<br /> 2� 15�74�8
<br /> of infierest and pra�ec�i�r� advances au�nor��ed herein �r in any L�an Docum�n� and such v�her
<br /> am�unts a[l���d by law.
<br /> A�alTI��[Ai, ADVAI���S IN Af�Y Ai�DUNT AT ANY Tl1�E, �IH�TH�R �R N�T THE T�TAL,
<br /> Th�s trus�deed wiIl b�due IV�arch '� 2��5.
<br /> � �rus�or �ereby vVarranfis that Trus�ar h�ids goad and markefiabie fif[� �n fiee simple ta �he above
<br /> descri�ed Prop�rty, fhat Trust�r has ga�d and lawfu� aufihorit��o�rusf�eed the s�m�, #hafi fihe Prop�r�y
<br /> is f�ee and c�ear af a(l �ien� and encumbrances, �xcepf those set forth in a �itle p�licy nr ti�le �p�ni�n
<br /> purchased by Lender and d�emed acceptab�e by �end�r, in i�s sale discre��on, in r�Ia�i�n fio this �rus�
<br /> de�d and �haf Trustor will warrant and d�fiend the Proper�y afi Trustar's �xpen�e agains� ail cla�man�s
<br /> whomsaever_ Trus�or also hereby �raives and r��inquishes a]I righ�s �f do�nrer, ham�stead, distri�u��We
<br /> share, and e�emp��on in and�o�h�above descr�bed R�aI Prap�r��.
<br /> �� is unders�ood and agreed bet�reen Trustor an� Lend�r �ha� this t�ust deed �s gi��n to secur� �he
<br /> repaymen�in fu�[ of the ai1 �biigations, r�gardless afi wne�her Trus�ar'[s Iiable th�reon, and a!I future an�
<br /> addi�iana� Ioans �r advances, pr��eG�ive or a�ervtirise, whicf� may b� mad� by Lend�r, a� ��s optivn, a�
<br /> the requ��� af, an� ta or for fhe accoun� af Trustor, any �f fhe par��es �fa�le under any �f the Loan
<br /> Documenfis, far any purpose, p�us infieres� ther�on, all payabie a�cordin� �o �he ferms af th� Loan
<br /> C�acum�n�s. Any Q�Iigations secured �y fhis �rus� de�d sha�� be payab�e �rhen due as s�� forth in the
<br /> Loan �ocumen�s.
<br /> Trus�or her��y assigns, �ransfers, and conveys to Lender a�� ren�s, issues, �ncom�, praf�s, r�yait�es,
<br /> banuses, and delay m�neys or ofih�r prace��s fha� may fram �ime fv fim� �ecnme due and paya�le
<br /> under any r�al esfate [eas� ar under any �i�r gas, grave�, r�ck, or ofher mineraI lease �f any kind
<br /> inc[uding geotherma[ r�sources naw ��isting or tha� may hereaf�er c�me into existence, caver�ng �h�
<br /> P�rap�rty vr any part �hereof. All such sums so rece�ved by Lender �v[11 be appli�d t� �he �b�iga��on�
<br /> s�cured hereby; or Lend�r, at its ��tian, may turn over and deliver fa Trustar�s� �r their succ�ssors in
<br /> in�er�st, any or a�l of sucl� sums withoufi prejudice fo any of Lender's rights fo faKe and retain �utur�
<br /> sums, and wifh�u� �rejudic� �o any �f i�s oth�r righ�s under �his �rust deed. T�is assignm�nt �riIl be
<br /> �ons�ru�d to �e a prvvis�vn far the paymen� or re�uction af �h� �bliga�ians, su��ec� �o the Lender's
<br /> ap�ivn as h�reinbefare provided, independent of the trus�deed on fhe Prop�rty.
<br /> Trusfar and ea�h of tF�em fur�her c��r��an�s and a�rees �ri�h, �r cer-�ifies and r�pres�n�s t�
<br /> Lender a�fol�aws:
<br /> '[. To pay alI I�ens, judgments, ❑r v�ner assessm�n�s aga�nst the Pr�p�r�y, and to pay �rhen �u� aIl
<br /> assessm�nfis, �a�ces, r�nfs, u��fities, fe�s, Gharges �r encum��anCes upan the Property vr under any
<br /> �eas�, permi#, license= or pr��rilege assigr�e�fo Lender as addi�iona� secur[fy�a �h�s �rus�deed, includ�ng
<br /> �hose�n or on pubCic domain.
<br /> �.To �nsure and keep insured al� bui�d�ngs and v�her impro�em�n�sr including fi�ur�:s and at�achmenfs
<br /> nn� �n or h�reaf�er placed an the Rea] Pr�perty to �he sa�isfac�ion of Lend�r. 5uch insuranc� w[fI
<br /> � con�ain an endorsem�nfi showing Lender as BenefiGiary_ �n demand, Tru��or�rili fur•nish sa�d po[ici�s
<br /> ar proaf of �nsuranc� �o Lender and the insuran�e carrier shal� be satrsfa��ory �o L�n�er. Trus�or shall
<br /> g�v�wr�t�en no��c�t� Lend�r tmme�Iia�e�y af any c[aim ar��ss. Any sums so r�ce[ved b�r L�nder may �e
<br /> app�ied in paymen� vf any mafur�d or unma�ured ��liga�i�ns secured by �h[s �rus� �i��d, or at fihe
<br /> aption �f Lender ma�be used to �ay f�r recons��uc�i�n of fhe d�str�yed �mpr�v�ments. Such insuranc�
<br /> w��1 be in an amount a� Ieas� equal fia the I�ss�r �f �ne�Iaan �alanc�, �he actua[ cash vajue af �he
<br /> Property, or f�� rep�acement cos� af�he Prop�rty, and wiZl at a minimum, cQ��r Iasses caus�a� by f re,
<br /> Iign�n�n�, explosi�n, rio�, aircraft, vehicles, vanda�ism, civil cammofiion, smake, wind�torm, and hail.
<br /> Trus�flr w��� abta�n and ke�p flo�d insurance �r� f�rc��a cover losses �y f�aod a� requir�d �y Lender and
<br /> . by the Na�i�nai Fl�ad Insuran�e Ac��f �9�8, as am�nded, an� by r��uja�i�ns implemen�ing �he same.
<br /> Trus�or furth�r agrees tf�at Lender �s no� and wi�[ nat be �iabl� for any fai��re by Trus��r or by any
<br /> App#:�3383�5; C[F#:'�04�25; Not�#:20B ���FA Legal Dac.Da�e:�c�aber 23,�a��
<br /> F4R�111�0'��,Trus�aeed and Assignment of Rents Page 3 of�
<br />