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2� 15�7395 <br /> aEE[� �F TRUST <br /> ��ontir�ued� Page 5 <br /> and �fection�a cause Trustor's interest En the Property to be soid, which nat�ce Trust�e shall cause to b� <br /> duly�iled�or record in th�apprvp�riate a#�ices vf�he Coun�Cy�n whi�h the Proper�� is IQcated; and <br /> �dy V1lith respect to all or any part of�he Persvnal Prvperty, Lender shall ha�� a�� the rights and r�rnedies <br /> Qfi a secured party under the Nebrasl�a ��iform �ommerciai Code, <br /> Fore��vsure hy Pawer of Sale�, If Lender eleGts ta far�clase by exercise vf fihe Pawer o#��ale herein cantained, <br /> Lender shall n��i�y Trust�e and shali depvsi� with Trustee this C]e�d of Trust and �he Credi� Agr�ement and <br /> such re�eipts and e�'rdence of axpenditures made and secured by this I�e�d o�Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> ta� �Jpon receipt❑f such notice �rom Lender, Trustee sha�f caus��v bE r�cordEd, published and deli�ersd <br /> ta Trustor s�ch Notice of ❑���ult and No�i�e vf 5ale as then ��quir�d by law and by �his Ds�d o�Trus�. <br /> Trustee shall, withvu� demand on Trustor, after su�h time as may then be requir�d by law and a�t�r <br /> re�o�-datian of such Notice o�F ❑e��ult and after Nc�tice of Sale ha�ing heen gi��n as r�quired by �aw, sell <br /> the Property at fihe �ime and pfa�e �� sale �i�c�d �y i� in su�h Notice o� Sale, �ith�r as a whaie, vr in <br /> separate lvts ar parcels�r Rtems as Trustee shal! deem expedient, and in such ❑rder as it may determine, <br /> at public aucti�n �o th� high�st bidder far cash in �awful maney of th� LJnited 5tates paya�le a��he time <br /> a� sale. Tr�stee sh�ll deliWer ta such purchaser or pur�hasers th�reof �ts ga�d and su�ficE�nt deed ar <br /> deeds cvn�eying the praperty so sald, but v�ithaut any covenant ar rrvarranty, express or implied. Th� <br /> reGital� in such deed �� any matt�rs or facts shall be canclusi�e prc�vf af the truthtulness ther�of. Any <br /> person, including withaut limita�ivn Trus�or, Trustee� or L�nder, may pur�hase at such safe. <br /> 4bf As may be permit�ed by law, a�t�r deducting all �osts, #�es and �x�ense� of T�uStee and of this <br /> Trus�, including co�ts of eviden�e af ti�le in�vnn�ction with sale, Trust�e shal� apply the prac��ds�f�ale <br /> ta payment �� �i} alf sums exp�nded und�r the �erms vf this Deed ofi Trust vr under the terms af the <br /> Credit Agreement no� then repaid, incfuding but nQt limited ta accrued interest and la�e charges, �ii� aff <br /> other sums �hen secur�d herE�y, and �iii} the remainder, i� any, to�he persar� or persons legaliy �ntitled <br /> thereto. <br /> �cy Trust�e m�y in the manner p�o�ided by law pvstpone sale of all�r any par�ion of the Prope�ty. <br /> Remedies Nnt Ex�iusive. Trus�ee and Lender, and each ofi them, shal� be entitled t❑ en��rce payrnent and <br /> perfarman�e❑�any ind�bt�dness�r obl��atians�ecured by�his Deed af Trust and to exercise all rights and pawers <br /> under this C]e�d of Trust, und�r the Cr�dit Agr�ement, under any o� the R�I�t�d Dacuments, ❑r under �r�y oth�r <br /> agreem�nt ❑r any �aws naw or hereaf�er in farce; notwithstanding, same or aE� vfi such indebt�dness and <br /> abli�ations secured by this �eed vf Trust may naw or her�after be c�therwis� secured, vuhether by mort�age, deed <br /> Q�trust, pledge, iien, assignment�vr otherwise. N�ith�r the acceptan�e ❑�this Q�ed t�f Trust nar its enfc�rcemen�, <br /> whether by Gourt a�tion or pursuant tv the pvwer of sale or other pvvvers �ontained in �his Deed of Trust, shall <br /> prejudi�e or in �ny manner affect Trustee's ❑r Lender's right�a rea�i�e upon ❑r en�Fvrce �ny ��her security now c�r <br /> hereaf�er held by Trus�ee or L�nd�r, it being agre�d tha�Trustee and Lender, and each of them, shall �e entitled fi❑ <br /> enfarce this Deed vf Trus� and any other se�urity now vr her�after held hy Lender or Truste� in such arder and <br /> manner as they or �i�he� v�` th�m may in th�ir absolute discretion d�termin�. No rem�dy �vnferred upvn or <br /> r�ser�ed ta Trustee ar Lender, is intended ta b� exG�usi�e v� any ather remedy in �his Deed �� Trust or by lavu <br /> pra��ded or permit�ed, but each shall �e cumulati�e and shaff b� in additic�n tfl every ❑th�r rer�nedy gi��n in this <br /> Deed o�Trust �r naw �r hereaft�r exi�ting at law �r in equifiy or by s�atute. