<br /> DEED t3F TRI�ST
<br /> �Cvntinued� Page 3
<br /> the maximurn palicy limits set under the Na#ional Flavd Insuran�e Program,or as�therw�se required by Lender,and
<br /> to maintain such insuranG��or the terrn❑f the Ioan.
<br /> Applicat"rvn o# Proceeds, Trus�or sha11 pramptly notify Lender af any fass vr darnage to the Property if t�e
<br /> �$�imat�d cost a�repair ar replacemen#exceeds �1,4��.�U, L�nd�r may rnake proof❑€ loss if Trus�tor�ails tv da
<br /> so wi�hin fift�en {1�} days a�the casualty. 1l11hether or nat Lend�r's security is imp�ired, Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> electian, re�eive and r�ta�n the proceeds a� �ny insuranc� and apply the praceeds ra �he redu�tivn af the
<br /> �ndebtedness, payment �# any [ien a�#�ctin� the Pr�perty, ar the �es�aratian and repair of the Praperty. If L�nder
<br /> el�ct� �o apply the proceeds t� res�aration and repair. Trust�r shal� repair or replace the damaged or d�strflyed
<br /> 1mprQ�ements in a rnanner satisfactory to Lender. Lender shall, upan satisfacto�y proof�f such expenditur�, pay
<br /> ar r�iml�urs� Tru�tor frvrn the praceeds fvr th� reas�nable cost a#repair or restc�ratic�n if Trustar is not in defaujt
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, Any praceeds whi�h ha�e not been disbursed within 18fl days after their receipt and
<br /> whiGh Lend�r has nat c�mmitt�d tv th� repair ar restora�ion of the Pro�erty shall b� used fir�t t� pay any arnount
<br /> owing ta Lender under this Deed v#Trust, fihen�o pay accrued interest, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied
<br /> �� the prin�ipal balan�e of the Indebtedness, If Lend�r hokds any prviceeds after payment in �ul! af th�
<br /> I ndebtedness,such proc�eds shall be�aid to Trustor as Trustor's interests may appear.
<br /> Compliance with Existing lnd�btedness. Dur�ng the period in which any Existing Indebtedness des�ribed below is
<br /> in effect, campliance w�th th� insurance pro�isions cnntained +n the instrument evidencing su�h Ex�sting
<br /> fndehtedness sh�all constirute camplian�e with �h� insurancE pravisiar�s under this ❑e�d of Trust, t❑ the extent
<br /> cvmpliance with the terms Qf this Deed vf Trust would constitute a duplication of insuranGe requirem�nt. If any
<br /> proc�eds from �he insurancE become payable on loss, the pro�isi�ns in th�s ❑eed of Trust far di�ision❑�F proceeds
<br /> �hall apply only tv that partian of�he praceeds not payablP t❑th�hvlder❑�the Existing Inde�tedness,
<br /> LEN�ER'S E�CPENDITURES. !� Trust�r fails �A� �fl keep the Prvper�y �ree o� all taxes, liens, security interests,
<br /> en�umbran��s, and other cl�ims, t8� to pr��ide any required insurance on the Prop�rty, �C� to make repairs �❑ the
<br /> Praperty or t� carnply with any o�ligatian tv maintain Existing Indebtednes� in good standing as required bel�w, then
<br /> Lender may do so. If any �et'tan or proceeding is cvmmenced that would materiall� af�ect Lender's �n#e�e5ts in the
<br /> Property, then Lender vn Trustor's faehalf may, but is not required to, take any action that Lender bQlie�es #❑ b�
<br /> approprEa#e Co prate�� Lender's interests. All expenses incurr�d vr paid by Lender �ar such purposes wi1! then bear
<br /> interest at the ra�e charged under the Credit Agreement firorn �he d�t� incurred ❑r paid by Lender to �he date ❑f
<br /> repayment by Trustor. All such expens�s wil! �ecvme a part af the Indebtedness and, at Lender's optivn, v�vill (Ay be
<br /> payabie ❑n demand; �6y be added to the balanc� vf the Credit Agreement and be apportioned among and be payab�e
<br /> wit[�any installm�nt paym�nts t❑ became du�durin�either {1} the term vf any applicable insurance poficy;Qr {2} the
<br /> remaining term of the Cr�dit Agreement; or tCy �e�reated as a balloon payment►rvhich will be due and payable at�he
<br /> Credi�A�re�ment's maturity, The Deed of Trus#alsa wil�secur� payment vf these arnounts. The �igh#s pra�ided far in
<br /> this paragraph shall be in addition to an� ather rights ar any remedies to whi�h Lende� may be entitled an ac�ount of
<br /> any defaul�. Any such ac�i�n by Lend�� shal! no� be cons�rued as curing the de��ult so as �o bar Lender frQrn any
<br /> remedy that it otherwise v►►ould ha��had.
<br /> WARRANTY;DEF�NSE❑F TITLE. Th�fallvwing pro�i�ions relating to owne�ship flf the Praperty are a part of this Deed
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> Tit�e. Trustar warrants that: �a} Trustor ht�lds gaod and marl�e#able title o� record t�the Praperty in fee simple,
<br /> f��e and cfear af ali liens and encumbrances oth�r than �hvse set for�h in the Real Prop�rty descrip�ion or in the
<br /> Exis�ing lndebtedness sec�ion bel�w nr in any title insuran�e palicy,��tl�report, ❑r finai�itl��pinion issued in favar
<br /> vf, and a�cept�d by, Lender in connection with this Deed of Trust, and fb� Trustar has the fuf! right, power, and
<br /> authority to exe�ute and d�li�er this L�eed of Trust to Lender.
