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2� 15�7395 <br /> 13EEC] �F TRUST <br /> ��ontinue�� Page � <br /> N�T�CES. Any notic� required t❑ fae gi�en und�r this D��d vf Trust, including withqut limita�ion �ny natice a# default <br /> and any n��ice o#sale shal� be gi�en in writing, and shall be effe�ti�e when a�tually deli�ered, when actually r��ei�ed <br /> hy t��efacsimile �unless vth�rwise required by law�, ►rvhen depQsited vvith a national�y �ec�gnized o��rnight Gau�ier, or, if <br /> mai�ed, vuhen deposit�d in the United S�ates mail, as first class, �erti�ied or registered rnai� p�stage prepaid, d��-�cted to <br /> the addres�es shown near t�e beginning af this �eed a�Tru�t. All copies of notices vf foreclosure fram the ho�der of <br /> any �ien vvhiGh has priarity o��r this D�ed a� Trust shall b� s�nt t❑ �.ender's address, as s�vwn near the �eginning o# <br /> this D�ed af Trust. Any pers�n may �han�e his vr her address far nv�ice� unde� �his I�eed o� �'rust by giving ��rmal <br /> written noti�e �o the other pers�n or persvns, spe�ifying rhat the purpa�e o�F the no�i�e is t� change #he persan's <br /> address. Far natice purposes, Trustvr agrees to keep� Lender inf�rmed �t a1i t�mes o'�Trustar`s current address. U�less <br /> otherwise pro�ided vr requir�d by law, i�there is mar� than one Trus�or, any no�ice gi��n by L�nder to any Trustvr is <br /> deemed to be nat��e given to all Trustors. It wiil be Trus�or's respa�nsib��ity ta te�f the�thers o#the notice fr�m Lender. <br /> MlSCELLANEQUS PR�V�51��VS. The fioilo►rving miscellanevus pro�isions are a part o��his Q��d af Tru�t: <br /> Amendments. What is written in this Deed a�f Trust and in the Related Do�uments is Trustar's �ntire agr�ernent <br /> with Lender conc�rning the ma�ters covered by this Qeed of Trust. To be e�fective, any chang� a�r amendment to <br /> t�his D�ed �af Trust must b� irr wri�ing and mus�be ���ned by wha�ver will be bound �r abli�ated by the change or <br /> amendmen�. <br /> Caption He�dings. Captivn headings in thi� Deed of Trust are f�r �on�enience purp�ses only and are nat ta be <br /> used to interpret�r defi�e the pro�isions of this Deed af Trust. <br /> Me�ger. There shall be no merger af the interest or estate cre�ted by�his ❑eed vf T�ust with any c�ther�nteres�C or <br /> estate in the F'roperty at any time held �y or fo�the i�enefi�of Lender in any �ap�acity, without the written �onsent <br /> of Lender. <br /> �oWernin� Law. This ���d vf Trust wi�i be gvverned by fed�ral law appli�able �� Lender �nd, ta� th� extent not <br /> preempt�d by f�der�l�aw,�the laws of the S#ate of Nebr�ska withc�ut r�gard�o its c�rnflic�s o�law praW�sions. This <br /> D�ed af Trust has been accepted by Lender in�he State of N�braska. <br /> Chvi�e o� Venue. I�tl�ere is a lawsuit, Trustor a�r�es upon Lender's requesfi to submit to the jurisdictian af the <br /> cou�#s�f Half County, State of Nehraska. <br /> No Waiver �y Lender. Trustor und�rstands Lender w�l! not�i�e up any of Lender's righ�s under this Deed of Trust <br /> unl�s� Lender does so in writing. The f��t �hat L�nder de�ays or omits �❑ exercise any righ� wi�� not mean that <br /> L�nder ha� gi��n up th�� right. lf Lender does agree in writin� rv gi�e up vne o� Lender'� rights, �hat d��s no# <br /> mean Trustar will not h��e xo comply with the oth�r prouisivns c�f this Deed af Trust. Trus�or a}s� understands <br /> that if L�nder d�es c�nsent ta a r�qu�st, tha� daes not mean that Trustor wif� nat ha�e �a get L�nder's co��s�nt <br /> a�ain if the situativn happens again. Trustar further understands tha�just because Lender consents tv vne or more <br /> ❑f T�ustar's �equ�sts, that dQes na� mean Lender w+�� be required tv cansent to any afi Trusta�'s �ruture �equests. <br /> Trustar wai�es presentment, demand#ar payment, protest, and noti�e of dishon�r. <br /> 5e��rahility. If a �ou�� f'tnds that any pro�ision of this Deed o'� Tru�t is nvt �a�id ar shvuld na�C be enfar�ed, �hat <br /> fact by �tse�f wi�i n�t mean that�he r�st o�this Qe�d o�TruSt►�viii no� be �aiid or enfarced. Th�refore, a cour� wiil <br /> enfarce th� rest of the pravisivns��this D�ed af Tr�st��en if a p�o�i�ion a�f�his Qe�d��Tru�t may he fvund ta b� <br /> inWa�id or unenfprce�ble. <br /> 5u�cessvrs and A�sigr�s. 5ub}ect �o any �imitations