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2� 15�7398 <br /> r • � <br /> vEEv �F �rausT <br /> �C�ntinued� Ra�s � <br /> secured her�by� and (iiiy the rem�inder, if any,#a tF�e psrson ar pe��ans I��a�ly enti#Isd thersto. <br /> {Gf Truste�may in the manner pr���ded hy iaw postpone��le�f all�r any pQrtian o�th�Property. <br /> Rsmsdi�s IVQ# Exclus�ve. Trusxee �nd Len�er, and each o# them. shall be entitled t� en#�rce paymen# and <br /> performance of�ny ind�bt�dness ar abli�ation$���ur�d by ttris Deed a�Trust and�o sxercise all rights and pawsrs <br /> und�r this Deed of Trust� under #hs Na�e� under any of the l�elated D�cuments. �r und�r any oth�r �greement or <br /> any laws now or hgreafter in far�e; notwithstanding, sar�ne ar all af such indebtedngs$ �nd ob�igations secured �y <br /> this Deed of Trus� may now or h�r��#ter b� otherwise secured, whether by martgage, deed of trust, pledg�, lien, <br /> �ssi�nment or otherwis�. Neith�r the acceptance of this D�e� of TrUs# nor its enfor�ement, whether by court <br /> action �r pursuant t� the power��sale or�ther powers cvntained �n this Deed o�Tfust, shal� prejudice�r in any <br /> mann�r affect Trustee's or Lend�r'� righ# to realize upon ar �nfarc� any ather securit� now �r h�reafter h�ld by <br /> Trustee�r Lender, it being�greed that Trus#ee and Lender� and each of them, �hail b�entitled ta snfarce#his aesd <br /> af Tcust and any �ther s�curity naw �r her�after held by Lender or Trustee in such arcler and manner as th�y or <br /> eith�r af them may in their aasalute discrexian det�rmine. N� remet�y can��rred upan or reserv�� to Trustee o� <br /> Lend�r, is int�ndgd ta b��xclUsi��Qf any�ther rem�dy in this ❑sed of Trust vr by law pro�i�ed or permitted, hux <br /> ea�h shall be cumul�tive and sha�! b� in �ddition to ev�ry axher r�msdy gi��n in this �ead ot Trust �r narrv ar <br /> hereaft�r existing at law ar in e�uity or by statute. E�ery p�wer ar rern�dy giw�n by the Note or any of the Rslated <br /> aocumsn#s to Trustee or Lender ar to wh��h e�ther o� them may be otherwise enti#led, may be exerci�ed, <br /> �ancurr�ntly ar ind�pendently, from timg t� time�nd as 4ften as may be deemed expedient by Trustes vr Lend�r, <br /> and either af tham may pursue incansist�nt reme�iies. No�hing in this De�d o# Trust shall be canstrued as <br /> �r�hibitin� Lend�r from seeking a deficiency jud�m�n#against the Trustor to the extent such acti�n is permitte�by <br /> law. Eie�tian by Lend�r to pursue any remedy shall not �xclude pursuit of any other remedy, and an electi�n to <br /> make expenditures or t� tak$ a�tion to perform an ob�ig�tion af Trust�r und�r thi$ ❑eed af Trustr after Trustar's <br /> failur�t�perform,shall not aff�ct Lender's right tv declare a defiault sn�f�xercise its remedies, <br /> Requast far Notice. Trustoc, �n beh���of Trustar and Lend�r� hereby requests that a�opy af any Notice of Defau�t <br /> and a capy of any Natice�f�ale under this Deed�f Trust b�mai�ed to tkr�m at the �ddressss set farth in the first <br /> p�ragraph of th�s De�d of Tru�t. <br /> A#torn�ys' Fas�: Expsn�as. If L�nder irrsiitutes any suit �r action to �nf�r�e any af th� terms af this Deed of <br /> Trust, Lendgr shall h�entitlsd to reco��r�uch sum as the caur#may �d�u��e reasanabie �$a#torneys' fees at tri�l <br /> and upon any appeal. INhether or nat any court action is in�olued, and ta the extent n�t prohil�ited by Eaw, a�l <br /> reasonabte expenses Lender �ncurs #h�t in Lender'� opinian are necess�ry at any time for the pr�tectian o# its <br /> interest ar the enf�rcem�nt of its�iyhts shall become a part of the Ind�btednss�payable an dem�nd and shall b��r <br /> tnterest at the No�e r�te from the date af the e�cpenditure until repaid. Expense�c��ered by this paragr�ph inctude, <br /> without limitation, haw�vsr subj�ct to any limits under applicable law. L�nder's attarngys' f�e�an�l Lender's le+�ai <br /> exp�ns��� wh�th�r or not there is a lawsui�. in�lud�ng attQrneys' fee� snd ex�enses �or bankruptcy procaedings <br /> {inclu�ing efforts t�modi#y or v�c�te any aut�mat�c stay or injunctionf,sppeal�.