� . . �
<br /> aEEI3 �F TRUST �
<br /> ��ontinu�d� �a�e �
<br /> af Lend�r.
<br /> �overning Law. This ���d vf Trus# wiEl be gv�srnad by ietferal law app�icahl� to L�nd�r and, to t�� exten# nat
<br /> pr��mp#ed by fader�f law�#he laws of the�tate af Nebr�ska without r�g�rd#�its canflicts af I�w pr�►►isians. This
<br /> Deed of Tru�t h�s been�ccepted by Lentlar in tha Stat�af Nel�raska.
<br /> �hai�e of V�nu�e. If ther� is a law�ui#, Trust�r agree� up�n L�nder's reque�t#a suhn�it to the jurisdi�tion of t�re ;
<br /> k
<br /> caurts of Buffal��aunty, State of hlebraska. '
<br /> 1Vo W�iv�r by Lend�r. L�nder sha�l n�t be dgemed ta hswe w�i��any rights un��r this Deed of Trust un�ess such �
<br /> waiwer is given in writing and sign$d by L�nder, No�lelay a�omission an the part of Lender in exarcising sny righ�
<br /> shafl aper�te�s a waiver af such ric�ht or any oth�r ri�h#. A wai�er t�y Len�sr of a prar►isi�n Q�this Qeed of Tru�t
<br /> shall nQt pr��ualic� �r constitute a w�iy�r af L�nder's ri�h# o#herwise ta dem�nd Strict complian�� w�th that
<br /> provision or any �ther prQvisian of this �eed of TruSt. Na pri�r wai��� by Lender, nar any �aurs� af desling
<br /> between Lender �nd Trust�r, shal� constitute a waiU�r of any of L�nder's rights or�f any af Trustor's abligations
<br /> as ta any fu�ur�transa�tians. WheneW�r the c�nsent o# L$nder is required under this Q�ed of Trust, th� granting
<br /> of suCh can��nt�y Lender in �ny in�tan�e sh�11 nat canstitute �ontinuing consent tv subsequent instances where ,
<br /> such consent is feqUir�d and in SII cases sU�h Gans�nt may be grant�d or withhe�d in the s��e di��retian of Lend�r. F
<br /> i
<br /> Se��rability. If a court of c�mpeten#juris�li�tian finds any pro�isi�n �f this Deed af Trus#ta be ilfegal, in�alid, or j
<br /> unenfarc��bla as t� any �ircurnst�nce. that find�ng shal� nax make #he vffending provision illegai, inv��id. or :
<br /> F
<br /> un�nf�rCe�hle as ta any ather Gircums�an�e. If fe�sible, #he offendin� pr�vision shall be considere�! madified �a ,
<br /> thax it becomes le�sl, valid and enforceak�le. If the ofifending p�ovisian cannat ae sa modifie�l, it �h�ll b� �
<br /> considere� d�lete� from �h�� Deed 4f Trust. Unl�ss otherwise requir�d by �aw, the iliegality� inwalidity, ar f
<br /> unenf�rceability of any pro�ision of this Deed vf Trust sha11 nat�ffect the legality, v��idi#y ar enforGeabiiity of any :
<br /> ather provision�f#his Deed of firus#. �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> Succ�ssars �rrd Assisns. Subject to sny limitativns s�ated in this Qssd of Trust�n tr�nsfer❑f Trustar's intere�t� ;
<br /> this Deed �f Trust shal! �� binding upon and inur� to the benefit of th� parties� their successQrs and assigns. �� �
<br /> Qwnershi �f th� Pra erty becames w�sted in � person ather�han TrustQr, Lender, withaut notice t�Trustar, rnay �
<br /> p P
<br /> deal with Trust4r's sucG��sor�vr►ith reference ta this D��d of Trust and the ln�l�bt�dness hy w�y�f for#�earance or
<br /> �xten�ian withaut re��asing Trusto:from the�bligations o�thi� Deed of Trust ar�i�bility under the In�ebx�dness.
<br /> Time is af th�Es�ence. Time is af th��ssen�e in the perfarmance af this D���af Trust.
<br /> �
<br /> W�ive Jury. All part��s#�this De�d ai Tr�t h�reby w�irr�the rigl�t#o�ny lurY trt�l in any actiQn. prac�edi�r+a� or �
<br /> count�rcl�im b�rought hy any p�rty a+�ainst any other party. �
<br /> Vllai�er �f H�rnestead Ex�mp#i�n. Trust�r hereby rel�ases and wai��s �!! rights and ben�#i�� �# #he homest�a�
<br /> ex�mptian ISws Qf#he State of N�brsska�s ta all Indebtedn�ss secur�d by this Dg�d o#Trust.
<br /> C3EF�NITIONS. The#ollauvin� capit�lized words and terms shall haWe the#Qllowing meanings wh�n used in this D�ed of
<br /> TrUst, Unl�ss sp�cif��ally stated t�tF�e �antrary. all references ta dallar amounts shall mean amounts in I�uv#ul money �
<br /> �f the United �#ates af America. 1Nards �nd term� u��d in the singular shall includs the piural, an�! the plural shall '
<br /> include ths singular, as the context may require. W��ds snc� terms nat otherwise�tlefihed in thia�eed Qf Trust shal�
<br /> ha�e the mean+n�s attributed to su�h tarms in th�Uni��rm Commercia! �ade: ;
<br /> B�rr��ici�ry. The w�r� "8�neficiary" me�ns Exchange B�nk, �nd i�s�u�cessors and as�i�n�� :
<br /> Borrawer. The wQrd "Barrawer" means TRI CITY METERS INC and �ncludes al1 c�-si�ners and ca-makers si+gning
<br /> � the N4te and afl their successvrs an��ssigns.
