2� 15�7458
<br /> und�r the Nate;��}a�nvun�s due under��c��on 3.�uch paym�n�s sha�I be appiied�a each P�riodic Payment i��he arder
<br /> in w�ich it b�ca�me due,A�y r�maining�a�n���h�ll b��pplicd�irs��������������,s�c��d����y a��►�r a��u��s���
<br /> under th�s S�cur�t��nsf�rumen���d then�a reduce�h�prYnc�pa�balanc�of�he Nate.
<br /> ���end��r receives a payment from Barrawe�for a�e��n�uent P�riadic Paymen�whi�h in�Iude�a su�c�ent amoun�
<br /> to pay any Iate charge due,�he payment m�y be�.�pl�ed�a the delinquent payment an.d the iate charge.If r�aare th�,n one
<br /> per��d�c Paymen�is �u�s�andinb, Lender may apply an.y payment re�eived fir�m Borrower�o �he repayment of�he
<br /> p�riodic Pa�men�s if,and ta�h�ex�ent�that,each payment can be paid in fu��.To the extent tha�any e���ss exists after
<br /> �h�payment is applied to the fu�l paymen�of ane or mo�e P�riadic Payments,su�h excess may be app�i�d ta an�lat�
<br /> �harg�s du�.Volun�ar�r pr�payments s�a1�be ap�lied f rst�o any�repa�men�cha,�ges and�hen as des�ribed�n�he No�e.
<br /> An�applica��an of payments,insuranc�proc�eds,or M��cel�an��us Pr�c�eds�o princ�pal due under�he No�e shall
<br /> no�exte�d or pos�p�ne the du�da��,�r chaxage the amoun�,af�h�Periodic Paymen�s.
<br /> �.Funds for���row I�ems.�3orrower sha11 pay��Lender on�he da��'e�iodi��aym�n�s axe due under�he No�e,
<br /> un�il�he No�e�s paid in full,a sum��h�"Funds"}�o pr���de for paynne��of amaun�s due for:�a}�aa�es a�.d assessmen�s
<br /> and other i��ms w���h �a.n a�ta�ri prio�rity o�e�r�his ��curi�y �ns�m.�nt as a �ieri ar en�umbrance ��.the ��r�perty x
<br /> ��}lea�ehold paymen�s or�rau.nd�en�s on the Property,if any;�c�pr�miums for any and a��insuranc�required by Lender
<br /> under S�ctio�5;ana��d}NIQr�gage�nsurance premiumsz if any,or an�sums paya��e by B�rrawer�o Lender in�ieu vffihe
<br /> payment af Mo�ga�e Tnsurance premiurn.s in accordance w�th the pr��risians of S�ction ��.T�ese it��ns are called
<br /> "Escro�v�r Items."At or�gina�ian or at any ��me during the�erm �f the Loan, Lender may r�quire that Comrzaunity
<br /> Asso�ia�xon Dues,Fees,and As�es�ments,if ax�.y,be escrawed by Barro�er,and such dues,fe�s and as�essments shall be
<br /> an Escr�w I�em. Baxr�wer shall pramptly furnish to Lender all n�tices of amounts �� �� paid under this Se��ion.
