2� 15�7458
<br /> escrvw,as defiried und�r RES�A,L�nder shall notify Borr�wer as r�quired b�RESPA�and�or�ower shall pay ta Lender
<br /> the amount n����sa�t�ma.ke up�he d�fic�ency zn ac�ordance��th RESPA,bu��n n�mare than�2 rnonthly�ayments.
<br /> Upon payrnent in ful��f a�l sums sec�ur�d by�.his Security X�,strument,Lender sha�1 promp��y refund to�Qrr�wer any
<br /> Funds h�ld��Lender.
<br /> 4.C�iar��5i Liens.B�rrower shall pay all�axes,assessments,chaxges,fnes,and im.position�attribu�a���to�h�
<br /> property which can attairi priarity over th�s Securx�ty�nstrumen�,�easehold paymE�.ts or ground rents an the Propex�y,if
<br /> any,a.nd C�mmunity Assaciation Dues,Fees,and Assessrnen�s,if any.T�the exten�that these���ms are Esc�ow Items,
<br /> �orra�v�r�r sha��p���hem in the manner pro�ided in Sect�on 3.
<br /> Borro�ver shal� praamptly discharge any Iien whi�h has priority ❑ver this Securi�y Zns�rument un�ess Bnrrower:
<br /> �a}agrees in wri�ing to�the payment of the ob�igati�n secured by�h��ien in a.manner acc�p�able to Lender,�u�only s�
<br /> iang as Bo�rrv�v�rer�s p�rf�rmi�.�such a�reement;(b}cvntests fh��ie�.�n good fai�h�y,ar deferids against enf�rcexr�en�of
<br /> the Ii�n in, l�gal prace�d�ngs which in Lender's opirixon op�rate�o pre�en�th� enfarc�men�af the lien urhile those
<br /> praceedings�.re pending,bufi an�y untii suc�prace�dings are can�lude�; or�c}secures fr�m the haider vf the lien an
<br /> ag�eem�nt satisfactory�a Lender subordinating the lien ta�h�s Security�nstrumen�.If Lender determin�s�ha�any gart af
<br /> �he P�apert�is sub�ect to a lzeri which can attain p�riflri�over this S�curi�y Ins�rumen�,Lender ma�gi�e Borrovver a
<br /> notice identxfyin�the lien.�Vithin 1D days o��h�dat�on whi�h tha�natice is gi��n,Borrower�hail satisfy�h�lien ar�a�e
<br /> one or more of t�e ac��ons set forth above i�this S�ction 4.
<br /> Lender rnay requir��orrovver��pay a ane-�zme�har��far a real�sta��tax��rif�cation ar�dlor repor�ing se�vx�e used
<br /> hy Lender in�annectYan vvith�h�s Loatn.
<br /> 5.Pr�p�erty Insurance.Borrower shall keep the im�rovemen�s nav�r��is�ing 4r hereafter erected an the Prap�rty
<br /> insured agains�l�ss by�ire,hazards inciuded within the�erm"ex�end�d co��ra�e,'�and ax�y a�her ha�ards inc�uding,bu�
<br /> not limited tQ,earth�uakes and floods,far wh�ch Ler�d�r requires insurance.This insuranc�sha�l be maintained in�he
<br /> amounts�including deductib�e leuels}a,nd for�h�periods th�.�L�n�er r�auires.�Vha�Lender requires pursuan��o th�
<br /> preceding sentences can cha�age during the term of the�aan.The insurance �arrier pro�iding the insuranc�shall be
<br /> �hosen b� Barrower su'bjec��o Lender's righ�ta disap�ro�v�Borrvwer's �hQice, which right sha.l� n�t be exerc�s�d
<br /> unreasan�.bly.L�nder may requir�F3orrower�o pay,in�annectio�vv�th�this Loan,ezther:�a�a ane��ime�harge for fload
<br /> zone de�erminat��n, cer�if cati�n and tracking s�rv�cesa ar �b�a one-�ime charge for f�ood z�ne determination and
<br /> certif cat�on�ervices and subs�quent charges each�im�r�mappings or similar�ha.r�ges oc�ur v�hi�h reasonab�y mi�ht
<br /> affect such determination o�certif�atian.Borrovver shalt also b�respnnszb�e fa�r the pa�men�of any fees imp�sed by th�
<br /> Federal Emer�ency Ma�n.a��m�n�A��ncy in caruaection�vi�h the re�v�evv af any flood��ne de�ermxna��ion resultin�from
<br /> an objec�ion by B�rrower.
<br /> �f Barra�nrer faixs�o ma�n�ain any flf�he coverages desGribed abo�e,Lender may obta�n insuranGe coverage, a�
<br /> Lend�r's optian and Borraw�r's expense,Lender is under n�obliga�ivn to pur�hase any part�cular ty�e or ann�unt of
<br /> ��verage.Therefo�e,suc�caverage sha�l c��er Lender,but might or migh�not p�ro�ect Borro�ver,Borrov�rer's equi�y in
<br /> �he Prop�r�, or�h�c�n�ents of the Pr���r�y, a�ainst any ris�,ha.�ard ar Iiabi�i�y and migh�prn�vide greater a�Iess�r
<br /> caverage than�vas previous��in�ffect.Borrower acknowledges that�e c�st af th�insurance ca�erage so obtained migh�
<br /> s�gnifzcan�ly exce�d the cost of insuranc��hat Borr�wer�ou�d ha�e nbtained.Any amounts disburs��by Lender under
<br /> this S�ction 5 shalt become addi�iona�debt�f�orrav�er secured by this Security�nstrumen�.These amounts shali bear
<br /> �.nterest at the No�e rate from�h�date of disburs�rnen��.nd shall be payable,wi�h s�ch interes�,upon�o��ce�rom Len�er
<br /> to B�rraw�r requ�stin�paym�n�.
<br /> A.11 insura.n�e policxe� r�quired by L�nder and renewa�s vf su�h p�l�cies shal� b� �ub�e���o Lender's �igh�t to
<br /> disapprove�uch pal�ci�s,sha�I��Glude a sf.axkdaxd m�x��age�laus�,and shall name I�ender as rr�or��ag��andlor as ar�
<br /> addit�anal loss payee. Lender shall have�he right�o hald th�e po��cies and �renevvai �er�ificates. �f Lender requzres,
<br /> ��rravver shal�pr�mpt�y gi�r�to Lender all receip�s of paid p��miurns�nd r�ne�nra.l nat�i�es.�f�3arro�ver�btains any f�ram
<br /> �f insurance co�erage�not otherwise required by Lender,for d�mage to,or destruct�on of,th��rop�r�y,su�h policy shall
<br /> include�s�andard mar��a�e��ause ax�d sha�l nanae�ender as mor�gagee andJar as a�a addi�i�na��ass pay�e.
<br /> In�he e�ent of Ioss,B���w�r sha1����ae prompt n�tice�o the�surance carrier and Lender.Lender may make pro�f
<br /> �f��ss if nat made p�romptiy b� Borrawer. L]�nless��nder and Barrower o�herwise ag�ree in writing, a.ny �a�surance
<br /> pro�eeds,w��th.�r��no��h�underlyin�ins�urance was r�quired�y I�end�r,sha�l be appli�d to restora�tion�r r�pair of the
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam�IywFartnie MaelFreddie Nlac L�NIF�RM INSTRUNlENT wi�h M�RS F rm 4�8 �IQ"�
<br /> Page5of�3 �
<br /> ,� , r.
<br /> �os,inc. gorrower�s}lnitials
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