2� 15�7398
<br /> , 4
<br /> DEE� �F TRU�T
<br /> �Con#inu�d� Pa�� 5
<br /> affect any af �r�ntor'� prop�rty ar Gra�#ar's ability ta rspay ihe Inds�t�dn�ss �r Grantar's a�il�ty ta perform
<br /> �rantor's obligatians under this Dssd of Trust or any��the ftelated Documents.
<br /> Fal�� Ststemants. Any warranty. r�presentatian ar statemant made �r 'furn��h�d t� Lender by Trustor or on
<br /> Trustar's a�hslf under�his Daed of Trust�r th� Relsted Q��urr�ents is fsls�ar misleading in an�r ma#�ria�l rsspect�
<br /> �ither now ar at the time m�de ar fumished or becon�es false Qr misle�ding at�ny tima therea�ter.
<br /> Qefecti�s Callatsralizat�on. This Qsed af Trust or any of the Related aocUm�nts ceas�s to be in full �Qr�e and
<br /> effec� tinGlUding failur� of any co���teral dacument to crea#e a va�id and perfected s�curity interest or lienf at any
<br /> time and f�r�nY reason.
<br /> Insvlrrency. Th� dissolution ar t�rminatian �f Trustoc's existen�s as a going busines�, th� insolvency of Trustor�
<br /> the appointment af a re�ei�er for any part af Tru�t�r's property. any assignment fvr the benefit af cr��ito�s. �r�y
<br /> type�f creditar warkout, ar tF�e cQmrr�encemen��f any pr4Ceeding und�r any�ankrupx��or insal�ency laws ay or
<br /> against Trus#o�r,
<br /> Cr�ditor or Forfsiture Praceed�nga. �omm�ncemen# of t4re�iosure o� forfeitur� proceeding�, whether by �udic�a�
<br /> praceeding� sel#-h�lp. repQssession or any other m�thad, by any creditar af Trus#or or by�r�y�avernmental age��y
<br /> again�t any property securing the Indebtedness. This in�ludes a garnishment �f any af Trus#Qr's �ccaunts,
<br /> inciudin� d�posit �ccounts� with L�nder. Hawev�r, thi� Event �f �ef�u�t sh��l na� apply if there is a gao� fa�th
<br /> dispute by Trustor as to the validity or re�sQn�bieness af th� C��im which is the basis�f th� creditar or f�rfeiture
<br /> praceeding and if Trustor gi�es Lender writt�r� natice af th� creditor or f4rfeiture procaeding and d�p4sits with
<br /> Lender monies or a surety bond�ar#he creditor or#arfe�ture proceeding, �n an amaunx determinec!by L�nder, in its
<br /> �al�discretian� as b�in��n adequate re�erWe ar bond fQr the clispute.
<br /> Brea�h af�d�er Agr�em�rr#. Any breach by Trus#4r und�r�h�terms of�ny other agr�emsn�betw��n Trus#or and
<br /> Lender the# is not remedied within any grace ��riad provided ther�i�n, including with�ut IimitatiQn any agreement
<br /> c�ncernin��ny indeat�clnes�or other abligatian of Trustar ta Lender, whethe�existing now ar later.
<br /> Events Affectin��u�rantor. Any of the preceding events o��urs wt#h respec#ta any guarantar, �ndarser, sur�ty,
<br /> or ac�ammodatian party �f any Qf the Indebtec�ne$s vr any gu�rant�r, endorser, sur�ty, or ac�Qmmad�tian party
<br /> dies or becames incompetent� or re�akes or disput�s th� validity �f, ar li�bility under. s�ny Guarant� �f the
<br /> lndebtedness.
<br /> Ad�arsa �hsng�. A material ad�erse �hange accurs in Tru�tar's financial canditian, Qr Lender b�li��es the
<br /> prvspe�t af payment or p�rf�rmance of the�nd�btedness is imp�ired.
<br /> lnsecurity. Lender in g�od fai#h be�ieves itself insecure.
<br /> Riaht tv Curs. If a�y def�ult, o#her�han a d�f�ul�in aayment, is cural�l�and if Trustor has n�t be�n�iven a na�i�e
<br /> af�brea�h Qfi the same pr�vision vf this�sd of Tru�t within the precedin�g tw�lve {i�} months, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustar, aftec L�n�e��ends written n�tice to Trusto�demanding cura of such dsfault: �1� cures th�deiault w�thin
<br /> twenty {��} d�ys; �r �2y if the cure raquire� m�re �han twenty ���} day�, immediate�y initiates �t�p� which
<br /> Lender deem� in Lend�r's sole discret�on to be �ufficient to cure the default and thereaft�r ��ntinue� and
<br /> completes all reasonable an�i necessary steps suffi�ient to�radu�e c�mp�iance�s soQn as reasonab�y pract�cal.
