2� 15�7395
<br /> L3EED �F TRUST
<br /> ���ntinued} P�ge 4
<br /> Taxes. The foilawing sha�l �Qnst'r�u�e taxes to which this sectian applies: t 1� a spe�ific tax upon this �ype of
<br /> aeed of Trust or upon all ar any part of the �ndebtedn�ss se�ured by this Deed �f Trust; ��} a speci�ic �ax �n
<br /> Trustor which Trustvr is authori�ed vr required to d�du�t from payments ❑n the Indebtedness se�ured by this type
<br /> vf Qeed ❑f Trust; �3f a tax on this type of�]eed a�Trus�chargeahle aga�nst the Lender�r the hafder o#the Credi�
<br /> Agr�ement; and �4y a specifi� tax on all ar any por�ivn vf �he fndehtedness ar on paym�n#s vf princi�aaf and
<br /> inter�st made by Trus�vr.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. lf any tax to whi�h this section applies is �nacted su�sequent to the da�e af �his a�ed of
<br /> Trus�, this e�en� sha�l hav� the same �f�ect as an E�ent a# De�auit, and Lender may ex�r�ise any �r all of its
<br /> a�ailable rem�dies far an E�ent af Default as pro�ided belo►nr un�ess Trustor either �1 j pays the tax before i�
<br /> becvm�s delinquent, or t2y cont�sts the tax as pro�id�d abo�e in �he Taxes and Liens sectivn and deposi�s with
<br /> Lender cash or a suf�i�ient corpvrate surety bond or Qther se�urity satis�actory ta Lend�r.
<br /> SECURlTY AGREEMENT; �INANC[NG STATEfIJIENT�. The fallowing pro�isions relating t❑ this D�ed of Trust as a
<br /> seGurity agre�ment are a part vf this D�ed of Trust:
<br /> 5ecuri�y A�reement. This instrument shall eonstitute a S�curity Agreement t� the ex�ent any of the Praperty
<br /> const�tutes fixtur�s, and Lender shall ha�e all of�he rights o�a se�ured party und�r the Uniform Comm�rci�l Cade
<br /> as amended from timE to time.
<br /> Secur�ty Interest. Upon requ�st by Lender, Trustor s�ail take whatev�r ac�ion is requested by Lender �o perfecfi
<br /> and continue Lender's security interest in the Persanal Prop�rty, 1n additian to recording this Deed o�Trus� in the
<br /> real property records� Lender may, at any time and w�thvut fur�her au�hvrization from Trustor, �ile executed
<br /> counterparts, capies �or reproductions of this Deed v� Trust as a financing stat�ment. Trustvr $hall reimburse
<br /> Lender far all expenses incurred in perfecting or cvntinuing this seGuri�y interest. upon de�ault, Trus�ar shai! not
<br /> remo�e, se�er or detach the P�rsonal Property from the Property. Upon default, Trus�or shall assem�al� any
<br /> Pers�nal Property nvt affixed ta the Property in a manner and at a place r�asana�ly con�enient to Trus�or and
<br /> Lender and make ifi availah�e �v Lender within three �3f days after receipt o# written demand from Lender �o the
<br /> �xtent permi�ted �y applicahle law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustv� �debtvey and Lender �s�cured party7 from which in�orrr�ation
<br /> cancerning the security interest grant�d by this Deed o� Trust may b� obtained �ea�h as requEred hy the Uniform
<br /> Commercial Cnde� are as stated on the first page of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FLIRTHER ASSURANCES� ATT�RNEY-iN-FACT. Ths following pra�isians �elating �a #urther ass�rances and
<br /> a�torney-in-fac�are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Furthe�r Assurances, At any time, and firom time to time, upon request af Lender, Trusto� wi[[ make, execute and
<br /> deli��r, ❑r wili caus�ta b� made, executed or delivered, ta Lender or tv Lend�r's designee, and when requested by
<br /> L�nder, cause t� be �iled, re�arded, refil�d, ar rer��orded, as the case may be, at such times and �n such offices
<br /> and pfaces as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such martgages, deeds �f trust, se�urity deeds, securi�y
<br /> agreements, finan�ing s�atements, cantinuation statements, instruments of further assurance, �ertifi�ates, and
<br /> other dvcum�nts as may, in the sv�e ap�nian�f Lender� be necessary or desira�le in order to effec�ua�e, compl�te,
<br /> p�rfect, Gontinue, or preser�e ��y Trustvr's obligati�ns under the Credit Agreement, this Deed o�F Trust, �nd the
<br /> Related Do�uments, and t�} �he li�ns and securi�y interests created by this Deed o# Trust on the Property,
<br /> whether nvw owned �r hereaft�r a�quired by Trustor. LJnless prahibited by law vr Lender agrees t❑�he contrary in
<br /> writing, T�ustar shall reimhurse Lsnd�r for all �osts and �xpens�s incurr�d in connec�ion with the matter� r�f�rred
<br /> �a in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fac�. If Trustar fails to do any vf the things referred t❑ in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> for and in the name of Trustvr and at Trustar's expens�. For such purposes, Trus�or herehy irre�a�a�[y appoin�s
<br /> Lender as T�ustvr's a�tarney-in-fac�for the purpose of making, exe�uting, deli�ering, �iling, recording, and dving all
<br /> ather things as may �� ne�essary or des€rable, in Ler�der's svle flp�nivn, to accomplish th� matters r��erred to in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If Trustor pays all the Indebtedn�ss when due, fierminates the�redit line accoun�, and o�l�erwise
<br /> per�arms all �he obfigations impased upan Trustor under this Deed 4f Trust, Lender shall execu�� and deli�er to Trustee
<br /> a request f�r fiull reGan�eyancs and shall �xecute and deliver to Trustor suitabl� sxa�ements of termination of any
<br /> �inancing s�a�ement on file ��iden�ing Lender's security interest in �he Rents and the Personal Pr�perty, Any
<br /> re�on�eyance fee required by law shall be paid by Trus�t�r, if permi��ed by appi�cable law.
