2� 15�7458
<br /> �F�"Note"means the pram�ssory no�e s�gned by Borrovver and da�ed�ctober 23,ZU15.The Note states tha�B�rrower
<br /> �wes Lend�r T�V� HUNDRED NINETY TH�TJSAND AND N�11�4 Daliars �U.S.$29�,UUO.Ua� plus in�erest.
<br /> Barrower has prorni�ed te�p�y�his���t���'��t�l�x�����d�������������������������������������������������
<br /> 1,�o��.
<br /> �G}��Property"means the proper�y�ha�is desc�ribed belavv under th�head�ng"Transfer of Righ�s in the P��p�rty."
<br /> (H}��Loan"means�he deb�evidenced by th�N�te,plus inter�s�,any prepayment charges and late charges due under the
<br /> No��,and aXl sums due under�h�s Se�u�ci�ty�ristrumen�,p�us i��erest. .
<br /> �I}��Riders"means a��Riders t��his Securi�y�ns�trumen�tha�are execu�ed by BorrQw�r.�The foilow�ng Riders are�o
<br /> be execu�ed by Barr�wer[check box as applicab�e�:
<br /> ❑ Adjus�able Rate Rider ❑ C�ndominium Ra�der ❑ Second H�me Rider
<br /> ❑ Balioon Rider ❑ Planned Unit Develapment Rider ❑ VA Rider
<br /> ❑ �M4 Fami.�y Rider ❑ Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> ❑ �ther�Specify�
<br /> �J}"Applicable Law"m�ans alI controlling app�icabie federal, s�ate and locai statutes,regula�ians, ordinances and
<br /> administrative rules and arders �that ha�e the efFec��f Iaw} as v�e�� as alI applicable final, n�nwappealable judicial
<br /> op�nions.
<br /> �K}"Community A�socia�ion Dues,Fees,and Assessments"means a��dues,fees,assessmen�s and o�her chaxges that
<br /> are�m.posed�n B�rrov�er or�he Proper�y by a condominium associa�ion,homeawners ass�cia�ion ar simi�ar organi2a�ion.
<br /> �L}��Electronic Funds Transfer"means any transfer of funds,other than a�ransacti�n�r�ginated by check,draft,or
<br /> simi�ar pap�r instrument,which is initia�ted through an electxflnic term�naX,�elephonic�nstrument,campu�er,or magnetic
<br /> tape so as to order,instruct,or au�horize a financial ins�itution to debi�or�red�t an account.Such term znc�udes,bu�is nat
<br /> limi�ed ta,point-Qf-sale transfers,automated�e��er machine transac�ions,�ransfers initiated by�e�eph�r�e,wir�transfers,
<br /> and automa�ed clearinghouse transfers.
<br /> �M}y�Escraw Items"means thase i�ems that are descr�bed in Sec�ian 3.
<br /> �N�"Misce�laneous Proceeds"means any c�mpensa�ion,se�tlernen�,awaard af damages,or praceeds�aid by any�hird
<br /> par�y�other t�an insurance praceeds paid under�ie ca�erages�.esc�ribed Yn Sec�ion 5�for:�i}damage�o,or des�ruct�on
<br /> of, �he Property; (ii}condemna�ion or other �a,k�ng of al� ar any part of�he Praper�y; �iii�con�eyance in Iieu of
<br /> condemnation;�r(iv}misrepr�sentati�ns of,or omiss��ns as�o,�he va�ue andlor�ondi��on of�he Property.
<br /> (�}��Mortgage Insurance"means insurance protecting L�nder agains�th�n�npaymen�of,or defaui�on,the Loan.
<br /> �P��`Period�c Payment"means the regularly schedu�ed amaun�due for�i�principal and interest under the Note,p�us
<br /> �ii�any arnounts under Sec��on 3 of this Security�ns�rume�t.
<br /> ���i�RESPA" means the Real Es�ate �e�tlement Procedures A�� ��.� U.S.�. § ���� et seq.� a.nd i�s implem�ntin�
<br /> r�gulatian, Regulation� ��.2 C.F.R. Par� ��24}, as�hey migh�be am�nded from�im�t���me, or ax�y addi�iona� or
<br /> suc�essor iegis�ation or regulation tha�go�erns th�same sub�je��matter.As used in this Se�urity�nstrument,"RESPA"
<br /> refers�o aI1 requir�ments and restricfiions tha�ar��mposed in regard to a"federal�y related mor��age loan"even if�he
<br /> Loan does not qualify as a"federa.��y rela�ed mor�gag�Iaan"unde�RESPA.
<br /> �R.�"Successor in Interest�f Borrower"m�ans any pa�y that has tal�en tit�e to�he Proper�y,whe�her or not�ha�pa.rty
<br /> has assumed Barrower's abligations under the No�e andlor th�s Security�ns�rumen�.
<br /> The beneficiary of this Security Yns�rument is MERS�so�e�y as nami.r�ee for Lender and Lender's success�rs and assigns}
<br /> and ta the successors and assigns�f MERS.This Securi�y�nstrument secures�o Lender:(�}the repaymen�of�he Loan,
<br /> and aIl renewa�s, extensions and modifica�i�ns of the Note; and ��i} the performanc� of Borrower's covenan�s and
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Family-Fannie Mae�Freddi�N[a�UN[F�RI�iNSTRUMENT with MERS F 3Q 8 �1�
<br /> Page 2 0��3 `�
<br /> �o�,��,�. Borrower�s}Init�als ��
<br />