2� 15�7458
<br /> Pr�per�y,if the restora�ion or repair is ec�nomi�ally feasib�e and Lender's securit�y is no�lessened.I3uring such repair and
<br /> res�aration period,Lender sha��have��e righ�to ha�d such�nsuranc��race�ds unt�l Lender has had an appor�unity�v
<br /> inspect su�h�'z���erty�o ensure�he work has been c�rnp�vt�d t����dvx's���i��`������,�a���rf d����d��s�������a�����A����
<br /> be urider�al�en promptly.L�nder may disburse p�oceeds for�he re�airs and�es�oratian�n a single paym�nt or in a seri�s�f
<br /> progress payments as the work�s completed.Un�ess an agreemen��s made in vvri�ing or Applicab�e Lavv requires interest
<br /> �o b�paid on such insuran�e proceeds,Lender sha11 not be required�a pay Bor�r�wer any interest or eaxnings on such
<br /> proceed�.Fees for pub�ic ad�us�ers,or other th�rd par�ies,retained by�arro�ver sha�l no�be paid out af the insu�ance
<br /> prace�ds and sha�1 be the sale abl�ga�ion of Borrower.�f�he rest�ra��an or repair is no�economically feasibie ar Lende�'s
<br /> secu�ity wau�d be lessened,�he insurance�roc��ds sha�l be applied�o the sums secured by this Security�nstrumen�,
<br /> vvhether�r no�then due,vvi�h�he excess,if any,paid�o Barrov��r,Su�h insurance proceeds shal�be applied in�he�rder
<br /> provided for in Sectxon 2.
<br /> �f Borrower abandons the Proper�y,Lender may f�e,negotia�e and set��e any ava�lable insuranc�claim and re�ated
<br /> xnatters.�f Borrawer d�es no�r�sp�n�wi�h�n 3�days�o a natice fram Lender t�at the insurance carr�er has offered t�
<br /> set�le a claim,then Lender may negotia�e and set�le the ciaim.Th�3�-day periad w���begin vWhen the notice is gi�en.rn
<br /> �ither even�, ar if Lender acqu�res the Proper�y un�er Section�� ar oth�rwise, Borr�wer h�reby ass�gns to Lender
<br /> (a�Borro�ver's�rights to any insuran�e proceeds in an amount n�t to ex�eed the amounts unpaid under the Note ar this
<br /> Security�ns�rumen�,and�b}a.ny o�her�f Borrov�r�r's righ�s�ather�han�he righ�tfl any refund of un�arned p�emiums paid
<br /> by�or�ower�under a11 insu�rance policies cavering the Proger�y,insofar as such r�ghts are app�i�a�le�o the ca�erage of
<br /> the Proper�y.Lender may us�the insurance proceeds ei�h�r t�repa�r or rest�re the Pr�perty or t�pay amoun�s unpaid
<br /> under the Note or�his Security�ns�rument,wh�ther ar nat then due.
<br /> �,Uccupancy.Borr�wer sha�l occu,py,�stabl�sh,and use th�Property as Barravver's pr�n�ipal residence w�th�n 6�
<br /> days after the execu�ian�f�his Securi�y Instrument and shal�continue to occupy the Proper�y as Borrow�r's pr�ncipal
<br /> residence for at least one year after the da�e ofoccupar�cy,un�ess Lender o�her�vise agrees rn w�ri�ing,wh�ch cansent shall
<br /> not b�unreas�nably w��hheld,ar unl�ss ex�enuat�ng circumstan�es exist wh�ch ar�beyond Barr�we�r's cont�rol.
<br /> 7.Preservation,Maintenance and Pratection of the Property;Inspections.Borrower sha�I not destr�y,damage
<br /> or impair�he Property,allow the Proper�y t��ieteriorate or comm�t v�raste on�e Properfiy.Whe�her ar not Borrower�s
<br /> res�ding in the Property,Borr�wer shall main�aix�the Proper�r in order�o prevent the Praperty frnm deter�ora�ing or
<br /> decreasing in�alue due to�ts condition.Unless it is determined pursuant to Sect�on 5�hat repair or res�ora�ion is no�
<br /> economically feasible,Barrovver sha.i�promptly repair�he P�oper�if damaged to a�vo�d further de�er�ora�i�n or damage.
<br /> �f�nsuran�e or�andemnatian proceeds axe paid in connection with damage�a,or the ta��ng of,the Praper�y,B�rr��nrer
<br /> sha11 be responsi��e fo�r r�pairing or r�storing the Proper�y only if Lender has relea.sed praceeds for such purp�ses.Lender
<br /> may disburse proceeds for th�repairs and restoratxon in a s�ng�e paym�nt�r in a series of progress paym�n�s as the wark
<br /> is campleted.If�he insurance or condemnation praceeds axe not sufficient�o repa�r or restore the Propertya Barrower is
<br /> not relze�ed of Borrnvtirer's obligation for the compietion af such repa�r or res�orati�n.
<br /> Lender or its agent may ma�e reasonable entries up�n and inspec��ons af�he Pr�pe�ty.If it has reasanable cause,
<br /> Lender may�nspec�the interior of the improvements on�he Praper�y.Lender shall gi�e Borrovver notice a��he�ime of ar
<br /> p��or�o such an interior ins�ectian spec�fying such�easonable caus�.
<br /> S.Barrower's Laan Appiica��on,Bor�o�ver sha�l be in defaul�if,during�he Loan applicatian proc�ss,Borrower or
<br /> any persons or entities acting at the direct�on of Borrower or vrr�th Borrawer's knowiedge�r consent gau�materially
<br /> fals�, mis�eading, or inac�urate infarma�ion or statements to Lender �ar failed to pra�id� Lender w��h xna��r�al
<br /> informativn} zn connec�ion vvi�th�he �Laa�. Ma�e�ial represen�ations include, but are not �xmited�fl, represen�a�ians
<br /> concerning;B�rravv�r's occupancy�f�he Froperty as Borrower's principa�residence.
<br /> 9.Pratec�ion�f Lender's Interest in the Praperty and R�ights Under this Security Instrument.If�a�Borrower
<br /> fails�o perfarm�he co�enan�s and agreemen�s con�ained in�his S�curity Ins�rument,�b��h.er�is a lega.i proceeding tha�
<br /> might sign�f can��y affec� Lender's inter�st in th� Praper�y andlor rights under this Securi�y �nstxumerit�such as a
<br /> praceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for cond�mnation or f�rfeiture,f�r enforcement of a lien v�rhich may attain priarity
<br /> o�er�his Securi�y Instrumen�or to enfarce�aws 4r regu�a�i�ns�,ar(c}Bo�awer has abandoned the Properry,then Lender
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaefFreddie Ma�UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT with MERS a ��2$ ���'�
<br /> Page6af�3 � � �
<br /> �o���,� B�rrower�s}initia! � r
<br />