<br /> EVENTS �F ❑EFAULT. Trustv�will he in de#ault un�er this Deed of Trust i�any of the foilawing happen: �A} Trustor
<br /> commits fraud or makes a ma��rial misrepresentatian a# any time in cannectian with the Credit Agr�ement. This can
<br /> in�lude, far examp�e, a false statement abaut Trustor's in�ome, ass�tsr �#dblll�i�5, or any ather aS��C�S o� Trus�or's
<br /> �inanc�a� condition. �By Trustor daes not mee��he repayment te�ms a�the Credit Agreement. �C� Trustar`s ac�ion ar
<br /> inaGtion ad��rsely affe�ts �he cvllateral ar Lend��'s r�ghts in the collateral. This can include, for example, fatlure ta
<br /> maintain r�quired insuran�e, waste or destruct��e use of the dwelling, �ailure ta pay taxes, death of al1 persvns liable on
<br /> �he a�caunt, transf�r of �itle or sale afi the dwellin�, creatian vf a senior iien on the dv►rel��ng wi�hout L�nder's
<br /> permission, foreclosure by the hv�d�r of another�ien, or the use of funds or�he dv+reliing f�r prohibited purposes.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. !f an E�en� ❑� D��ault occurs under this De�d af Trust, at any time the��a�t�r,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exerGise any�ne or more v�the�o�lowing rights and remedies:
<br /> A�ca�erativn Upan Default;Additinna! Rennedies. I#any E�ent vf Defaul�t occurs as per the terms o�the Cre�it
<br /> A�reemen� secured hereby, Lender may declare alf Indebtedness s�cured by this Deed vf Trust to be due and
<br /> payab[e and the same shall thereupon became due and pa�ab[e withou�any presentment, d�mand, prates�or
<br /> noti�e af any k�nd. T'herea'�ter, Lender may:
<br /> �ay Ei�her in p�rson vr hy agent, with or withaut hringing any ac�ivn or proceeding, vr �y a recei�er
<br /> appointed b� a court and without re�ard to the a�equacy o� its securi�y, enter upon and take pvs�essi�n
<br /> a�the Property, or any part thereof, in its awn name vr in the name vf TrusteQ, and da any acts v�rhich i�
<br /> deems necessary ar desi�able'to pres�r�e the�alue, marketability or ren�ahility vf�he Praperty, or part of
<br /> the Proper�y ar interest in the Property; increase fihe income from the P�vperty o� prote��the security ofi
<br /> the Property; and, with vr without taking possessivn of the Property, sue fflr or otherwise co�I�ct the
<br /> rents, issues and profits o#�he Prop�rty, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, fess
<br /> casts and expenses of operation and �olfectian attorneys' �fees, tv any ind�btedness secured by�h�s Deed
<br /> of Trust, all in su�h order as Lender may determine. The �ntering upon and taking poss�ssion of �h�
<br /> Property, th� collecti�n ❑f su�h rents, issues and pra�its, and �he application thereo� shall no� cure or
<br /> wai�e any d�fault ar notice o�default under this ❑eed af Trust�r in�alidafie any a�t done in resp�nse �a
<br /> su�h d��ault or pursuan�to suGh no�i�e vf de�ault; and, notvuiths�anding fihe��n�inuance in possessivn v�
<br /> �he Property or the �ollection, re�eip� and application a� rents, issues ar prvfits, Trustee or �end�r shall
<br /> be en�itled to exercise e�ery right pro�ided far in the Gredit Agreemen� ar the Related ❑ocuments or by
<br /> law upan th�occurren�e o�any eWent of default, in�luding the r�ght to exercis�th� pow�r o�sa[e;
<br /> �b} Commence an activn �o foreclose this Deed o�f Trust as a mortgage, appQint a recei�er o�specifii�ally
<br /> enfor�e any vf th�co�enan�s hereo�; and
<br /> �c� Deii�er��Trustee a wri�ten�eciara�i�n af default and demand for saie and a uvrifi�en notice��default
<br />