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2�15�733� <br /> DEED �F TRU�T <br /> ��vnti�ued} P�ge 4 <br /> Taxes. The foiiawing shail cvnst'r�u�e taxes to which this sectian applies: �1� a specifi� tax upon this type of <br /> ❑eed of Trust vr upon all vr any part af the �ndebt�dness se�ured by this ❑eed of Trust; (2} a speci�ic �ax �n <br /> Trustor which Trust�r is authori�ed ar required to dedu�t from payments an the Ind�btedness s��ured by this type <br /> o�❑eed❑f Trust; �3y a tax on this type of❑eed a�Trus�charc�eahle aga�nst the Lender�r the hafder o#the Credi� <br /> ►�►gceernent; and �4y a specific tax on all �r any pvr#ivn ❑f �he fndebtedness �r on payments af prin�ipaf and <br /> interest made by Trus�or. <br /> Subsequent Taxgs. lf any tax to which this �ection applies is �na�t�d subsequent to the da�e ❑�r �his ❑�ed Qf <br /> Trust, �his eUent shail ha�e the same �ffect as an Event af De�auit, and Lender may ex�rcise any �r all of its <br /> available rem�dies far an E�ent ❑f Default as pro�ided below un��ss Trustor either �1) pays �he tax befor� it <br /> becames delinquent, or t2y cont�sts th�tax as pro�id�d abo�e in�he Taxes and Liens sectivn and deposi�s with <br /> Lender cash or a suffi�ient�orporate surety bond vr other se�urity satisfactory ta Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; �INANC�NG ST�4TEMENT�. The following pro�isions relating to this Dsed af Trust as a <br /> se�urity agre�ment are a part of this D��d of Trust: <br /> 5ecurity A�reement. This instrument shall constitute a 5ecurity Agreement to the ex�ent any of the Property <br /> constitutes fixtur�sr and Lender shalf ha�e all af�he rights��a se�ur�d party und�r the �niform Commercial C�de <br /> as amended from time to time. <br /> SeGur�ty Interest. Upon request by Lender, 7rustvr shail take uvhate�er ac�ion is requested by Lender�o perf��t <br /> and continue Lender'S se�urity interest in the Persanaf Prvperty, 1n additian tn re�ording this De�d o�Trust in the <br /> real property records, Lender may, at any tim� and w�thout further authorization frvm Trustor, �ile executed <br /> counterparts, capies �r reproductians of this Deed vf Trust as a finan�ing statement. Trustvr �ha�l reimburse <br /> Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this seGuri'�y interest. Upon defau�t, Trustar shail not <br /> r�mo�e, �e�er ❑r d�tach the Personal Praperty from the Praperty. Upon de�ault, Trus�ar shall ass�mble any <br /> Persanal Praperty nat affixed ta the Prvperty in a manner and at a plaGe r�asanably cvn�enient tv Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it ar�aila��e fia Lender within three �3f days af#er receipt ❑# written demand fram Lender �❑ the <br /> �xtent permitted hy applica�le law. <br /> Addresses. The rnailing addr�sses vf Trusta� �debtvey and Lender �s�cured party7 frorn whi�h in�ar�nation <br /> concerning the securi�y int�rest granted by this Deed of Trust may b� obtained �ea�h as required hy the Uniform <br /> Comrnercial Cade� are as stated on the�irst page of this❑eed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTaRNEY-iN-FACT. Ths following pra�isions �elating ta further assurances and <br /> att�rney-in-fac�are a part of this❑eed�f Trust: <br /> Fur#her Assuran�es, At any time, and firom time to time, upan r�quest of Lender, Trustor wi[[ make, execute and <br /> deli�sr, ❑r wili caus�'to b�made, execut�d or de�ivered,ta Lender or to Lend�r's designee, and v�ahen requested by <br /> L�nder, cause t� be �iled, recorded, re�iled, or rer��vrded, as the case rnay be, at such times and in such offices <br /> and pfaces as Lender may deern appropriate, any and all such mart�ag�s, deeds �f trust, se�urity deeds, s�curi�y <br /> agreements, financing statements, cvntinuation statements, instruments of furfiher assurance, �ertificates, and <br /> other docum�nts as ma�, in the soie apinian�f Lender. be necessary or desira�le in order t❑ effectuate, compl�te, <br /> p�r�ect, Gontinue, or preserve �1 y Trust�r's obligations under the Cr�dit Agreement, this Deed o�Trust, and the <br /> Related �o�uments, and t�} �he li�ns and securi�y interests created by this Deed o# Trust an the Property, <br /> wh�ther naw awned or hereafter a�quired by Trustor. Unless prohibited �y law or Lender agrees to the cantrary in <br /> writing, Trust�r shall reimburse Lend�r for all casts and �xpens�s incurr�d in connec�ion with the ma�ters ref�rred <br /> �a in this paragraph. <br /> Attvrney-in-Fac�. If Trustor fails to do any of the�hings referred#a in the preceding paragraph, Lender