<br /> Sorr�wer shali pay L�nder��ae Fu�ads f�r Escrow�tems unless Lender wai�es Barr�wer's o�ligat�o�a to pay th�Funds for
<br /> any or al�Escrow�tems.L�ender m.ay wa�ve Bor�rower's obliga�ion to pay�ti L�nder Furids far any ar all Escraw�t�ms at
<br /> any�ime.Any such wai�er may�n1y�e in wri�ing.�n�he even�of su�h�aive�,BQrrawer sha��pay d�rectly,vvhen and
<br /> where payable,�he amoux�.ts due fox any�scraw��ems far whi�h p�.ymen#of Funds has be�n�rai��d by L�en�er and,if
<br /> Lender r���ires, shall furnish�a Lender receipts evidencing �uch paym�n�wi�h.in such�irne p�ri�d as Le�der may
<br /> require,Barrower�s abliga�ion t�a make such paymen�s and�o�rov�de r�ce��ts sha�l for all purpases be deem�d ta be a
<br /> c��e�.an�a�.d agre�a�x�en�Gont.ain�d in�hxs Secur�ty Ins#xum�n�,a�s th�phrase"co�enax��an�agreement"�s us�d iri S�c�io�
<br /> �.�f�orrovver is oh�iga�ec��o pav�scr�vtir i�ems directl�r,�ursuant t�a waiver,and��rrower fails ta pay�he arr��un�du�
<br /> far a.�Escro��temx Lend�r may ea�ercise i�s rights und�r 5���i�n�and pay s�ach amoun�and Borrower shall�h�n be
<br /> ob��ga�ed under Sec�xon��a repay t�Lender ar�y su�h amoun�.Lender may revake th�waiver as to any or a�l Fscrow
<br /> ��ems at a.�y�ime b�a notiee gi��n in a��arda.xz�e�ith Sec��an 15 and,up�n such revoca��on,Borrow�r shall pay to
<br /> �,end�r all Funds,and in such amoun�s,tha�are then r��uired under�his Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Lender may,at an�time,collect a.r�.d hald Funds in an amount�a}sufficien�to permit Len�er�o apply the Funds a�
<br /> the time sp�cified und�r R.��PA,and�b}xaot to�x�eed the ma.�imum aemount a��nder can require under R.ESPA.Lender
<br /> sha1X esti�rna�e�he amount of Funds due�n the b�sis of current da�a an�l reasonable es�imat�s of expendi�ures nf future
<br /> Escrovtir��ems or�the��se in a�c�rdanc�with Appl��able Lavv.
<br /> The Funds sha�l b�held�n�n i�stitu�xon whose depo�si�s are insured.by a�eder�i agen�y,instrumenta.iity,or��tity
<br /> �inciudin��ender,if Lend�r i5 an institution w�aose deposits are so insur�d}o�r in an�Federa�Home Loan Bax�k.Lend.er
<br /> shail appl��he�und�to�ay�h��scrorav Z�em.s n�later�han�he�im�specified under R�SPA.Lender sha.�l n�t Gharg�
<br /> Barrower far holdir��and app�yina�h�Funds,annua��y ar�a��r2ing�h�escrow ac��unt,a�r�erify�ng�h�Escrow��ems,
<br /> unles�s L�nd�r pays Barror�ver interes�an�he Fur�ds an�.App�i�ab��L�,w p�rrni�s Le��der�o make sueh a cha.rge.CJri�ess��
<br /> agreement is rnad�in wri�in�ar Applicable Law requires inte�es�to�e�aid on th�Funds,Lender shaJ.l na�be required�o
<br /> pay Borrower any in�eresfi or earr�ings ari the Fu�nds.B�rrawer and I�end�r can agr�e in v�riting,however,that in�eres�
<br /> �ha11�e paid on the Fun�.s.�,end�r shall gi�e to E��rraw�r,�v�thaut charge,an annual ac�oun�in�of�he Funds as r�quired
<br /> b�RESP,�L.
<br /> �f there is a surplus of Funds held in escrow,as def ned under RESPA,Lender sha�1 account�a Borxawer for�h�
<br /> excess funds in accordance with R��PA.�f�here is a shortag�of Funds he�d rn es�row,a.s defined under I�SPA,Lender
<br /> shall na�ify Barrower as require�I�y RESPA,and B�rrower sha11 pa�ta Lender�he amaunt necessar�tQ m�ke up�he
<br /> shortage in accordance w��h RESFA.,bu�in no mare than 12 monthly�aymen�s.�fthere is a def�ciency of Funds held in
<br /> NEBFtASKA�Single Fami�y-Fannie MaalFreddie Mac UNiFC3RM INSTRU�ENT with MERS F �Q28 �1a1
<br /> Page 4 af�3 ' �,
<br /> �os,��c. Barrow�r�s}�nt�iai
<br />