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by the <br /> Cred+'t Agreement or �ny af the Related �acum�nts tQ Trustee or Lender or to �rvhich ei�her af �hem may b� <br /> otherwise �nti�led, may be exercis�d, conGurrently ar independently, fram time to time and as ❑ften as may kre <br /> deemed e�pedEent �y Trust�e vr Lender, and either a� them may pur�ue incvnsistent remedi�s. Nathing in this <br /> Deed vf Trust shall be canstru�d as prohibi�ing Lender from seeking a detici�ncy�udr�ment ag�inst the Trustor to <br /> �he extent suGh activn is permitted by iav►r. <br /> EleGtir�n ❑f Remedies. All of �.ender's rights and r�rnedi�s will be �umulafii�e and may l�e e�ercised a(one Qr <br /> together. I� Lender decides �� spend maney or to perform any �f Trustor's obligatior�s under this Deed of Trust, <br /> af�er Trustor's failure to do so, �that decision by Lender will not affe�t Lender's right ta deciare Trustar in default <br /> and to�xercise Lender'� remedies. <br /> Request fior Notice. Trustor, on �ehalf af Trustor and Lender, hereby reques�s that a copy o�any Nvtice af Default <br /> and a copy afi any Nvti�e af 5ale under this Deed vf Trus� be maifed to th�m a�the address�s set f�rth in the first <br /> paragraph of�h�s Deed vf Trust, <br /> Attorneys' Fe�s; Expens�s. �f Lender institutes any suit or acttan �k� enforce any ❑� the t�rms of �his Deed af <br /> Trust, L�nder�ha1! �� �n�it�ed to r�c��er such sum as the caurt may �djudg� reasonahl� as attvrneys' fe�s at�rial <br /> and upon any appeaf. V1lhether or nat any caurr action is in�v��ed, and tv �he ex�enfi nat prohi��ted by iaw, all <br /> reasanabf� expenses Lender incu�s that in Lender's opsni�n are necessary at any tim� for �he prate�tion af its <br /> inter�st or the en#arcernent af its rights sh�ll becQm�a part a�the Indebtedn�ss payable an demand and �ha11 b�ar <br /> inte�est at th� Credit Agreemen� rate fram the date of �Ch� expenditure un�il repaid. Expenses co�ered by thFs <br /> para�raph include, without limitation, however subject ta any limits und�r app�i�ab�� law, Lender's attorn�ys' fees <br /> and L�nder's legal ex�enses, whether or nat th�re is a I�►nrsuit, ineluding attorneys' fees and �x�enses for <br /> hankruptcy proceedings �including efforts t❑ modify �r �acate any au�omatic s�ay or injunction�, app�als, and any <br /> anticipated post-�udgment �ollec�ican ser�i��s, the cast o� sear�hing re�ords, vbtainEng title reports tincluding <br /> fore�losure re�artsS, sur�eyars` r�ports, and ap�raisal f�es, ti�tle insuranee� and f�es for the Trustee. ta the exten� <br /> permi��ed by app�icahie law. Trustor a�so wi�i pay any court cvsts, in addition tv all ��her sums �ro�ided by law. <br /> Right�of Trust��. Trus�ee shall h��e all of the righ�s and duties o�Lender as s�t�orth in�his sec�ion. <br /> PaWERS AND�BLlGATIaNS QF TRUSTEE. The fallvwing provisions relating t❑�he pov�rers and obligations of Trustee <br /> are part of this D�ed of Trust: <br /> Powers o�Trustee. In addi�ivn t❑ all powers❑f Trustee ari�ing as a matter o�law, Tru�tee shafl ha��the power to <br /> take the follawing ac�ians with respect to �he Prap�rty upvn �he written requ�st o�Lend�r and Trustor: �a} j�in in <br /> pr��aring and filing a map nr plat af the R�al Property, including th� dedica�ion of streets �r vther rights ta th� <br /> public; �b� join in granting any easement or creating any restri��ion an the Real Prvperty; and =c� �oin in any <br /> subordinatian ar other agreement afifiecting this Deed af Trusfi ar the interest af Lender under this Deed af Trust. <br /> Tru��ee, Trus�ee shall mee� all qualificativns requir�d for Trustee under app�i�ahle law. ln additivn tv Ch� rights <br /> and remedies set fvrth ahv��, v+rith respect ta all or any par� o� the Property, the Trustee shall ha�e the right to <br /> f�reclos� by natice and saie, and Lender vuiil ha�e �he righ� to foreclose by judi�ial toreclosure, in either �as� in <br /> aGcardanc� with and to th�full extent pr��ided by applicabl� law. <br /> 5uccessor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's a�tion, may fr�m time to�ime �ppoint a successor Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appoin�ed und�r �his L�eed of Trus� by an ir�strum�n� execu��d and a�knvwl�dged by L�nder and r�c�rd�d in th� <br /> of#ic� ❑f the recorder of HALL County, State o� IVebraska. The instrument shall contain, in add�tion �a all other <br /> matters required by s�ate �aw, the nam�s v# the original L�nder, Trustee, and Trustvrr th� bvc�k and page �or <br /> compu�er sy��em re#eren�ey where this L�eed ❑f Trus� is recarded, and the name and address of the su��essvr <br /> trustee, and�he instrument shall be executed and acknowledged by all the benefi�iaries under this Deed of Trust o� <br /> �heir su��essars in inter�st. The su�cessar �rustee, withoufi con�eyance of the Prvperty, shali �u�ceed tv al� �he <br /> ti�l�, pawer, and duties cvnfierred upan the Trustee in this Deed v�Trus�t and by appiica�le law. This pracedure fQr <br /> substitutivn c�f Trustee shall gvvern to th�exClusion❑f a���th�r pro�isians for suhstitution. <br />