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2� 15�7457 <br /> DEEa �F TRUaT <br /> �Gontinued� Pa�e � <br /> i <br /> False Stat�m�nts. Any warranty, repres�ntaxion or statem�nt made or furni�hed to Lender bY Trustar ar on i <br /> Trustor's behalf under this Q��d af Trust or the Relat�d �ocUm�nts i�fa�se ar misieading in any materEal respect. � <br /> ei#her naw�r a#the tim$made or furnish��!�r b�c�mes��Ise or misleading at any time#herea#ter. <br /> � <br /> Defecti�e Coll�rteralization. This Deed oi Trust ar any af #he Rei�ted Documents ceases to be i� full far�e and ; <br /> ef�ect �including failure of�ny co�l�tsral d�cum�nt ta c�eate a �al�d and periec#ed security intere$t or lienf at any <br /> time and tor�ny�sason. <br /> Ir►�alyancy. The dissolutian or terminatian of Trustor's existencs as a going business. the �ns�lu�nGy of Trustar, <br /> the appointm�nt of a recei�$r for any part of Trustor's property. any ass�gnment far the bene�it af cred�tars, any <br /> type af cr�ditor warkout, ar th�comm�ncement af any proceeding under any bankrup�cy ar insol�rency I�ws hy or <br /> �gainst Trusto�. <br /> Grsdrtor vr Forfeiturs PrQeaa�ings. Cammencement �'� fareclvsur� �r far#eiture prQceed�ngs, wh�th�r by judi�ial <br /> proceeding, �elfi-help, rep�ssessian ar any other m�thod, by�ny creditar af Trustor or by an�r g��ernmental a�ency <br /> against an� prvp�rty s��uring the Indebte�ln�ss. This includes � garnishment of any of Trustor's ac��unts, <br /> including dspQ�it acc�unts. wi#h Lender, However, this Euent af Def�utt shall n�t apply if the�� is a ga�d rtaith <br /> di�pu�� by Trustor as ta th��►alidity or reasonableness�#the cla�m which t�the basis of th� �r�ditor or forfeiture <br /> proGeeding and if Trustar gi�ss Lender writt�n noti�e of the creditor ar farfeiture praceed�ng and d�pa�its with <br /> Lender manies or a sur�ty b�nd for the�rerlit�r or fa�feitu�e proceeding. in an amoun�determined by Land�r, in�ts <br /> sole discretian, as beir��ar�adequate reserve or bond for the disp�te. <br /> Brea�h of�#her Agreemer�#. Any hreach by Trustor under the terms�f any other agraement between Trus#�r and <br /> Lender th�t i$ nat rem�died within any grac� �reriod provided therein, including withoUt limitatian any a+graerYr�nt <br /> concerning any indebtsdn�ss�r oth�r obligstian of Trust�r ta Lencler,wheth�r existin�now or la�er. ' <br /> Events Aff��ting Guar�n#ar. Any of the precedin�e�ents 4ccurs w�th r�spect t� �n�guaran�or, andors�r, surety, <br /> or accommadatian party o# any of the ind�btedness ar an� guarantor, end�rser, surety, ar ac�ammodation par#y <br /> dies or bacomes incampetent, or revake� ar dispu�es the vs�id�ty af, �r ��a�ility un�er� any CUaranty vf the ; <br /> Indebt$�ness. � <br /> � <br /> Ad�ers� Change. A materiai eduerse �hange a��urs in Tru�tor's finar�Gie� condi#ion� ar Lsnder helie��s th� � <br /> prospsct af payment or performance af the Indebtedness is impaired. � <br /> � <br /> Insecurity. L�nder in good#aith belie�es itself inse�ure. � <br /> Ri�ht ta�ur�. If�ny def�ult, oth�r th�n�default in pa�rx►ent, is curahle�nd if Trustor has n�t b��n�i�en a nvt�ce <br /> af a breach o#the sam�pro�rision�#this D�ed of Trus�within th�p�rgceding twel►�e�1�f months,it m�y b�cured if <br /> Trustor. after Lender sends written natice to Trust�r demanding�ure�#�uch d�f�ult: �1 f cur�s the def�uE#within ; <br /> twenty {2�} days; ar ��y �f the cure r�qui�es mors than twenty �2�� days, immediat��y initiat�s steps whi�h <br /> Lender d�ems in Lender's sole �isGretiQn to be suff�cient to �ure the d�fault and th�res#ter continUes and <br /> complet�s all rs�sanable and necessary�teps suffici�nt to produce compliance as saon as reasonably pra�ti�al. <br /> RI�HTS AND REMEDIES�N DEFAULT, if an E��nt�f D�f�ult�ccur� under this ❑eed vf T�ust. at any time th�re�fter, <br /> T�ustge❑r Lender m�y�x�rcise any an�or mare o�the fa�lowing rights and remedi�s: <br /> Acc�leratiar�Upon Defaul#;Addi#ional Ramedies. If any Event af D�fault accurs a$ per the terms of the hlote <br /> secured hsreby. Lender may decMere all Ind�htedness secured by this D�ed af Trust�o be due an�payable and <br /> the same shall th�reupan becom�dUe a�nd pay�ble wi�h�ut any presentm�nt,demand, prvte�t or natice of any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lende�may: <br /> {s} Ei#h�r in �ers�n or t�y agent, with ar without brin�ing any action or