<br /> RIGHT� AND REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. If an Euent Qf�e�aUit occurs under thi� Deed of Trust, at any tirne thsreaftar,
<br /> Trustee�r Lender may exsr�is�any one or m�rs�f the fall4win+�rights and remedies;
<br /> Accslera�dan Upan�efault:Addition�Rsmediss. If any E�ent of aefeul#���urs as per the terms of ths IVate
<br /> s��Ured hereby, Lender may decl�r�all Indsbtednsss secur�d hy this Deed of Tru�t ta be dUe and p�y�ble and
<br /> the sam�shsll#h�r�upon la��ame due and payable withQut any presentment,demand, protest or notice a�anY
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �aj Either in p�rsan ar lay �gent, with or without bringin� Sny �ction o� proceeding� or by a raCeiver
<br /> app�int�d by a court and with4ut regard to tl�e adequacy of its���Urity,�nter upan an�tak� pas�ession
<br /> of the PrQpert�, ar any part there�f, in i#s own n�rns or in#he name of Tru�t�e, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable t� preserve the�►a�u�, mark�ta��lity�r r�nt�bifity af the Prop��ty.or part of
<br /> the Praperty or int�r��t in th� Pra�erty; increase the incam�from#he �raperty�r protect the s�curity af
<br /> the Rrvperty; and+ with ar without tal�ing passession o� the Property, sus f�r or othQrwise cal�ect the
<br /> r�nts, issues snd pr�f�ts of the Praperty, �ncluding#hase paat due and unpaid, and apply the same+ I�ss
<br /> costs and ex�enses of op�ration and cal�ectian attarneys'�f��s,to any indebtgdness se�ured by#his Deed
<br /> o# Trust, a�l in such ordgr a� Lsnder may dexermine. The entering upon and taking pass�$sio�r o� the
<br /> Pr�pert�, the co!lecti�n �f su�h r�n�s. issues and pra�its� end the appl�cetian therea� sha�l n�t �ura ar
<br /> �wai�e any default ar not�c�of de�ault undsr this aeed�f Trust ar in��lidat� �ny�ct done in r�sp�nse ta
<br /> �uch�efault ar pursuant to such n�tice of defsult;and. natwithstandEng the c�ntinuance in p�ssession af
<br /> th� Praperty or the callsctiQn, receip�and applicat�or� of rents, �s$u�s ar Rr�fits� Truste� o� Lender shall
<br /> be�ntitled ta exercise e��r►� ryght pro�id�d �f�r in tha N�te or the Re1�#ed �ocuments�r by iaw upon the
<br /> ��currence of any��ent af defauit, in�luding ih�ri��rt to e�c�r�ise the pawer of sale;
<br /> tb} �ammenc�an�ctian to#oceclvse thi� Qsed af Trust as a martga�e,app�int a reGeiver or spscific�lfy
<br /> enf�rce any of tha c��enants her�af; and
<br /> tcf Deli�$r to Trustee a wri�t�n dec#�rstion 4f�efauit an�dernand far sale and a written nu�i�e af de�ault
<br /> and el�ctian ta��use Trustor's interest in the Praperty ta bs sold, which natice Trustse sha�l c�use to b�
<br /> duly filed f�r r��ord in the epprapri�te vffices of the Ca�rn#y in which#he Property is loc�ted; and
<br /> {dy 1Nith respect ta ati or any part of th� R�rsanal Prap�r�y, Lender shall h��e all the rights and remed�es
<br /> of a secured party under the Nebraska lJnifarm Commercial Gads.
<br /> Fareclosure by Rower af Sa�le. �f Lender elects to foreclase by exercise of the Power af Sal�herein cantained,
<br /> L�nder shal� natify Truste� and shall �epasi# with Trustee this Qeed af Trust and the No�e �nd such re�eipts
<br /> and eWid�nce of expenditures made and secured hy this Deed of Trust�s Trustee may requir�.
<br /> �a� Upan recs�pt of such natice fram Len�er,Tru�te��hal!c�use to ae r���rded, puali�h�d�nci deli���ed
<br /> t� Trustor$uch NatiGe �f Default a�nd Notice af Sale �s then requic�d by I�w and by th�s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Tru�t�� shsll, withQut deman� �n Trustor, after ��ch �ime as may then be r{equiced by law sn� after
<br /> recardatian of such N�tice a�Default and�fter Notice af Saie having heen gi�en as required by iaw, sell
<br /> th� i�raperty at the time and p�acs of sale fixed by i# in Such hlo�ice af S��e� either �s � whole, ar in
<br /> sep�r�ts Iots or p�rc$Is ar item�a�Trustgg shall deem�xp�dient� �nd�n sucl�ordsr as it m�y dstsrmine,
<br /> a#puhli� auction to the highest bid�er for c�sh in 1�wful n��ney Q�the United 5tates p�yabls �t the#ime
<br /> af ssle. Truste� �hall deiiv�r ta such pUrchaser ar pur�ha$er� therea� its goad and suffi�Eent de�d ar
<br /> daeds canr�eying th� prape�ty sv sald. but without any ca�$n�nt ar warran#y, sxpress or irr�plied. The
<br /> recitals in such d��� Qf a�y matter� ar faGts shafi a� c�nclusi�e proaf af th�truthful�r��s thereof. Any
<br /> pers�n, including v+rithout limtt�ti�n Trustor�Truste��or Lsnder, m�y purch�se at su�h sale.
<br /> t�} �4s may b� pe�mitt�d E�y law, after d�dUctin� all �osts, f�ss �nd expenses af Trustee �nd of this
<br /> Trust, inclUding�osts af�viden��o#�itle in cann�cti�n wi#h s81e,Trurs#ee shall apply th�pr��eeds of�ale
<br /> ta paym�nt of {i) all sums e�cpend��under the t�rms of this�eed�f Trust�r under the terms af the Nots
<br /> not thsn repaid, Encludin� but not limited t� �ccrued int�rest and �ate Charg�s, {iiy all o#h�� sums #hen
<br />