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2� 15�7457 <br /> DEEa �F TRUST <br /> ��ontinu�d� Pa�e 7 <br /> Deed�f Trust has been�cceptsd by Lander in ths�tata of Nebrask�. <br /> �hoic� �f Venue. If there is a� I�wsuit, Trustor �gree� Upan Lender's �equest ta sut�mit to the jurisdi�ti�n �f the <br /> court�of Buffal�Caunty, State af Nebra�sk�. <br /> IVa Wai�ar by Lander. Lend�r�hsll r��t be deemed to ha�s wai�red any rights u�ndsr thi$ Qeed Qf Trust unl��s�u�h <br /> wai��r i�gi►►�n in writing and signed by Lender. NQ del�y�r omission an the part�f Lender in exer�ising any right <br /> shall op�rate�s a w8iver of�uch ri�ht ar any a#her right. A wai�er�y Lend�r af a pro►►ision of this De�d�f Trust <br /> shafl nvt prejudi�e ar cons�itute a ►+vaiver af Lender's ri�h� otherwise ta demand stric# �ompliance with that <br /> pr�visi�n or eny �ther provision �fi �his Deed of Trust. N� prior wai�er by Lender, n�r �ny Caurs� �f d$aling <br /> be#ween L�nder and Trust4r. shal� con�titute a w�i��r of any of L�nder'� rights ar af any vf 7rustor's obligati�ns <br /> as ta �ny futur� transactians. Whengver the cor�sent af L�nder is re�uired under this Deed af Tru�t, #he�ranting <br /> af such cons$nt ay Lend�r in any in��anCe sheil n�#��ns#itute�ont+nuing ca�nsent#a subsequent instances where <br /> �u�h cons�nt is required and in all casss such cansent m�y be granted or witF�h$Id in the sole dis�retion o�L�nder. <br /> SeW�rahiiity. If a c4urt af compefent juris�ictiQn finds sn� pra�ision of this Deed o#Trust to be illegai. inWalid, or <br /> urrenforce�ble as ta any ci�cumstance, that finding shall nat make the o##�ndirrg �rovisian illegal. in�alid� or <br /> unenfa�ce$ale �s ta any other c�rcumstanc�. If feasible, the of#ending pra�i�ion shall �� cansid�r�d madified sa <br /> that it �ec�mes legal� ►ra��d $nd $nfor���hl�. If the aff�ending p�o�isivn cannot be so modified� it shell be <br /> considered deletsd irom this l]eed o� Trust. Unless atherwise required by lawr the illegafity, invalidity, or <br /> unenforc�sbility of any pro�ision af this D�ed a#Trust shali not affact the Megality, �alidity or snfarceability of any <br /> �ther proaision o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Successflrs and Assigns. aubject to any limita�itins stated in this Dee� of Trust on transf�r a#Trustor's interest. <br /> this Deed af Trust sh�li he binding upon and inure to the k�ens#it of ths parties� their successor� ancl ass+gns. If <br /> �wnership of the Praperty becomes�est�d in a person ather than Trustor, Lend�r� withou�notice to Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustar's successors with refer$nc�tv this D�ed�f Trust a�nd the Indabtedness by wa�y of forbearance or <br /> �xtensior�without r$leasin�Trustor fram th�oblig�tions of this D$ed�#Trust or liability undsr the Indsbtedness, <br /> Tim�is�f the Es�en��. TEm�is af the essence in the perfurm�nce of this D���!of Trust. <br /> VYai►►e Jury. A��erties to this Deed of Trus#hareby wai�e the right ta sny jury tri�l in�ny�cti�n, proc��ding.or <br /> cauntarclaim�rought bY�'�Y P�►rtY a9�inst any ath�r party.. <br /> VYai�er af H�m�st�ed Ex�mp#ion. T�ustar her�l�y ral��se� �nd wa��e� all rights �nd l�en�#its of the h�m�stead <br /> exemptian laws af the St�te�f IVebr�ska a$to al�Ind�btedn�ss secured by#his�ead��Trust. <br /> aEFINITI�N�. The fo�lowing �apita�ized w�rds and�erms shall havs the io�lawing meantngs w�r�n us$d in this �eed of <br /> Trust. Unlsss specifically stated #o th�c�ntrary, al� r$fer�n�es to do#lar amounts shall mean amoun#s in �awful money <br /> af the U nited Sts��s �f America. Words and tarm� used in the singu�ar shall include t�e plu�af, an� th� piural �hall <br /> include the singular, as the context may require. Words �nd xerms nat otherwise definetf �n this �eed of Trust shall <br /> haU�th�me�nings attribut�d t�such terms in#hs Uni�o�rm Commerci�l Cade: <br /> Bene�iciary. The ward "Beneficiary" means Exchange 6ank,Snd its successors an�!assigns. <br /> Barrawer. Th� word "Barrower" m�ans TRI CITY METERS IN� and includes �II co-signers and c�-makers s�gning <br /> the N�te and all thgir succ�ssars ar�d�ssigns. <br /> De�d �f Truat. Th� words "Deec� of Trus�" rne�n this De�d af Trust s�m�ng Trustvr, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includ�s wi�h8ut limita#ion SII �ssignment and security intersst provisians relating to #he Persona! Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Defau�t. Ths ward "��fault" means the QefaUlt s�t fiorth in this Ds�d�f Tr�st in th�section titled "Qefault". <br /> Environmant�l Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" rne�n any and sl1 st�te, fedsr�l and IQ�aI ��atUtes, <br /> regulations an� ordinarr��s r�lating t� the prote�t�on af human heal#h or the sn�rironmen#, �nc�udin� withaut <br /> limitation the ��mprehensi�e En�ironm�ntal RespQnse� Comp�nsat�on, and Liability A�t of 1984, �s amended, �� <br /> U.S.C. Section 9��1� et seq. �"�ERCL�►"f, the Supe�fund Amendments and Reauxhorizatsan Act af 19$fi+ Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-��9 {"SARA"�, the H�zsrdous Materials Transportation,Act..49�1�,�5,�,�y�ertian 18� seq.�the Resource <br /> •iM�..•n.ti.�.�.. N4 <br /> C�nser�atian and Rec��ery Act, �� U.S.C. Se�tian 69��, e�seq.� or�th�r,�ppN��bl,�„�t�te ar���ral laws, rules, <br /> or regulstians adapt$d pursuant thereto. } . . . : .;: � <br /> E�ent af Default. The wQr�s "E�ent af Defaul#" mean�ny af the�e�.�n�ks,of,���,��fotth�n this Deed�f Trust in <br /> the ea$rrts.of de�ault section of this Deed ot Trust. <br /> Cuaranty. Ths word "Gus�ran�y" mea�n�th�guaran#y from guarantor� endorser, surety� �r accammodation party to <br /> Lender. including witF�out limitat�on a guaranty af ail�r p�rt of the hinte. <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances, The words "Ha�ardous Substance�" mean ma�terials th�t� because of their quantity, <br /> �oncentration ar physic�l, chemical ar infs�tious cha�racteristics, may causs �r puse a present or patential ha�ard <br /> to human health vr th�envirvnment wh�n im�roperly used, treated, star�d,dispos�d af, gen�r�t$d, manufactured, <br /> transport�d or �th�rwise handl�d. Th� w�rds "Ha�zardaus Substances" are used in#heir�ery bro�dest sense and <br /> in�luds w+th�ut limit�tion any and a�ll ha�ard�us ar taxic substances, materi��s or waste as d�fined by or listed <br /> urrder the En�ir�nmenta� Laws. The term "Haaardous Substances" �Iso includes,without limitation, petroleum �nd <br /> petrnleum by-prQ�ucts or any fraction thereof�nd asbestQs. <br /> Impiravemer�. The word "#rnpro��m$n#s" m��ns all existing and futur� impr��remen#s, buildings, structures. <br /> mobile h�rn$� affixed on the Real Prop�rty, f��ilities, sdditions. r�pla�ements �nd ather can�tru�tian an the Real <br /> Property. <br /> Indebtednsss. The wQrd "fndebtedness" means �I! princtp�l, ir�ter�st, snd �ther am�unts. casts and �xpenses <br /> payable under the [Vote or Related �a��m�nts, together with all renewals af, �xtens�ons of, modificati�ns o#, <br /> consalid�ti4ns of an�substitutians for the Alot�or Rslated Documents and any amounts expsnded or advanced by <br /> Lender #4 dischar�e Trustor's abli�ations ar expanses incurred by Trustee or L�nd�r to �nfarce Trustor's <br /> obligat��ns un�er this Deed of Trust, tag�ther with interest an such amaunts as arovided in th�s Deed �f Trust. <br /> Sp��ifically, withaut limitation, Indebtedn�ss includes th� future adWsn�es set ��rth �n th� Future Advanc�s <br /> pro�ision, tog�ther with all interest thsreon an� all amounts #hat may b� indirectly secured by the <br /> Cross-�ollsteralizatian pro�ision�f this D�ed�f Trust. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" �nsans Exchangs Bank, its successars and assigns. <br /> Not�, The ward "Note" means the promissory n�te dated Fe�ruar� ��. ���2� In th� �r1�if1Sl pl`111�lp�l <br /> am�unt of ���,���.��from Trus#or to Lender, togeth�r with�I!renew�ls af� extensians 4f, modificetions of, <br /> refinancings of, cons�lidations af, �nd �ub�titutions far#h� promissory not� �r agreement. N�TICE T�TRIlST�R: <br /> THE N�TE C�NTAIN�A 1IARIABLE INTEF�EST RATE. <br /> Persana� Prflp�rty. The w�rds "P�rsanal Praperty" mean al! equipment, fixtures, and ather articfes of pers�na�l <br /> property naw or herea�ter awned �y Trustor, and now or hereaft�r attsched or affixsd ta the Real Prnperty; <br /> togeth�r with a�l �cc�ssi�ns, psrts, and aciditions to, �II replacements af, and �II substituti�ns far, any �� such <br /> praperty; an�f tog�ther with all proceeds {including without �imitation 811 insurance pro�e�d� and refund� of <br /> premiums}fram an�s�le ar other dispQsitian af the Property. <br />