<br /> QE�❑ �F TRUS�"
<br /> ��ont111LJGt�� P�ge �
<br /> N�TiCES. Any no�ice required t❑ be gi�en under this D�ed of Trus#, including without lirni�ation any notiGe o# default
<br /> and any notice af sale shal� be given in writing, and shall be eff�cti�e when aGtually deii�er�d, when actually rece��ed
<br /> by te�efacsimile �unless c�th�rv►iise required by�a�w�r when deposit�d with a natinnafly re�agnized�vernigl�t Gourier� ar, if
<br /> rna���ed, �hen depasited in the l�nited 5tates mail, as �irs�t class, cer�ified or�reg��tered maii �aastag� pr�paid, dir�cted to
<br /> the addresses shown ne�r tl�e be�innir�g ai�this Deed o�Trust. All capies af nc�tices �f foreclosu�e fram the halder❑f
<br /> any lien which has priority over this D��d vf Trust shall be s�ent tv Le�der's address, as shawn near the b�ginning vf
<br /> this D�ed af Tr�st. Any person rnay change his vr her address f�r no�ices under this �3eed o�Trust by gi�ing �4rmal
<br /> writt�n nQtice ta the other p��s�n or persons, specifying that the purpose of the natice is t� Ghange the per�on's
<br /> address. For notice purposes,Trustar agrees ta ke�p Lender�nformed at ali times ot Trus�ar`s current addre$s. U�less
<br /> ��herrlvise pra�ided or requir�d by law, if there is more than �ne Trustor, any nati�� gi�en by Lend�r to any Trustor is
<br /> deemed ta be nati�e given ta all Trus�ors. It wi�l b�Trustor's responsibility tv tell th�ath�rs�f the nv�ice from L�nder.
<br /> M15C�LLANE�US PR�V151�hIS. The foilowing rnisGellanevus�rvvisions ar� a p�rt❑f thi� Qeed of Tru�t;
<br /> Amendmen�s. V11hat is writt�n in this Deed of Trust and in ths Related Dc�cuments is Trustor's entire a�reernent
<br /> with L�nder�ancerning th� matters�a�ered by this Deed v�Trust. To be e�fecti�e, any change or amendrnent t�
<br /> this Deed �f Trust must he in writing and must be �igned b� whoever wi11 he bound ar abli�ated by th�change vr
<br /> am�ndment.
<br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in �his Deed af Trust are #�r �an�eni�nc� purp�s�s only and are not ta be
<br /> used�a int�rpr�t ar defi�e the pra�isians of this Qe�d of Trust.
<br /> Merger. There shall be no merger��the interest or es�a�e created by th�s �]eed❑f Yrust vv��h any ath�r in�erest or
<br /> e5tate in the Prvperty at any�ime h�ld �y or far the i�en�fit o�F Lender in any capa�ity, wi�h�ut the written c�ns�nt
<br /> vf L�nde�.
<br /> GQWerning Law. This need of Trust wi�i b� go►►erned �y federa� law applicable t� Lender and. �to th� extent nvt
<br /> preemp#�d hy federal law,the laws af the S�tate af Nebraska wi#haut regard tn i�s canflict�af law prn�as"rvns. Thi$
<br /> Deed o�Trust has heen a�cepted by Lender in�he State of Nebraska.
<br /> Choice af Venue. I#th�re is a I�wsuit, Trustvr agrees u�ar� Lerader's request to submi�t tv the jurisdiction of the
<br /> cvur�s af Hal! County, 5fiate of Nehraska.
<br /> Nv Wai�er by Lender. Trustor unr�erst�nds Lender w�if not giue up any 4f Lend�r's rights und�r this Deed r��Trust
<br /> uniess L�nder does so in writing. The fact that Lender delays ar amits tn �xercise any right wi�l nat mean that
<br /> Lender has gi�en up that right. If Lender dQes a�ree in writing to g+ve up on� o� L�nder's r�ghts, that daes not
<br /> mean Trusfior will na� have ta comply with the ather pro�isions af thi� ❑eed af Trust. Trustor afs� understands
<br /> that if L�nder does con�ent to a r�quest, that daes nat mean that T�us��r wii4 nvt ha�e ta get Lender's cor�sent
<br /> again if the situativn happens again. Trustor further understands�hat jus�be�aus�Lender�onsents to one or mvre
<br /> ❑� Trustor's requssts, that does na� mean Lender w+�� be required ta Gonsent to any ❑f Tru�tor's #uture r�quests.
<br /> Trustar waives pres�nxm�:nt, dem�nd�or payment, �rotes�, and notice af dishanor.
<br /> 5e�erahility. If a court f'tnds that any pro�ision of this #�eed a�Trust is nvt va�id vr shvuld nat be�nfor�ed, �hat
<br /> fact by itse�f v�ifi not mean that the rest o�this Deed a�Trust wi11 nvt be�a3id or enforc�d. There�vre, a caurt wi��
<br /> enfar�e the rest ofi the pro�isions vf this Deed af Trust eWen Ft a pravisinn af�his ❑eed vf Trust may b�fnund ta be
<br /> in�aEEd or unenforceahlP.
