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s <br /> 2� 15�74�8 <br /> y <br /> paym�nts f�r abs�rac�f�es, attarney's fees ��o�he exfen� al�ov�red by �aw�, G�S�S, expenses, ap�raisal <br /> fees, and �ther charg�s ar�d any amaun�s so advanced �r�il become part vf�he principa[ �bi[gatians <br /> secure� hereb}�, be imm�d�at�iy due and pa�abl�an� bear int�res�a��he d�fau�fi ra�� pr�vided in �he <br /> Loan Docum�nts frarn fihe da�e af advance untiC paid. <br /> 8. D�Iay b�r L�nd�r in e�ercis�ng its r�ghfs u�an defaul��riIl n�� be consfirued as a �ra�v�r�h�reof, and <br /> �ny ac� of Len�er waiving any�pecifi� d�fau[��rill n�t be cons�rued a� a�raiv�r of any fiufure default. lf <br /> the proceeds under sale or foreclasure as se�for�h above are insuffic��n��a pay �ne �o�al ��Iiga�ions <br /> secured �ereby, L�nd�r�v��[ �e enfitled�o a def�ciency judgmen�. <br /> �. Any awards made �o Tr�s�or or �h��r su�cessors by fh� ex�rc�se of �minent d�main ar� hereby <br /> assign�d �o L�nder; and Len��r is h�reby authari�ed �a �o�l��t and apply the sann� in �ayment��any <br /> indebtedness, matured or un--matured, s�cur�d �y fhis trus� de�d. Trus��r shall immediately no�ify <br /> Lender of any ac�ion `rn em�nen�d�ma�n. <br /> '��.This trust de�d c�nsfi�u�es a securi�y agreement v�rifh respect fa aII fhe Praperty de�cribed hereln. <br /> '��I. N� remedy here�n conferr�d u�on �r reser�red �o Trustee ar Benefciary is in�end�� �o be e�ccl�sive <br /> af any other remedy herein or �y Iav�r prvW�ded or permit�ed, huf each wiil b� cumula�ive, will be in <br /> additian �o e�ery athe� remedy giv�n hereunder or now or her�after existing a� Ia� or in equity or �y <br /> s�a�u�e, and may be ex�rc[sed cancurr�n�ly, ind�pend�n�ly ar successive[y. <br /> 'i�. Trus�or acknov�ledges fha� th� dufiies and a�iigations flf Trusf�� �ri�� be ����rmined sole�y by �h� <br /> express �rovisians of �his trus� deed ar the Nebraska Trus� Deeds a�� an� Tru�tee wii� not be liabI� <br /> e�cep� for �he pe�r�ormance of su�h du�i�s an� ��ligafions as ar� spe��fcally sefi for�[� therein, and n� <br /> implied co�renants or obligatians �rill be �mpose� upon Trus�ee; Trus�e�v�ril[ no� ae [iab�e for any ac�iQn <br /> �}� it in ga�� fai� and reasanably belie�ed by �t t� be authar`[�ed or with[n �he dis�re�i�n ar righ�s �f <br /> powers c�n�erred upan it by�his trust deed �r s�a�e iaw. <br /> '13. The Govenan�s can�ainea� in this trus� deed �rill be deemed t� be s�verable; �n fihe event �hat any <br /> por�ivn of fhis trus�deed is de�ermined�� 1ae void or un�nforceab�e, �ha�defiermir�a�ian�r��C nof affect the <br /> validi�y�f�he remaining portions of�he��ust dee�. <br /> �I4, Yru��or h�reby reque��s a Gopy of any nof�ce �f d�fauft ar notice of sale her�Under�� be mai[ed by <br /> c�r�fred mai[fo Trus�ar at�e address se�t�r�h herein. <br /> �a. Al� no��ces, reques�s and demands to or u�an �he resp�c��ve par�ies,here�o to �e effec���r� shall be <br /> in�rifing and, unless o�herwise e�cpr�ss�y pravided