<br /> �eed of Trust. The words "�e$d �f Trust" mesn this Deed of �frusx �mong Tru�tar, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> includes w�th�ut limitation all assignrrient and se�urity inter�st provisions relating #a #he Pers�nal Property and
<br /> Rerrxs.
<br /> �efault. The ward "Defaul#" me�ns the Defa�utt s�t#ar�h in this aeed af Trust in th�sectiQn#itled "DefauEt".
<br /> En�iranrnent�l Law$. The ward� "EnWironmental Laws" m�an any and alf st�ts, federa! and IQGaI st�tutss,
<br /> regula#ions and �rdinances relating ta the protection �f hum�n health or the environm�nt, including without
<br /> ��mitation the Comprehensive Enyironmental Respanse, Compensatian, and Liability Act of 198�, as amended. 4�
<br /> U,S,�. Sectian 9��1, st s�q. {"CERCLA"f, #he Sup�rfund Amendm�nts and Re�utharizativn A�t�f 198�, �ub. L. �
<br /> � [d4. 9�-�9� t"SARA"�,the Ha��rdous Matertals Transportatian Act,49 U.S.G, Se�tian 18�1,�t sey..the Resaurce �
<br /> Conservation and Rscovsry Act. 4� U.S.C. S��tion ��0�1, et seq.� �r ather applicabte state or federa! laws, rulss,
<br /> �r regulations�dapted pUrsu�nt thsreta. � .~�°�'*''�'"�"'.'" . .`".`'"�..'��""...�"."""'"`.� �
<br /> �•. r ��:i + �.�•
<br /> , � ..;:� � -�':�:.��
<br /> " f It" mean an �f the eWent�Qf�d ��t}#��'#h in this D�ed Qf Trust En
<br /> Evsnt of Def�uit. Th�words E�ent of De au y . �., ����,
<br /> the e�ents`��dsfault section�f this�ssd of Trust. s .. . . �.�,��.s y�� ��� .�� "� �
<br /> :..�.•,.�„W•�•..r+".u�...sr-.+r.C+�►Fw..�Fk-..w►r.7MfrN��r•t.'.-
<br /> Guarenty. The word "�uaranty" means the guaranty�r�m guarantor,endorser� surety,ar�ccommod�tian p��y to
<br /> Lender, including►►vi#hout limitaxion a gu�ranty af a�l Qr p�rt of thre IVote.
<br /> H�zardou� Su�stances. The wards "Ha�ardous Substances" mean materi�ls th�t, because of #h�ir quan�ity,
<br /> �oncentrstion or physica�� chemi��! or infs�tious characteristi�s, may cause or pose a present ar poten#i�i haz�rd
<br /> ta hum�n health ar the en�ir�nment when improperly used,treated� st4red� disposed�f, ggnerated, manuf�ctur��,
<br /> tran�ported �r ath��w�se handled. The words "H�aardous Subst�nce$" are used in their�rery bro�dest sens� and
<br /> inc�ude withoUt iimitation any �nd all ha2ardous or toxfc subst�nce�, materia�ls ar waste as defined by or listed
<br /> under the Enviror�mental Laws. The term "Haz�rd�us Substances" also in�ludes, without limitatEon, patraleum and
<br /> petroieum by-pr�ducts or any frac#�on thereaf and asbestos.
<br /> Impr4vemen#s. The ward "Impro��ments" means al� existing and future fmprovements� bu�ldings. structures,
<br /> m�b�le homes affix�d an the Real Prop�rty, facilitiss, a�dditians, replacem�nts and other c�nstru�#ion �n the Re�l
<br /> �roperty.
<br /> lnde�tednass. The w��d "indebtedness" m8ans all principal, interes#, and other amounts. �o�ts and exp�nses
<br /> �ayable under the Nate or l�elated �ocuments. tog�#h�r wi#h al1 r�newals �f. exten�ions of, modific�ti�ns of,
<br /> �onsolEdati�ns of and suastitu�ions for the N�te ar R�iated Dacuments ant! any amaunts expended or adW�nced by
<br /> L�nder to dischar�e Trus#or's abli�atians or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender ta enfarce Trustor's
<br /> abligatians under this Deed o� Trus�, togsther with inter�st Qn such amounts as pra�idsd in this Deed a� Trust.
<br /> Specificaily� withaut limitation, Indebt�dn�ss ir�cludes the futu�e advan��s ser forth in the Future Ad►►ances
<br /> pr��isian, tagether wixh all intersst therean and all amounts that m�y b� indirectly se�ured by the
<br /> Cross-��Ilateralization prQvision o��his[�eed of Trust.
<br /> l�nder. The w�rd "Lender" mean�Ex�hange�ar�k,ixs�uccess�rs and�ssigns.
<br /> Not�. Th� ward "Not�" means th� promissory nate dated �cto�er �?. ��15� 11� th@ ariginal prin��pal
<br /> A117�L1l7t �f ���.��.��#ram Trustar to Lend�r,together vrrith�II r�ngwals of,sxt�nsians of�madificatians af.
<br /> r�financings of� ��nsol�d�tians�f� and �ub�xitutians far the pr�missory nate or agreement. N�TICE T�TaUST�R:
<br /> Personal Pr�perty. The words "Pers�nal Pr�pert�" mean all equipment. fixtur�s, �nd oth�r a�rticl�� at per�anal
<br /> praperty now ar hereafter �wned by Trustor, and naw ar hereafter attached �r affixetl #a the Rsaf Pr�perty;
<br />