and do any a��s or exp�nd any sums it deems necessary or
<br /> des�ra�l� to pro�e�t �r pr�s�rve tne va[ue of �h� �'roper�y ar any int�rest tner�in, or increase th�
<br /> fncame tnerefram; and wi�h or with�ut �aI��ng passession �f f�e Pr�perfy is a�€�harize� fio sue far or
<br /> otherw�se coIIec� fihe r�nfis, issues, crops, prof�s, and �ncame ther��f, �ncluding �hose pasf �ue and
<br /> unpa�d, and apply�h�same up�n any n�li�a�ians secured here�y or in�he L�an Documents.
<br /> d, Lender wiII be enti�[ea[ �o a receiver �a �ake immed�a�e p�ss�ss�an of the Praperty and all rents,
<br /> issues, crops, prvf�s, 'and inc�me th�reof, �r��hou� r�gard �a fh� �raIue �f �h� Pr�perty, or �he
<br /> sufficiency �h�r�of �o d�scharge �ne �rust deed debf and ��� f�r�closure c�sfis, fe�s, and expenses.
<br /> Su�h receiver may 1ae immedia�eIy appoin�ed by any caurf af comp�tent jurisdic�ian u��n e�c par��
<br /> applica�ion, n��ic� be�ng hereby e�cpressfy v�raive�i and shal� senre�i�houf band if�he la�v ali��v�. The
<br /> receiver�i�l a�ply aI[ ren�s, I55LlL5, craps, prof�s, and in�vme �f �he Property tQ keep �he same in
<br /> go�� rep�ir an� candi��on, pay al� �axes, rents, fees, �harg�s, and assessments, pa}r insuran��
<br /> pr�miums necessary�� keep the Pro�erCy ins�red, pay�he expense�f t�e receivershs� and at��rney's
<br /> f��s incurred by the rece��rer, and aPpIy the net proceeds ta �he payment of the �1�Ilgat��ns s�cured
<br /> � �ereby, Su�h receiv�r�rill hav� aff �he o�her usuaI povvers of rec��vers authorize�i by �aw and as the
<br /> caur�may dir�c�.
<br /> �, I n fihe even�Trus�v�fails t� pay any liens, �udgmen�s, ass�ssmen�s, �axes, renfs, fees, or charges
<br /> or mainfain any insuran�� on �he Pr�p�rty, bu��d'[ngs, fix�ur��, at�achm�n�s, or rmprovements as
<br /> prov�ded herein ar in�he ���� aocumen�s. Lender, af i�s optt�n, may mak�such �aymen�s or pravjde .
<br /> insuranc�, main��nance, ar r�pa�rs and any amounts paid th�refor �viC[ b�c�m� part af the principa(
<br /> �b��ga�ians se�ured hereb�r be irnm�diately due �nd payable ar�d bear in��res� a� the d�fauI� ra�e
<br /> �rovidea� in �ne Loan Documen�s from �he d�t� af pa}�men�un�i� pa�d. The ad�ranc�m�nt by Lender af
<br /> any such amoun��wi�[ 'rn no manner �imi�the righ� af Lender�a declare Tr�ts�or in d�fault or exercise
<br /> any of Lender's o�h�r righ�s and rem�dies.
<br /> f� In th�eW�n� Lender is a party fo any Iitiga��an aff�G�[ng ��e Prop�rty�r�his�rust deed, inc�ud'[ng an}r
<br /> acti�n by Lend�r f� en�orce this �rusf d�ed ar any su�� [n �rhich L�nder is named a d�f�ndan�
<br /> �inc�uding emin�nfi �omain and bankrup�c}� prace�dings}, L.�nder may incur expenses and advance
<br /> App#:53�83�5; CIF#:'1�4���; Na�e#:2a6 �fl2EA Legal❑oc.Da�e:flc�ober�3,�4�5
<br /> F�RM�0��,Trus�Deed and Assignmen�of Ren�s Page 5 of 8
<br />