<br /> �uc�essars and ASsigras. 5ub�e�t to any �imit�tions stat�d in this D�ed vf Trust an transfer vf Trustor's int�r�s�,
<br /> this Cleed of Trust shal� be binding upon and inure to the bene�it vf the p�r�ies, th�ir successor� and assi�ns. if
<br /> awner�hip of the Prt�pert� becvmes�esteti in a persc�n c�ther than Trustor, Lender, withQu�t r�ati�� to Trustor, rnay
<br /> d�a�w�th Trustar's successars wi�h re�erenc�tv this De�d of Trust and the Indebtedness by way af fQrbearance vr
<br /> �xtension without releasin�Trustor fr4m th�aloligativns af�his ❑sed of Trust or liability under�h��ndebtedness.
<br /> Time is o#the Essence. T�me is a�r the essence in the performance Qf this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Waiver of Hamestead Exemption. Trustor hereby reiPase� and wai�es all rights and bene�its of the home�tead
<br /> exemption laws of the S�tate v�Nebraska as tv all Indeb�edn�ss secured by tht$De�d of T�ust.
<br /> DEF�NlTIUlVS. The�allawing words shal�ha��the f�llowing rneanings wh�n used in this❑eed af Trus�:
<br /> . Bene�iciary. The w�rd "Beneficiary" means Exchan�� Bank, and its suGcessors and assigns.
<br /> gorrower. The wvrd "garrower" means SHEILA R HULME and includes a�� co-si�n�rs and co-rnak�rs s�gning the
<br /> �redit Agreement and al!their successors and assigns.
<br /> �r�dit Agreem�nt. Th� wnrds "Credit AgrePmen�" mean the credit agreement dated O�taber �Q, �Q"[5, wlth
<br /> ��edit �imit vf $C�,��U.��from Trustnr to Lender,tog�ther vvi�h a�f�en�wals a�, e�tensians a�, mod�tiCa�i�n5
<br /> ❑f, r�financings nf, �ansvlidations ra�, and �ubs�itutivn� fvr �the pramis�ary note ❑r agre�ment. Nn71GE T�
<br /> Deed of Trust. The wards "��ed af Trust" mean this Dsed v� Trust arnang Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> �ncludes v►r�thout limitation all assi�nrnent and s�curity interest pro�isians re�ating to the Persana� Property and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�ironme�n#a� Laws. The wards "Enviranmental Lavus" mean any and all stat�, fed�ral and lacal st�tutes,
<br /> regulati�ns and ordinan�es rel�ting to �he pratection ❑f human h�alth o� the en�iranment, inclUding with�ut
<br /> limitativn the ComprehensiW� En�ironmental Re�panser �ompensation, and Liabi�ity Act af '198�, as amended, ��
<br /> U.S.�. 5ection 95��, e� seq. {"CERCLA"y, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthvri��tion Act vf �985, Pub. L.
<br /> Na. 99-�99 �"SAi�A"}, rhe Hazardous 1111aterials Transportativn Act, �49 U.S.C. �e�tion 18��, et sec�., �he Re�our�s
<br /> Conser�atian and Reca�ery Act, 42 IJ.S.C. S�ction 59��, et seq,, ar other appl�cable state €�r fi�deral laws, rules,
<br /> or regu�a��vns adapted pursuant thereta.
<br /> E��nt of�efau�t. Th�words "Ev�nt��Defaul�" mean any o�the eUents vf default set farth in this�eed❑f Trust in
<br /> the e�en�s��r default�ectian of�his d�ed at Trust.
<br /> Existing tndebtedness, Th� words "Existing �nd�htedn�ss" mean th� indebtedness d��crib�d in the Existing Liens
<br /> pro�ision of this DEed of Trust.
<br /> Hazard�us Substances. Th�: wvrds "HazardQus Subs�ane�s" mean materials �that, because ca� their quan�ity,
<br /> �oncentrat�an or physical, chemica! or infecti�us characteristiCs, may cauSe o� p�se a pr�sent �� p�tential hazard
<br /> �o human hea�th or the en�ironment when improperly used,tre�tsd, stored, disposed o�, genera�ed, manufaCtured,
<br /> tr�nsp�rt�d ar �thervui�e hand�ed. The words "Ha�ardous 5ubstanc�s" are used in their�ery br�adest sense and
<br /> include without limitation any and all ha�ardaus vr toxic �ubstan�es, materiafs ar waste as d���n�d by ❑r list�d
<br /> under�he En�ironmer���! Laws, The term "Ha�ardaus�Subs�ance�" aiso� in�ludesr ►nrithout�imita�Ci�n, petroleurn and
<br /> petroleum by-prvducts or any fr��tron�hereof and as�estos.
<br /> Impro�em�nts. The v+rord "Irnprovemen�s" mean� all exist�ng and future improvemenfis, bu�ldings, st�uctures,
<br /> mabile hom�s �ffixed on the Real PropertYr F8C1�1�1�5� additivns, replacements and other c�ns�ructian on t��� Rea!
<br /> Praperty.
<br /> lnde�a#edness. The �vord "�ndebt�dness" means a11 prinGspal, �nterest, and other arnaun�s, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under the Cr�dit Agreement �ar R�lated ❑acuments, together vvith all renewals of, extension� o�,
<br />