2� 15�7457
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> �C�ntinued� �a���
<br /> may b�the naminal party in such praceeding, but L�nder shall bs entitled to participate in the�r����rding antl ta be
<br /> represented in th� prviceedirrg by �ounsel of it$ own choi�er and Trustor wil� deli�er or cause to b� deiivere� to
<br /> L�nder such ins#rumerrts a�r�d docum�ntation as may bs requested by L�nder �ram t�m� to t�me to permit such
<br /> p�r#i�ipetian.
<br /> Appli�atian a�Nat Pra�ee�ls. i�all ar any par#of the Praperty i�candemned by erninsnt damsin prac��ding�or by
<br /> any procseding or purchase in I�eu�f cond�mnation, Lender may at its election requir�that all ar any portion�f the
<br /> net proCeeds �f the awa�d be applted ta the I n�e�t�dness or the repair vr restoration o# the Prap�rty. The net
<br /> praceeds of the award shal! m�an the award after paym�nt of all rea$onable c�sts� expenses� and atto�neys' f��s
<br /> incurred by Trustee o�L�nder in cannection with the�ondemnatian.
<br /> IMP�SITI�N �F TAXES. FEES AND �HARC�ES BY G�11EFtI�MENTAL AUTHDRITIE�. Th� f�llawing pr�uisions relating
<br /> to�a�ernment�l#exes,fees and�hargss are a part�f this Deed of Trust:
<br /> �un�nt Taxss, Fess and Chargss. llpan request by Lenderr Trus#a� sharl execute �uch �a�um�nt� �n acldition t�
<br /> this De�d art Trust snd tak�whateuer ather a�tian is requgsted �y Lerrder ta per�e�#and continue Lender's lien on
<br /> th� R�al Property. Trustor shall reimburse Lender far �II taxes, as described bel�w, tagether with all �xpenses
<br /> incurr�d in rec�rding. per#ecting �r continuin� this Deed �f Trust� ir��luding withaut limita#ion ali taxes. feas.
<br /> documentary stamps,ar�d vther charg��for re��rdin��r re�ist�ring this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Taxes. TF�� f�l�owin� �hall constitute taxes to which #hi� section a#�pli�s: �1} a �pecific t�x upon this typ� o�
<br /> De��i �f Trust �r upon a�� or any part of th�e Indebt�dness secured by this I�eed of Trust; ��y a spe�ific tax an
<br /> Trustar which T�usto� is �uthoriaed or required to dedu�t from paym�nts on the Indsatedness secured by#his#ype
<br /> of Qeed af Trust; �3} a tax on this�ype of Desd of Trust chargeable�g�ins#the L�nder or th�holder af the TVot�;
<br /> and {4� a specific tsx�n a�l 4c any parti�n of the I ndebtedness or an pa�yments af princ�pai and interast made by
<br /> Trus#or.
<br /> Subs�quent Taxes. If �nY tax t� which this secti�n applies is gnact�d subseqUen� ta th� date of �his Dsed af
<br /> Trust, this e�ent sh�ll have the same effe�t a�s an Event �f Default, �nd L�nder may exercise any �r ail of its
<br /> �vsil�ble remedies for an E��nt af Defauit as pr��ided below unless Trus#or �ither �1} pays the t�x bef�re it
<br /> becomes delinquent, ar ��} �vn#ssts the tax �s �rovided ab��� in t�e Taxes and Liens sectian and depasits w�th
<br /> Lender c�sh or a sufificient Corparate sur�ty bond ar a�hsr security satisfactary to Lender.
<br /> SE�URITY AGREEMEIVT; FINAN�IN� STATEMEIVTS, The �allowing provisian� r�la�ing to this Deed o# Trust as a
<br /> security agreement ar�a part of this Deed ofi Trust:
<br /> Sacurity Agraament. Thi� instr�ment shall constitute � Se�urixy Agreement to th� extent any of #he Property
<br /> constitut�s#ixtUres, and Lender shall ha�e all af the rights of�secured party un�i�r the Unifarm Commercial Cade
<br /> as amended fram time to time.
<br /> Secur�#y Ir�terest. Upan request by Lender. Trustor �h�ll take whateu�r ��tiQn is r��uested by Lend�r t❑ p�rfe�t
<br /> and ��ntinue L�nder's seCurity interest in the Rerrts �n� P�r�onal Prop�rty. In addition t� recording this Deed �f
<br /> Trust in th� re�� prap�rty record�, Lender may, a# any time and withaut further authori�ation from Trust�r, file
<br /> �xecu#ed caunterpsrts, capies ar reproductions of th�s Deed af Tru�t as a financir�g st�tement. Trust�r sh�ll
<br /> r�imburse L�nd�r for all�xpens�� in�urred in perfecting or�Qntinuing �his ���urity interest. Upan default, Trusto�
<br /> sha11 not r�mo��� se�rer �r detach tl�e Pers4n�1 Pr4perty from the Propsr#y. Up�n def�ult. Trustar shall assemble
<br /> arry Pers�ns! P�aperty nat affixed to#he Property in a manner arrd�t a pl��e r�asonably�onvenisnt to Trustor and
<br /> Lsnder �nd make it a�rail�ble to Lender within th��e �3) d�ys after re�sipt Qf writt�n d�m�nd �r�m Lender t� #he
<br /> extent permitted �y applicabl�iaw.