h�re�n, sha�i be deeme� to nave heen du ly g�ven �r <br /> rrtade�vhen de�i�ered by hand, or�hree days af�er bejng aiep�si�ed �n �he mail, pos�ag� prepa�d, or, in <br /> the cas� of d�Ii�r�ry by a na���nally recogni��d averni�h� cQu�ier, �r�en rec�i�red, a�dres�ed fio on� ar <br /> more of�he indi�idua�s exe�utjng this f�ust deed on �eha[f of such parfy at�he addr�ss se�forth above, <br /> or�a such o�her a�d�ess as such parEy may designa�e fvr i�seIf�}� IiI�e no�ice. <br /> �i�. Trustor sha�l prom��ly provide andlor execu�e and d�[iver �o Len�er sucn �FUr�h�r �nstrumen�s, <br /> in�Ir�ding, �ut �o� Iimi��d �a, mortgages, deeds of �rus�, security agreements, f[nancing sfiaf�ments, <br /> contlnuation ��atemen�s, assignmen�s, cer�ifcates, affid�W��s, addendums, amendm�n�s or res�I��ians <br /> in farm and subs�ance sa�isfactory �a Lender fha� �end�r may reau�re �a eff�Gtuate, c�mple�e= �erfect, <br /> continue ar pr��erve fhis�rust d�ed �r any��her Laan C�ocumen��, �bligatians or liens related�hereto. <br /> '��'w T1�is �rust dee� and al� af�he L�an Doc�men�s cans�i�ute�he en�re and c�mpl�te unders�and�ng af <br /> fhe part�es her�to and supersede all priar�gr��m�n�s and und�rstandings re�ativ��o the sublec�mat��r <br /> hereflf. Yhis�rus�de�d may no�be effec�ively amen�ed, chan��d, al�ered or m���fi��, exce�� in wr��ing <br /> e�eGu�ed �y alI par��es. To the ex�en� fihe pra�isians c�n�ain�d in this �rus� �1��d ar� incansrstenfi�i�h <br /> tnvse confained in any o�her Laan DvGumen�s, the terms and pravisians contained herein sha11 c�n�ral. <br /> ��he�v�s�, �uch prav�s�ons shaCl �e �ansia[�r�d cumuIative. <br /> '1�, TI�is tru�� �f�ed ma� be e�ecute� in any number af counfierpa�s and by eith�r par� an separa�e <br /> c�un�erparts, each �f�rhich shall �e deemed an ori�inal, bu� ali af v�rhich �Qgefher sha�i c�ns���ufe �ne <br /> and�he same ins�rum�n�. <br /> '�9�Time��vf�he�ssence �n th� performanc�ofi�his trus�deed. <br /> 2�, Th�terms af�his trust deed �hajl �in�i and benef�the heirs, [egal repr��en�a�ives, successars, and <br /> ass�gns ���he parti�s; pro�rided, h�w��er, tha�Trus�or may nat assign th�s trusf d�e�, ar any advanc�� <br /> made hereund�r, or assign or del��a�e any of i�s rights �r�b�iga�ivns, with�u��he prior vErritt�n cvnsent <br /> af Lender. <br /> 2'1. The �rus� deed �hall be governed ��r, and cans�ru�d in accordan�e v��th, �he [av�rs �f the S�a�� of <br /> Nebraska, exc�p� to the exfient �ha� the Ia�r a� any o�her jurisd'[G��on applie� as �a th� perfec�ion or <br /> enforcem�n� of tender's securi�y in�er�s� in ar �ien vn any Property and excep�to fhe exf�n�express�y <br /> provid�d �� �he con�rary in an�r Laan Document. ln fne ev�n�thafi any �ravision �r clac�se of any ❑f fhe <br /> L�an Docvmen�s c�nflicts �nri�h applicala[e ]a�r�, such �onflic�s shall n�� affec� ofher provEsi�ns af such <br /> Ap�#:�338325; C�F#:���225; No�e#:��5 �Q�EA L.egaI Da�.❑afe:4c�aber 23,���� <br /> F�RNI���'I,Trust Q��d and Assignment of Rents Page 6 of S <br />