2� 15�7395
<br /> DE�D �F TRUST
<br /> ��ontinu�d} Page 7
<br /> mfld'€ficatians of, consvlidations of and substi'tutivns for the Credit Agre�men� or Related ❑ocuments and any
<br /> amounts ex�aended ar ad�anced by Len�er to dis�harge Trustvr`s vk��igations c�r expenses in�urred by Trus�ee Qr
<br /> Lender ta enfarc� Trustvr�5 a�ligatians under this Deed of Trust, tageth�r with interest vn such arnaunts as
<br /> pr��ided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Lend�r, The word "Lender" means ExGhang� Bank, �ts successars and assigns. The wards "successvrs vr
<br /> assigns" mean any pers�n vr cvmpany that ac�uires any interest in th��redit Agr�emen�.
<br /> Personal Property. The wards "Personal Property" mean all equipment, fixtures, and othe� artici�s a� persona!
<br /> prc�p�rty now or hereaf�e� owned by Trustor, and now �r here�fter a�tached ar affixed to the Real Praperty;
<br /> tagether wi�h all accessEans, parts, and addition5 ta, all replacements vf, and all substi�utians for, any vf such
<br /> prQpet�ty; and tagether v►ri�kh �il proceeds (including without iim�tatian a�� insurance �roceeds and �efunds vf
<br /> premiums� �rvm any sal�or vther dispositivn of the Property.
<br /> Pro�erty. The ward "Property" rneans Gol���ti�eiy the t�ea� Praper�y and the P�rsonal Praperty.
<br /> Real Praperty. The words "Rea! P�aperty" mean the real property, in�erests and righ�s, as further des�ri�ed in this
<br /> ❑eed o�Trust.
<br /> Related t�ocuments. The wvrds "Relatsd DvGum�nts" mean all promissory nates, credit agreements, laan
<br /> agre�ments, en�ironmental agreements, gua�anties, seGuri�y agreements, mortgages, deeds of trustF security
<br /> deeds, call��eral mvrtgages, �nd a�l ather instruments, agreements and documents, whether no►r►r or hereafter
<br /> exist+ng, �xe�uted in cannectian wi�h the Indebtedness.
<br /> i�en�s. The wQrd "Rents" means ali present and future rents, re�enues, in�c�me, issues, rayalties, pro���s, and
<br /> other benefi�$deri�ed fram the property.
<br /> Trustee. The wvrd "Trustee" means Ex�hange �ank, whase address is P� �ox 397, Kea�ney, NE G8848 and any
<br /> suhstitute or suc�essor trustees.
<br /> Trustor. The word "Trus�or" means SHEIL.A R HULME.
<br /> TRUSTaR:
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<br /> S ILA R HULME
<br /> STATE L7F . �� �'"����t }
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<br /> COUNTY DF � � f
<br /> �n �his day be�o�e me, the undersigned Notary Pub�ic, pe�sonally app�ared SHEiLA R HULIVIE, to me known t� be the
<br /> indi�idual des�ribed in and who executed th� Deed of Trus�, and ackno�vledged that he or she signed the Deed ofi Trust
<br /> as his ar her free and�olunfiary act and de�d, fvr th�uses and purposes therein mentianed.
<br /> Gi�en under my hand and afficial seal this ��� day of �-�� �� , �� ��.
<br /> �. ���
<br /> �y �- -
<br /> T p
<br /> .� � Printed Narne: s•��� � � '
<br /> ���..�� '
<br /> ,,�.::, Notary Puhlic in and for the State af � � �'d� ��
<br /> :.._, � �'m ��
<br /> ,�.�. - .�
<br /> Residing at ,��.�... ,�-�'��� �
<br /> .,-�$ ' �
<br /> III��1 CQII'lIYf155�Q17�][F711'e5 , ��• ~ �
<br /> �To he used�niy when obE+gations ha�e�een paid in fu�l�
<br /> Tv: , Trustee
<br /> The undersigned is the legal owner and hald�r af ail Indebtedness se�ured by this Deed af Trust. All sums se�ured by
<br /> this peed of Trust ha��b�en fully paid and satisfied, You are hereby directed, upvn payment to you vf any sums awing
<br /> to yau under �the terms of this Deed of Trust or pursuant to any appiicable sta�ute, to cancel the Credit A��eement
<br /> se�ured by this �eed of 7rust {which �s deli�ered to yau tage�her wi�h �his Deed ❑f Trus�y, and ta recon�ey, withaut
<br /> warranty, to the parties designat�d by fihe terms a�this ❑eed vf Trust, the estate nvr►v held by ya�u under this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust. Pleas�mail the recan�eyance and Related Documents to:
<br /> Dat�: Bene�i�iary;
<br /> 6y:
<br /> ��:
<br /> LaserPro, Ver. 15.4.24.�33 �apr. ❑+H IJSA Cor�ora�ian �997, Z0�5. All Righ�s f�eser�ed. - NE
<br /> C;1PrtiSuitelCFI1LPL1Gd�.FC TR-1474� PR--155
<br />