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�D15D733D <br /> DEED �F TRLJST <br /> �Corlt�nued� Pa�e 5 <br /> and ele�tic�n�a cause Trustor's interest�n the Proper#y to be sofd, whi�h not�ce Trustee shall cause to be <br /> duiy�iled far record in the appropriat�❑#'�ices�f�he Caunxy in whic;h the Prnperty is lacated; and <br /> �dy With respec�to all or any part of the Personal Prap�rty. Lend�r shali ha�e aii the rights and remedies <br /> o�a�e�u�ed party under the Nebraska L�ni�arm �ammercia� Code, <br /> Foreclasure by Pawer of Sale, If Lender elects tv�oreclvse by exercise of fihe Powe�of 5ale h�rein cvntain�d, <br /> Lsnder shall nv�ify Trustee and sha�l depvsit with Trustee this (�eed of Trust and the Credit Agreemen� and <br /> such receipts and ��idence af expenditur�s made and �ecured l�y this❑eed of Tru�t as Trustee may require, <br /> {�) Upan re�eipt of such notice fram Lender, Trustee shaEl cause�❑ be recarded, published and deli�ered <br /> ta Trustor such Nvtice of D�fault and Nvtice ❑f S�le as then required by law and by this ❑�ed of Tru�t, <br /> Trustee shall, withvut demand on Trustar, after such time as may then be required by law and aft�r <br /> recvrdation of such Natice at ❑efault and after Nvtice❑f Sale having heen gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> �h� �'ro�erty a� the time and pRace a�' s�l� fixed by i� in such 1Voti�� of 5a1�, either �s a whvie, vr +n <br /> separate la�s ar par�els vr items as Trustee sha11 deem�xpedient, and in such�rder as it may determine, <br /> at puhlic auction to the highest bidder for cash En lawful money of the United States payable a�the time <br /> o� sale. Tru�tee shall deliWer ta such pur�haser or purchasers �hereof its good an�i su�ficient deed ❑r <br /> deeds cvnveying the property so sold, but without any covenant or rrvarranty, express or implied. The <br /> recitals in such deed of any matters vr facts shall be cvnclusi�e praof af the truthfulness there�f. Any <br /> persan, including wifihQu�limita�ian Trus�or,Trustee,or L�nder, may pur�has��t such sa�e. <br /> �b� As may be perrnitted by law, a�t�r deducting all costs, #��s and expenses of Trustee an� of this <br /> Trusx, includinc� costs vf e�iden��vf title tn cannec�ian with sal�,Trustee shali apply the praGeeds of sale <br /> t❑ payment of �i} alf sums �xp�nded under th� �erms vf this Deed of Trust or under the terms of th� <br /> Credit Agreement not then repaid, incfuding but nat limited to accrued interest and la�e charges, �iiy aff <br /> other sums then se�ur�d hereby, �nd tiii} �he remainder, if any, t�the pers�n�r persans legally�ntitled <br /> thereta. <br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law postpvne sale of all ar any portion of the Property. <br /> Remedies Nvt Ex�iu�ive. Trustee and Lender, and eaGh o� them, shall be entitl�d t� enf�rce paym�nt and <br /> performance❑�any ind�htedness ar�bli�ations secured by this Deed af Trus�and ta exercise all rights ar�d pvwers <br /> und�r �his [7e�d ❑f Trus�, under the Cr�dit Agreemen�, under an►� af th� R�lat�d Dacumen#s. or under an� othe� <br /> agreern�nt ❑r any Ia�nrs now or hereafter in �or�e; na�withstanding� some or aEl of such indebtedness and <br /> obligatians secured by thi� Deed of Trust may naw or�ereafter be otherwise secured, wheCher by mnrt�age, d��d <br /> of trus�, pfedc�e, �ien, assignm�nt�r otherwise. Neither the a�ceptance o#this Deed of Trus�nor its enfvr�ement, <br /> whether by cvurt a��ir�n or p�rsuant to the power vf sal� ar other pawers cvntained in this deed a�F Trust, shall <br /> prejudi�e or in any manner affect Trust�e's or Lender's righfi to realize upvn or en��rce any ather security naw ar <br /> h�reaf�er held by Trustee or Lender, it being agreed tha�Trustee and Lender, and each caf them, shal! k�e�ntitled to <br /> en�arGe this ❑eed af Trust and any ather se�ur�ty now vr her�aft�r held by Lender ar Trustee in such arder and <br /> manner as they o� ei�he� at them may in their absolute dts�retion determine. No remedy canferred upan ar <br /> r�serv�d t� Trustee ar Lender, is intended ta �e exclusi�e o� any a�her remedy in this Deed o'�Trust �r hy law <br /> prvv�ded ❑r permitted, but each shall b� cumulatiWe and shall be in additiQn ta e�ery oth�r remedy gi�en in this <br /> Deed �f Trust ar now or her�after existing at law ❑r in equity ar by statu�te, E�ery power vr remedy gi�en by �he <br /> Credi� Agreernent ❑r any af th� Related C�acurn�n�Cs t� Trustee ar Lend�r ar #o which �i�her vf them may �e <br /> oth�rwise �ntitled, may be exercised, �ancurrently ar independen�ly, frarn t�m� ta time and �s often as may b� <br /> deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender, and either nf them may pursue