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2� 15�7458 <br /> agreements uu���is�ecuri#.y�nstrum�nt a.�d the No�e,F�r��is pur�ase,Bo�rovve��rr�vocab�y gran�s and canweys�� <br /> Trustee,in�rus�,with power of sa�e,the foilovving de�crib�d proper�y located in the County of Hai�: <br /> Plot Four�4},Grand Is�and Farms�eads,�Iall Cnuafiy,N�braska <br /> parce�rZ]NumbEx:4DD21U9U8 <br /> which curren�l�has�he address of 35�4�armst�ad Rd <br /> Grand Island�N�BRASKA 68841,�"Proper�y Address"�: <br /> �'�GET�ER ��TH a�.I �he im�ro�e�x�.en�s n�w �r hereaft�r erect�d �n �he property, and a�� �as�men�s, <br /> appurte�.ances,and fix�res now or hereafter a part af�he pr�p�rty.A11�r�place�nents and a.dditi�ns sha��a�so be co�ered <br /> by�his SecUr��y Instrumen�.A11�f the faregaing is referred to in th�s Secur�ty�ns�rurnent as the"�rope�."Barrower <br /> unders�ands and agr�es tha�MERS ho�ds only lega��i�ie�o�he in��res�s g�ran�ed by Barrvvver in this Securi�y�nstr�am�nt, <br /> but,�f ne�essaxy to comply�vWzth larnr ox custam,M�R.S�as n�mi.r�ee fa�L�nder ar�d Lender's�uccessars�.r�d assigris}has <br /> the right:to e�er�ise any or a�l�f th�s�inter�s�s,includin�,b��not Iimi�ed��,the righ��a foreclas��and s�II�he Fr�p�x�t�, <br /> a.nd to�a�e any actinn r�quired of Lend�r inc�ud�ng,but na�limit�d to,releasing and�anceling�his Secur�t�r�nstru.ment. <br /> BQRR��WER G��EI�xANTS tha�B�rro�er is�awfully seise�.of�he estate hereby c�nveyed and has�the ri�ht�v <br /> grant and co�.��y�he P�ropert�r an�that the P�roperty is un�ncunabered,except for ericumbranees of r��ord.�3arr�w�r <br /> warran.�s and w�II def�rid generally the�it��ta���Property against all claims and dema.rids,subj�ct�o any encun�brance� <br /> of r�c��d. <br /> THIS SEC���TY II�STRUMENT cambine�unifvrm cav�nan�s for natian�.l use and no�a-uniform co�r�nants wi�h <br /> lxmit�d variat��ns�by juri�di��ion to ca�sfiitute a unifarrza sec�ri�y ins�rumen�cc��er�nb real proper�y. <br /> UNZFaRM C�VENANTS.B�rravtirer and Lender co�ena.nt and agree as failow�: <br /> �,.�ayrn�nt of�'rincipal,In�er�s�,�scrow Items�,Frep�ymen��har�e�,and Late�harges.�o�ro�v►rer sha1l pay <br /> when due the principal of,an�inter�s�on,�he deb�evidenced��#he N�a�e and any prepaymen�Gharges and la��char�es <br /> due unde�r�.e Nate.�orrower sha11 a�so pay funds for Es�rQw�tems pursuan��o Sect�on 3.Payments du�under the Note <br /> and thi s S ecuri�y�nstrument shall be m�.de in U.S. currency. �a�vtir�ver, if any check ar ather�nstrumen�rec�ived by <br /> L�nder a�payme��und��the No�����his Se�urr��nstr�ument is re�urned to I�end���xnpaid,Le�ader m.ay requir�tha�any <br /> or all subsequent payments due under�he I�o��ar�d� Securi�y Ins�rumen��e mad�in one or mare Qf the fallov�in� <br /> forms,as sel�c��d by L�nder.�a�eash;�b�money order;(c�c��tified�h�ck,ba�k check,treasu�rer's cheelc�r cashier's <br /> �heck, provided any s�ch check is drav4m upon a�n institutian whos� deposits are ir�sured by a federal agency, <br /> �nstrume�ata�xty?ar�n��tya or�d��lectron�c Fuxads Transfer. <br /> Payrnen�s are deemed re�ei�ed b�Lerider when r�c�i��d a�the�oca�ion desi�x�ated in the Na��ar a�such o� <br /> locatio�as may be�esx�na�ed by Lender in accardance wi�h.t�e no�ice provis�ons in�e�tion 15.Lender may r�turn any <br /> paym�n�ar par�ial paymen�if�he�ayment or partia�pa�ments are insuff�cien�to br�ng the Loan curren�.Lender may <br /> accep�any payment�r partiai pa�ment�nsuffic�ent to br�ng the�aan�urrent,wi�haut�nraxv�r vf any righ�ts hereunder or <br /> prejudi�e�o�ts rights to refuse�u�h paymen�or partia�p�y�r�n.�n�s in the futr�.re�bu�Lender is no�ob�iga�ed to apply such <br /> pa�men�s at�he��me such pay�n�nts are a�cep��d.If each Per�odic Faym�nt is a�piied as�f i�s scheduled due date,�h�r� <br /> �,end�r need n�t pa��n�eres���unapplied fun�s.Lender may ha�d such unapplied funds un�il Bar�row�r ma�es�aymen� <br /> �o bring th�Loan curr�nt,�f Barr�wer does no�d�so vvithin a reasonabie p�riad of�ime,Lend�r shall either apply such <br /> funds Qr areturx��hem to Borrow�r.If not a��plied ear�i�r,such fund�wi��be applied�o the outs�t�ding prin�ipa��alan�e <br /> under the No�e imxrzediately prior tn foreclos�u�r�.No affse�ar�laim whzch��rr�vtir�r migh�have now ar i�.the futur� <br /> agains� Lend�r shall relie�e Borrov�er fr�m �n.aking payme�.ts du� uz�der th�Note and �his Secur��y �nstrument o�r <br /> performing�he cavena.��s and ag;;reements secured by this Security�nstrumen�. <br /> 2.Applicatian of Payments or Praee�ds.Excep�as o�herwise described in�h�s Sectxon 2,a11 paymen�s accepted <br /> and appiied by Lender shatl b�a�pplied in�he f��lowing�rder ofpri�rifiy:�a}in�er�st�u�under�he Note;���pr�ricipal due <br /> NEBRAS�A-5ing�e Famify-Fann�e I�a�lFreddie�ae�NfFURM INSTRUMFNT with MERS F 3��8 �IQ� <br /> Pag�3 nf�3 _ <br /> Borr wer s !ni iais �� <br /> IDS,Inc. 4 � } � <br />