<br /> �e�ens� af T�#I�. Sub�ec�to �he excep�ion in the paragraph abv�e, Trustor w�rrants and will fore�er d�#end �he
<br /> #itls ta the Property agains�the �awful claims of all person�. In the e��nt any action vr pro�eeding is comrnenced
<br /> that questians Trustor's ti�le or the interest flf Trustee or Lender under this Deed o�Trust, Trustvr shall dEfend the
<br /> action at T�ustor's expense. Trustar may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled t�
<br /> parti�ipa�e in the prQ�eeding and �a be rep��s�nted in the proc�eding by caun�el of Lender's own choice, and
<br /> Trust�r will deliv�r, ar cause tv be deli�er�d, ta Lender such instruments as Lender may request fram time to time
<br /> t❑permit suGh participa�ic�n.
<br /> Complian�e 1Ni#h Laws. Trustvr vuarrants �tha� the Praperty and Trustor's u�e af the Prc�perty camplies with ail
<br /> existing applicak�l� �aws, ordinancss, �nd regulatinns vf ga�ernmen�al au�horities.
<br /> 5ur�ival o� �'rvrnises. A11 pramises, agreements, and s����ments Trustar has made in this []eed o'F Trus� shall
<br /> survi�e th�exe�utian and d�li�ery of�his Deed of Trust, shall be contEnuing in nature and shali remain in fu!! forGe
<br /> and�ffec�until such time as Trustvr'S Indebtedness is paid in�u�l.
<br /> E�ISTiN�INDEBTE�NESS, The fallowin� pro�isions c�ncerning Existing indebtedness are�part of this Deed af Trust;
<br /> Existin� Lien. The lien v� this Deed o� Trus� securing the Indebtedness may I�e secandary and in��riar ta an
<br /> existing lien. Trustor expre�sly cQ�enan�s and agrees tv pay, or see ta�he payment of, th� Exist�ng fndebtedn�ss
<br /> and t�pre�ent any default❑n such indebtedness, any default under the instrurnents e�iden�ing suGh indebt�dn�ss,
<br /> ar any de�aul�under any$�curiry documents��r such indebt�dness.
<br /> No Mvdification. Trustor shafl nat enter intv any agreement with the holder of any mortgag�, deed ofi trust, vr
<br /> other securi�y agreemer�t which has �riority o�er this Deed �f Trust by which that agreement E5 modified,
<br /> am�nded, ext�nded, or renewed withou�t the prior written consent ❑f Lender. Trustar shall neither request nar
<br /> acc�pt any future advanc�s under any su�h s��urity agreernent withaut�he priar tirvritten cons�nt❑f Lende�.
<br /> �DNC]EMNATI�N. The�ollo�ing pro�isions relating to condemnativn�roceedings ar� a part of this Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Proceed+ngs. If any prvGeeding in candemnation is f��ed, Trustor shall promptly noti�y L�nder in wr+ting, and
<br /> Trustor shall pramptly take such steps as may b� ne�essary tv defend the actian �nd obtain the award. Trus�or
<br /> may be the nominal party in su�h proceeding, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in�h�pro�eeding and to��
<br /> represented in the praceeding by c�unsel af its awn choice, and Trustor wiil deli�er ar cause ta be deli�ered to
<br /> Lend�r such instrument� and dvcumen�atian as may be requ�sted �y Lender fram tim� to time ta permi� suGh
<br /> participation,
<br /> App[ication af Net Pra�eedS. If ail Qr any par�t ofi�he Property is cand�mn�d by eminent dvmain proceedings or k�y
<br /> any pracee�ing❑r purchase in lieu�f candemna�ian, Lender may at its�lection require�hat all ❑r any portivn❑f the
<br /> net proc��d� raf the award be applied to the Indebtedness or �th� repair or restoration o� the Praper�y. The n�t
<br /> praceeds o�the award shali mean th� av�vard after payment vf afi reasQr�ab�e costs, exp�ns�s, and attvrneys' fees
<br /> �nGurred bY T�ust��or Lender in connection with the candemnation.
<br /> tMPC]51TIDN �F TAKES, FEES AND �HARGES BY GOVERN�11lENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The fa�lvwing pra�isians relatin�
<br /> �o governmental t�xes,fees and charges�r�a part o�this Deed df Trust:
<br /> Current 7ax��, Fees �nd Charges. �pan request hy Lender, Trust�r shall exe�ute suGh documents in addit�on ta
<br /> this Deed o�Trust and take wha�ever other aG�ian is requested by Lender ta perfect and can�inue Lender's lien an
<br /> thE Rea! Praperty, Tru�tvr shall r�imburse L�nder far all taxes, as d�s��ri�ed belvw, tag�ther with �II e�pens�s
<br /> incurred in rec�rding, perfecting or cantinuing this D�ed o� Trust, including without limita�ion all taxes, �ees,
<br /> dv�umentary stamps, and ot�er char�es for recc�rding or re��stering thi� ❑eed of Trust.
<br />