sfiated in th�s Deed af Trus� an transfer a�Trustor's int�r�st, <br /> #�his De�d of Trust sha�� be binding upon and inu�e ta the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. ifi <br /> Qwnership a#the Praperty becvm�s �ested in � persvn o�her�han Trustor, Lender, without na#ice t❑ Trustvr, may <br /> deal �nr�th Trustar's suGc�ssars with referen�e�tv this Deed af Trust and the Indefatedness by way of�ar�earance or <br /> ext�nsion withoufi releasing Trus�or fram the obligations ofi thi� ❑�ed a€Trust ar liability under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is v�the Ess�n�e. T�m� is vf the essence in the performance of�his De�d of Trust. <br /> Vllai�er of Homeste�d Exemption. Trustor her�hy re�eases �nd v�►ai�es all rights and bene�its af the homest�ad <br /> �xemption law�of the Stat�of Nebraska as t❑ali Indebt�dness secured by thrs Qeed ��Trust. <br /> DEFlNlTI[]NS. Th� �allowing words shail ha�e the following meanings when used in�his Deed of Trust: <br /> . B�ne��ciary. The word "g�neficiary" rneans �xchange E3ank, and its successvrs and assigns. <br /> Barrawer. The ward "Sarrawer" means �HEILA �t HULME and includes all co-s+gners and co-rnaker�s signing the <br /> Credit Agr�ement and a!!�heir succes�ors and assi�ns. <br /> Credi� Agreement. The words "��edifi Agreementr' mean the credit agreement dated �]�tober �Q, �Q�5, Wlth <br /> cre��t lim�t vf $6����0.�❑frvm Trustar t� Lender,tvgether with all �enewals af, e�ctensions off moditicatians <br /> af, refinan�in�s of, �onsalida�ions a€, an� subs�itutivns fc�r the promissary nvte or agreement. N�TiGE TD <br /> TRUST�R; THE CRE��T AG�EEMENT CDNTAINS A VAR�AgLE iNTEREST RATE. <br /> De�d oi` Trust. The wards "Deed of T�us�" m�an this Deed v� Trust amang Trustnr, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> in�ludes without lim+tati�n al1 assignment and s�curi�y int�res� pro�isians relating to the PersQnal PrQp�rty and <br /> Rents. <br /> En�irvnmentai Laws. The wards "En��ronmen�al Laws" mean any and all state, f�deral and lo�al statu�es, <br /> regula�i�ns and ordin�nces relating to the pratection of human h�alth or the en�iranm�nt, including withou� <br /> limitatian the �amprehensive En�iranmental �esponse, �ompensation, and Liabifity A�t�� �98�, as amended, 4� <br /> Li.S.�. Section 96��, et seq. {"CERCLA"f, th� Superfund Amendments and Reau�harization Act v� �98�, Pub, L. <br /> No. �9-499 �"SARA"�, the Ha�ardaus Materials Transpartation Act, 49 U.S,C. �e�t�on �Sq3, �t seq., th� Re�vurce <br /> �ons�r�atian and Reco�ery Act, 42 IJ.S.C. Section 69D1, �� seq., �ar oth�r app�i��ble state ar �ed�r�l laws, rules, <br /> a�r regu�a�Cions �do�ted pursuant ther��a, <br /> E�en#v�C�e�au�t. The wards "E��n�a�Defiaul�" me�n any o�the�uerrts Q�defauft set forth�n this Deed o�r Trus�in <br /> tne e�en�s o�r d�fault�ection of�his D�ed of Trust. <br /> Existing �nd�btedness. The words "Existing �ndebtednes�" mean the indebtedness t#�scribed in th� Existin� Liens <br /> prQ�isi�n of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Hazardaus SuhStanCeS. The wvrds "Ha�ardvus 5ubs�ances" mean material� that, �ecause a� th�ir q�.€anfiity, <br /> concentrati�n or phy�i�al, chemica! ar infectious characteris#i�s, may Gause �� pose a �resent �r po�tential ha�ard <br /> ta human health or the en�irvnment whe� imprvperly u�sed, treat�d, �tored, dispos�d o�, gerterated, �anu�aGtur�d, <br /> rransport�d or vtherwise han��ed, The words "Hazardaus Substances" are use� in t�eir �e�y brvadest ser�se and <br /> ir�clud� withou�t I�mi�ation any and all ha�ardaus �r toxic substances, materia�s Qr was�e as de€ined by ar lis��d <br /> und���he En�ironmer��a� Laws. The term "Ha�a�daus 5ubs�anG�s" also inciudes, wi�haut f imitatican, petr�l�um and <br /> petrQleum by-prvducts or any fractian therevf and asbest�s. <br /> Impro�ements. The word "Imprvvemen�s" means all exi�ting and future impro�emen�ts, buildings, structures, <br /> m�bile homes affixed on the Rea� Property, �aci�iti�s, additions, replacements and Qther �onstruc�ion on t��e Reai <br /> Praper#y. <br /> Indebtedn�ss. The vvord "inde�tedness" me�ns �1! principal, E�t�rest, and orher amaunts, costs and expenses <br /> �ayabl� under �he Credit Agreement �r Relaxed Documents, together �rvi�h all ren�wals o�, e�ct�nsians o�, <br />