2� 15�7457
<br /> DEED �� TF�UST
<br /> ��ar�tinue�i� Pa�� �
<br /> Rsmedies Not Exclusi�e. Trus#ee and Lender, and each vf them, shall be entitled to enf�rce p�ym�nt and
<br /> p�rfarmance of sny indebtedness ar obl�gations s�cured by�his Dsed vf Trust and ta exercise all rights and powers
<br /> under�his De�d af Trust, under the Note, und�r any ��th� Relate� DacUments, ar under any oth�r agreement or
<br /> any laws now ar hereaf#er in#orce; notwithstant�in�, some or all �f such indebtedness and obligations secured by
<br /> this Dsed of Trust rnay now or hereafter be�therw�se secured. whether by m�rt�age, deed of tru�t, pledge. lisn,
<br /> assignm�nt �r oth�rwise. Neither tl�e ac�eptance of this Deed af Trust no� its �nforcemsn#� whether by court
<br /> a�#ion ar pursusnt t�the power of sale or other pawers cantained in this Deed of Trust� shall preyudice or in any
<br /> mann�r Sffect T�uste�'s �r Lende►'� right �o re�liz� upon �r enf�rce any other security now or hereafter held by
<br /> Trustee or Lender. ix being agrssd that Trustee and Lender�and$a�h a#th�m.sh�ll b��ntitled#o enforce this ae�d
<br /> of Trust and any other security now or hereafter held by Lendsr�r Trustee in such order and m�nner as they ar
<br /> �ither af th�m may in their absolute discretion determin�. Nfl rerr�edy conferred up�n �r reser�ed to Trus#ee ar
<br /> Lender, is intsnded to b��xclusive o�any other remedy in this Deed af Trust 4r by iaw pro�ided ar psrmitted, aut
<br /> e�ch shall �ae cumulati�e and shall be �n additian #o evsry other rem��y gir�en in this D��� of Trust or now or
<br /> hereafter existing at�aw or in equity Qr hy statute. E�ery pawer or rem��y gi�en by the Nota or an�►of the Related
<br /> D��uments to Trustee or Lertder vr tv whi�h �ither of them may �� o#h�rwise �ntitled, may be exercisedr
<br /> concurr�ntly Qr intlep�nd�nt�y, f�om time to tir►�e and as�iten as may bs deernsd expsdient by Trustee�r Lender,
<br /> �nd either af tl��m may pursue inconsistent remedi�s. NQthin� in this Qeed af Trust sha�! be con�tr�ed as
<br /> prahibiting Lender firom�e�king a defi�iency�udgment ag�inst the Tru�tor ta#he ext�nt sucFr actiQn is p�rmitt�d ay
<br /> law. Ele�ti�n by Lender to pursue any remedy shall not exclude pursuit a� any other r�medy, �nd an election to
<br /> make expenditur�s ar ta take a�tion ta perform an ol�ligation of Trustor under this Qeed o�Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> �ai�ure to perfarm, shall nat sff�c#Lend�r's right ta declare a d�fault and exercise its r�medie$.
<br /> Request far No#ice. Trustor,on behal��f Trus#or and Lender, hereby requests that a�apy of a�ny N�tice�f[�e�au�#
<br /> and a capy of any Natice of Sale under this�eed a�Trus�be mailed t�them at the address�s set forth in�he first
<br /> paragraph oi this�eed af Trust.
<br /> Att�rneys' Fes$� Exp�nss�. 1f Lender institut�s any suit or a�tian �� enfarce any of th� terms af this Deed �f
<br /> Trust, Lender sh�ll be entitied#n re�o�er such sum as the caurt may adjUdge reasonable as �ttorneys' fees at tria!
<br /> and upon any appeal. Wh�ther o� not any caurt actian is inaal�ed, and #o the extent nat pr�hibited by law, all
<br /> reasonabl� $xpen��s Lender incurs that in Lender's apinion are nec�ss�ry at any time far the protecti�n o# its
<br /> interast or the enforc�ment af it�rights shaN become a p�rt af the Indebtedness payabls on demand and shall bear
<br /> interest at the Note rat�from the�ate af the expenditure until repaid. Expenses covere�by��is paragr�ph inclu��,
<br /> wi�haut limitation, hawever subject ta any I�mits under applicabla law, Lender's attarnsys' fess and L$nder's I�gal
<br /> expense�, whetFr�r or not ther� is a I�wsuit, including attarn�ys' f��s and �xpenses for bankruptCy praCeedings
<br /> tincluding e#rtorts to madify�r�acate any aut�matic stay or injun�tionf.appeals, and ar�y�nticipa�ed post-ju�lgmsrrt
<br /> co�lection�er�ices. th� �ost af searching re��r�s, �htsinErrg t�tle reports �inclu�iin� fore�lvsure re�rts�, sur��yors'
<br /> reports� �nd sppraisel fees, titl� insurance, and iees for the Trustee. ta �he extent permitted by applic�b�e law.
<br /> Trust�r a�sa will p�y any court costs� in addition to all other sums pra�ided t��law.
<br /> Righ#$af Trus�aa. Trustee shall ha�e�II af the rights and duties 4fi Len�gr as s�t farth in this sectian.
<br /> P�INERS AND�BLIGAT��NS �F tAU�TEE. The following pr�Wisions rela�ting t� ths powers and ahligations of Trustee
<br /> are part�f this Q�s�af Trust:
<br /> P�w�rs af Trust�e. In additian to all pow�rs of Truste� arising as a m�tter ofi law� Tru�tee shall ha��th� p�wer to
<br /> �ake th�fQllowing acti�ns with respe��ta th� Property upon th�writ#en request vf Lender and Trust�r: �a�jotn i�n
<br /> pr�p�ring and filing s map or plat of th� Real Prope�ty. inciuding the dedicatian af streets or �#her rights t� th�
<br /> pubiic; {b� join �n grant�ng �ny easemen# or creating any restriction on the Rea! �roperty; and Rcy join in any
<br /> subordina#+on ar ath�r ayre�rnent affec#in�this aeed of Trust ar the intersst of Lencler under this Qeed of Trust.
