<br /> 2� 15�74�8
<br /> i
<br /> [nsurer, for vtirha�eWer r�a�on, t� ob�ain and keep fhis insuranc�in f�rce. Trus�or sha�l gi�r�written no��ce
<br /> to L,ender rmm�diat�l�of any cancella�ion, �erminativn or ma�erial mvdif�atzan af any�uch �nsurance. Ef
<br /> Trus�or faiis �o maintain the c�Werage descrlbed abav�, Lende� may, at Lender's �p�ion, �fotain
<br /> caverage�� prote��Lender's r�gh�s in th� Pr�p�rty ac�ording�o�f�e��rms ofi�h�s Trust De�d.
<br /> 3. To k�ep all buildings, f�ures, a�ta�hm�nfis, and a�h�r �m�rovemen�s no�+r�n or hereafter �[ac�d an
<br /> �he R�a� Praperty �ccup�ed and in goad reparr, main�enance, and c�ndit[�n and ta r�either comm�� nar
<br /> permit any acts vf was'�e �r any impa�rment af th� vaiue of�he Prape�-Ly. Trusfar shaIl n�� remo�re ❑r
<br /> dem�Iish any impr�Wemen� wi�hvu� prjor wri�ten appro�al of �he Lend�r. Trusfiar shall �ive immed�a�e
<br /> na�ice�o Lender of any ma��r[al damage to vr construc�i�n an vr re�a�ed to any of the Pr�p�rt�. Lender
<br /> may�n�er upon the R�a� Pro��r�y to insp�c�the same ar to p�r�orm any acts authori�ed her�in or in fihe
<br /> Loan Documents_ Any insp�c�fans, reparts or samples canduc�ed by L�nder shal� be f�r��heir awn use
<br /> and b�ne�i�, and Lender sha[� rzvf b� requ�red t� disclose �h� results af any insp�c�i�ns �� Trustor far
<br /> any reasan, regardle.ss of wh��her Lender has �on� so on any other occas�on un�ess Len�er agr�es��
<br /> do so in a separate�rri�ing. Trus��r is resp�ns�ble far monitoring, pr�s�rv�n� and in�pec�ing�h� Property
<br /> inde��ndenfly �f Lend�r, and L�nd�r makes n� r��r�sen�a�ion, s�afemen� �r �varran��r regarding the
<br /> accuracy �f any inspec��on, rep�rts or s�a�emen�s re�a�ed t� �he Proper�}�'s �onditi�n, quan�i�y, or qua[ity
<br /> of any na�ure, and Tr�s�ar agrees if shal� n�t re[y up�n s�atemen�s r�lated fhere�� made by a
<br /> representa�ive of Lender. �
<br /> 4. Tha�Trus�ar is, and shalI continue ta �e, duiy organi�ed, valid[y existing and �ega11� qua�ifed �a ��
<br /> business under the [a�+srs of fh� s�a��s in wh�ch Trusfior ��erates, in �amp��a�ce �ri�h federal, s�ate and
<br /> I�cal [av�rs �r regu[a��ons, and hav� �egaE au�hority in su�h states ta conduc� Trus�or's �au�iness
<br /> o�era�rons and to o�vn agricui�ura] �eal esta�e. �Ia change ha� been made in the name, o�nrnershi�,
<br /> cvn�ro�, re�af�onsh[p, �egal stafius, or organi�a�i�nal and farmation d�cuments of any unders�gned sinc�
<br /> the time any such in�Formaf�an v�ra� las� provided �� Lender. Any barrawing res�[uti�n or simi[ar
<br /> documenf provi�ed ta �he Lender, whe#her on Lend��s form or a�herwise, has been �xecuted by ali
<br /> thase wifh an awnership in��r�st �n the Trustor's enfity and such designated signar as �et f�r�h �n the
<br /> b�rrowing resolu�ion is du[y au�hori�ed to ex�cu�e any and ai� L,�an Documents on beha�f �he entit�r,
<br /> �ncluding fh�s�rust d�ed.