�nd any anticipate�aast-judgment <br /> �olf��t�on sar�ices, th� cast a�searchin� r�c�rds, �bt��ning title rep�rts �including fore�losure reports}. surveyors' <br /> reports, and a�ppr�isal f8ss� title insurance, and fegs for th� Tru�teg. ta the �xtent perm�tted by �ppl�cable I�w. <br /> Trustar ai�a will pey any c�Urt casts, in additi�n ta all other sums pro�ided by�a�v. <br /> Rights�f Trustae. T�ustee sh�ll ha��a!I of the rights�nd duties�#Lender�s set forth in xh�s ss�ti�n. <br /> P�WERS AND�BLIGATI�N� �F TRUSTEE. The�o�lawing pro�is�orrs rel�ting to the Qows�s an��hligations of Trustee <br /> are part vf#his�]e�d af Trust: <br /> Powars�f Trustee. fn addition to�ii powers�f Trustee�rising as a m�tter of law,Trustee sha�l ha�e#he power to <br /> tak�the foUawing actians with rsspect t�the PrQperty upon the written request o�L�nder and Trustar: ��f jain in <br /> preparing and filing a map ar plat af th� R�al �raperEy, including the �$di�ation o# s�re�ts or other rights to the <br /> public: �b) jain in granting any eas�ment or creatir�g any restriction on the Rea1 Praperty; and �c� join 'rn any <br /> sua�rdination or other a�reemen#affectin�this Dee�l of Trust or the interest af Lender under this D��d o#Trust. <br /> Tru�tee. Trustee sh�ll meet all qualificati�ns reqUired for Trustee undsr appli�abt� Isw. In additian to the rights <br /> and remedi�s set �orth �ba�s, with respect to all �r any part�f#he Prope�ty, the Trust�e shali ha�e thg ri+ght to <br /> forecl�s� by nQtice and sale, and Lender shall h�r�e th� right ta foreclose by ju�licia� for�cl�sur�, in either case in <br /> a�cardance with�nd to the fUll��t�nt pr�Wfded by applicable�aw. <br /> Succs$sar Trus#�e. L�nder, at Lender's apti�n. may�ram t�me to time�ppaint a successor T�ustee ta�ny Trus#ee <br /> appointed under this Deed�f Trus# by an instrument executed and acknowledged b�► Lender and recarded �n the <br /> office o# the record�r �� Hali County, State �f Nebraska. The ir�strum�n� shall �antain, in additian ta a�l a#h�r <br /> matt�rs required by state �aw, the names a� the original Len�e�, Trustse, �nd Trustor, tha book �nd p�ge �ar <br /> cQmputer �yst�m reference� where this Dsetl of Trust i� r�ca�d�d, and #he name and �ddress af the successor <br /> trustee, and the instrUm�nt shall b�executed�n�acknowledged by sl�the bensfic�aries under this D��d af Trust ar <br /> xheir successor� in interest. The succes�or trust��. without��n�eyan�� �f the Pr�perty, shall au��eed ta all th$ <br /> title, powe►. an�duties canferr�d upon the Trustee in this D�ed af Trus#and by appficable law. This pracedu«for <br /> suhstitutiQn�f Truste�shall go�ern ta�he ex�tusion of all other pravisions fo�subs�itution. <br /> N�TICE�. Any na#ice required to b�gi�en under this D��d of Trust. inciuding without iimitation any notice of def�ult <br /> and any noti�e of sal� shall be gi�en in writing, and shafi be�ffecti�e when actually deli�ered, when actu�lly rec�iued <br /> by te4efiacsimile Runl�ss otherwise r$quired by law�, when deposit�d with a nationally re�ognized a�ernight caurier,�r, if <br /> mailed. when deposited trt the Uni#ed St�t�s msi�, a�fir�t cl�ss� certtfied or re�ist�r�d msil postage prepaid, dir�cted ta <br /> ths addre$��s sh�wn near the beginning�f this Qeed��Trust. Atl c�pies af notices of fQre�losure fram the holder Qt <br /> any fi�n which has priority av�r this aee� �fi Trus# sh�ll be sent to Lender's �ddress� as shown near th� beginning a'F <br /> thi� aeed af Trust. Any par#y may change its address for n�tic�s under th�s Deed of Tru�t by giving #ormal written <br /> notice ta th� ath�r parties� spe�i#ying tha't the purpos� of tF�e notice is to ch�nge th� party's address. Far notice <br /> purpases, Trustar agrees ta k��p Lender infiorme� at a!I times af Trustor's�urr�nt address. Unl�s�oti��rwise pro�ided <br /> or required by law. if there is more than orre Trustor, any notice gi�en by L�n�er xo any Trus#or is deemed to be n�tice <br /> giwen to ail Tru�tars. <br /> MISCELLANEOU�RR�V1510NS. Th��ollowtng miscelianeous provisions�r�a�part of this �eed of Trust: <br /> Amendm�nts. This���d afi Trust� tagether with any Reiated �acuments, con�ti�ut�s th�entire understanding and <br /> agreement of the parties as ta#he matters �et forth in this Deed of Trust. No al#er�tion of�r am�ndment to this <br /> Deed �f Trust sh�ll be e�fecti�e uni�ss gt�en in writing �nd s�gned b�the party �r pa�ti�s s�ught ta be charged or <br /> baund by#he alterstion or am�ndment. <br /> Annual Reports. �f the Praper#y is used for purpases other than firustor`s resid�nce, Trustar shall furnish tv <br /> Lender. upon reqUest, a �ertified st�t�men# of net vperating incom� re�ei�ed from the Pr�perty �urin� TrustQr's <br /> previous #iscal year in su�h farm and detail a� L�nder shal� require. "Ne# op�rating in�ame" shall mean �li cash <br /> receipts fram the Property less all G�sh expsnditures mad�in��nne�ti�n with the operatian af the Prop�rty. <br /> Caption H�adings. ��ption heeding� in this De�d �f Trust are for �anveni�nce purposes only and are not ta bs <br /> u�ed ta interpret or ds�ins the prav�si�ns a�this Deed 4f Trust. <br /> Msrger. There shall be no mer�er�f the interest�r estste creSted by this Deed Qf Trust with�ny oth�r interest ar <br /> estate in the Pr�perty at any time held by or f�r the benefit of Lend�r in sny capa�ity, with�ut the written consent <br />