in�onsistent rsmedie�. Nathing �n this <br /> D�ed of Tru�t �hall be can�t�rued as prvhibi�ing Lender fram seeking a d�ti��ency judgment against the Trustor to <br /> �Che ex�tent such activn is permitt�d by law. <br /> Ele�tia�n af Remedies. All of Lender's rights and rernedie� vvill be �umulat+�e and may be ex�rcised afone ar <br /> toge�her. If L�nder decides tv spend mvney �r tQ p�rform any of Trustar's vblig�tion� under�his Deed of Trust, <br /> after Trustvr's failure to da so, that decision by Lend�r will nat affect Lender's ri�ht ta deciars Trustor in defiault <br /> and to exercise Lender's rem�dies. <br /> Request fvr Nvtice. Trustor,on behalf o�Trustvr and Lender, hereby requests that a c�py a�any NatEce af De�ault <br /> and a capy ofi any Nvtice af 5ale under this ❑eed of Trust be rnaifed to th�rn at th� addresses set farth in the first <br /> parag�aph of this Deed Q�Trust, <br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. ff Lender institutes any suit ar actEon tv enf�rce an� ❑� the terms o� thfs ❑eed of <br /> Trust, Lender shals be�ntitled to reca�er such sum as the caurt rnay adjudge r��sonabl�as attorn�ys' fees at trial <br /> and up�n any appeaf. Whether or not any cour� �ction is in�o��ed, and tv �he extent nat prohibited by iaw, a!1 <br /> rsasonabfe expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinion are necessary at any tim� f�r �he protectian af its <br /> �nterest or th�enfarcern�nt of its rights shall became a part of the Indebtedne�s payable on demand and�h�ll bear <br /> in�erest at the Credit Agr�ement rate from the date of th� expenditur� un�il repaid. ExpensPs c�W�red hy this <br /> paragraph in�luder withvut limitati�n, hvwever subjec�#ta any limits under app�i�abie law, Lender's attorn�ys' fees <br /> and Lender's lega! expens�s, whether crr nat there is a lavusuit, in�[uding attorneys' fees and expen5es f�r <br /> bankruptcy proceedings �including efforts to modify ar�a�ate any automatic s�ay or injunctian�, app�als, and any <br /> anticipated pvst-judgment �ollection ser�i�es, the cast of searching recards, obtaining tit[e r�ports �including <br /> fnreciosure reports�, surve�ors` reparts, and appraisal fees, title insurancs, and �ees for the Trust�e, tv the ext�n� <br /> permitted b�applicab�e law. Trustor a�sv w;i!pay any cour�costs, in additi�n�o all oth�r sums prv�ided t�y law. <br /> Rights Qf Trustee. TrustPP shall have all�f the rights and duties��Lender a� set�orth in this section. <br /> �'aVIIERS ANC3�BLlGATIt]hIS OF TRUSTEE. The follvwing prouisions relating to�h� pawers and abligations vf Trustee <br /> are part vf this Deed of Trust: <br /> Paw�rs of Tru�tee. In�ddition tv all paw�rs❑f Tr�astee ariSing as a m�tte�o#law,Trus�Cee shafl ha��the power ta <br /> tak�the fallowing ac�ions with respect ta �he Prvp�rty upon the written request o�Lend�r and Trustor: �a� j�in in <br /> pr�paring and filing a map ar plat of the Real Property, including the dedi�ation r�f streets or v�he� rights to the <br /> public; �by join in gr�n�ing any easern�nt or cre�ting any restriction ❑n th� Real Prvperty; and �G} jain in any <br /> subardination ar❑ther agreement afifiecting this[]eed❑�Trusfi❑r the interest of Lender under this ❑�ed af Trust. <br /> Trustee, Tru�x�e shall meet all qualificativns required fvr Trustee und�r applicahle }aw, ln additian tv the rights <br /> and remedies set fvrth abo�e, with respect tv all or any p�r� of the Property, the Trust�e shall have the right�v <br /> foreclvse by no�ice and sale, and Lender vuill ha�e the right to foreclase by judic+al foreclvsure, in �ither �ase in <br /> acc�rdan��with�nd t❑th��ull e�c�ent pro�ided by appli�abl�l�w. <br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's❑ptian, may frarn time to time appoint a su�cessor Trustee to any T�ustee <br /> appvinted under this Deed �f Trus� by an instrument exe�uted and acknowled�ed by Lender and recarded in the <br /> of#ice of the reGarder nf HALL Caunty, �tate af N�braska. Th� ins�rument shall cont�in, in addition ta all other <br /> matters required by s�ate �aw, the names o# the vriginal Len�er, Trust�e, and Trustvr, the bool� and page �Qs <br /> com�u��r sys�em re#erencef wherE this De�d of T�ust is �e�orded, and the name and address of the success�r <br /> trust��, and the�nstrument shall be exeGuted and acknawl�dged by all the bene�iciaries under this Deed vf Trust ar <br /> �heir successars in interest. The su�cessor trustee, �ithoufi �on�eyance ofi the Propertyr shali su�c��d to al� �he <br /> title, p�v�►er, and duties cQnferred upan th�Trustee in this Deed a�Trust and ay appiicahle law. This pracet�ure for <br /> sub�titutian af Trustee�hall go�ern to the e�clusian of a�l v�her pravisions#c�r substitution. <br />