<br /> �. A[[ known sources of e�is�ing or pat�nfi�a[ en�i�-anmenta[ con�amina�ion an ar n�ar any R�a� Praper�y
<br /> owned or�perated b}�Trusfor has �een fu��y dis�l�s�d �o L�nd�r; the aperatians o�Trus�or comply, �r�d
<br /> during �h� fi�rm of this �rus� de�d �r�Il af al� �imes cornpIy in �i[ respec�s, wr�h a�l �nvironmental laws;
<br /> Trust�r has �btaEned and �vi�l mainta�n ��j l�censes, �ermit�, au���ari�a�ions and regis�ratians requir�d
<br /> under any en�iranmental ]aw and necessary fa� i�s ardinary course operafions, all such environmenta�
<br /> p�rm�fs are in ga�d sfianding, and Trus�flr is in �ampllanc�wa�h aII maferia[te�ms and conditions af such
<br /> en�ironm�ntal permifs� neither Trust�r nor any af �ts pr�senf Praper�y �r aperafaons is sub�ect �o an�
<br /> o�rfis�anding wri�ten order tram or agreemenf with any g��rernmen�aI au�hari�r or subject�� any jud�cial
<br /> or do�€���ed administ�at��re praceeding, resp�c�ing any en�rjr�nmenfa[ Ia�rv, en�irvnmen�a� c�aim �r
<br /> hazardous mat�ria�; �here are no hazard�us materiafs ar ��her c�ndstions or c�rc�ms�ances exis�ing, or
<br /> ar�sin� from opera�ians pri�r to the da�e af fihis trus� deed, vvi�h respec��o any Prop�rty �f Trus�or thafi
<br /> would r�asonab[y �e e�pec�ed fo g�v� rise �o maf��ial environmental claims. �n addi�ion, Trustor shall
<br /> h�ld Lender harm�ess fram any �ia�i[i�y for envir�nmentai was�e ❑r con�amina�i�n on any Prap�rty
<br /> owned or operated by Trusfior vr Iiabi�i�y impo��d as a �vnsequen�� by reason �f Tr�s�vr's ac�i�ifl�s
<br /> and vv'[I1 de�end and indemnify Lender a�a�nst aI� cIaims, losses, Iiabili��es, and e�cpenses incurr�� by
<br /> Lender as a res���th�reof. Th�s cav�nant�nrill surv�ve canc�lla��on, expiration Qr termina�ian af this frusf
<br /> deed.
<br /> �. �ach of tne fol��wing s�a�I cons���u��an event�f default:
<br /> a. Failure ta make any payment vtirhen due under any L�an DoGumen��r��h�r�b[iga�ion ��cured �y
<br /> thrs frus�deed.
<br /> �� F'ailure �a pay any li�ns, judgmen�s, assessm�n�s, taxes, ren�s, fe�s, ar charges or main�ain any
<br /> insuranc� on the Pra�erty, buildings, fix�ures, a�achmen�s, or impr�v�ments as provided in th[s �rus�
<br /> deed, �r in any atner Laan Document.
<br /> c� Any breach or ma�er'[al misrep���en�afion of any f�rm, agreem�n�, �ov�nanfi, �ond'[�'ront
<br /> cer�ifica�ion, repres�n�a�ion ar wa�ranty as provided in fihis�rusf deed, or any oth�r Loan Documen�.
<br /> � �� Sale, �ransfer, vr �anveyanc� nf tne Praper�y descri�ed �ere�n wi�hvuf priar writ��n cansenf of
<br /> L�nder.
<br /> A�p#:�3383�5; �1F#:'1���25; Nnte#:2�8 2n2FA L�ga�Dvc,Date:�G�aber�3,�4'�5
<br /> F�RM��'l�,Trus�aeed and Assignmen�a�r Rents Pag�4 of 8
<br />