<br /> Addreases. The meiling �ddresses �f Trus#ar �debtor� and Lend�r {secur$d p�rtyy fram which inform�ti�n
<br /> cancerning the securi#y in#er�s#gr�nted by this aeed of Trust ma� b� obt�ined Ieach as requirecl by th� Unifarm
<br /> C�mmercial Code}are�s st�ted an the first pag�af#his Deeol of Trust.
<br /> FURTHE� A�SURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fvli�wing pr��isions relatin� ta further a�suranGes and
<br /> ��t�rney-in-f$ct are a part of this Des�i Qf Trust:
<br /> Furthsr Assurances. At �ny time, and from tim�tn time. upon r�qu�st af L�nder, Trustar will mak�, ex�cute and
<br /> deli��r.ar will cause t�be made,�xecu'#ed�r deliv�r�d,to Lender ar#a Lender's designee,snd wherr requesteci by
<br /> Lender, cause to be filed, r�co�d�d, refited, or rerecords�, as the �ase may be, at such times an� in such offices
<br /> and places as Lendsr may d�em apprapriat�, �ny end �II such mortgages, �eeds vf trust, s�cur�ty d�eds. ���urity
<br /> agreernents, financing statements, c�ntinuatian s#a#ements� instruments af fur#her assurance, certi#ica#es, �nd
<br /> oth�r daGuments as maY, in the sole opini�n of Lender, be necs�sary ar desir�ble in�rder ta���e�tu�te, complet�,
<br /> p�rfect, continue. or pre��r�e �1 y Trustor's Qbligstions under the Nate, this aeed of Trust� and the �telated
<br /> Do�uments, and �2� #h� li�n$ and securi#y interest$ cr�at�� by this Dssd of Trust as first�nd prior fiens�n the
<br /> Pr�perty, wheth�r now owned ar hereafte�acquir�d by Trustor. Unless prohiaited by law �r Lender a�rees ta the
<br /> contrary in writing, Trust�r shall reimburse Lender for all Gasts and �xpenses inGurred in cQnne�tion wi#h the
<br /> m�tters r�ferred to in#his p�ragraph.
<br /> At#orney-�n•Fact. If Tru�tQr#ails to do any �f#he things ref�rred t� in the preceding paragraph, Lendef may da so
<br /> far�nd in the name of Trust�r and at Trustor's expense. For such purpos�s� Trustor hereby irrevocably appaints
<br /> Lender as Trust�r's�ttarn�y-in-fa�t�or the purpose of rx�akin�, executing, deii��ring, filing, recording, a�nd daing a�l
<br /> oth�r things as may be nec�ssary or desirable� in L�n�er's sol$ apini�n, ta accomplish the matters referred to in
<br /> the pracedir�g paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If Trus#or pays ell the Indebtedness, inciuding withau# �irnitatian a!� future �d��nce�, wh�n dUe,
<br /> and otherwise performs all the oblig�tions imRos�d upon Trustvr under this �eed �f Trust, Lendsr shall exe�ute an�
<br /> deli�er t� TrUst�e a request f�r fuli recon�rsyance and �ha�l execut� and d�liver ta TrU�t�r suitab�e stat�m�nts �f
<br /> t�rminatian of Sny finan�ing stax�m�nt �n #il� e�id�ncing Lender's securit�l interest in the Rent� and the Personal
<br /> Prop�rty. Any recon�eyan�e fee r�qutred by law sh�l�be paid by Trustor, i#permi##ed by appliceble law.
<br /> EVENTS �� DEFAULT. Each��the f�llowir�g� at Lend�r's aption, shall canstitute an E�ent�f Default under this Deed
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> P�ym�nt Defautt. Tru�tar fails to m�ke an�paymen#when due under#he indebt�dn��s.
<br /> �ther Qefaults. Trustor fails to camply with or �o p�r�arm any other t�rm, oali�atian, correnant ar conditian
<br /> contained in this De�� of TrUst or in �ny of the Rel�ted Dacument� or to cQmply with ar t� perform any term,
<br /> abligatian. cavsnant or c4ndition�antSined in any other�gre�ment b�tw�$n Ls�rdeo�nd Trustar.
<br /> Gampl��nce DefaUlt. F�iiure to comp�y with �ny �ther term, oali�ation, co�renant or canditian cantained in this
<br /> aeed af Trust,the Note or in any o#the R�lated Documents.
<br /> Qefauft an�#h�r Payments. F�iiur�of Trustor within the time requir�d by this Deed�f Trust to make any payment
<br /> for tax�s or insurance,ar�ny other payment neces�ar�ta�r��en#filing of�r to effect disch�rg�of any�ien.
<br /> Defaul�in ��v�r of Third Par�ies. Should Grantar default under�ny iaan, extension af��edit, secur'rty agreernent,
<br /> purchase or�al��agreement, or any other a�reement, in�a�ar�f any ather cr�ditor or person thst may materially
<br /> aifect sny �f Granto�'s �ropsrty or Gr�n�or's ability to ►epay the In�lebtedness or �r�nt�r's abil�ty to perform
<br /> Gran#or's obiigations under this Deed�f Trus#or any��the Rel�ted Do�Uments.
<br />