<br /> Trustea. Trustee sheil maet al� qualificatians required for Trustee under ap�licabl� I�w. In a�dition to the rights
<br /> and remedies set forth aba�e, with re�p��t ta al4 ar any part af th� Praperty. the Trustee sh�li ha�e the �ight ta
<br /> for�clo$e by noti�e �nd sale, �nd Lender shal# #�a�e th� right t4 fa�e�IQs� ay judicia�l fareclasure, in �ither case in
<br /> eccordance with and to the full extent pro�ided by applicsble faw.
<br /> SucGessor Trus#ee. Lender, St Lender's aption, may fram tim�to time appoint a succ�ssor Trustee to any Trust�s
<br /> app�inted under this De�d of Trust by �n instrument executsd �nd a�knowledged by Lender and reca�ded in the
<br /> office o# the recorder of Hall Caunty, St�te of Nebraska. TFr� instrument sh�ll conta+n, in a�ldi#ion ta �I1 ather
<br /> ma�ters required I�y stat� law, the names af th� �rigin�i L�nd�r, Truste�, and TrUstor, the boak �nd page �or
<br /> camputer system referencef wh�r� this De�d of Trust is re�or�ied, �nd the name and addrsss vf th� su��essQr
<br /> trustee, and the instrument shafl be executed and acknawledged by a!I the ben�ficiaries under this�e�d of Trust or
<br /> their succes�ors in int�re�t. The su�cessar trustee. w�#h�ut �on�eyar�ce of the Pr�per#y, sF�all succ��d ta alf the
<br /> ti#le, p�wer,�nd duties confsrre�i upo�the Trustee in this Deed of Tru�t snd by applicable law. This proc�tlure fvr
<br /> substitution o#Trustee sheil g��rern'to the exclusivn af SII uther pro�isians for sub$titution.
<br /> IV�TIGE�. Any nat�ce required to �e given under this D��d af Trus#, including without limitati�n any notice of detau�t
<br /> �nd any natice of s�1e shall be given in writing� �nd shal� be effecti�e when actually deli�eretl, when actua�ly recei�ed
<br /> by telefacsimile Runless atherwise required�y Isw)� when deposite�!with a natian��iy reGogniz�d overnight cQuri�r�or. if
<br /> mailed, when d�p��it�d in th� United Stat�s mail, as first cl�ss, certified ar r�gistered mail p�stS�ge p��paid, dire�ted ta
<br /> tha addrssses shown nsar the beginning of this Deed of TrUst. All copies of n�tiCes af#arec�osure from tha halt�e�af
<br /> any lien whi�h has priority o�er this !]�ed �fi Trust shall be sent to L�nd�r's addr�ss, as shown ne�r the beginning a�
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any pa�ty may chan�� its a�dress for notices undsr �his aeed of Trust by giWing farmal written
<br /> n�tic� #o #he othsr parties� �pecifying #hat tha purpose of the notice is t� cF�ange the party's address. For natice
<br /> purposes, Trustor agraes to keep Lender informed at sEl times af Tru�tor's�urrent address. Unl�ss other►nrise pra�ided
<br /> or required by ISw� if there is mar�than or�e Tru�tor, any n�tice gi�en by Lender t4 any Trustor is d�emed to be natice
<br /> given to all Trustors.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PA�VISIOIVS. The following misceilaneous pro�isians ars a part o�this d�ed af Trust:
<br /> Amendmerrts. This Deed of Trust, tagether with Sny Rel�ted Dacum�nts, constitutes#he entire understan�ling�nd
<br /> �gre�m$nt af the parties as#a#t�e mat#ers set f�rth irr this aeed of Trust. No al�eration�f ar emendmen�to this
<br /> Deed of Tru�t shal� be effec#iWe unless giaerr in writing �nd signed �y the party�r p��ties sought ta hs�har�d or
<br /> h�und by the alteratian�r�mendment.
<br /> Annu�� Rsporta. �f th� Prop�rty is used �or purposes other than Trustar's residence, Trust4r shali #urnish ta
<br /> Lender, uQan reque�t� a certifi�� statement �f net operatin� incarns recei�►ed from the Prop�rty during TrustQr's
<br /> pre�i�us fisc�l year in such farm and detai� a� Lender shall rsquire. "Net operating income" �h�f� mean all cash
<br /> receipts from the �ropQrty�ess a!I cash expenditures med�in cannection with the operatian of th� Property.
<br /> Caption Hesdin�s. �aptivn headings in this Deed of Trust �r� far ��nv�niencs pur�oses only and are n�t to be
<br /> used to inxerpret or define�he pro�isi�ns af this De�d ai Trust.
<br /> AAarger. Th�r�shall be na m�rger�f the�nter�s#or esta#e created by this Deed 4f Trust with any ather interest or
<br /> estat$in the Property at any tirne held by ar far the beneiit af Lend�r in any capa�ity, withaU#the written consen�
<br /> Qf Lendef.
<br /> G��srning Law. This Desd o'f Trust wil� be g��ern�d by fed�r��law �pplicable to Lend�r and, to the extent not
<br /> p�eempt�ad by fsderal law,tha laws of the S#a#s af Nsbraska wi�ut r�gard ta ita conflicts of law pro�isions. Th�s
<br />