<br /> ��ED �F TRU�T
<br /> ��t�nti�nued� Pa$e �
<br /> Gandition cantained in th�s D�ed❑f Tru�t ar in eny vf the Re��at�d Documsnt�or to comply wsth a�r ta perform any
<br /> term,obliaati�n, c�venent vr conditiQn�ontainad in�ny other ag�earnent betw�en Lendgr an��rrower pr Trustor.
<br /> Camplian�s De#ault. Fa��uro to cornpiy wi#h eny othar term� vblig�iion, ca�ven�nt �r c�ndttion cvntair�ed in th��
<br /> Deed vf Trust,the Note or in any of the�el�ted DoGurnents.
<br /> �afau[t v�n�th�r Payments. F�i�ure of Trustor within the time required by this D�sd af Trust ta make any p�ymant
<br /> for taxes vr insurar�ce,or any other pa�ment nacessary to preWent fsling af o�to effect discharge of any�ien,
<br /> Def�ult �n Fa�or of Third P�rttas. Shauld 8a�rrower or any Grantor default under any iaan, extensian vf credit,
<br /> seGurity agree�ment. purcha�e ar sa�es�greernent�ar any ather agraement. in#auor vf any v#her creditor or pers�n
<br /> that m�y materi�lly affact any Q� Borrower's or any Grentor's praperty or Barrnwar's abifity ta r�pay the
<br /> Indebtedness or Borraw�r's ar Gr�ntnr's ability t� perf�rm xheir respectir�e abligations under this Deed o#Trust or
<br /> any❑f th�Related da�ume�r�ts.
<br /> Fai�a StNtem�rnts. Any werranty, rdpra�entation or etatement mede at furnished�v Lender by Bvrrawe�ar Trustar
<br /> ar an B�rrowar'� or Tru�t�r'� b�h��f under thi■ Dead a#Tru�t or the Raletad Document� ie fela� or m�ai�ading In
<br /> any material respect, either n�w or at tha #ime made or #urni�hed or hecames faise or misle�ding at any ttme
<br /> thereaiter.
<br /> ��facts�a �alletar�li=etion, This Degd of Trust or any o� ihe Ra�ated Dacuments ���ses t� be in full f�rce �nd
<br /> effect �inc�uding faisur�nf anY �ollat�r�� dq�umant tv �re�te e ���+� end Rerfe�ted security �nterest flr fieny at any
<br /> tima and far any re��an.
<br /> De��th vr�nsol►ren�y. The dis�o�ut'ron Qr terminatian❑f�orrower's ar Trustor's existence as a going bus�n�ss, th�
<br /> inst�l�ency a�f BarrQwgr vr Trustor, tha�p�pointrnent af� re�vi�er for any par�of Barrower`s ar Trustor's propert�►.
<br /> any ass+9nment�or the berle�it of�reditors, any type a�creditar warkout,ar the�c�mmencement vf any proce�ding
<br /> under any bankruptcy vr insa�►►ency�aws by vr against Barrower❑r Trust�r.
<br /> Credi#or or Fvrfeiture Pra��adings. �vmmenGemant ❑f fvre�iosu�� ar fvrfeiture prv�eedings, wheth�r by }udiCial
<br /> proceeding, seif-help, repossess+an or any other methad, by �ny creditor o� Borrovuer or T�ustar or by �ny
<br /> go�ernmental agency a��inst any prvperty securing tha Ind�btedness. This inc�udss a sarnishmant vf eny af
<br /> BorrDw�r'S �r TruStar�3 �CC�untS, inciuding d�p��it a��aunts� wi�h Lander. Howeuer, this �vent ot D��au�t sfial�
<br /> n�t �pply if th�re is a gaod faith dispute by Barrower or Tru�tor as tv the �alid'+ty or rea�onableness of the claim
<br /> which is the basis af the c�red�tor or�arf�iture prfl��din�end if�orr�wer�r T�ustqr gi��s Lend�r writt�n n��ica❑f
<br /> the creditar�r for�eiture p�roc�eding end d��a�its with Lender rnoni�s ar� surety bond�ar tha creditor v�for�eiture
<br /> prv�eeding,in an amvunt datermined by Lender�in 1ts sale di�cretion,as heing�n�dequat�reservs❑r bond for the
<br /> d�spute.
<br /> Braach of 4thsr A�r�smsnt. Any breaGh ay 8arrowsr ar Trustar under#he terms�f any�ther agreement between
<br /> Barrower or Trustor and Lender�hat ta nat rsmedie� within any gra�e period pro�ided therein, includin9 withaut
<br /> limitati�n any �gre�ment concerning any indetatedness �r other vbli�ation [af B�arrower or Trustor to Lender�
<br /> whether�xisting nvw vr I�tar.
<br /> E��nts At'fect�n� Guararrt�. Any ot th� preceding e�ents occurs with respect to any Guarantt�r ❑f any o�r tha
<br /> Indeatedness or any Guar�n�vr dies or bec�mes incompetent, ar re�okes vr disputes the �alidity af, vr liabflity
<br /> und�r, any�uara�nty af the Inde�tedne�s.
<br /> Adv�rse Ghang�. A materist ad�erse change occurs in Bor�awer's or Trustor's financial canditivn, ar Lender
<br /> helieves the prospe�t uf p�ymsnt ar performar�e of the Indebtedness i�irnpa+red.