may d❑ so <br /> for and in the name ❑#Trustor and at Trustor's expense. For such purposes, Trus�or hereby irre�a�abiy appoin�s <br /> Lender as T�ustvr's a�tarney-in-fac�far the purpose ofi making, executing,deli�ering, �iling, recarding, and doing all <br /> other things as rnay he necessary or des€rable, in Ler�der's �vle vp�nion, to accomplish th� matters r��erred ta in <br /> the pre�eding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE. If Trustar pays all the Indebtednes� when due,fierminates the�redit�ine accoun�, an�o�h�erlrvise <br /> performs all�he vbiiga�ions impased upan Trustar under this ❑eed 4f Trust, Lender shall execu�e and deli�er to Trustee <br /> a request for full re�on�eyance and shall exe�ute and deli�er to Trustor suitable statement� of terminatian af any <br /> �inancing s#a�ement c�n file e�iden�ing Lender's security interes� in �he Rents and the P�rsanak Pr�perty, Any <br /> re�on�eyance fee required hy law shall be paid by Trus�t�r, if permi��ed by appi�cabl�law. <br /> EVENTS �F ❑EFAULT. Trust�r will he in default under this [7eed of Trust i�any of the�vllowing happen: �A} Trustor <br /> commits fraud ar makes a rna�erial misrepresentation a# any time in cannectian with the Credit Agr�ement, This can <br /> in�lude, for example, a false staternent abaut Trustor's in�ame, assetsr �#d�31l1�i�5, vr any ather as�ects o� Trustor's <br /> �inanc�a� condition. �By Trustvr daes nat meet�he repayment terms o�the Credit Agreement. �Cy Trustar's ac�ian or <br /> inaGtion ad��rsely aff��ts the c�llateral ❑r Lende�'s rights in the collateral. This can include, far examp�e, failure ta <br /> maintain required insurance, waste ar destruct��e use of the dwelling, �ailure ta pay�axes, death❑fi al1 persons liable on <br /> the acc�unt, transf�r of �itle or sale af the dweiiing, creation vf a senior lien on the dv►rel��ng vvi�hout L�nder"s <br /> permission,fvreclosure by�he ha�d�r of ano�her�ien, or the use of funds or�he dwelling far prohibited purposes. <br /> RIGHTS AND RE�EI]lE5 �N DEFAULT. !f an E�en�a� Dsfault ac�urs under this ❑e�d af Trust, at any time the��a�t�r, <br /> Trustee o�Lender may exercise any vne or more v�fihe���lowing rights and remedies: <br /> A�ca�era�ion Upan Default;Additiona! Rennedies. I#any E�ent vf Default occurs as per the terms ofi the �re�it <br /> Agreemen�secured hereby, Lender may declare aif Indebte�ness secured by this Deed of Trust ta be du� and <br /> payab[e and th�same shall thereupon be�vme due and payable withou�any presentment, d�mand, pro�est vr <br /> no�tir.e af any k�nd. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �ay Ei�her in person or hy agent, with or without bringing any actian or praceeding, vr l�y a recei�er <br /> appvinted b� a c�urt and withaut re�ard to the adequacy vf its security, enter upvn and take pas�ession <br /> a�the Prvperty, or any part thereof, in its vwn nam�vr in the name nf Trustee, and da any acts v;ihich i� <br /> deems necessary❑r desirable'to pres�r�e the Walue, marketabil�ty❑r ren�ability�f�he Property, ar part of <br /> the Proper�y ar interest in the Property; increase fihe incame from the P�vperty or prote��the sec�rity ofi <br /> the Property; and, with or withaut taking pvssession of the Property� sue fflr or vtherwise co�Iect the <br /> r�nts, issues and profits v#the Property, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, fess <br /> c�sts and expenses�f operation and�o�le�tion at�torneys' fees,to any indebtedness secured hy th�s Deed <br /> of Trust, all in su�h order as Lender may determine. The entering u�on and taking passession of �he <br /> Property, th� collect�an of suGh rents, issues and prafits, and �he applicati�n therea� shall nat cure vr <br /> wai�e any d�fault ar notice ❑�default under this ❑eed Qf Trust or in�ali�ate any��t done in �esp�nse to <br /> such d��ault or pursuan�ta suGh noti�e of de�ault; and, notwiths�anding fihe�antinuance in possession o� <br /> �he Property or the �ollection, receip� and appliGatian a� rent�, iSsues ❑r pro�its, Trustee �r �end�r shall <br /> be entitled to exercise e�ery right pro�ided far in the Credit Agreemen�or the R�lated ❑ocurnents or by <br /> law upan th�occurren�e o�any even�vf default, in�luding the r�ght�to exercise the power o�sa[e; <br /> �b� Cammenc�an activn�ta fareclose this ❑eed o�Trust as a mortgage, app�int a recei�er ar specifi�ally <br /> enfor�e any vf the covenan�s hereof; and <br /> �c} �]eii�er ta Trustee a wri�ten�eclara�i�n af default and demand for saie and a wrifi�en notice of default <br />