proceeding, ar hy a� recei�er <br /> appointed by � cour�and withou�regard tv the adequ�ey of its sacurity. enter upon an��ake possession <br /> �f th� Property,�r any part thereof,in its own nams ur in the name�f Trust��, 8n�f do any acts which it <br /> deems necessary or desira�bls to pfeser��the va�ue, marketability or rent�bil�ty o�the Property� �r par�of <br /> the Property or interest in the Properxy; increase the in�ome from the Prap�rty ar pratect the se�urity af <br /> the Pr�perty; �nd, wi#h or without t�king pos$es$ion of tFre Prop�rty. sue far ar otherwise callect the <br /> rents, issues �nd profits�##he Property, including those past dus and unpaid, and sppl� the seme� less <br /> casts and expenses of operati�n and c�llectian attarneys'fses�to any indebtedness secured by�his Deed � <br /> af Trust, a!I in such order as Lender may determins. The entgring upon and takirrg possessi�n of the <br /> Pr�perty, the �oll��tion o� such rents, issues and praf�ts, and the app�ica#ion thefeof shall nat cure �r <br /> waive any de�ault or noti��of de#ault und�r this Deed of Trust or in�alida#s any act dane in r�spanse ta , <br /> su�h default or pursuant to suGh no#ice af def�ult; �nd� natwithstanding the cantinuance in possessian�f <br /> the Property ar the c�llectiQn, rec�ip#and appliGation of rents, issue� or prafits, Truste� or Lender shall <br /> be�ntitled to exercise every right proaided for in th� N�te ar the Re�a#ed aocuments ar by law upon the <br /> occurrence of any e�ent ofi default, tnc�uding the right to exercise the pawer of s�le; <br /> {b� Commence an�ction t�fare�lvse this aeed of Trust�s a martgage,a�point a r�cei�er or sp��ificaily <br /> enf4rce any of the�o��nants��reaf; an� <br /> t�f D�liver ta Trust�e a vrr�itten decl�rat��n�f defau�t and dem�nd for�a�e and a writt�n noti�e of default <br /> ; <br /> �nd eiection t�cau�e Trustar'�int�rest in the Praperty ta�e sald, which notice Trvstee shall causs ta be ; <br /> duly�iled far record tn the�ppropriate offices ofi the�aunty in which th�Property is I�cated; snd ! <br /> �dj Vrfith resp��t ta al!ar any part of the Pers�nal Prop�rty� Lend�r shall ha�e all#h� rights and r�medies <br /> af a secured party und�r the N�b�aska Uniiorm Cammerciel Cade. <br /> Foreclosure by P�w�of Sale. lf Lend�r�lect�ta fare�lose b�exercis�of the Pawsr a#Sa��herein cantained. <br /> Lend�r shall natify Trustee and shal� deposit with Trustee this Deed af Trust and the Na#e and such re�eipts <br /> and e�idence of exp�nditures macie and secured by thi�Deed of Trust as Trus�ee may require. <br /> (a� u p�n reCeipt�f such notice#ram Lender,Trus#ee shall�au$e to be re�a�ded, published and d�livered <br /> to Trustor such Na#ice af Defauit and N4ti��4#Sale as then required by law �nd by this Qeed af Trust. <br /> Truste� shall, without d�man�1 on Trus#or, �fter such time as may th�n be f�quir�d by �aw and a#t�r <br /> reGorda#ion��such Natic$ af Default and aft�r Noti�e of Sale hauing been gi�en �s requir�d by law, sell <br /> the Prop�rty at the time and place of sal$ fix�d by it in such IVotice o# Sale� �ither as a wh���� or in <br /> s�para#e lats�r parc��s ar it�ms a�TrUstee shall deem�xpedient, and in su�h order as it may d�termine, <br /> at pualic auction ta the highest bidder#ar�ash in law�u! monsy of th� United �tat�s payable at the time <br /> �fi sale. Trustee shall deli�er to such purchaser ar purchasers ther�of its good �nd suffici�nt deed or <br /> deeds conweyin� the property so sold, but without any covenSnt or vu�rran#y, �xpress or impli�d. The <br /> recital� in su�h �eed nf any matters or f�cts shal� be conclusive proof of th�truthfulness th����f. Any <br /> person� includin�without I�mitation Trustar,Truste�� ar Lender� may purcha�e at such sale. <br /> �bf AS may be permitted by I�w. after �edr��tiny a!I c�sts� fess and expenses of Trustee and �f this <br /> Trust, in�luding co�ts a�eWid�nce af tttls in Gannecti�n with sale.Tru�tee shali ap�ly the proceeds 4�sale <br /> ta p�yment o� {if a!�sums expended under the terms af this Deed o�TrUst or under the t�rms af�he Nate <br /> n�t then �epaE�, including but n�t limite� to a�crued int��est and lat� charges, �ii� all ather sums then <br /> secured hereby,and tiiif th�remainder, if any� to the person or pers�ns lega�lly entit�ed ther$ta. <br /> {c� Trustee may in th�mann�r pro�ialed by law p�stpQne sale�f alt ar�ny p4rtion�f#he Property. <br /> I <br />