<br /> lnse��urity. Lender in gv�d faith b�li��es itsesf insecure.
<br /> Risht to�ura. If�ny default,c►ther than�def�ult in payment,i�cur�ble and if Trustar has na�bean gi�en�natic�
<br /> of a br�aGh vf�he same pra�i�ion vf thi�❑ead of Trust within th�precedins twslv�{1�y months.it may be cured i�
<br /> Trustor, after Lsndar sends writtsn not��e tQ Bar�rower d�manding cur� af �u�h d�fault: {�f cures the default
<br /> within twenty ��D)deys;or t�� if the cure r�quires more#h�n twenty t�4f days, imm�diately initietes�cteps which
<br /> Lender de�ms in Lende�r's sale diacretian to h� sufticient to �ure the de#ault and thereafter cantinues and
<br /> completes all reasonebi��nd necessary staps sufficient to produce camp�EanGe as saon aa rea�onably practicel.
<br /> RIGHT�AIVD REMEDIES�N DEFAULT. It an E��nr af Default occurs und�r this Deed of Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender rnay exer�i�e�ny vn�or more❑�the fn�iawing rights and remedies:
<br /> Accalaratian Upon Defeul�; Adr�itiona�Remedie�, if�ny Ev�nt nf De�ault oc�urs as per the terms c��the Note
<br /> secured h�reby, Lendar ma�d�clare all Indebtednes�secured by this De�d of Trust to b�e due�nd�ayak��e and
<br /> thg�ern�sh�l!th�reupon�ecvme dug and p�yeble without any presentment,dern�n�,prvtest or noti��af any
<br /> kind. Th�reaiter, Lender m�y:
<br /> ta) Either in person or by agent, with vr withvut bringing any action ar praceeding, vr by a recei�ar
<br /> appainted by a cQurt�nd without regard to�he adequacy af its securityr enter u�an s�nd take passession
<br /> of the Praperty,or any pert there�f, �n its own name ar in the name af Trus#�e,and do any acts which it
<br /> d��ms nec�ssarY nr desirab��to preseru�the�a�ue, m��'ketability vr rentability�fi the Property,or p�rt�f
<br /> the Praperty�r intere�t in the Pro�arty�; incresse th�incame frvm the Pro�serty or proteGt the se�urity v�
<br /> the Prvperty; end, with or withvut taking poss�asia�n af the Propgr�y. sue t�r or vtherwise �alls�t tha
<br /> rents, issues end profits o�the Prap�rty, tn�lud�ng thas� �as�dus and unpaid, and �pply the same, less
<br /> �vsts and expenses af operetian and collectivn attorneys'#eesr to any indebtedness secured by this Deed
<br /> of Trust, ��! in suGh vrder as Lender may determine. The entaring upon and taking passessian Qf tha
<br /> Praperty, the cvllectivn af such rents. i�sues and profits. and th� applicetion therevf shai! nat cure or
<br /> wai�e any de#auit nr notica af defau�t und�r this Deed a�f Trust or in�alidate any ect done Fn respanse to
<br /> such detau�t or pur�uant t�such notice vf default;and.natwiths�anding the c�ntinu�n�a in possession af
<br /> the Praperty vr the coll��tion, re�ei�t and applica�i�n vf r�nts, issues ar prafits, Trustea ar Lend�r sh�ll
<br /> be entit�ed ta exercias e�ery ri9ht pro�ided fvr in the Na�t�or the Releted D��uments or k�y law upon the
<br /> accurrenc�of eny e�ent af defauit,including the right to exerGise th�pow�r of sal�;
<br /> �h� Cammence an actian Co f�rec�flse this Deed af Trust as a mortgage, appvint a recei��r or spe��fic�lly
<br /> enforce any of the co�en�nts hareaf;erid
<br /> [c� D�li�er t�Trustes a written dec{aretion o#default and demand#or sale and a wr�tten n�ti�e af de#ault
<br /> and elec�ion tv cause Tru�tor's interest in t�Proparty to be s�ld,which notice Tru�t�e shal�caus�to b�
<br /> duly filed for recard in the�ppropriete aifices af the County�n whi�h xhe Property is located;and
<br /> �df Wi�h rasp�c�ta aii or eny p�rt o#the Persan�l�ro�erty, Lander shel� ha�e all the rights end remedies
<br /> of a s�cur�rd p�rty under th�Nebreska Uniform�4mmerci��C�dd.
<br /> Fvraciosure by Paw�r of 5a�lg. I�Lender e�ects to faracloss by exercise�f th�Pawer o�Sa�e h�rein contained,
<br /> Len�er shall n�tffy 1'rustee and shall depa��t w+th Trustee this Deed ❑f Trust�nd the Nate and such raceiRts
<br /> and e�idence❑f sxpa�ndttures made and s�cured by this Deed ot Trust as Trustee m�y require.
<br /> {af lJpon receipt of such natice frarn Lend�r,Trustee shall G�use tn k�e r�cvrdgd, publtshed and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustvr such Notice of❑efeult and Notice of 5ela as then raquired by�aw and by this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Trustse sha�t, without dem�nd vn Trust�r, efter �uch tim� as may then be requ�red by law �nd aftar
<br />